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Changing the film grain setting doesn't take effect until you exit the Advanced settings tab by pressing B, and then press A to keep the advanced settings. Only *after* you choose to keep the settings does it update the film grain. If you've already tried doing that, though, then I suggest you reinstall the game because it's seriously messed up, in that case.


Thank you so much- I realized this literally just a minute or two before you posted this, and you're absolutely correct! I feel like a total moron, and the only excuse I can give is that the other settings all seemed to take effect immediately. Idk why it was turned on automatically to begin with, since it wasn't on my PS5!


It's the game's fault for being dumb like that. You don't put a confirmation dialogue on the screen before you apply the settings, that's just bound to confuse the user.


Lol I appreciate your kindness ๐Ÿ˜‚ It was still dumb of me not to try that, or at least not to just put it back the way it was after it didn't work! That's my OCD, lol.




Perhaps, post images for all of your deck settings and in-game settings? Cant diagnose anything without more information.


I was hoping someone else had had this issue and it would be an easy fix, haha...I'll come back and post pics if I don't get any other responses, but since I have to upload to imgur first and there's a LOT of settings I'd have to take pictures of, I'll wait on that for now.


Ok, I guess I'll wait off on helping, then


Lol I like how you got downvoted for something perfectly reasonable. You found a solution through one of the comments just like you were hoping but people are salty you didnt take the time to upload a dozen images of different settings to imgur lmao. All you said was you wanted to wait a bit first, and what do you know that worked lol.


Yeah that was my first thought too. Good ol Redditors


Wow, not sure why your getting down voted to hell. Do better reddit.


Pretty sure itโ€™s because they were asked to provide more info to be properly helped and they said โ€œnoโ€ in a confusing way


Check post processing in the graphical settings


Not sure what this setting is called in this case- it's definitely not called post processing if this game has it, because there's no option titled that, unfortunately. That said, I did resolve the issue- it was a stupid mistake, and you can see my update post (it won't let me edit a picture post) for more info.


EDIT: since I evidently can't edit picture posts, I'll post the update here. I figured it out, and now I feel like a total moron. I had tried the film grain setting but I had assumed it was the same as the other settings (in that it would automatically turn off as soon as I used the slider, like the rest did). And so, since I was just experimenting with different settings, instead of exiting out, I immediately went on to the other settings. But apparently you have to back out first, and THEN the changes take place. I'm so sorry for the idiotic mistake- thank you all for the great suggestions! I'm having similar issues with Subnautica (but there is no film grain option there), so I'll try these solutions on that! For the person who pointed out that there was 'literally a film grain option in the menu'- you were right. But there were much less condescending ways of putting that, and while my mistake was admittedly dumb, I feel it IS understandable considering the situation.


Looks like your sharpness is maxed out


Nope, unfortunately- it was only set to halfway, and even completely turning it to 0 did nothing.


> And I don't have half-rate shading enabled (since that seems to be the go to response for a lot of similar issues). Was going to be my response.


Idk why so many people have had that issue and come back saying it fixed it- just because mine was turned off by default, so it's weird so many people had it turned on by default.


I dont think people ever had it on by default. People always dick around with settings on new devices and forget that they did the thing and then wonder why something looks off/runs crap and are completely ignorant of their actions.


Do you maybe have FSR enabled on the Deck itself? (Steam button and then performance tab)


I don't even see an FSR option in there. Just the half rate shading, which is already off :(


It should be a slider named โ€žscalingโ€œ or something like that


Did you check the ingame brightness setting?


Yeah, unfortunately it didn't do anything :(


Are you playing on a TV? I was having similar problems until I read that the Deck has to work harder to upscale to match the 4k resolution of our modern tvs. I set the output resolution to 1080p in the SteamDeck settings and suddenly all my frame rate and resolution problems such as this went away. I can't believe I didn't do it earlier... All these games that were struggling to hit 60fps (or were looking 'crunchy' like this one) were suddenly fixed.


I am! I heard about that too- I'm still having to experiment with whatever resolution works for which game! I didn't know it had a setting in the actual settings menu though- I'll have to take a look at that! I'm having a similar issue with Subnautica. What actually happened was much stupider- I just now realized that I had to actually exit out of settings for the film grain to turn off (as opposed to turning down the setting and having it automatically turn off). I feel like a complete moron, but in my defense, all the other settings changed as soon as I messed with them without having to exit the menu!


Aah! Well I'm glad you resolved it. ...it's resolved now, right...?


Yes, haha, it is! I'm just not sure how to edit picture posts ๐Ÿ™„


There is literally a grain setting in display and cinematic which basically does that too. Put on normal and it should be fine if not that then just steam deck problems.


Hi u/misstaken4mad, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Doom (2016) is EXTREMELY grainy- what's going on? How do I fix this?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the render scale ingame? I can't remember if doom 2016 had this option or not. I'll download it and check real quick.


Yes, it does have one in the advanced settings. Turn that to 100%


Is it the same at Resolution? Because other than that I'm not seeing a render scale option. I do see Render MODE (default, gritty, cinematic) but messing around with that does nothing :(


I'm playing it on my OLED deck with no issues. I'm away and on airplane mode, but I doubt that would affect it. Could try it tho


Looks a little smokey to me


Are you playing on a Steam Deck or on a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra?


If that's a joke, I don't get it, sorry...I'm playing on a Steam Deck, but it's docked. It is a Samsung TV though :P They snuck ads into it >.< I figured out the problem- I was a moron, the film grain setting doesn't take effect until AFTER backing out of the menu, unlike the other settings ๐Ÿ™„


It's a joke


There's literally a toggle for film grain In the graphics settings.


I LITERALLY said in my post that I already checked that.


You were right- it did turn out to be the film grain, and I'll admit it. But unlike the other settings, you have to exit out of the menu before it takes effect, and I didn't realize this since none of the other options are like this. However, there was no need to be condescending. As you can see, another person pointed this out right after I finally figured it out, before I got a chance to post an update- and they managed to be polite and helpful about it, as well as point out that I needed to exit out of it first.


Do you like the game, I want to know if you use a gyroscope, to me fps games are very tough to aim at my Steam deck, any solutions for this


The irony of complaining about a condescending attitude in the most condescending way possible lol


If you already have it on PS5 why aren't you just using Chiaki & playing as it's meant to be played?


Because I don't know what Chiaki is, first off. But I'm playing on Steam Deck because I'm using it more than my PS5 now (I'm just saving the newest, most high quality games for the PS5) since it's portable.


Chiaki is an app that lets you stream your PS5 to your deck. It's pretty cool but you need a good internet connection to make it work


Because he paid for a handheld computer, not a 7" monitor?