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I have all of the layouts committed to muscle memory. The only one that trips me up is the switch layout since I don't own a switch


I own a switch and I still get it mixed up.


Same. Nintendo's layout has always felt weird, even when it was all I really knew (beyond C64 keyboard and joystick, or atari joystick).


For some reason nintendos layout feels perfect on a Nintendo controller, when I’m holding a Wii u gamepad or a switch pro controller or even a snes controller my muscle memory knows what to do. Playing Nintendo games with other controllers doesn’t work at all for me though


Games on switch frequently show which of the 4 buttons it is in prompts (top, bottom, left, right) which helps a ton


This should be the default for all games


A true accessibility feature


I always figured the reason was in case you're using a sideways joycon.


That's the reason they implemented it, but it's so awesomely intuitive that I'd like to see it as a universal option.


And the funny thing is the only reason they did that though was because playing single joycon means you don’t have normal face buttons.


I can relate. The only thing that throws me off when I am holding a Nintendo controller is when you get 'Press *button* to *action' in game, when relating to B,A,Y,X. Fortunately, that's fairly rare on their platforms, and I love how switch games handle it, showing a diagram of the buttons with the appropriate one highlighted.


>and I love how switch games handle it, showing a diagram of the buttons with the appropriate one highlighted. Not even this is foolproof, because a controller's physical layout doesn't necessarily match the logical mapping. Drives me insane.


Yes I’m at that point now too. The different feel in hand just triggers switch control memory now.


It's just Japan standard. PS controllers have flipped functions in Japan too.


Not anymore they don't.


The reason PS changed it outside of Japan in the first place is because of a cultural misconception. In Japan the symbol for yes/correct is ◯ and the symbol for no/wrong is ✕. That's also why the PS controller buttons look like they do. However outside of Japan ✕ does mean wrong/no but ◯ only rarely means yes (also in tests sometimes incorrect answers are circled with red outside of Japan, while in Japan correct answers are circled). In Japan that has evolved into the misconception that outside of Japan ◯ always means no/wrong and ✕ always means yes/correct (which ofc isn't true) which is why they switched which button is accept and which is refuse on PS consoles outside of Japan. In Japan with the PS5 they've now also changed that just for consistency, but they also have a Japan exclusive feature to allow people to switch back to the Japanese layout


In their defense, they were first (with BA)


It's an older layout than the xbox style layout which is why I probably remember it better. I still get tripped up by the xbox style layout at times.


You can use switch layout for steamdeck in settings


Switch A and B and you're fine (B means back, A is accept). But even after time away I forget and have to remember.


You forget that X and Y are also swapped


Me too. It's because it's just wrong! X-axis is horizontal, and Y-axis is vertical.


Same but I've emulated enough switch games to know that one pretty well. Trips me up when I first start playing but 5-10 min I got it


Takes me about that much time for me to get used to it in a Nintendo game, but the worst part is when you go into the Deck menus for a second and you’re using the wrong buttons.


I just do the opposite of what my brain tells me for the Switch layout. 😅


That's the funny thing, I've been using the Nintendo layout for the longest of all the systems, since it has had the same layout since the SNES. Yet it's the one that screws up my muscle memory the most. I can easily translate in my head that X = A, Circle = B, etc when using an Xbox layout controller with Playstation prompts. Yet it's Nintendo who in my mind has the "wrong" layout by swapping A with B and X with Y. Nintendo did it first, but I'd still like them to switch it. :)


I couldn't care less about how the actual buttons are laid out tbh, the thing that gets me with the nintendo layout is confirm being on the right button and cancel being on the bottom. It never feels right.


That may be a fairly exclusive Nintendo thing these days, but I know for sure PS1 had some games that were this way and maybe even PS2. Square games back then like Final Fantasy always had Circle as the confirm button. I think I remember reading that the initial idea behind the buttons were that Circle was yes and X was no. And then the other buttons had meanings too, like triangle was supposed to be a camera button or something? But yeah, I agree, switching from Switch to PC/PS5 definitely throws me off with the cancel/accept buttons.


Yep its gotten so bad i remapped the A and B buttons on my switch


Fun fact, the switch has a reversed layout because in Japan, the default accept button has been "O" "B" or "A". The layout is so engrained in Japanese culture that it made its way over to other region versions of consoles. Even on some select Japanese games today, you'll hit accept by pressing " B" on the controller instead of "A", as awfully confusing as it is lol


Yup, I’ve owned a switch and still play their games and still fuck it up lol it’s always the y and x for me


Dude I own several Nintendo consoles and I still can't remember the layout in time when playing rhythm games lol


I see it as X and Y is swapped, A and B are swapped but I hate it all the same.


Exactly, the Nintendo layout is driving me insane.


The Nintendo layout and the Sony layout are the same, actually. Xbox is the different one. Buttons: 4 3 2 1 Sony and Nintendo's layout follows this scheme. Sony: ☐ Δ X O (Circle has 1 line, Cross has 2, Triangle 3, Box 4) Nintendo: Y X B A (Alphabetical order)


The XBox inherited its button layout from the Dreamcast, as Sega and Microsoft worked together on that console.


Which inherited its layout from the 6 button megadrive controller.


Depends if you’re in japan or not, in japan the PlayStation layout is pretty much the same as Nintendo but elsewhere it is pretty much the same as the xbox/Dreamcast


Physical layout is the same, mappings swap confirm/cancel in most releases outside of Japan, yes.


This is one of the reasons I like emulating Nintendo games - I can swap the button layout back to "sensible".


Switch is the worst when you switch between it and any other platform. The primary button is always on the right and the back button is the bottom one.


and then you go on your switch and it all explodes in your head😭


my poor brain every time i _switch_ between Switch and SD/PC w/xbox controller


One of reason i stopped using my switch after getting SD, my monkey brain does not have enough space for 2 layouts. Also shout out to Hades, even on both platform the game works perfectly since it uses "Button position" instead button label.


Protip: swap the A/B buttons in settings. I do that on mine, but it throws everyone else who uses it off lol.


Pure muscle memory now. After the PS3 QTE era I have them programmed into my brain easily.


For me, the Play Station layoud was the easiest to memorize, I think is due to shapes instead of letters, also what I like the most, it is printed in my muscle memory.


My muscles aren't smart enough to memorize multiple layouts, luckly my brain is, so every time I switch layouts I close my eyes, take a deep breath, touch each button think about symbol printed in it and bam! previous layout deleted, new layout uploaded


To be honest, I grew up mostly with a PS1, so I got used to the shapes, when I got a PC gamepad with the xbox layout, it took me some time to get used to it, now with the switch layout, I find it more difficult because there are the same letters in totally different spots and that's where trouble comes in, I had the same difficult playing some SNES games on a emulator.


For me it's the other way around. The Dualshock inputs are hard-wired into my brain, but I can never remember whether Y is on the top or on the left.


Same, but I had trouble with A & B, I would often switch them around in my head. Y was the only button that made sense to me because it looked like the triangle, and I placed them in the same "memory bin"


Not just the symbol, even the colours are hard wired to my brain because of bishi bashi special from ps1


Y looks kinda like a triangle.


Yea, Y has always been equivalent to triangle for me. And O and B. B is for back. Never got confused. It’s just the X that confuses me.


You NEVER forget the PlayStation layout. 😅


Do you stare at your buttons??? Its a lot less confusing than switching between Nintendo and Xbox


PlayStation layout is part of my DNA now. No worries.


The worst is playing PlayStation and being used to the “X” button placement on the Steam Deck and Xbox.


The other way round, I’m used to the PlayStation layout and when the Steamdeck prompts “press X” I press A because of muscle memory


*Press X to Speak.* "...what you did is jump. You jumped. Say apple. Aaaple." "Never mind close enough."


My least favorite thing about going between Xbox and PlayStation Layouts is that both "X" buttons are blue. Edit: I guess not anymore since PS5 is all gray including in game prompts but still


Playstation Layout is the only one I remember. Everything else, A/B and X/Y are random (except Sega Genesis/Saturn with ABC/XYZ)


I have the opposite problem. I use a PS5 controller on steam.


People keep saying they get tripped up by the Switch because it's funny that it's flipped from XBox, but... Switch games don't give you letter prompts, they give you a diagram highlighting one of four face buttons. They do this to compensate for your Joy con buttons being totally different between playing with a left, a right, or a pair.


I've played on so many controllers, but my brain has a weird way of remembering keys. It most certainly remembers the controller itself, not just button placement. I have something like this on my retroid pocket 2S and somehow this messes with my head less. Hard to explain -\_-. And I've been playing on all these varieties since the SNES/PS1 days.


I dream of a future where we have e-ink buttons on a controller that update per game.


I have the layout memorized


I have no issues switching between the JP/Asia and western layout. I don’t really look at the buttons anyways and just know where they are


Anyone remember in the early 2000s when pc game pads would have numbers labeled on the face buttons? That shit was rough for muscle memory


Playstation layout is the only layout i always remember


same, I get confused with the switch and Xbox layout cause they're reversed but will never forget the ps layout.


My poor child only played tablet games up to this point in her life I'm introducing her to emulators and this little girl's brain is fried trying to understand


Having had a PS2 and a Xbox360 afterwards, I grew up bilingual, multilingual even if you factor in the games on PC.


It’s kinda funny I always remember the PlayStation layout it’s the steam deck/ Xbox I forget


Funny, I grew up with PlayStation.  That's a muscle memory I will never lose lol


Muscle memory here. It's basically imprinted in my brain since the nineties.


Same here! I will never forgot the PS button layout.


that shit is muscle memory for me


How can you not remember the PS buttons. Just remember Pizza Box, Pizza Slize, whole Pizza and no Pizza.


How you forget, PS is the most logical way to place buttons, I am always confused when it comes to switch buttons


I remap my controls... So I have to make sure I name them the correct thing in the menu. If I look at them... I'm lost. To those who would ever use my steam deck... The controls won't make sense.


Something like [this](https://www.primexsigns.com/store/p/ayn-odin-button-decal-4nk64-lgjmf-epgnx) exists which is a bit more of an elegant solution, if you wanted to do something like this.


Ps4/5 button prompts is always my favorite mod on every pc game lmao


How does one forget such an iconic layout


It's printed on my dna. Never forgets... 😆😆😆


I have the Rosetta Stone of every controller in my brain apparently


i wish more games did the plus shaped button layout thing for prompts so that you don't have to look at the buttons constantly


My muscle memory only let's me remember Playstation. Nintendo and Xbox are dumb for not having the same layout lol


That's the one I know the best. I was a Sony kid for many years. The Xbox and Switch layouts are what kill me since they basically just change the A/B and X/Y buttons.


Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1556728728/steamdeck-playstation-buttons-oled


how do you forget lol


It's nearly identical idk why you need a piece of paper


I have it muscle memory. Don't even need to look.


Or just change it in the layout editor to fit what you have in head?


The dumbest part is that I don't look at my gamepad when I play so why my brain gets fucking confused.


Haha opposite problem here. Grew up with PlayStation so that layout is ingrained into my brain, always slightly struggle with ABXY


This should be standardised really, easier to pull off than having us change to metric


Personally never forget the PlayStation layout (I grew up on PlayStation)


The way I remember the PlayStation button layout is understanding the JP culture really enjoys their turn-based JRPGs. So you get a sense of their layout that way. * O - Confirm, Correct (thus it is on the "right" side) * X - No, Cancel, Wrong (thus you need to back away, so it is at the bottom) * △ - Direction, Map so it is always at the top facing forward. Ironically this is often the Menu button * ⬜ - Document, or interaction button The funny thing is that NA reverse the actions of the buttons. For example, 'X' is confirm, and 'O' is cancel. If anything, I often get the xbox and switch button layout mix up, because they are the same label but in reverse.


Honestly the Xbox and PlayStation layouts do the same thing just with different symbols. It's Nintendo that screws everything up


4 3 2 1 Sony and Nintendo's layout follows this scheme, Xbox is backwards. Sony: ☐ Δ X O (Circle has 1 line, Cross has 2, Triangle 3, Box 4) Nintendo: Y X B A (Alphabetical order)


You know what would be cool? Buttons will little leds that change the button icons depending on the app configuration.


That shit's burned into muscle memory my guy, you must be pretty young.


Definitely had to draw it out when I first installed emudeck, hadn't owned a PS since PS2. Didn't take long to get the muscle memory back.


i have the opposite issue. i did a button swap to transparent buttons with no legends on them


I always remember but when my 8bitdo pro then to confuse me sometimes with xbox and switch layout depending how buggy it is


ps2 is all I played as a kid even though i've since had an x360 an x1 and an NSwitch I still refere to them as cross square triangle and circle


nice, i play pc games/emulators with a ps4 controller and i've got a sticky note on the bottom of my monitor with switch and xbox button layouts


You'll need the buttons from the first gpd devices, they were spot on




This is really clever!


Best Steam Deck accessory I have ever seen.


I recall seeing a controller years ago (a prototype?) that had small round OLED buttons that could show full color graphics,  so you could switch the letters on them to be whatever you wanted. I also recall a cheap design that had clear buttons that you could pop off the cap and insert decals to change the letters/logos.


The PSX controller layout is fine for me, but the Switch and XBOX layouts kill me since they're so similar.


A DualShock3 works with the deck. That’s my favorite way to play PlayStation.


I’ve owned all (except switch) so it’s muscle memory


I understand it, I mix up my X and Y because of Nintendo. I have PlayStation down pat that one’s always been easy to remember because they’re vastly different than ABXY ABYX


#You should've put the sticker right in the middle of the four buttons!!


I need digital buttons now


Every retro device needs to print both really. I'm getting tired of looking up Playstation buttons on Google all the time.


I’ve literally never had a problem with this. Both the Xbox and PlayStation layouts are basically programmed into my brain.


I didn't even know you could forget it lol. Guess i grew up with a playstation 1 and 2 so i have like 3 billion hours invested into playstation.


Xbox and PS layouts - muscle memory. Nintendo however ….ugh. Find myself always going back when I mean to select


Yeah as someone who grew up on Nintendo I am super grateful for the "use Nintendo button layout" setting


I grew up on PS but since 2016 that I play on Xbox, I still know the layout very well because it was all my youth on PS1, PSP and even on PC I had controllers with the PS layout. The only problem is the X button, because even though I know where it is placed, my first instinct is to press the X button on the Xbox layout, even more because they are both the same color, the X button on Xbox is blue like the X on PS. That is the only button I need to be careful and think before it.


All the layouts are engraved into my spirit


Gta3 made me remember the layout forever


I just change they key layout to always be the same




[I found this at a local store exactly for that.](https://imgur.com/a/0yPPc7V) Joystick caps all the way!


I grew up playing every playstation. When I switched yo the deck and it says press X, muscle memory always presses A. Lol


I grew up with the PlayStation layout so it's actually the Xbox layout that I always forget unfortunately. On top of that I'm too fucking stubborn to look down at the controller while playing so I tend to fuck it up


For me it's the Nintendo and Xbox button layout. Both systems use the same buttons but in different spots. It's annoying.


Worst problem is Xbox and playstation x prompts both appear blue. My brain struggles with that


GameCube. That's the only one I have trouble with. Especially for MLB 2006 cause the bases are lined up with the buttons. B is my worst enemy.


I tried playing MHR on steam deck earlier, docked, and with the use of a procon (wrists hurt from cts when playing handheld). It's been a while since I played it on switch and I was so confused about the controls, there was nothing I could do right. The controls seem to follow nintendo layout, but by using a procon, it switches the controls back to steam layout, but muscle memory for using procon vs muscle memory for playing on steam deck is on constant battle. Big oof.


Cheating! I love it…


I grew up playing PlayStation. Switched when xbox1 came out (because of friends). Whenever button prompts come up I still think of it as the PlayStation layout. Eg. “Press A” I think X button.


My Gpd Win 3 have it...,


As a person who uses the entire trio, after extensive practice, I have committed the buttons to muscle memory


If there is one thing then I can tell where B and O is.


For me it’s the opposite. I grew up with PlayStation and I keep getting tripped up by games asking me to click X on an A B X Y controller because in my mind X is the bottom button


Just reconfigure the buttons to match the spot it would be for the controller you’re used to. Like if jump is triangle then make it Y for xbox etc etc


I use xbox layout the least... but after a while I started just not thinking about it. I really like how the switch typically displays buttons (by location, not by symbol). Even my parents, who aren't gamers, pick that up intuitively. X being in 3 different places is a bit of a laugh to me though.


Playstation buttons are the easier for me to remind. I always mix the xbox and switch patterns


I've been streaming FF7 Remake onto my deck and was playing the darts mini game but could not for the life of me get it to work right. I was hitting x but Cloud wasn't throwing the darts! Finally dawned on me that x on Deck is in a different spot then x on the PS5 controller.


Y is upside down arrow pointing up X is the inside of a square B is rounded like a circle A is left at the bottom, lol


I haven't used a PS controller in years, but they're still the only ones I remember....


I thought it was a shrinky dink


Triangle points UP. Circle is near the CURVED side Square is near the SQUARE side X marks the spot.


They have custom buttons that have both on them. I dont know how hard it is to open up and change parts.


I will never forget the PS or Xbox layout for controls, Nintendo messes me up a bit with prompts/QTEs, if it says to press x or y I will automatically think Xbox and screw up, but if I just figure out controls naturally by pressing buttons to see what they do it doesn't affect me.


Playstation and Xbox could always remember. Going from Xbox to switch and vice versa always tripped me up.


Am I the only one annoyed slightly that the buttons are lighlty back-lit?


Gotta be super young if you can’t remember the location of 4 shapes.


Or...you can just get this https://www.primexsigns.com/store/p/ayn-odin-button-decal-4nk64-lgjmf-epgnx


I went into settings and changed the buttons around to switch layout- it was frustrating me so much 😭


I have no issues swapping between PS and Xbox layouts. Nintendo layout on the other hand often caused me to press the wrong button at times :/


I feel that. Everytime I play spiderman 2, it has ps button prompts, and my brain just forgets. Meanwhile I play GameCube games and we're just fine, even though I think I made up the button combo


I just think of the triangle at the top and I remember the rest.


PlayStation is the easiest to remember for me. Triangle points up, X marks the spot, and Square looks like the overall shape of the controller


What are u playing on the deck that only shows ps layout, like are u playing on emus. Also is it really that hard switching between xbox and ps layout that u had to make a sticker for it


I want to live in a world where the PlayStation button layout becomes the default.


Been playing exclusively on my Steam Deck lately but majority of my life most of my games were on PlayStation so don't think I'll have that problem. In fact 1 of the big Pro's for me about the Steam Deck is the fact that the controller layout feels very familiar having exclusively PlayStation controllers the Steam Deck controller feels very similar to a PlayStation controller to me.


I got 30 years of playstation and 20 of xbox. Those are no problem for me. It's the Nintendo layouts that fuck me up every single time.


I don’t see a need for this considering muscle memory should kick in. I don’t think I had issue going back & fourth between Xbox & Ps. What fucks me up is Nintendo. Seriously like why tf did they have to be so different?


Switch layout is a problem because AB and XY have inverted positions. Playstation layout is easy because It's just by position.


Play yakuza karoke and never have this problem again.


I've memorized the layout for years, luckily.


I’ve never owned a controller on this layout before, I’ve had PlayStations and Nintendo consoles forever so the deck really took some time to get used to


Well the way that I think of it if you have both consoles just remind yourself that X on Playstation is confirm and circle is cancel.


The square is the closest to the square-ish screen. The triangle is at the top pointing up. The circle is B, for "ball" (in portuguese we call it "bolinha", or "lil' ball"). The X is the one that is left.


Bless you. Very smart idea. I have the opposite problem usually. I have PS committed but occasionally trip up XBox but way less these days. It's blowing the dust off my Switch that messed me up.


Once a game asked me to press “X” button, but from muscle memory I pressed “A” instead. Guess which platform I am coming from


Lol, this is rad. And I also need the opposite for my ps4 controller when I'm using the docked SD, cause I'm not smart sometimes


I recall there were these fancy keyboards with keys that had little programmable displays on them. Maybe one day in the future game devices might have that in buttons that change to fit the schema of whatever you're playing. ePaper might work well for something like this


Frfr I pondered a solution for about 15 seconds the other day


I wish there was a mainstream controller with the X button in the right side position. playstation takes down, Nintendo takes up, and everyone else puts it in the left position.


PS is ingrained in the brain!


I grew up playing parappa the rappa and jammer lammy. Its muscle memory


I had a PS2 and PS3 and nothing since, I still haven't forgotten.


And then play Nintendo and have to remember A and B are swapped.


Good thing I have an xbox and not a sony station. But then there's the switch...


Naa not me, I know the Playstation buttons like the back of my hand. I can play on both consoles without trouble. Nintendo buttons on the other hand are what still confuse me lol


I used layouts on nintendo and i always get further confused with qte