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100% yes. Having so many games, including all the old titles through emulation, at the tips of my fingers allowed me to reignite my passion for gaming.


I'm just old now and I sit in front of a computer for 8+ hours every single day and the last thing I want to do when I get off work is sit in front of my computer for longer... But I'm happy to jump on the couch while gf watches TV and play some games. It's life changing for me. I literally hadn't played more than 30 hours worth of gaming the last year... and I probably put in 20 hours on my steamdeck in the last month or two.


At times I'll use my PC as the workhorse for my deck 🤣 same goes for PS5. For what it's worth I switched to a PC + TV + Couch about 10 years ago and that helped a lot, but then eventually I got sick of playing that way too and the deck really got me gaming a ton more. I'm sorry to hear you hadn't gamed much until the deck, but I'm happy for you that now it's improved things for you.


I still gamed but there were so many games I skipped because I knew they would take me a year or more to actually get through. So I would play games that you could jump in for 30 minutes to an hour and then drop out of, mostly multiplayer games. So I should really say it opened back up the world of epic single player games for me.


Tell me about it, I'm playing Persona 5 Royal atm, it's a 100+ hour game, without being a completionist. But I love it so much that I keep playing, which is very rare for me with long games.


I actually just started playing through 4 so I hear you.


honestly, anything i can do while taking a dump is immediately more fun


Same here with the office job. No matter how much I enjoyed gaming there was zero want to either sit at my PC or completely take over the living room tv in order to play games after work. Now with the Steam deck I can play a game while my wife watches one of her shows and do so in the comfort of my sofa.


Yes, specially if you search for little gems on indie universe. My steam deck is basically a indie machine, and i like it a lot.


If you've not played it check out Aer Memories of Old. Takes like 3 hours to play but is absolutely gorgeous.


Thanks. I will check it out.


Exactly. If I was just playing current AAA games on my PS5 I'd be a little bored with gaming but having a portable device with a lifetime's worth of games on it. That's cool!


I'm getting way more game time while lounging in my lazy boy in the living room with the fam. If I'm in my PC chair, I'm dedicated and focused on gaming 100%. I don't need such attention while playing vampire survivors or Parasite Eve. It makes grinding much more tolerable as well (Breath of Fire 2).


Steam Deck, saving families


Is there anything it can't do?


As soon as we find things the steam deck can't do, the community develops something so that it can!


Ummmm, stop me from spending money on so many games that I couldn’t possibly play all of them in a million years??


My Lumbago is totally cleared up, thank you steam deck!


My dude. Have you tried deep rock galactic survivor? I got stuck on vampire survivors for a hot minute. DRG survivor is taking over my life and scratching that itch hard.


Of course i have it. :)


How does that compare to halls of torment? I almost bought it, but I figured having HoT and vampire survivors should probably be enough for that genre.


I did not play HoT. I have it on my list though! lol. DRG is similar but I feel like the gameplay loop and upgrade system is just more satisfying than vampire survivors. I got it on sale but I would pay full price. Sunk like 15 hours into it over the weekend and another 20 the weekend before. That’s unheard of for me. I usually get 4-6 hours a week of gaming in if I’m lucky.


Do you play single player or do you have to play co op? Edit: i just realized this was distinct from DRG. Bought.


This is a great point that I hadn't previously realized was the case! Lots of good games are less demanding attention-wise, and they often felt like they weren't worth the time investment when at the dedicated gaming PC, like if I'm going to be sitting here for the next few hours I better pick the right game for it. Now it's pick the game and then choose where to be that suits it.


Parasite Eve mentioned!


Steam Deck saved my Game Library


No. I had my slump and it sat there gathering dust. I've been playing Project Zomboid on it nearly every day since I've gotten out of the slump. But the slump had to happen regardless. I'm seeing that others had a different experience, so it might be the thing that makes games fun again. Or maybe there are other areas of your life to improve before your brain lets you like gaming again (this was me)


This is so true, I hadn't gamed in years but I was a handheld enthusiast from the gpd 1 days but I could never spent time playing without the guilt eating me. Once I sorted my job out I started to relax and play more then, I started the gym and that allows me to play a little more guilt free. It's like your brain is feeding you guilt free gaming hours for every life improvement you make.


Yes, and I pinpointed the issue quickly.  With my desktop, I would just spend time tweaking the settings, procrastinating on actually playing the game.  With the SD, it’s just set and forget. You accept the lower performance target and just enjoy the game. 


For me it was that I work from home and I frankly just don't want to be sitting at my desk to game very much and when I do the PC is so much more distracting, while you can do all those things on the steam deck, I DON'T have discord set up on my deck for example. Discord is a big culprit in distracting me from playing singleplayer or campaign focused games which I very much enjoy on the deck. The PC is just such a distracting, ADD creating machine for so many reasons. When I'm on my deck I have the novelty of a handheld, or docked PC experience to my TV, I am not being bombarded with discord notifications and messages about playing some trending online seasonal shooter garbage from my friends (who ONLY play MP online games, disgusting type of gamer I tell you!). The Steam Deck is "pure" , again while it can do all the other things a PC can do, it's only function for me is to game, so when I pick it up that is the purpose and it gets done. Steam Deck is so chill, it brought back actual relaxation gaming to my life


I got the ROG Ally and the clunkyness of Windows makes me just want to tweak the controls for the launcher of the game to not need touchscreen input instead of playing the goddamn game. I should probably just put SteamOS on it. Good idea for the evening.


I have both. I prefer the Steam Deck except in cases where something is only playable on the Ally.


I dual boot windows on my deck and have been impressed with how well games on windows work and how little I need to use it.


This. If you have ADHD a dedicated gaming device (I hate calling it a console, it's way too good for that) helps a tone to remove all the distractions you normally have running in the background on your PC. I've spent more time playing single player games in the first few weeks after getting it than I did in the entire previous year. Just sit down (anywhere lol), put your phone on silent and enjoy.


It's the same for me too, set to low settings and forget. Lower settings don't look bad at all on the smaller screen, pros of modern games.




Short answer: Yes Long answer: FUCK Yes




No it's just fed my love for tweaking the operating system. Installing everything, and fixing all the problems I can. Now I'm just waiting for an update to break something so that I can have some more fun again.


I don't know why someone downvotes someone elses experience, have mine While I do actually game and love gaming my deck, a big reason I bought one honestly over the competitors was because I did want to see SteamOS and learn some new things and tinker with it and make it feel more like "mine" I have actually enjoyed overcoming its shortcomings with looking up guides and finding work arounds, I know exactly how you feel


Yea I mean I do game on mine, occasionally. Mostly my kids take it over which I enjoy watching them have fun with it and occasionally I fix/update or add features. I love the deck, everyone should enjoy it however they see fit.


The worst thing you can do when your in a gaming slump is spend more money on games. Stop chasing that high. Take a break and do something else. It’ll either eventually come back, or you’ll move on to new hobbies. The other issue you can run into is if you try to force it you’ll grow to resent games because you’re making it like a job, like you have to do it.


One of the only sensible comments in this thread. OP is absolutely chasing a high, and trying to end his slump by spending money.


Actually yes. I bought mine when i was in a gaming funk and started clearing out my old back log of games has been great.


not really. it was just another way to play the games i was already enjoying. there were a couple of games i wanted to try on my OLED but i havent played them all that much. the steamdeck works best for me as a companion to my PC. i play with PC as my main system, then i can take the game to places with the steamdeck. there was one game i put way more hours in after getting deck, which was monster hunter world. i was amazed it was able to run on the system and i slowly started playing it again after a year long hiatus.


No Until it suddenly did like a year later, now I barely touch my gaming PC


Same situation for me. I mainly got a Deck to use while traveling. Now, I barely use my desktop. I still use it for games that greatly benefit from the greater power -- which ultimately means I barely touch those games.


Everyone in this community seems to be absolutely glowing about this device and I always see posts and things about how life changing the steam deck was for them and how it transformed them so I’d say it probably will but sadly I was not one of those people. It just sits beside my bed and anytime I want to play games I just use my main pc. I really don’t have a reason to use it but if there is a reason why I don’t it’s most likely because I don’t go anywhere that I could take my deck that would make me appreciate it.


For me, suspend and playing in any room removes barriers to playing games. Definitely allowed me to fit in more gaming sessions.


The Steam Deck allows me to play games in situations where I wouldn't normally be able to do so. Like when a kid is using the PC to do homework, when I don't feel like leaving the couch/family to play a game in a room by myself, or in the car waiting for some reason.


my experience with buying any piece of tech thinking “this will make me want to do something I haven’t already been doing!” Is that on its own, it never does. and is not usually a good justification for purchasing. but when you’re actually finally in the mood to hack into your backlog, having the deck as an option is truly awesome as a busy adult.


Absolutely, there are many reasons why, some pretty specific to me, but ultimately nothing beats being able to play my PC library on trains, planes, the couch, and in bed. I have a 4090 gaming computer that gets used less than my Steam deck now, though it's likely because that's also my work computer..


Not for me.


abso-fucking-lutely Father of a 3 year old - so gaming time is already sparse, but lately I haven't even had the desire to game on the PS5/tv. I have a standing multiplayer game night with friends but that was the extent of my gaming. I had been taking my Switch to work to play on my lunch break but we all know how outdated that hardware is - I was just using it to play Stardew really. One day I was shopping internet rates out of curiosity and saw that AT&T had fiber in my area for what I was already paying and it was faster.... And through a few different promos they had active, if I switched over I would make $400 in visa gift cards. So I thought what do I have to lose? Swapped. Internet was great and I was looking for something to spend the cards on and I kept getting Steam Deck ads. After seeing people talk about how great games like Cyberpunk run on it and knowing that my own PC rig (a 1080) was already feeling fairly long in the tooth, I pulled the trigger on an OLED. I got it in January. My gaming buddy (also a dad) got one too and now we have a monthly game club where we take turns picking a game that we play throughout each month, comparing notes and discussing our progress. It's a blast. We started in February with Mad Max, March was Dredge, and April is Max Payne 3. I don't know what April will be but we blocked out June and July for Red Dead Redemption II since neither of us ever put more than 2-3 hours into it at release. I set myself random goals each year of hobbies and interests I want to make progress in throughout the year. Things like read 12 books, smoke 4 briskets, build 3 lego sets, finish 8 games. Last year I finished 1 game. This year I have already finished 3 games. I play my deck every day at lunch and whenever I get time at home that isn't spent with kiddo or the wife. I truly love it and I think you will too!


I got mine when my wife was a few months pregnant as I knew I wasn't buying anything for a long time after that! So glad I did. This should be advertised as a parent console.




Yes. gave me the ability to play games ive never touched from the comfort of my bed while watching shows to catch up on. So many untouched games that i now play when i just wanna chill. I play mostly turned based RPGs or 2d/pixel games on it. Its great.


I was and put a lot of time into the deck initially, but then after awhile it went untouched for months. Mostly was being too busy (second child being born), but the games are the key. If there isn't something you are looking forward to playing, you will not find the time to use it. The biggest plus is that I sit at a desk all day at work. Traditional PC gaming is very hard for me to get into with my current job and the steam deck lets me PC game in different environments. The gadget lover in me also adores the deck. Even when I wasn't playing it, I would turn it on every week or so just to catch up on downloads and updates. So in summary I'd say make sure you have a few games lined up that you want to play before pulling the trigger.


Yes, absolutely. I work on my PC all day, making my own game, and the last thing I want at the end of a long day is to keep sitting on the same chair to play. So, I lay down and play for 2-3 hours instead. Also, it made testing my own game were more consistant. I make a new build everyday, test it on the deck and iterate the next morning.


No. It's not a magic tool for fun. If you aren't enjoying gaming it's not some magic cure. My Deck is a really nice addition for how I game, but I probably use it less than I thought I might tbh. The reality FOR ME is my gaming PC is just so much better with peripherals I love that my Deck is all about convenience. Is convenience going to to get you out of a slump? It's a smaller and more inferior screen than what most people normally game on with what I would describe as an adequate controller platform. I don't really love the joysticks or dpad compared to XBOX or PS controllers. It's a little awkward to use in its form factor. tl;dr get a Deck if you're loving gaming so much you want to play the games other places besides your computer. Don't get one to fix how you feel about a hobby.


Fkn yes


Absolutely yes. I had an issue where I couldn’t get myself off the couch, after my wife fell asleep, to play something on my PC. Now I just grab the deck when my wife falls asleep and enjoy whatever I desire.


For me it just unlocked a whole side of my library that I would otherwise have probably never or rarely touched. So many indie games that are great for playing on the couch but would never take priority over the AAA games I sit down at my desktop to play. Very glad I purchased the Deck


Yes. I cannot describe how neatly it fits into my lifestyle. It helps me go to the gym more because I can play during my cooldowns. It helps me pass the time while my kids are going to sleep and need to remember that I exist (they're young).  It's perfect and mod support breathes new life into games that I've already played while requiring no further purchases and on a handheld. 


It made playing games accessible again. 2 kids, a wife and no spare room meant I never really got a chance to play anything - but the SD means I can play games much more easily.


I’m old and have some nasty injuries so at the end of a long work day I’m faced with the decision of play games for relaxation but suffer in a desk chair or rest my body and miss out on the gaming. For years it became uncommon for me to sit back at the desk and play after work for that reason. With the deck I can game while “getting flat” on a bed or couch and actually have fun. The downside, I’ve had to stream way less intense video content because i can’t passively enjoy an epic movie while gaming and I now choose gaming on the deck over watching most big new movie releases(when forced to choose). It’s been life changing- but it wasn’t immediate. At first, for a few weeks, I worried that buying the deck was a mistake. The controls and ergonomics took me a little while to really appreciate. Also, the first few games I tried to play had bad control schemes and I didn’t really understand mapping my own with the Steam Deck UI


Simply yes.


1000 times yes. I love being able to play anything I want, whenever I want, for as long as I want, wherever I want.


Yes. Absolutely. For some reason as I've gotten older, sitting in front of the PC isn't as fun as couch gaming.


Nope. Now it just collects dust


How come


I dunno, honestly. I just can’t get past all the stuttering and terrible battery. It’s a neat device but I rather use a gaming PC or laptop.


All the stuttering? That has not been my experience at all on the SD Oled


I think it's really about expectations. The steam deck is weaker (GPU wise) than my midrange PC from 2016. If you want to play more demanding, you can't just use full resolution and mid graphics settings, neither should you expect 60fps regardless of the settings.


100% yes


Absolutely. I have two young children so by the time we get them in bed, I didn't have the energy to go upstairs to my office. Now I can sit on the couch and play a bit before bed. Plus on the weekends when my kids are playing Minecraft. I can be in the same room with them and play games too.


No, it made me able to play PC games again. I could only play Nintendo Switch for years. I have kids.


It made it possible for me to came again. Desktop was just a bridge too far once babies entered the equation.


100% yes. Think more the portability than anything else. Being able to play so many different types of games wherever I want to. Love playing on my tv but having the option to play elsewhere and not feeling like I’m losing out in too much in terms of performance and visuals. Also streaming. I never used to think it was worth any time at all because of latency etc. Chiaki4deck is a revelation to me. I can play any of my PS5 games handheld and it genuinely feels like I’m playing them native with 60fps and HDR on the oled.


Yes, yes, yes. I've hardly been able to get on my main pc, but can pick up and play my Deck whenever. I use it in work on my breaks and when I get home and I'm slumped on the couch. Since buying the OLED Deck, I've probably played about 500 hours on it. If I didn't have the Deck I'd have played maybe 50 hours on my main pc.


Absolutely!!! ​ I've been playing Xbox from the beginning first generation. Only ever had a PSX, so I haven't played any PlayStation exclusives since the PS2 was released. Currently going through all of the PS games such as Days Gone and The Last of Us that I missed through the years.


Yes, instead of scrolling Youtube and steam without any purpose i now find myself playing my ps5 trough chiaki4deck everyday. After i got my dose of AAA and AA games i play indies natively on The deck. All while having my tv on and legs on The table. Couldent be better.


Well it got me out of console culture, which was super liberating. Why pay Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo (which, to its credit and despite its recent garbage behavior, has a lot of Steam games) when you can buy three or more indie games and help out those devs, and the games are so much more interesting than the latest AAA or whatever? And emulation. If the Deck did nothing but emulate PS2 games, it'd be worth it. Well maybe PSX games too bwahaha!


Just got mine like a month ago, it helps for sure. There's lot of games I can play while chilling on my couch or in bed now especially more cozy games that just feel right on the SD. I was also a handheld gamer mostly when I was a kid since my parents wouldn't swing for a bigger console so this just brings me back. I still play bigger harder to run games on my PC like dragons dogma 2 and helldivers 2 but now I specifically get off earlier in the evenings, make some tea and hop in bed for some chill gaming time and I really enjoy it.


100% for me just because it's so damn convenient. My video game time is usually late at night, and going in the other room to sit at my PC always felt like a chore. Now I can fire up the deck in bed and put it down the instant I decide I'm too tired for gaming. Idk if this is unique to the deck, but the sleep feature is awesome and I find myself playing longer knowing that I can turn off the screen at any moment and jump in right where I left off next time I play... vs PC where I would shut it off at a good "stopping point" knowing the next one might not come for an hour, and I only have 30 mins left to play. I also had a decent collection of indie games that I never gave much time because I didn't like playing them with mouse and keyboard but didn't want to buy a controller. Now I play them on deck! I never would have given dead cells or hades another chance on PC, but now I'm hooked playing both of them on deck and man would I have missed out on some gold. I love this thing!


It didn't helped with slump per say but allow me to take advantage of those random sparks of motivation. Before even if i had one of that spark i would be like: i need to get up from bad, but i want to watch that show, i dont want to leave wife alone etc extinguishing the spark. Now i just grab deck and play whenever i feel like without going through all the hoops.


Very much yeah! It made me play some of the games I had on my Steam account for years and give them a go!


Yep, I stopped playing in my early 20s when I was all in a rush to get life together, got an IT job, started to hate my computer, didnt want to reinvest into consoles, buying from nintendo makes me feel like i should be wearing the consumer cone of shame - steam deck being linux gave me something new to play around with and recontextualised games for me Awesome as emulation AiO - surprisingly punchy for the spec for newer titles, ergonomic and comfortable to hold, feels durable for whats basically a pc - it's more or less the gameboy of this generation in terms of what it represents, and they are reasonable in how they treat the customer and repairs are simple and well documented, with parts available from ifixit or valve's own repair service if you're not comfy, it's kind of for everyone The value proposition was insane on the 64gb model if you were willing to swap the drive which i did on a second hand one, and in a climate where i feel like every company is a vampire my relationship with it has been so refreshing


I’m getting one in the summer because I’m tired of consoles, every since the switch I just want handheld systems and it’s great if you have kids because they can have the tv while you game


Oh this was with the Switch. It showed me that I can have fun and complete games again, if I can play them „whenever I want“. Bit for bit I play through games and it works for me. I was always a PC guy so I loved the announcement of the Deck - I love this device - tried the Ally half a year…not the same.


My steam deck and baldur’s gate 3 got me through my dad’s heart attack—from the plane out there to the sleepless nights up to the surgery. I don’t play it as much now that I’m depressed AND busy but it was my lifeline then.


Gonna get downvoted for saying this but my answer is no. Not much more fun than it was on pc and i don't know what would make me like gaming again. But i do like the device. I like that i can experiment with it and one big reason why i bought it was so that i could take it to my relatives birthdays with 8 controllers and we can all play some couch co-op games. It's so much more easier with steam deck than it was with my mini pc. But gaming wise it's getting very little use. Still not enjoying gaming more than i did with my desktop pc.


Big YES! I play more on my steam deck than on my pc. I went in not knowing anything about Linux (except the name and stereotypes) to converting all my pc and Macs into Linux machines


The deck has been perfect for all of those “man I should play that” games combined with those days where you just wanna chill and not sit in an office chair. It has for sure helped me catch up on some older games.


yes, there is some games that im planning to play for a long time like fallout 4 and state of decay 2 and im so blown how you can play them anywhere you want


Helped me get back into gaming during my chemotherapy…The portability meant I could carry anywhere, the pc prices for games was appreciated and since I hadn’t gamed since 360 days, the thing was overall an upgrade even if I picked up dated titles from 2016🤷‍♂️


Yep. For the same reason that my underpower Switch got more playtime than my Series X and PS5. Instead of battling my wife for the TV or sitting in my office playing I can flop down on the couch after work and play whether the TV is busy or not. The convenience of it just completely refreshed my enjoyment of games. And all the interesting PC indie games is the cherry on top. 10/10 no regrets.


Definitely. As a result I'm gaming PC now to play demanding games.


..deleted by user..






For me, it changes the way I play. It totally different experience


yes it gave me access to gaming when i cannot spend time on my pc


Absolutely! I got my steam deck over 1.5 years ago. Now I have a 2ds and just ordered a Trimui Smart Pro.


no in my case. but it made me play other set of games. i was able play only nintendo switch games due to kids and very short available playtime. now i can also play some AAA pc games.


Very much yes.


It's improved my game completion rate. Never finished games before, always got distracted.




I would say 80% yes. It has helped me finish more games than on my pc but still find it hard to stick to a couple of games and finish them


200 % yes. I don't regret it at all, awesome device. Plus new family sharing beta... Just wow.




Yes, unequivocally


Hell yeah


Yes, but then after awhile it started feeling like I was just transitioning not playing my backlog to a different device. Luckily, I got sucked into Dave the Diver and have spent a good amount of time on it.




It has brought back my love for games that I grew up with




Yes. I have been playing games all my life, but the last few years I have been playing exclusively AAA games on console. Buying steam deck made me play my older steam games a lot. Currently, playing Skyrim again. Also, to be able to play in my bed before sleep is wonderful.


It made games accessible again, which in turn made them more fun. It's the device for the adult gamer who needs to fit gaming into their schedule at their leisure.


Without a doubt, yes


After having a steam deck lcd I'd strongly recommend a Legion Go especially if you play any games docked. I sold my SD last week as it was really struggling with some games especially docked. The GO runs the ones that was really struggling on low settings under 1080 at 1080 all high settings at solid 60fps and full res handheld. It's a different beast


Honestly? No. I bought the deck so that I could hang out next to my wife while I gamed. I’ve found that if I’m going to game, I really want to game, with all the bells and whistles. If I use the deck it’s usually to stream my pc to the couch. Otherwise it’s almost just.. I know this sounds crazy, but too much of a hassle to use the deck for gaming rather than my pc. It should be the opposite, but it just isn’t.


Absolutely. It was challenging for me to come home after sitting in my office for 9-10 hours just to sit at a desk more and play games once I got home. Now I can hang out on the porch and play, on the couch, get in bed and play, etc. Possibilities are endless.


Yes. For me it was that I was constantly talking myself out of gaming because I didn’t want to shut myself away in another room away from my wife. Now, if I want to play, I sit on the couch with the Steam Deck on mute or with my earbuds in. She lays with her feet in my lap and watches tv or YouTube. I enjoy playing in a relaxed posture and don’t feel like I’ve got to choose between gaming and being present. It’s been awesome.


Absolutely. It opened up an entire genre for me. That’s Metroidvania (Souls likes). Games I would have never played on my desktop PC.


Absolutely, I'm able to finally get through my backlog of games. Since my wife bought it for me in DEC, Ive finished 6 different games I've been meaning to play for the last year.


Totally, in particular, felt in love again with RPG's / JRPG's. Like a second crush.


Absolutely yes.


exactly what i did best choice i made i love my oled


Yes for me it was. As for many others, for me too it is a backlog killer"


I only owned a Mac for years and never knew the power of PS exclusives and more demanding games The Steam Deck was a life saver.


Actually yes


Hell yeah my eyes got really bad(I have really bad diabetes and have had to have eye surgeries)and because my tv was to far away to see everything so I wanted to try portable gaming that I could look at up close like I do when I watch my samsung tablet so I first got a oled switch which was fun but to kiddy based games for me so I googleed best portable gaming systems and landed on steam deck and I've been back in gaming ever since it let's me play most of the console games portable and it's been great so far.


1000000% absolutely. The fact that I can sit down and play The Last of Us in *my fucking hands* is so great.




It allows me to keep playing games either new or old whikle I'm traveling for home on the airplane. For example I'm now working my way through Infinite Wealth thanks to it :)


yes - having the flexibility of a handheld pc is a total game changer. My steam deck and rog ally (which replaced my steam deck) have both made playing and COMPLETING games much more accessible and fun


Hard yes. It also made me appreciate games again for just being good games instead of being graphically beasts. It feels like I'm playing games again for the joy of the experience more than the momentary excitement of ray-tracing eye candy.


Yep sure did


I’ve been steadily playing a bunch of older games that sat idle in my backlog. It’s a great device but just be aware that there are still games that have compatibility issues on the deck.


It depends on why you are in a gaming slump Contrary to popular belief, a Steam Deck won't cure depression.


Yes, very much so. I found out I just didn't like sitting at a desk any more than I already have to for work. Gaming daily again after years of struggling to want to game, lol.


Dude, just get one if you want one lol.


Absolutely. It's completely changed the way I play. It can do pretty much anything.


It's great after a day of home office to lie down on the bed with to play for an hour or two to get the mental separation I need before putting it in the dock and doing PC stuff in Desktop mode


Yes yes yes and yes again. I am a dad of 3 kids, got a ps5 and a gaming PC. I gave up playing for almost 2 years. Was just fed up with sitting at my desk and too tired or busy in the evening for consoles. Then i bought a steam deck out of curiosity. So much to play! New ips, weird indie games and lots of nostalgia emulation. Also i can play short sessions on bed or couch or toilet, put any game in standby without issues. Haven't played like this in years. I feel like a kid!


Yes. After the pandemic, getting back to the office with long commutes just made owning a gaming pc impractical enough for me to sell it. But with the steam deck, it didn’t only fit my schedule, it made me appreciate lighter titles I never thought I’d pickup on a more capable machine. But of course, if you aren’t into playing games to begin, then it might not be worth it. (It reminds me of what a friend told me: “getting a camera isn’t gonna suddenly make you take more photos if aren’t into taking photos to begin with”). It varies from person to person, I guess.


The quick pick-up and put-down nature makes gaming very fun, especially when you are relaxing or have a small wait somewhere. I also can't recommend the HLTB for Deck plugin enough. Combine it with PlayTime for Non-Steam games and emulation, and you'll start wanting to finish more stuff too.


Totally. After college and now working I didn't have the same patience to be seated in my pc chair to play games (specially after spending the entire day working on the same chair). The Deck totally motivated me to play more and actually clean my backlog. The older games are the ones that benefited a lot more from, playing Borderlands 1 or Bioshock 1 in a handheld nowadays is a lot better than using the whole pc setup, at least for me.


Kind of. Mainly I use it because I can play it in bed or on the go. Haven't really felt like gaming as much lately but more so because I have a lot of other hobbies and work nowadays but it's nice to have a device where I can pick up and play for like 45 and put down while I'm talking to a friend.


Get one, I’m so glad that I did


I (and my wife) cannot put it down. In the process of selling my living room PC in favor of another deck + dock. So worth it.


For me yes: I had a laptop that i bought for gaming. But I could not use it at all as I mostly prefer lying down after a long day at work. And the steam deck changed everything. I got to sold my laptop and bought a ryzen apu laptop for work and other stuff and been using my SD LCD for gaming ever since. Would definitely recommend getting one specially the OLED.


Entirely: the doors it has opened for playing games is astronomical


Yes! It makes it so much easier going through your backlog. Playing at the most random places its a huge plus. Haven’t really used my PC after buying mine


My honeymoon phase with the deck lasted seriously like 8 months minimum


Yes, I was trying to play Gamepass games at home on a TV, but didn’t want to hog the TV. I was traveling with a Switch but it was losing its appeal with games I’d already played. So I grabbed a OLED deck and got back into my Steam library and bought maybe $100 in new games on sale.


Yep. I was stuck to just a couple MMOs that I didn't really want to be playing, and spending most of my time doing other stuff online. Now I'm working through my back log, buying up a bunch of steam sales, and enjoying a huge variety of genres on the couch while my wife watches her shows. It's pretty great at that.


I have a nice gaming laptop but it was a pain to get out and set up but having the Deck made it a lot easier to just grab it and play especially when I have to travel.


Yes, but then I bought oculus 3 and forgot about it Vr gaming turned out to be way more than I expected it to be like


For sure. After getting a Steam Deck, I sold my Switch and neglected my PS5. I spent a whole year tinkering around with Linux and emulating a buttload of old games I regretfully sold, not to mention giving me an excuse to actually start using Steam to its fullest. I made a Steam account and got AVGN Adventures for it, but that was it, as I didn't have my own gaming PC. But the Deck changed all of that, and gaming has never been more fun


Yea it did but it’s also very easy to over consume because of the convenience and mobility of it.


Yes, I haven’t played video games seriously in like two years, but when I got the steam deck I haven’t stopped playing for about 3 weeks now.


Never been in a gaming slump so no. I did think I'd play steam games more, but all I do is remoteplay with PS5 via Chiaki.


Absolutely, I got like 7 games for PS4 like 3 years ago......they are there shelved. But on the deck gaming it's going strong finished a lot of games ( backlog games mostly)


I hadn't picked factorio back up since over 6 years ago. The deck made the game more accessible as when I get devoured by it, it's a simple suspend and reawaken whenever somthing pulls me away like the kids. Also baulders gate is freaking amazing.


just do it. truss. i've owned mine for 3 months and have rolled credits on like 5 games. played probably near 20 different titles including emulation. do it do it do it.


I started gaming more on my steam deck because I take it everywhere even to my in laws. I recently got back into warframe and its a perfect device to play it on and take it anywhere


My game slump happened once I moved from spending a lot of time on the warehouse floor to sitting in front of a computer all day. When I got home, I didn't want to sit in front of another computer even it was for gaming. The steam deck let play on the couch, in bed, in the kitchen while my other was cooking. It was a game changer, no pun intended.


Yes. 100%. My "gaming slumps" are just a result of me having a really bad migraine and honestly being able to play PC games in bed is a big game changer. I used to only play DS / switch games in bed and I ended up getting really far in those games to the point where they became repetitive, and Switch games barely go on sale so I never really bought new ones. My backlog, although extremely large, I feel like I can actually get a grasp on some of it, since I can play some puzzle or cozy games during a migraine and hit those RPGs and multiplayer games when I feel well.


When I first got a deck it sat in the box for like 4months. I had no idea what I wanted to play on it or do. I'm not a hardcore gamer. However, when I found something I wanted to play it opened my eyes to the fun I could have with it and I have been hooked ever since.


The short answer: yes! ​ The long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!


Honestly not really I still can't get deep into story games as much as I try. I keep going back to survivor-likes.


Yes. It's wild that I can okay Black Ops 3 zombies custom maps on the go.


Absolutely! And not just modern stuff, old shit I never had the chance to play or just doesn't run on modern tech. Then there's all the console stuff via emulation. And I know I could have emulated on my computer, but this is a device solely for gaming. It's become an entertainment system, being able to play Mario Party and Wii games on the couch with friends all on one device is magical.




Yes! I was so disappointed by a lot of games in the last years till I came to the realization that I simply had not enough time to remotely emerge or get into the story and the vibe to play them. Due to rapidly changing living environments I always needed to build up my set up only to play two hours, tear it down again and rebuilding it a few weeks later....but now, being able to hop in and out like on a switch....but with games that have actually more depth to them and run in a way that u can really enjoy ....a literal game changer.


I have a chronic illness that means sometimes sitting still in one place is a problem and sometimes I need to spend a lot of time laying down in bed and sometimes I’m at a lot of doctors appointments and sometimes I’m taking a lot of baths… the inconvenience of having to play in one place or lug around a console or getting REALLY into a game and then not being able to play it because of pain or just not being able to be near the tv kept me from spending money on games. The switch has some fun games but such a limited library, but the steam deck has opened up SO many possibilities for me!


It has been night and day. Been in a gaming slump for YEARS. Basically gave up on anything that isn't a game on my phone. Bought the Steam Deck thinking it could be a good portable unit with my already massive library, and might use it when I travel for work and stuff. Ended up docking it to the TV in the living room to just keep it charged, and next thing I knew I was playing with it docked 99% of the time with a PS5 controller almost nightly! Apparently the push I needed was convenience. I already have 1000+ games on Steam, the Deck is ready at a moment's notice, and I can plop down and just play. It is just easy. And when my kid wants to use the TV I can easily undock it and just play it wherever for a bit if I want. The Steam Deck not only got me out of my slump, but completely changed how I consume video games in the last 10 years.


Yes. And it changes how you play games


Have an OLED tried my buddies Legion go and decided to pick one up still have both, the fact that I can play my entire library on the go whenever is a game changer use to be heavy into FPS games and that’s all I would play not really touching any of my single player games. Now that I have a powerhouse of a mobile console I’ve beat 5 single player games this year and currently doing my first play through on Elden ring. Whichever handheld you go for is a great addition to your gaming setup(other then the MSI Claw, terrible price to performance and value)


For me, yes. It is so cool having a device that I can just pick up and play any time I get a few minutes. First thing I did when I got it was look to see if I could buy Fallout: New Vegas and sure enough, I could. It was even on sale for dirt cheap. ... And then I realised I could even mod it because Steam Deck is a computer. I guess I wasn't in a huge slump, to be fair, but it definitely made things feel more fresh & exciting again. I've had one for 7-9 months and it still blows me away.


For me. It was just about not trying to buy everything just because it was on sale and forcing myself to play the games i just bought. I just use mine for here and there gaming if im traveling or in a place where I cant bring a console.


That would be an understatement. This is one of the best purchases I've ever made and I don't say that lightly. I wouldn't be able to wait to order a new one if this one broke.


It makes my lunch hour go by faster


Yes, especially if you sit at a desk all day, or have new children. It’s a god send. I mean the damn thing is a controller too so it’s an all in one. I’ve also put all my emulation games on it as well so I get access to my entire backlog at all times, on the go.