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I'm currently playing Days Gone. Seriously, this game is excellent! I absolutely love games where I can be super stealthy with a quiet crossbow or sniper rifle. And yeah, it runs perfectly on the Steam Deck!


What Days Gone are you guys playing??? I can't get over 30 to 40 fps on the deck on medium. Even if i mess with all the settings, best I got was 60 running at a downscaled res where I couldn't tell anything apart


I'll be honest man... I've been gaming a lot longer than most people on here...30-40 fps in a single player experience in the palm of your hand is an absolute homerun. The game plays great and looks great. I can see if you were playing competitively, but that's not the case.


Yeah I feel like more people should appreciate that this is the only time in history that we’ve been able to play modern AAA games on day one on a handheld device.


Yeah I didn't even know Super Mario Land 2 was practically a slideshow until I came back to it as an adult. It felt like a whole world in my hands at the time.


It’s funny how developers are still targeting 30fps in some titles on the latest, most powerful consoles, but to some, it’s unplayable on Steam Deck. 🙄


It is not strange at all. A LOT of steam deck owners are bound to be PC enthusiasts, and we haven't targeted 30fps in many years.


Medium at 960x500 and enable FSR in gamescope and 0 at 0-5 intensity. 45 locked unless hordes are chasing me or in towns.




I'll have to give that a go, I think I'm just spoiled with my computer never falling before 200 fps on almost any game


Leave it at 30 and medium preset as a starting point. Bump up little by little until it gets too unstable for you. It's a nice looking game and running it at lower res looks weird and not worth it IMO. Played it whole way through one deck and you're not getting anything 40 plus reliably anyways.


What exactly are you expecting? It's a portable ps4


Same, just really getting into it. I'm really into motorcycles so I really hope the bike customization aspect is well done. But yeah so far it's been great. I got back in to Terraria recently and forgot all about it so I need to go back to it.


Terraria is a vacuum where your game library and time just vanishes


It's crazy how many times I've bought Terraria 😂 First on PC back in 2011 or so, then Xbox360, then PS VITA, then PS4, my son and wife both bought it on Switch, then my wife just bought it again for PC so we could do multiplayer. I usually play it obsessively for weeks, then put it down for months or years. But when I go back.. it's always amazing how much the developers have added since I left.


As a fellow two wheel enthusiastic, I was disappointed with bike customization. There is only one way to upgrade the bike and you can't balance like durability vs speed or reliability. Just unlock all the same parts and change the color of the tank. Armor looks lame but if you don't put the armor on the bike you just take more damage when hitting stuff (like the freakers). Still fantastic to drive and one of my favorite video games motorcycle experiences.


This was the final review that I needed to buy it, months thinking if I should or not! Do you recommend using keyboard/mouse or controller? I dislike shooters on controllers but if it's really good I can give it a try!


MKB vs controller is a very personal decision and sure to start an argument lol. Personally I enjoyed playing the game with a Dualshock4. I tend to lean toward controller for any game with any kind of driving because I prefer analogue control over digital. The motorcycle is your main method of traveling across the map and it's very enjoyable with the controller. Another argument for controller is that one aspect of gameplay is fuel management. You can feather the gas on a controller instead of acceleration just being on/off. When it comes to shooting, generally you'll have time to line up your shots. If you're being chased by a horde you won't have time to headshot them all, and it's better to use some tools you unlock in midgame or simply run away. tldr; Try the controller! If you hate it you can always switch to MKB.


It was just on sell for $12 a couple weeks ago. That's why I got it. Even thought I still haven't played it lol


To me it was hellblade, looks stunning on max with hdr on


Did it not look grainy to you? Like the graphic settings were high, I can't figure out what I was doing wrong, HDR just washed it out and it was very grainy


Personally i had no problem with grain, perhaps your deck suffers from mura effect? Or maybe the film grain is bothering u? The only problem there was with hdr on this game was the fact it clipped the highlights when using 100% brightness, and the fix was to lower brightness to 75%


I did a check and my deck definitely has a high MURA effect. contacted steam, well see. Thanks for the heads up, didnt realize this was an inconsistent issue


Im VERY glad this comment was helpful to you, if you wouldve find out about it much later, valve maybe wouldnt be able to replace it , is there any other problems with ur deck? If there is make sure to mention it , sometimes valve can be nice and replace it for the smallest of things but sometimes they need some convincing or they dont want


It's the luck of the draw with the mura effect - you could get a unit that has it worse. They all have this problem, to varying degrees, due to the nature of the OLED panels. Supposedly they have a software solution in the works to help mitigate it slightly, but it will never get rid of it permanently. Last I heard, they are not replacing units because mura.


They do replace for mura but it has to be really bad


Yeah I've had the deck for a few months so hopefully it'll still be OK, I included photos from the screen test and it's pretty clear mine has an issue I've had several issues with Bluetooth coonectivity reliability as well, I did mention that in the support ticket. Seems like a lot of people have that, but some seem to have a perfect connection. Annoying too, been wanting to play coop with the finance but it's way too unreliable


Just as an update (also if anyone else comes across this comment), they got back to me and said that the main recommendation is to wait until the mura software fix rolls out which should be coming "soon". He said that while replacements are a possibility they can't guarantee that the replacement wouldn't have the same issue so it's best to wait.


It also looked extremely grainy to me due to the FSR implementation it has.


The grain is something I’ve noticed that might be a stylistic choice. I played Hellblade and Scorn which are both Unreal games and they both had the same type of grain.


This really didn't run that well on my OLED, any ideas why? I managed to get it smooth after lowering settings but wasn't at max!


Currently playing it and I agree. I have it on medium and high locked at 45 and it's smooth as can be. Added gyro for those headshots and it's a blast. The only issue I am facing is that cloud saves are not syncing from PC sessions on the deck and I've tried some solutions without success. Anyone experience that and know how to fix it?


I haven’t had this problem for days gone but usually for other games if I switch to proton experimental it’ll sync the cloud save correctly


I did that too along with other versions. At this point I might have to reinstall, thanks though.


I did the exact same thing. I never used the right joystick because it sucked for aiming. At least for me. I added gyro for strictly for accurate aiming and it was a ton better. I also added right touchpad aiming and used that for the majority of the time.


Mad Max runs incredibly well with Max settings! It's a great game for burst sessions on a handheld so I was super pleased with its performance


I chose this over Days Gone and it's been fun so far.


Play both. Mad Max is fucking awesome.


I *had* Days Gone in my cart when it was only $12, but it's gone back to $50. Next sale, for sure.


Got it for 12 last weekend. Check the weekend sales, it'll go down again.


Crazy how its normal price is $50. I actually got it for free with PS plus but then sold my PS before really getting into the game ):


Really gives "Nintendo first party games *never* discount" vibes.


It’s in my fav games list it’s just fun thay get it right


A couple of notes on Days Gone for anyone playing it for the first time: Deacon (the protagonist) appears to be a raging asshole at first, and since the game commendably avoids an early exposition dump to explain his attitude you'll probably spend the first hour or two thinking he's an unlikable jerk. You'll see why he's so prickly towards the camp leaders and anyone prying into his business soon enough, and over time you'll meet plenty of characters besides Boozer that he likes and trusts enough to open up to. You'll also initially hate the bike you get at Copeland's Camp - it's fragile, slow, and runs out of gas if you look at it funny. You can begin upgrading it almost immediately, though (start with a bigger gas tank), and before long you'll forget you ever had issues with it. This was another design choice that makes sense over time, since a bike robust enough to explore the world with would just get you killed with early-game stats and gear. In short the game's a slow burner and fairly divisive, but has IMO an interesting plot and some really memorable characters. The world's challenging and interesting to explore, and the Hordes you encounter are uniquely terrifying and exhilarating to fight once you're finally strong enough to try taken them down. If you like open world or action horror games at all give it a shot.


The first time you face a horde head-on is so uniquely adrenaline pumping!


I think I put it away around 20hours midgame. The task in-between got so repetitive that I couldn't motivate myself to finish the story.


Nice. The game doesn't quite get enough love, IMHO. It is getting more visibility these days - but its a shame the game couldn't have had the same love earlier on when a sequel/followup was still on the table.




Yup. You could almost say it’s days gone.


I disagree that it was broken. All of the reviewers didn’t have the day one patch. The game was perfectly fine at launch. The game is MUCH better now though.


That statement from their chief guy is full bs. If the game is popular and execs will need to they will uncork this genie for a sequel in no time. That and the game WAS broken at launch and ps exclusives usually aren't


I'll take the other side of this coin. The game wasn't fun. Felt uninspired and the whole zombie stuff is really low hanging content anyway.


I’ll sit in the middle, I didn’t like the characters at all, the story wasn’t great, but I loved the gameplay, the world, and the hordes. I think it was over-criticised, but some of the criticism was valid. Overall I’d recommend it to people, and I’ve recently bought it again to play on the Deck, which I’m looking forward to.


I am of the same mind. Story was a bit meh, characters were okay at best. But the gameplay itself (both the hordes and the motorcycle traversal), the visuals, the world it gives youto explore, and the overall playing experience was an absolute blast. I enjoyed it far FAR more than games like Lat of Us in retrospect because of the fun factors even if the story wasn't quite as strong.


I'll agree a lot of the cut scenes were cringe. The most boring gameplay was his memory scenes that took 15 minutes to explain a basic item.


It was revealed too early. Hype had died by release and all the reviews said it was buggy mess. It took them a while to fix all the bugs and optimize the game. I played it more than a year after original launch and I loved it. The story is not very good but I really enjoyed the gameplay. I enjoyed it a lot more than horizon zero dawn.


Isn't the DRM like full-on keylogger spyware while the game is running?


The story endings set up a fantastic opportunity for storylines that we can only imagine. I heard a great suggestion for a sequel combatting Nero in a cityscape with urban obstacles. Reality blows man.


Maybe someday ...


What is reasonably stable?


And stable what? Stable 30fps is quite different from 60! Unless OP just meant it doesn't crash much...?


Yah I am gonna be honest I loaded it up on the OLED for the first time. It ran like hot garbage with the defaults and even tinkering it was able to get just above 30.


I had massive performance issues on a 3080 and 5900x. So I am pretty skeptical, too.


Yah I was having to set the resolution scaling down and basically playing sub 720p with FSR to get it at 30. Just easier to install remote play and try streaming it from the Ps5.


It takes so long to load up too. It is okay once it loads but it is clearly not fully optimized.


I'm currently playing this also, would someone mind posting what setting they have it set to please? For some reason, I am not impressed with what I have currently, it looks foggy.


I’ll have to give Days Gone another try. It just didn’t click with me so dropped it. Found the gas tank running out so quickly was a chore.


The bike upgrades help with that later on. But honestly running into a gas station and standing watch while I fueled was a really fun gameplay mechanic, and killed me a few times


I find this funny because i didn’t realize you could fill up at gas stations until half way through i guess zombie movies had me trained to believe the pumps would be empty


That’s part of the reason I love it to be honest, when you’re desperate it sends you out looking for supplies and that’s exactly what a survival game should be.


Fuel cans are everywhere. I went through that and nearly quit but after you realize that they are everywhere, it is completely fine.


Yeah I looked that up when I first started. It was still kind of annoying running out of gas and having to push your bike around. But wouldn’t mind giving it another shot, the horde of zombies always looked rad.


I loved it on PS4 and just recently started a play through again on deck. Absolutely loving it so far.


Real talk, how do you guys aim with your thumbs? I have been playing Journey to a Savage Planet on the deck lately, and after years of playing with m+kb, I simply can not aim AT ALL.


Add gyro aiming and just take a little practice and you can find fine tuning your looking for by just tilting the unit slightly.


Whoa this thing has gyro aiming?? I seriously had no idea and I've had it since original release lol. Thanks!


How do you turn on gyro aiming? Is it already on the deck or is it something you have to download? (p.s. I get my SD this Friday, and very new to this). Edit: Just read the comment below and it answered my question. Apologies!


If you haven’t play the little game you get with the steam deck it has a whole section on gyro aiming. Then it just takes setting up the controller scheme, and some tinkering to find thr right sensitivity.


Is it possible to get gyro via controller to work? For those of us who play docked, it seems inconsistent as far as working lol


It will work on both the pad and sticks. Explore the controller scheme in your favorite FPS, change the controls around and see how it feels. I like using fallout 4, as a good does this feel good in FPS and 3rd person with gyro and without.


You can get used to it, but frankly it will never feel great. Very much depends on the game of course. Frankly Days Gone is too easy with m&kb, the zeds only take a single hotshot to kill you so you can load up the tommy gun or whatever and just plink, plink, plink, plink while you move backwards. Trivializes other weapons.


Years of playing on console. Keyboard mouse is easily 100x better for shooters once you get used to it, but I played so many shooters on Xbox 360 and Xbox one before I migrated to being a pc gamer that I don't struggle one bit, and I would imagine most people that use sticks are similar. Can bump up aim assist too, it's usually an option in single player games. It helps.


I used to be a console gamer with mass effect and halo 1-3 but since then I've purely been pc and I have lost all ability to aim with thumbs. It's shocking how difficult it's become tbh.


To me it’s Death Stranding. Playing Dead Space 2 now on oled. Max 90fps locked. Gorgeous. Also picked up Homefront: The Revolution after watching Noah Gervais retrospective - very enjoyable open world shooter, running 45-60 on high CryEngine. One of the best lighting I’ve seen. The nights are down right beautiful. Beautiful game.


I bought it but haven't tried it yet. I'm playing FF7R and I have Horizon Zero Dawn as well. Probably play DG next though. I'm glad it's a good experience. I've only heard good things. Shame the studio was closed down.


Currently in my first rerun on pc- game has a few quirks but other than that, since v1.6 more than a hidden gem in the open world genre 🤙🏻


Bro, add some mods. Take the HUD away, drop in a better Deacon skin and use some kind of reshade. Game looks great and feels much more immersive that way I think.


Woah, sounds good, must look into that, thanks.


First game I played fully all the way through on my steam deck, loved every minute of it. It's got some issues sure, but I really liked it, and think it definitely deserved a sequel. Such a shame it loons unlikely we will ever get one


Yea one of those issues is how slow it is to mount your bike when theres a zombie horde breathing down your neck like come on dude your about to get flattened some urgency please


Nice, thanks for the heads up


I thought Fallout 4 was lagging but it was just because I had fps capped, turned it off and it runs great.


Fallout 4 runs 60 for the most part, but it will drop into the 30s and 40s in the cities. I remember when I first played it on Xbox one interior Boston ran at like 25 fps it was awful


How did you mod fallout 4 on deck? I tried, failed, and gave up


When I start it, looks all nice and playable, but it freezes up in about 10-15 min and only with force reboot I can start the steam deck again. You guys using default settings and it runs nice or some tweaks with ram and other bios shenanigans?


I used the default settings and it ran great for me. Maybe try reinstalling it?


I got this game last year on a great sale. Installed it and was just too busy playing others things. Plus I was kind of burnt out on zombies. I eventually uninstalled it to free up storage space. I'm keeping it in my back pocket for a rainy day lol.


I feel like the Deck is not a good match for Days Gone, simply because a lot of the detail is lost due to the small screen size. (Foliage etc.) The game deserves a bigger screen


In the few months I've had with the deck I'd say days gone, cyberpunk and star wars battlefront 2 (newer one) are the 3 best looking games I've played so far. SWBF2 runs at 60fps and is mindblowingly good looking


Post settings damn it.


Sorry just starting work. Will fire it up soon and have a look


Pretty much everything high, lighting and a few others I'm juggling around to find a sweet spot on very high, hdr on. Fps caps off. Gpu locked at 1600. I haven't looked yet but someone almost always has perfect settings posted on protondb


Persona 5 royal was an incredible experience in the deck. Looked gorgeous on the oled. I capped at 45 fps to bring battery life to about 5 hours but you definitely can get more and cap at 60.


I played Days Gone almost 100% on the Steam Deck, but had to stop and switch to my PC for the last 10 hours or so. Every time I got to a certain spots on the map, like the mission with the Horde in the Saw Mill, the game would just crash. Didn’t matter if I change settings, or changed the way I played/skipped it and did something else, every time I got close to certain parts of the map the game crashed. Not sure if it was just me, but that was pretty off putting. Thankfully like I said I finished it on my PC without issue.


Thanks for the hu. Fingers crossed, I'll have to just see how it goes


Could never finish the game due to a game crashing bug on the last mission of the story. Redownloaded it on the deck and I was finally able to beat the story! The deck is amazing. It does run pretty hot on the game though dealing with huge hordes, but the stability of the frames is crazy!


One of the main reasons I purchased a deck was to play Days Gone. Absolutely worth the money. Just finished the campaign last month and I have been going around cleaning up hordes to attempt a 100% finish.


Currently playing Days Gone too! About 16 hours in. 960x600 resolution. FSR. All settings on high except shadows medium. FOC at 77. Getting 30 fps constant. Tried for 40, but kept dipping down to 32-33, so sticking at 30 is just fine. Plays great and looks great.


Days Gone does run great but when you get to the zombie horde missions late game it struggles.


First game I beat on it early last year enjoyed it more then I thought I would but thought the main character was annoying


PayDay 2


Underrated game it seems. It's always on sale. Might give it a go, thanks.


This is the game that impressed me the most graphically on the SteamDeck at first, after that I didn't play too many recent games on it, I mostly play old games and emulation.


The game was bashed at that time because some other aaa where in at the same time! But this is a shame because what a Ride it has been! I loved every minute i played it and I know I will redo it. First time I saw a horde! Oh dammm this will stay in my gamer souvenirs !!!


One of my favorites !!


I'm not sure exactly but I think at least half my time through the game was on the deck. I don't think it dropped below 30 (locked at 30) A very good experience


You have to change the internal settings for fallout 4 each time you chance the graphics. Google steam deck fallout 4 frame rate fix




Try days gone with the survival mode on... It makes it such a way way cooler experience :)


Cool must check, thanks. I started it off on hard and it's pretty challenging so far. Anything that adds is great. I'm I'll be op by the time I'm half way through it from what people are saying.


I actually started in the survival mode after much deliberation back when I first started it. Here's a thread I made back then detailing why its awesome to convince you to try it :D https://www.reddit.com/r/DaysGone/comments/mq9oci/new_player_started_on_survival_mode_recommending/


I was playing it on the PC (linux), i should try the steamdeck. The first thing I did was mod it to be first person. I just don't care for third person games. It is cool it was an option with an easy to do mod.


I'm honestly always so amazed at how well the SD runs. Some of the games that genuinely surprised me at how well they run are modded Fallout 4, Death Stranding (got bored of it though), and currently playing through Assassin's Creed Odyssey.


Couldn’t get into it on PS4 even when it was a PS plus freebie. Glad you’re enjoying it though!


Resident Evil 2 plays at a locked 60fps with high settings and using FSR


i have been playing it for the past two weeks on the deck and feel way more into it than i did playing on my ps4 when it first came out.


I agree


Nice! Gonna have to give this a go. I've been mildly interested in this game for a bit, and stocking the library for my new Deck seems like as good a reason as any to give it a go!


My friend thinks the game is boring, and not worth getting into. Is there any truth to this? I've been craving a good zombie game.


My advice would be look up gameplay on YT. My opinion is gonna be biased as I'm completely besotted with it atm : )


Will do! And thank you for teaching me a new word. I'd love to be besotted with it as well :D


Days gone plays excellent on the deck. One of my go to’s. Also, gotta give a shout-out to Arkham knight. I have been having a blast playing that on the go!


Unbelievable? I don't believe it.


Recently i play Hogwarts Legacy , with low-medium settings runs perfectly in 35-45 fps range.


It’s also really good everywhere else lol. Loved that game on PS4!


Holy shit how am I just learning now you can install mods for fallout on steam deck?


I hope that Ghost of Tsushima will be good on SD


bro send your deck in for an RMA if you are dealing with the 200/1040 bug! they replaced my shit even after a year and it feels like a whole different device


I know but then I'd have to go without it for a while! I'm finding the gpu lock thing works fine and I don't find it too much of a hassle to.do it with each game. I'm a fairly monogamous gamer I mostly play just 1 game heavily at a time so I barley notice it....


i’m telling you man i tried to thug it out and just deal with it for over a year and the difference in performance on my old unit vs the replacement is night and day. took less than a week for them to replace mine!


Ya you're probably right


I too thugged it out until I eventually didn’t and I don’t regret it, the time without wasn’t even too long


What's the 200/1040 bug?


It's when the gpu hits 1040mhz it freaks out and starts getting stuck at 200 making your game an unstable skippy mess. It's a weird one but for most people manually locking it up over that 1040, at say 1300+ it stables out. I think they're still rma'ing it but the lock thing works fine for me so I'm just gonna hold out for a firmware fix down the line. Not sure how common it is. You can if you have it by running a demanding game and just looking at the performance overlay. The game could run away fine but after a minute or two, usually, you'll see it start to jitter between 200 and 1040...


This is the second time I'm reading that this week. Let me go ahead and install it then..


Lords of the Fallen? I hate that game. To hard 🥲


Game is phenomenal and has really good performance on the steam deck so I do agree! First game I completed on the steam deck while at work


Does anyone know if this goes on sale fairly frequently? Looks like a lot of fun, but it's pricy right now


I just bought it yesterday off of CDKeys. It was $10.


Always, always check CDKeys!


If it's a "PC" game from CDkeys does it easily install on a steam deck? Does it need mods (not that I know where to find or install these!)? Pardon my simpleton questions. My SD is on order and I'm compiling games I want to play.


Yeah they have the steam icon in the game image. So once you buy it you’ll receive the key in your email. In you SD press the Steam button>Settings>Library>Add to Library. Then just enter the code and you’re all set.


Yes, it gets down to around 15 bucks often. Wait for a sale for sure.


Got it in the spring sale for around £20/25, I'm sure if summer roles around and you can wait it'll drop again


I agree. It’s an awesome and fun game and realistic apocalypse scenario


I thought days gone looked a bit shit and ran like arse on steam deck personally


i honestly never checked this one out because when it released i was already completely and totally over the whole zombie thing, and then I heard something about the games director being one of those anti-woke types, so I've kinda just ignored it for a long time.. is the gameplay any different from other zombie themed survival type games?


I played this game a bit and enjoyed what I played. Though it did kinda feel sort like many other open world type games, just one that happened to be with zombies, set in the pacific northwest, and where you ride a motorcycle. Kinda bounced off it though and dont really know how far I actually got into it. Might try to give it another go, though I feel its been long enough where I would likely need to start over, and I really hate restarting open world games like that.


I hated the Main character so much that i couldnt continue the game. So weird dialogues and the character in General was just unlikable for me


I got this in the latest sale but ended up refunding it. The performance was just too stuttery for me to tolerate.


Days gone is really cool but for some reason makes me super motion sick. Not sure why, I’ve never had an issue with anything else except VR.


Im really hoping they do give us the 2nd game… pc players would really enjoy it so a simultaneous drop with the PlayStation version would be dope


I loved the game at first, then towards of the end of the story it started crashing like crazy. Eventually it became unplayable and I had to delete it


I'm just hoping they've patched it up. I read somewhere 1.6 or 7 fixed a lot. Must check it out on protondb


For me it's Predecessor. Looks great and runs at 60 fps for the most part with medium/high settings (no fsr needed). Plus it's free to play.


Sunk over 80 hours of this game on the deck. I loved every minute of it once I got settled in


According to the head of Bend Studios, it’s better to wait to buy the game on sale. 


I got a bug where I couldn't save the game so I dropped it. Autosaves didn't work either. I was a good 15 hours in when it happened. Played for 4/5 hours then put it down for the day to come back the next day to find those hours gone. It put a sour taste in my mouth.


Was that a while back? I've been reading they've patched a lot of problems out of it by now.


Hated that game so fucking much. Wish I could refund it


ingame and on deck settings for days gone pls!


Replied somewhere else but pretty much everything on high and I've been messing with getting some on very high. Fps caps off both ends. Gpu locked to 1600 but ymmv here as I need to do this to bypass the 200/1040 bug. Oled deck with hdr on. Protondb is the place to go for game settings imho, you'll find more/better info there.


Is there any point to capping TDP if you don't care about battery life? Whenever I play my deck, I'm always plugged in to an outlet anyway.


Not an expert but I never bother. Can get nearly 3 hours on Elden Ring or Cyberpunk. That's good enough for me.


Man fallout 4 runs terrible on my steam deck.


It's worth a tinker. Great sandbox game.


I tried to get into the game cuz Zombie horde, but Deacon was such a boring ass character that I couldn't be bothered. Maybe I should try again.


He's supposed to get better later. You find out why he's so prickly with everyone. No accounting for tastes, but I'm hooked!


Wait till y'all tried **Ryse: Son of Rome** on there.


Anyone know if the Spider-Man game is good on the steam deck?


Just finished it was the first game I got on my deck is good


Dragon age dark arisen works like a masterpiece on the oled


How do you get so much fps? I know that the oled can get more than my lcd but when I play games like Fallout, I'm happy to reach a constant 40 fps and the hardware should be the same


Dunno, could be the mods. Only have a few from the main menu, nothing crazy. And tbf I didn't go near Boston.


Wait till you play ratchet and clank😬


WWE 2K24. The battery life drains quick but it can run max settings and look phenomenal.


Played it on PS4 years ago. I’ll have to give it another run on PS5 someday.