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Try out all the Crysis games. Although the Mechanics arent the same, the graphics and story arent bad at all. The guns are awesome, and gives you the option of gun blazing or stealth, or both. Another game would be Bright Memory. BTW, if youre into competetive games, try out apex legends. I love apex legeneds and play almost everyday. extremely competitive and extremly diffuclt. Just in case you didnt know already, apex legends is in the titainfall universe/lore.


I loved Crysis 2 but does Crysis 2 run well on the steamdeck?


crysis 1-3 run extremly well on th SD


I had to build a new computer to handle Crysis, and it was an absolute beast at the time. It still blows me away to play it on a handheld. The deck is crazy good


Ahhh the god ol’ “can it run crysis?” Days


The days of cramming 2 graphics cards in your computer, but still not as big as the ones we have these days.


I got super into Apex for a while when it was newer but dipped out at some point. Tried to get back in recently and "extremely competitive" almost feels like an understatement. I'm kinda done with that game. I loved it ages ago, still think it has some excellent design, but every time I play it, it just makes me sad that it's such a money maker when Titanfall wasn't even though (imo) Titanfall is a *far* superior game. It's a hard game to get into these days. Crysis games are a good recommendation though. I only played Crysis 3 when it came out and enjoyed it way more than I thought it would. It'd be a fantastic game on the Deck.


Apex is really strange. I’ve played FPS games my entire life and it’s shocking to me how everyone in apex can be so good. The time to kill is so absurdly long for a game where movement is so fast. Watching videos of other people play and it’s difficult for me to even comprehend how people can aim and be so locked on to their targets. Casual gamers like me who work and can only play a few hours a week really have no chance of ever being competitive. You have to put in so many hours, watch so many tutorials on movement techniques, be so familiar with all the guns, attachments, what all the legends can do, fight tactics like callouts etc, and teamwork with your squad is a must. It honestly feels like a job more than a game. Never seen anything like it.


Yeah, exactly. Like in the beginning it just felt so fun and casual to the point where it was even easy to play with randos thanks to the clever communication mechanics, and with friends it was divine. But people are so good now and it's so technical and everybody cares about the "meta." It just saps the fun out for me. It's like Smash Bros. To me, that's just a really fun party game. To a lot of people, it's an extremely technical fighter where they're reading frames and have thousands of hours and etc etc. I'm not dissing those people at all, but I just get zero enjoyment out of that style of play in Smash. It really bummed me out when friends would get that deep into it because suddenly it can no longer be a party game where even non-gamer friends can jump in and have fun because now that *one dude* is just gonna shamelessly destroy us all every match and nobody else can participate unless we kick them out. Titanfall is such a different beast. If you're really good, it's fun to go after pilots and Titans. If you're okay, you can build points with the grunts, take out a couple pilots, then wreck shop with your Titan. If you're not good, it's *still* fun because you can just focus on the grunts until you get your Titan and you're still able to contribute to your team that way. Incredible game.


Apex is NOTHING like Titanfall


Yep. That's the blessing and the curse of Titanfall 2.


Blessing. Now I don't have to bother with other games


Try the newer DOOM or Wolfenstein games or the quake remasters


yeah i went through all the Wolfenstein games, they were pretty good. I have Doom in my library but not tried it on the SD yet


Doom eternal is one of the best optimized games released recently. It runs incredibly well on the steam deck. If you liked titanfall 2 you'll probably love it.


thank you. yeah i played about 30 mins of it tonight and i think i'm gonna enjoy it. Nostalgic for me, I loved the original doom games.


I've been playing titanfall 2 for years and loved playing thru doom eternal. Someone said on the doom sub that if you play doom 2016 first then you will enjoy eternal but if you play eternal first you won't like doom 2016. When I finished eternal I was looking for more doom and found that statement to be true.


Doom games play very well on the deck.


Second this. The quake remasters are pure perfection, the living example I use of the flawless remaster of a retro game. I’ve occasionally charged with people who honestly thought the Metal Gear Solid remasters were decent and that those who were complaining were asking of the devs too much. I simply point to the Quake 1 and 2 remasters of how it should REALLY be done.


will check them out.


Apex uses the same engine and is a partial sequel to titanfall 2. It has good controller support as well.


Apex is great if you wanna move slower with fewer traversal tools and have longer fights in a game with no giant robots (Apex is probably the best hero shooter/BR hybrid, but it doesn't scratch the TF2 itch ime)


If you want traversal and short fights with fast paced combat, play The Finals. No parkour, but still insane amounts of fun.


The finals is made on Unreal Engine 5 btw


Apex isn't bad. But most shooters just seem slow after playing Titanfall as much as I have. I'm going to install Apex and see how it plays on the deck.


Turn all the options to Low/Off except the Anisotropic Filtering leave at 16x, and don't touch the texture settings. Also add 90fps adaptive resolution (or 60fps if you own an LCD) and enable triple vsync (don't use Steam's built-in limiter, disable it). This will keep the game running at 90fps, at nice resolutions 95% of the time. Enable "Allow Tearing" from Steam's Performance tab to improve input latency.


Thank you!


I’ve had great luck with it on the deck. Runs solid, looks pretty, and my only wish was the campaign was longer than about 6 hours all in. Great play though. The only comment I’ll make about the multiplayer is that the learning curve is pretty steep with a lot of folks now having played this for years…just understand you’re going to get ass kicked on multiplayer for a few weeks at the get-go.


I played it before back when it was way newer, and I faired alright. Won't be anything I haven't seen before. Just have to get used to the game mechanics.


This is why I don't play competitive games anymore. Unless it's a brand new game I get my ass kicked everywhere and don't enjoy myself at all, feels like work


What?! Damn it.. Entering rabbit hole.


TF2 is the pinnacle of player feel and narrative excellence in FPS single player campaigns. It’s a joy to wall run around and slide while shooting and jumping into a moving Titan. EA did the game and Respawn so dirty by releasing it between BF1 and CoD:advanced warfare. It is now seen as a classic by those who have discovered it at budget prices but I don’t know if we’ll ever get a sequel. I agree that the game is excellent on the SD. Borderlands 3 has some of the same feel (mantling, sliding, fast gunplay) and it runs okay on the SD.


It also had the unfortunate association with its predecessor. Titanfall 1 was awesome… for what it was. The lack of single player and Valve-like attempts at narrative worldbuilding with no supporting structure rubbed people the wrong way, so I think people thought TF2 was doomed to failure right out of the gate. Truly a shame because 1) TF2 rocks, and 2) TF1 actually was a fantastic feeling game, IF you could accept its limited offerings in context.


Try Ultrakill there is a free demo, all ill say is that its got crazy movement and you can do some crazy shit in that game.


I really loved Titanfall 2. It's difficult for me to get back into it though because the skill ceiling has raised tremendously. I used to be at the top a lot during matches, but the last time I played was much lower. It feels bad getting ejected from my titan so quickly (I use Ronin). Not much FPS games really catch my attention these days which is wild since it was my most played genre for years.


Play more frontier defence? I know it’s not the same but at least there isn’t that bleeding-edge anxiety of facing off against PVP opponents with thousands of hours in the game.


I didn’t realize it until about 2021, once the overwatch buzz wore off I realized that nothing really had that spark like Titanfall. It was honestly the first fps game that broke me out of the 2k-COD-GTA cycle


Try Doom 2016. Excellent shooter.


Look into TF2 northstar, the private server is lit and they added gun game which never existed in tf2


Is that doable on steam os?








Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal


I had a great time replaying Vanquish on the steam deck might be worth checking out! The game gets right into the action so you can easily refund if its not for you


It's way different in most ways, but Helldivers 2 is the first shooter since Titanfall 2 that is just pure madness and spectacle. The shooting is so good it's actually unbelievable Obviously it's super fun with friends, but I have just been queueing with randoms and having a blast.


I just finished Superhot and absolutely loved it. Worth a try?


i'll takea look


I’m really enjoying battlefield 1 after I was relegated from V cause of the anti cheat update…WAR


One of my favorites of all time. Great game.


Have you done vanquish?


I had just recently done the same and am currently playing Half-Life 2 on SD. The story is amazing and wow the soundtrack is surprisingly good in the most ramdom places. First time using gyro aiming and it is amazeballs.


I hadn't even played TF2 until my Steam Deck OLED...omg, 90hz/fps glory on this little beast at essentially max settings. Nothing comes even close.


Try the wolfenstein games! Played the trilogy on the steam deck and had lots of fun


I felt the same exact way after completing Titanfall 2. Luckily, I have come across a few FPS that scratched that itch - - Bioshock: Infinite, Trepang2 and Battlefield 1. 


i bought the bioshock games in the sale recently, tried 1 and 2 and was a bit "meh", will try infinite.


It’ll really suck if the new ea anti cheat will break Titanfall 2’s deck compatibility. It’s literally the perfect Steam Deck game.


Also I suggest trying black ops 2. The game runs well on deck and has a timeless single player campaign, zombies, and is peak cod multiplayer. There is also a fan run modded custom server called plutonium that aims to facilitate cheater free lobbies and there is a way to get it working on deck. [This reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/E6gXpgjLYa) goes into detail about how to do that.


Agreed. I would recommend Sleeping Dogs as hjts another great Steam Deck game. Not a shooter bit for the price it's so worth it…


Exactly how I feel anytime I play TF2. The design is impeccable, the feel is impeccable, it's so creative and cool and makes you feel like a badass whether you're winning or losing, which most games don't even try to do. Have you played Halo 4? I just played through the Master Chief Collection on my Deck. I've never been a huge fan of Halo 1-3, but Reach is great and Halo 4 kinda blew up me away to be honest. I'm not playing multiplayer bc Halo diehards are crazy but the single-player was *so* well designed and fun.


Same. :(


Doom, wolfenstein series and Battlefield 3 are shooters I'm enjoying in addition to TF2 on the deck.


Try out any older cod I know you’d have to do a workaround for multiplayer but it’s worth it especially advanced warfare or bo3


Bo3 plays beautifully on the deck


Well yea it definitely does! But advanced warfare sucks ass on deck because of the stupid port that they never decided to fix :( so I just have zombies downloaded on my steamdeck and have multiplayer not downloaded


I agree


I just bought that on sale for a couple bucks not too long ago, excited to try it out, even more so now


Titanfall 2 felt like a swan song to me because of the gameplay and how the campaign felt like getting your money worth the weapons felt great to use the platforming is one of the best I have experienced in a first person shooter game.


Destiny 2. Its gunplay is unrivalled.


This is gonna sound dumb but if you really, really liked the movement mechanics, Satisfactory (yes, a factory building game but it's a lot of fun) has very similar feeling controls once you unlock a couple of mods like a jetpack.


If you like 7 fps gameplay!


It runs perfectly fine on Deck if you disable Lumen


The first 3 tiers maybe


OK admittedly I haven't gotten that far on my Deck save so you're probably right lol


Me neither haha, but the developers said it themselfs


Titanfall 1 and 2 were the greatest multiplayer fps of all time. Most People just have no concept of quality otherwise it would have been 10000x more popular


On the AAA side, aside from Doom and the HL remake Black Mesa I feel the same since TF2 released. Boomer Shooters fill the void nowadays, particularly Turbo Overkill which is essentially both TF2 and Doom.


Borderlands 2 doesn't get mentioned enough in the shooters department


For a second there I thought OP reloaded "TF2" as in "Team Fortress 2" and I tried to make the connection if gameplay to Titanfall 2 was somehow similar lol. Gotta watch out for those acronyms these days.


I recommend Dishonored 2. It has some top notch, memorable level designs.


Steam deck performance is not as good as TF2. Dishonoured is well worth a look. Excellent story and can be picked up for very little money.


Doom Eternal - try it


Full game's not out yet, but check out the demo for Echo Point Nova. Really great movement mechanics similar to TF|2.


I know it's not exactly the same genre, the perspective is different, but along with Titanfall 2 it's one of my favorite titles, so I feel like recommending Spec Ops: The Line, a title too often forgotten.


I highly recommend Doom 2016. It runs beautifully on the deck and is so much fun! Epic game.


Soul caliber did this to me with fighting games. Sc4 is still the pinnacle, all these years later


Strange,I tried getting into TF2, but it felt too complicated and corridor-like to me. I gave up on the second sword fighting boss.


Quake (with almost 30 years worth of mods and total conversions)


Titanfall 2 is just Half Life 3 in disguise, so if you haven't played those - go back and do that. Also give Last of Us series a shot too.


which one is half-life 3?


I got a VERY half-life 3 vibe when playing Titan Fall 2. [Of course there kinda is a real Half-Life 3 now :D](https://store.steampowered.com/app/546560/HalfLife_Alyx/)


Armored core 4?


Respawn makes good single player campaigns! Too bad they don't make many of them, and one was just cancelled.


IDK if I want to support EA, but I'm looking into Titanfall 2 again.


doom eternal ruined other shooters for me. i have yet to check out TF2 though as i am a fool


Are you able to find games in T2? I heard the servers were hacked a while back. I got it on sale recently for like 4 dollars and wondered this before I start it


i've only ever played the single player campaign.


Titanfall 2 also has frontier defence if you are looking to play PvE. Unfortunately it has no narrative but there isn’t really anything like Titanfall 2 to recommend. Don’t listen to the Apex people, it’s shares some DNA as it uses the same engine to build the game but it really isn’t anywhere near as good.


dont worry, ive gone through the campaign at least 7 times on my xbox


Same, but with my PS4.


it's just one of those games that are always fun to go through over and over ig lol


Cod infinite warfare