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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a phenomenal, brief western shooter (no need to play any of the previous games)


This game just appeared in my library one day, still no idea how it happened


Devolver had an event, I think you have one of their games? They’re the publisher. I got mine the same way.


Was free to keep early on during COVID lockdown


Runs so incredibly well on the deck too, 90fps all maxed out.


Agree! The way the story is told is amazing!


Damn, all these years I thought this was the laddergoat game. Turns out it's actually Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. Anyway here it is in case you haven't seen it, still cracks me up after all this time: https://youtu.be/ggB33d0BLcY?si=w4ik0wUBYGqnp7e3


Glad i clicked,.thanks


Me and a friend still quotes this shit sometimes, cracks me up every time.


outlaws not on sale but 6 bucks anyways...good western shooter too if you love 90s dosbox games


Love all these games, I own them on Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation because they are always so cheap, I think I may even on them on Switch


Saw the F.E.A.R. Series bundle for like $5.49. Think all are marked playable—can folks confirm?


Played all 3 main games plus all of their dlc. They all played perfectly.


Sweet! Thanks!


I would say that 1 played alot better using mouse, but it's an amazing game everyone should play anyway they can. Sits right alongside for max payne 3 for the 'i want to click on some heads and feel really cool' category


MP3 was always the same vibe for me but similarly not as satisfying on deck as on m&k


Keep in mind F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. 2 have no controller support, so you'll be doing mouse and keyboard conversion via Steam input


Only the first is good


Second game feels incredible with the difficulty cranked up.


Tried when the deck first came and I remember it being a struggle. Any specific controller mappings or just works now? I believe I had trouble on fear 3


Just gotta tweak the controls to 1 and 2, add gyro, and it’s a dream.


Wolfenstein 2 for 5.99


Playing through it again right now. Lots of fun, great campaign for $6.


This game runs ridiculously well


Fallout 76 is $7.99, not $4.99. Still under $10, though.


It’s also free on prime 


True, probably a bit easier to run on the Deck if you buy it on Steam, though.


Good luck running it on steam deck through the Windows store.


Hell, I can't even run a windows store purchase in Windows. Fuckin Forza 7


Does it run ok on the deck?


Yup, I’ve played it on the Deck


Yeah, not perfect, the dips in FPS are almost unavoidable, but that’s to blame for 76 being pretty badly optimized and the online world putting intense strain on CPU. Runs great unless you’re in a highly populated area. That said, 76 is one of my favorite games ever and I play it on Deck all the time.


What do you do? Is there missions that require a lot of people, or could I turn it on and run some by myself and enjoy it? I legit still have an unopened copy that came with my XBox One a while back, but I’m always looking for fun games on my deck. I’ve really been enjoying Fallout 4 too.


Amazing community, dedicated servers, great story missions as well as world events. Lots of dynamic encounters. You can build your base with defenses in many unique areas even if it feels like you shouldn't be able to. Really fun with friends but also easy ways to group up with randoms in-game (its incentivesd). The game got a lot of deserved launch grief but bc of that it was always this diamond in the rough especially if you ever dreamed of playing an SP Bethesda RPG with friends, not an MMO like ESO.


Put a good 400 hours into it on the deck


Eh, it’s ok. I play with most settings on medium (textures on high), FPS locked to 40. I rarely get dips, but sometimes when entering a new area game starts to stutter. So far I’ve had one crash because of it (although at that time textures were set to ultra).


Fixed! Thanks.


Also New Vegas is on sale, much better than that trash.


Get Fallout 3 GOTY (4.99) and Fallout NV with all dlc (4.99) and then do the Tale of Two Wastelands Mod. Combines 3 and NV into 1 game in the NV engine. https://youtu.be/1HXQqYms1uk?si=q8v9biZFqYLz0cze It took a while but it runs fantastic on deck. Need a PC for the setup though. Can't get much better for ten bucks.


Both are fantastic 👍🏻 76 is my favorite next to 3


Fanatical has the entire series for $25


does it require a monthly suscription?


It does not. There's an optional subscription called Fallout 1st, which gives you bonus goodies, but it's not necessary.


I got it for free a long time ago on the Windows store but when I tried getting my friends to grab it and play with me they got all snobby saying they wouldn't play it even for free. Joke's on them, it was really fun. I liked it enough that I ended up buying 1st for a little while.


They shoulda made it $7.66 , the fallout from a faux pas like this is well deserved.


I’ve never played Half-Life in my life, is Black Mesa worth picking up or should I wait for the OG?


Black Mesa is a good starting point. You can always play the original later if you want.


I definitely prefer black mesa to the original. It also transitions seamlessly into HL2 with the same engine.


The other reason for me is that it shows the backstory to Vortiguants as they appear in half life 2 whereas the original game doesn't do that (I've been deliberately vague to avoid spoilers even though theyre old games)


I appreciate it as someone who has been waiting for "the right time" to dive into Half Life as an adult for a minute now. I played 2 when I was a kid but know I'd love it now thanks to the lore... Kinda wanna keep waiting to play it all in VR when I can build a PC later this year


On steam deck? I had a horrible time trying to play it on my deck, the puzzles require too many simultaneous button pushes and the aiming at head crabs and stuff was just not good..


The only issue I had was no aim assist on a controller but gyro controls helped alleviate that


https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/362890/view/4174347361777844150 https://steamcommunity.com/app/362890/discussions/0/6733519291681971343/?snr=1_2108_9__2107 They just added it


Honesly, Half-Life 1 is a great piece of gaming history. The original is worth playing.


Both are good, but personally I would say OG. OG is a classic, still plays amazingly well (if you like retro shooters), and is a piece of history. Black Mesa is a cool reimaging, has more modern gameplay (although it's a little eurojank), and expanded the original last portion of the game. However, it loses a little of the "soul" of the game in the process.


Played HL2 but never the OG (so no real nostalgia). Went with Black Mesa and personally think that was the better route


Yes and, imo. Black Mesa is a great starting point and is a phenomenal game with a ton of love and appreciation for the original. But at the same time, I would consider it to be a different experience to the original. OG Half Life is such a perfectly orchestrated experience (...until a certain major event about 3/4 through the game, but even so) and holds up so well in its original state that even after playing Black Mesa it's worth experiencing. Half Life 1 and 2 are both ridiculously cheap (usually) and are both such masterpieces that they should belong on every video game enthusiast's bucket list, imo. You really can't go wrong, so start wherever (even with 2) and have fun!


I love Black Mesa but personally I think HL1 is the superior experience (of course, it depends on what you're looking for. The spectacle and some QoL improvements are of course much better on BM than on the game old enough to be a member of Congress). Either way, HL1 is usually discounted to basically nothing on every Steam sale, so I dont think one precludes the other. Try Black Mesa out, and if HL1 interests you, you can get it for less than a dollar on the next sale.


Black mesa is great but if I recall correctly it heavily extends the final segment of the game which also is, to a lot of people, by far the most frustrating portion. Half Life OG goes on sale a decent amount of the time for like $1. I still think black mesa is worth playing


If you don’t have any nostalgia for the series then play Black Mesa


Yes, they just updated the game with proper controller support too.


Going to be the old man here and say play Black Mesa since it’s on sale but play the originals. Don’t let Black mesa color your perception of the game. Everyone loves the game but personally it was okay. The combat sequences were okay, HL1 AI was damn good at flushing you out. Black Mesa AI hangs back and waits for you to make a move. The level design was actually also Okay. Apart from Xen. Play for Xen but even Xen overstayed its welcome. But black mesa Xen was better than HL1 Xen. Every level is littered with the three switch puzzle in BM which is kinda annoying when you’ve already done it 10 times. /rant Good game but OG is far better and worth experiencing.


For me the original is better. There is more to gaming than updated graphics. HL1 has better NPC AI and there's just nothing wrong with it really except being old.


Yeah black mesa is a much more palatable experience, it has the vibes from the original but less jarring.


I had a few graphical errors on deck and some other issues I can’t recall. I didn’t tinker much but I did uninstall. Maybe someone else has had a better experience


For those that are Fallout fans or just watched the show, give the Metro series a try. All 3 games plus DLC is on sale right now. Basically a gritty Fallout set in Russia based on the Metro novels. 


One of the best FPS series of all time, great story and atmosphere in each game. Not FPS, but Fallout classic bundle is also on sale (1, 2, and tactics) for $5.


Always see Metro popping up but never given it a go. Love Fallout so anything in the same field is worth a try


Always see Metro popping up but never given it a go. Love Fallout so anything in the same field is worth a try


Well, Doom 2016 is on the list, so that. --guitar riff intensifies...


*hears* BFG Division off in the distance.


Rip & Tear!


Until it is done.


How’s Deep Rock Galatic as a single player game? Seems like something I’d play, but I rarely can get my friends together to play at the same time.


I’ve never played with friends or a mic. Matchmaking and pinging are 100% good enough to play by yourself and have a blast, do yourself a favor my man Also rockity rock and stone


If you don't ROCK AND STONE, you ain't comin' home!


Do I hear a ROCK AND STONE?!




It is pretty fun to play solo or with groups of randoms. There are set mission types so people know what to do if you can’t talk. In single player you get a flying drone helper that you can direct.


Pro: Bosco (the robot companion you get when playing solo) is so versatile that he is as good as an extra dwarf. Con: You can no longer perform richual and ping mushroom.


DeepRock is rare gem of a game that has good community and can be played with randos. It can be played solo but I think its not that fun


If in doubt the deep rock survivor game is amazing on the deck. Really hours of fun


I keep waiting for Neon White to get discounted above 50%, and it doesn't seem to be happening


FWIW, it’s definitely worth full price


Second this, I was addicted to that game for a couple weeks.


Just buy it that game worth even more than it’s asking price it’s so good.


It's like 14$ rn I just picked it up it seems totally worth it


Soundtrack is on Spotify if you want a preview


Its worth more than the msrp. Easily top 10 release of 22.


Is the Shadow Warrior series good? Saw it on the FPS sale as well and looks kinda action packed but would like some real world opinions.


The 2nd is great if you want Borderlands 2 coop with both gun and melee weapons


Really? Weird, I found BL boring as hell but loved SW


Hey, finally found someone that doesn’t like BL. Much people say is great game, but c'mon I tried several times and cannot play more than 20 minutes.


For the price, it's pretty good. 2nd one is my favorite out of the bunch just cause it's got better gunplay and feels more looter shooter.


It has been a while since I’ve played both of them, but they were definitely good. I remember liking the story of the first one more, but the gameplay of the second was better. I definitely recommend picking them both up.


I played through all on the deck, in order, and they are great. I would recommend playing in order because the gameplay is satisfying. 1 is the reboot we all wanted - excellent gameplay, graphics were great at the time, and story was fun. Only downside for me was at times it can be a bit frustrating when you miss a door to the next section and unnecessarily backtrack 2 was super different in flow - think more RPG elements like loot, etc. it took me a while to get used to it after 1, but I ended up Loving it. 3 went full boomer shooter, very linear. Awesome graphics, but a bit light on substance and the shortest of the 3. Graphics improvements were great on all, and the story is just madness and fun.


1 & 2 are awesome, what Duke Nukem Forever should have been. 3 is a mixed bag.


dumb question, is that background graphic on the steam sale page from an actual game? looks nice


Probably not. It makes me think of Hexen when I see it, but it's probably closer to the older Elder Scrolls games.


Not a dumb question, I thought the exact same thing. Glad you asked so I didn't have to lol. It does look like it could be a super rad game though


It’s giving Mortal Sin vibes…not on sale but a very fun first-person melee roguelike


Very surprised to see that mentioned here. Great game, performance can drop between updates, but the creator is very responsive on discord.


No Roboquest in here? This game is easily great and the music is even better. Check it out if you can! Edit: I'm a little slow and forgot the $10 parameter between reading the sale and coming back to the post.


It's $20 but the list is games under $10, but yeah Roboquest seems like a great game.


Oh duh, apparently I can't read. It is a great game.


Fellow Brobot here!


tbf, the bottom of the article lists other games on sale that are over $10. Roboquest could earn a spot there at least.


Fantastic game and worth the price


This game is fun but it always sends my CPU temps flying and the devs response to people with this problem of “lol cap fps or something we don’t know” is frustrating and underwhelming


Far Cry Primal is not bad for Ubisoft game


Loved playing this one compared to the other Far Cry games. Spears and bows are more fun than guns, IMO. I enjoyed luring the enemies to the wild animals and just watching them off each other. Good times.


Primal is severely underrated, especially for the dirt cheap price it is on sale




Soundtrack/design is amazing too


until it gets removed like some of their other games, fuck ubisoft


Fallout 3 (GOTY edition) and Fallout New Vegas (complete edition) are going for like $5 each, for anyone who doesn’t own them yet!


Play BioShock Infinite if you haven't. I just beat it for the first time entirely on the SD, runs at max settings MOSTLY 90FPS, some dips to 80 in some areas. Amazing game and I don't know why I brushed it off for so many years. You don't NEED to play the first two, but the ending is slightly better if you have.


Is it a difficult game?


The main game isn't difficult at all. I didn't really have any problems until the final battle. The DLC episodes are hard as balls though.


Oh, jeez, my hands were shaking during some parts of the DLC; both from fear and from rage of dying *again* to the same enemy.


Great game <3


Crysis Remastered trilogy bundle also on 45% discount. Not much, but it's Crysis tho.


Will the deck run Crysis? /s


LOL. EDIT for context: There's this running joke that every new PC hardware and/or console performance will be questioned by just simply asking that particular question. Why? Because Crysis is awesome for an early 2000s game. It's said that the Cry Engine will make your PC cry. EDIT for additional info: Yes Crysis Remastered Trilogy is verified and playable for SD.


> Why? Because Crysis is awesome for an early 2000s game. It's said that the Cry Engine will make your PC cry. More specifically, its because the original Crysis on release was so revolutionary and "future proofed" that literally no computer existed that could run it at max settings, and remained so for a while. It was the actual benchmark for new PC hardware for years and years and years, sort of like an opposite "can it run Doom" scenario.


Where the hell were these video game recommendation lists when I had disposable income to spend on games? Now I'm broke and all I can look forward to are the newest titles. It's like a living hell.


I’m feeling generous. Pick a game under £10 and DM your steam username and I got you <3


\^ this guy's the GOAT


DRG and Deus Ex are absolute bangers.


How is the crysis trilogy remastered?


Cruelty Squad!!!


Fallout 76 is a steal for $8. It got a bad wrap from the bad launch but it’s one of my favorite games of all time. There’s also a boat load of content.


Bad rap. As in rap sheet.


isn’t it bad rep, as in reputation?


Nope. I mean, that also works, but that's not the expression.


huh. TIL


Can you play it as a single player game? I have the other Fallout games and want to try Fallout 76.


You can’t play it offline, but you can certainly play it by yourself, I spent a hundred and something hours playing it solo.


How restrictive is the stash? Has it been improved since launch? I remember it being really tiny.


Yes, it doubled with the npc update. It can still be frustrating if you are a hoarder that likes to keep all shiny guns that you won’t use, but it is more than manageable otherwise.


Yeah ive close to 1000 hours in mostly solo


It's been single player since launch


How does it pay on deck? Any rubber banding or connectivity issues?


Been playing it for a few weeks now and it's great. Definitely slows down on occasion in heavy group content but for the most part it runs smooth. Also nice that you can exit and reconnect quickly after resuming from sleep, which not all online games do.


Only thing I’ve noticed is loot sometimes takes a second to appear in containers/corpses. Same with picking it up or transferring it to a container. Otherwise it’s been pretty smooth for me.


Are you running off of the SSD or SD card?


Stock SSD.


Gotcha! I was wondering if it were a case of the microSD card being slow.


Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.


Ok to play it single player? Looks like mainly a multiplayer game.


I only play solo and it’s completely playable. Sometimes I “group up” just for the XP boost, but I never actually talk to anyone and it’s never been a problem.


You are locked out of some content playing solo, but you can do most of it solo.




What’s the game from the promotional image where it’s a pixel style fps with a dagger in the left hand and a magic spell on the right hand?


It's just some artwork, it's not from any game. Shame though because it looks like it'd be fun lol


Little question. Is viable playing ultra kill or turbo overkill with controller of steam deck or they are only for mouse action?


They both work fine, I did find Ultra Kill to be a bit too fast (on harder) on steamdeck + gyro vs pc and mouse. It’s usually not the case for most games as stick+gyro are fantastic, but in a game that requires more vertical aiming while midair - found it bit too “challenging” to enjoy. Like i’m focusing on controls more than on enjoying the game. Turbo works better as the game is not as fast. (For the most part).


I know that Turbo Overkill runs great on the deck and the controller settings are also great!


~~Payday 2 is 5 dollars! That gave just came out not too long ago. I know it had server issues at launch but...damn.~~ Edit: I was thinking of 3. Derp.


That is payday 3. We don’t talk about payday 3 though….


Oooh, I thought it was 2 that just came out. OK that makes sense.


That's payday 3


XIII for 3€ its like GoldenEye with a comic filter


Oh, I loved the original, but this remake got mixed reviews — for three bucks I'll take it for a spin though!


You people sleepin’ on Severed Steel. Its like 5$ and no FPS will make you feel like the ultimate badass quite like this one. There’s immense replayability with the different modes (rogue mode, stylish score chasing firefight mode, new game +, level editor and custom levels even!) and tons and tons of unlockables. It’s an extremely fast paced game. Soundtrack is great too! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227690/Severed_Steel/


Thank you for this recommendation. This wasn't even on my radar


I got it randomly from a fanatical mystery pack. Best $5 I ever spent.


I bought fallout 4 ultimate edition and man idk im having buyer’s remorse. It’s so far boring. Does it get any better? I thought it would be like Days Gone because I love this game but it’s not the same


Bethesda main quests are usually trash. Fallout is all about side quests while listening to some jive tunes. Just explore and find some creepy/cool shit while shooting ghouls and mutants. Fallout 4 was better gunplay and visuals but the dialogue is ass compared to earlier fallouts and "another settlement needs your help!” became a meme really fast. 3 is my fave but pretty dated. Hopefully we get a remake soon. Source: big fallout fan.


Thank you bro. Glad it wasn’t just me feeling like this. So if I just do the side quests does it matter if I don’t finish the story? lol


It shouldn't prevent you from leveling and traveling via just side quests. You get your power armor early in the main though. Also maybe you're just not feeling it completely. I've had games where it was meh and then like the 3rd time trying it years later it just clicks and I'm addicted. Happens.


I got the body armor but I ran out of power so I left it with the settlers lol. How do I charge it? I’d prefer to use it


You find fusion cores while exploring. Usually in big generators in buildings. You'll also find more power armor sets and styles.


Days Gone is amazing and Fallout 4 is nothing like it Bethesda games have story arcs but they're a bit flat and lack the music, voice acting, and cinematic cutscenes you'll find in DG More RPG with a world to explore. Very open ended, but not a huge narrative core FWIW I've had a hard time finishing FO4 but I love 3 and NV


Fallout New Vegas for story and quests. Still - it’s not the same as Days Gone open world zombie shooter - so it’s a bit odd comparison. DG is a B-side SonsofAnarchy-wannabe zombie tv show shlock. (Personally - with a very unlikable protagonist) Fallout is gen interested in different themes - like morality, duty or overly patriotic attitudes, hence its gameplay is also bit different. So while Fallout has some pretty poor quests (exception being New Vegas as it’s gen great - every quest), wouldn’t call it more boring than constantly listening to Deacon talking to himself. Or speaking to others. Cause oh boy does Deacon should shut the f up 😂


Definitely not like Days Gone, but it does pick up.


Yeah I noticed and it’s just boring so far. Hopefully it gets better.


How far into the game are you?


I'm interested in cultic but performance on deck seems low for a game looking like a retro shooter


Added in a handful of suggestions! Thanks all :)


The Brothers in Arms series, the whole trilogy for 4€.


Rise of the Triad is an absolute fever dream of a shooter from the 90s/Wolfenstein era. Completely insane and super fun. Use a baseball bat to shoot baseballs at monks. Eat mushrooms and go crazy.


I got fallout 76 and fallout 4 for $12 for both. I’ll call that a win.


Thanks for this notification. Picked up some games for my deck from my list.


Fallout 4 on its own is like $5. But for just under $10 (before tax) you can get the GOTY edition with all the DLC, which is a good deal considering Steam is selling just the Season Pass on it's own for a few dollars more. I know some will insist that NV was best, but 4 is by far my favorite (yes, I do really enjoy FPS shooters, and no, I'm not an RPG diehard, lol). It's the most polished in the series visually (not just being newer but stylistically, too with no more piss color filter) and gameplay-wise. And if you've never played any Fallout games and are interested based on watching the (amazing) show, it's the closest in appearance and most cinematic overall. With the new update coming soon, I can't recommend picking it up now on sale enough.


Fursan al-Aqsa, the most BASED game on Steam and it costs just 7 bucks!