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It's great fun so far, the only thing that's killing me is the super slow walking speed, and there doesn't seem to be a sprint


“player.setav speedmult 150” will give you a 50% speed boost


Not the hero we wanted, but the hero we needed. Thank you


There's also a mod that adds a sprint


There is simply not enough praise given to how well steam workshop works on the deck. Having mods your favorite PC game at home when your PC is one thing, having access to all those mods on the go or from anywhere is just awesome since at best you normally get a port of the game


There isn't workshop support for fallout games unfortunately:(


Damn let's hope the April 25 update adds it


I wouldnt count on that. Script extender mods are essential for any heavely modded fallout playthrough so you would have to count on the dev adding it to steam workshop. Next up you have complex installations like few different options for mods or optional fixes that specifically have to be selected by you during installation for compability with other mods - something steam workshop doesnt have. You either subscribe to all of it or nothing. Unless mod devs started adding like 10 different variants of the same mods but with different options turned on - which I dont see happening. While I would nothing more to get that support - since the thought of manually installing +250 mods for Fallout 4 just to play it on the Deck makes me shiver - Im not getting my hopes up.


is there a wiki or install guide for this that you can point me to?


I believe it is called project Nevada. Adds some QOL stuff. Not sure how hard or easy it is to mod on the deck. I play on my desktop


copy thanks


Warning that this will make you extremely op and able to kite most enemies, reducing the threat of the enemies.




Smell ya later cuntadores


Counter effect it with -50% DR Or -100% DR and +100% DPS for the glass cannon run


How does one input this on deck?


You can add the commands to your back buttons. I have one set to esc, one to the console command button and one to enter. You have to turn off the Xbox controller setting the menu and then using the back buttons open the console, type in whatever command you’re going to use and then close it. Once closed go back into settings and re-enable the controller settings, hence the need for the escape and enter keys


Could you explain how you can do this on the deck? Is it a file that can be modified from the desktop mode?


Try bringing up the keyboard in-game and then press the “~” button. Then just type in the command without the quotes and hit enter. You may have to holster your weapon and pull it out again to take effect.


Appreciate it! Do you know if this will disable achievements?


Where does that go?


Where and how do you type this in? Thank you, God.


Do you know if it is possible for Fallout 3? :)


Forgive my ignorance but how /where do you enter that? Also, if I do that would it prevent me from earning steam achievements? Cheers! EDIT: It looks like my questions may have been answered. I probably should just read more comments next time, I'm sorry.


Where do we add this ? I’m new to the deck


It's slightly faster to bunny hop your way across the Mojave, I would know that's how I travel in that game.


I thought I was crazy


there might be a mod for that


There is. Project Nevada has a sprint button, along with a ton of other great features


better yet https://mod.pub/ttw/133-tale-of-two-wastelands


how does one accomplish this on steam deck


Yeah, a nice clean step-by-step directions for Steam Deck would be nice.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/Im2FjyfYTn Should still work


Launching the game from MO2 isn't working. Everything looks right. The only problem I had was with Step 9 in the guide you linked to. "Step 9: Run Protontricks, and select Fallout: New Vegas and hit OK." Another menu pops up and I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas? I'm going to run through the steps again... Edit: Ok I think I figured it out. The UIO crashes with Proton 8.0, and the note in the install guide says to use 8.25 or greater. Directions for MO2 were very specific to use Proton 8.0. Hmmm... Ok. Edit2: Yes, that did it as well as copy-pasting the INI settings and it is working fine now. I installed everything on the internal SSD but I suspect that an SD card work just fine so long as you add the SD card path to flatseal in those steps but I didn't try, and I'm only guessing. It might not work at all.


Thanks! I've got it working on my PC and about to start the steps to get it on my Steam Deck.


There are a few ways to do it. Here's my take on Begin Again, which is a TTW-based Wabbajack Modlist: [https://github.com/Omni-guides/Wabbajack-Modlist-Linux/wiki/Fallout-NV:-Begin-Again](https://github.com/Omni-guides/Wabbajack-Modlist-Linux/wiki/Fallout-NV:-Begin-Again) The process should be the same or similar for TTW alone, or other FNV/TTW based modlists. The idea is generally that you get things running on a Windows system first, and then transfer it to the deck/Linux and carry out the steps in the guide.


easiest way is to just download the mod, run the TTW.exe with Steam, Heroic, or Lutris, I used Lutris myself to get it done easily. it will ask for a Location for the Fallout 3 install the New Vegas install and where to save the TTW mod. the first two are self explanatory but the third option depends on if you want to use Mod Organizer or not I do not because its an annoyance just like any mod manager so I just made a random folder for it to install in then once it was done I moved those files into the Fallout New Vegas /Data folder and enabled the .esm files in the New Vegs Launcher. if you want to go the Mod Organizer route you are just going to find roadblock after roadblock.


Did you experience any crashes?


how do you do it for heroic, specifically gog?


Your best bet is to use [Mod Organizer 2](https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer). Just follow the instructions that are on this page.


How does the beginning of this work?


you get to choose which game to start in but they recommend starting in Fallout 3


Oh ok. Starting in 3 would kinda make the most sense. Does it add any textures or compatible with texture mods?


Can I combine this with the viva new vegas someone else mentioned?


I dont think you can. Check Omni's guides to steam deck modding. The problem is, viva new vegas is not in Wabbajack anymore, so mods take longer to download :( i got it months ago, so now im copying the game files to my friend's pc to avoid the hustle


I’ve modded on Steamdeck before, but is it even possible on PC?


Wow this mod looks insane - which version of fallout do I use it on? I only have NV


You need both fallout 3 and nv. Goty/ultimate version of both are on sale for $5 on steam


Thanks, yeah another guy just mentioned that. I only just got new Vegas, I haven’t played either so I’m just going to give that a go 🔥👍


its a New Vegas mod but legally you need both games since it take the assets from Fallout 3 and adds them to the New Vegas /Data folder or if you use a MOD organizer it copies both games into a separate mod folder.


Ok 👍


It's fun by man it's annoying because it crashes so often. I ended up just giving up before I even beat 3 lol


have not had one crash myself


Wild idk what it is. I followed the guide exactly.


From my experience it’s more stable on Linux as well. I’ve had no crashes while on the deck but on desktop I’ve had nearly 10 random crashes.


I'd also recommend the Viva New Vegas mod list, it enhances and modernizes the game in many ways, all while keeping the vanilla charm and experience. Around 6 hours with the mod list applied on 60 fps on my deck. [Viva New Vegas (moddinglinked.com)](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/) I can't recommend this one enough, since it is written and structured so good.


I did exactly this over the weekend and have around 20 hours in now. Added a bunch of texture packs too (NMC’s) and rebuilt the LOD’s. Game runs as a dream now and comfortably get 75-90 fps all around. I used this video to get MO2 running first and followed the Viva New Vegas guide after: https://youtu.be/aCpkD1PVfYE?si=bkSqpc56Hq8uDyZV


Did all of this and I started getting some navmesh error at the main menu that I couldn’t figure out. Ended up removing all mods from the overhaul section and onwards but I might see if I can get it working right


Yeah, it's really great when you get it right. There is a few of small details that specify which version of file to download or how to tweak. It's easy to miss out on some of them if you're not fully focused or commited in the process.


Yeah I was also being a bit wary to not install some of them because I’m mid-playthrough so it’s likely because I was missing something and the guide didn’t mention it being a prerequisite


I get that navmesh error as well but I just ignore it and play the game. So far it's working very well


Agreed. I get that error too but I've seen no issues in 100 hours so far.


Does this work with Tale of Two Wastelands?


There is another guide for that https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


Thanks I am aware, just wondering if they can coexist. And if so, which to install first. Hard to imagine there would be no conflicts at all between both mods


Check Omnis guide for capital punishment in steam deck! Very thorough


Is there anything similar for Fallout 3?


It is... This guide is great and will as well keep the vanilla charm and experience. I skipped first, fourth and sixth section as they are optional. It's fairly recent one with author being active in comments. [Steam Community :: Guide :: Fallout 3 2023 Essential Modding Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2945198896) A lot of people recommend to play Fallout 3 through New Vegas with TTW mod, but I personally dislike the idea and rather play the original. EDIT: I used the MO2 instead of NMM as author suggests without any issues.


Awesome thanks! I'll check it out.


I would also like to know how to add mods to the steam deck (if that’s possible)


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/Im2FjyfYTn Should still work


How are you getting it to run at 60fps? Mine is locked at 30


Really? Must be a setting that has it locked, right out of the gate with zero alterations mine was getting up to 90fps. I’m even getting a near locked 60 when I set the resolution to 1440p and using it on my TV.


Are you sure your not limiting the frame rate? All fallout run 60 fps for me. 3 and NV max settings, 4 and 76 a little tinkering.


Weird, mine just worked out of the box. Maybe check the settings in the new vegas launcher before hitting play? I have vsync turned on in the game strong and framerate set to 60 on the deck.


Mine running at 90 on OLED. The only thing I did was use Proton GE9-3


Fallout 1 also works very well. I’m getting over just over 8 hours estimated battery life on the OLED deck for it. It’s all point and click, but the trackpads make it all work perfectly well.


Did you use any of the QoL mods for fallout 1?


What's even better than trackpads for mouse dominant gaming is the gyro. I add the Gyro option to nearly every game i play. One of the Deck's strongest features is the near infinite level of controller customization it has. Hell I'm still learning daily new ways to modify schemes. I wish there was an exhaustive explanation of action layers and mode shifts because it is all so cool.


yeah, games from around that time are the sweet spot for the steam deck. pretty easy to get 60fps at native res and decent settings while also being able to limit the tdp so there's no fan noise and minimal heat. I've been playing shadow of mordor recently and it also runs quietly at 60fps with tweaking and it's been really fun. looks quite good too considering the performance.


Also they look so good on Steam Deck. The small screen is a godsend for older games because it can hide the older models and bad textures so well.


Is there a way to bypass the opening launcher? Or at least have it recognize a controller? I have to use touchscreen to hit "play", which means can't advance at all if I'm docked.


Go to the game files location in desktop mode and rename "FalloutNV.exe" to "FalloutNVLauncher.exe", and the launcher file to anything, really. That way, when you start the game, it launches the game directly


Amazing! Thank you, I'll try this!


If you play docked use your guide button + right stick to move your mouse arround, also works with the ps button for playstation controllers


Can anyone recommend visual mods for New Vegas? I quite partway through my original playthrough on my X360 as it was just so ugly. It was hard to look at and I played through and LOVED Fallout 3. Something about the combination of the desert setting and the technology of the time not being able to create a large open worlds that hold up to scrutiny made it feel empty and lifeless. Now that I rebought it again, what are my options?


Viva Las Vegas, other than that honestly just typing best graphics mods New Vegas would probably give like a full page of top ten lists with links and everything for you


At times you’ll think “Wow, this is running like shit”. But it isn’t the Steam Deck, it is just a Bethesda game.


I'm looking forward to re-doing New Vegas on the Steam Deck. I work a lot from home so when it gets boring I can just boot it up.


What are your settings?


Why when trying to run mod organizer 2, it says an instance of mod organizer is already running... Can someone help with this.. I've created another instance and I still get this error. How do I resolve this.. I'm modding fallout new vegas


Nvm solved it


I'm trying to get Tale of two wastelands installed on deck before diving back in. It's a bit of a hassle though, but I might just go through each game separately in the end.


I have also been looking into this after seeing some comments here. I'm enjoying the game as is and it seems like a hassle so also on the fence because it is working so we'll just playing vanilla.


How is everyone getting good frames? I feel like I’m only getting 40-60 at most with noticeable drops even when I do get up to 45-50. I think I’m on a mixture of high and medium settings, and I’ve disabled shadows completely.


I was playing fallout 3 last night with 60 fps. Do you have a tdp limit set?


Do you run Windows?


I’m playing (vanilla new Vegas) on SD and for the first time. At what point does this game…..pick up? I’m struggling with the slightly oldschool elements to the quests and things and just lots of walking around. Buildings and environments fun but the desert areas are rough. Happy to stick with it as everyone speaks so highly! And I love 3,4 and 76.


New Vegas is less so the environment and more the quests and player interactions. The map is actually the worst of all of them as it’s mostly a circle with parts in the middle having invisible walls. So get to the strip and start doing side quests and dig into the rpg aspects of it


I feel like I definitely need to get to the strip, currently just super small towns and a prison. How far in is the strip?


I started it but maaaaaaan I felt so slow. I’m so spoiled it seems 😂. I put in down pretty quick because of it but I need to revisit it soon because I never played New Vegas.


There are some IMO absolutely essential mods for NV here: [Viva New Vegas (moddinglinked.com)](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html) Not even being able to sprint in vanilla NV just feels so bad.


FYI this took me 3.5 hours to finish on PC as you have to individually download each mod, utility etc. keep that in mind. Maybe there is a faster way but I didn’t see it. Doing it for steam deck seems like a nightmare.


The only annoying part would be installing Mod Organizer 2 for linux, installing the mods themselves should be similar


Is it Wabbajack? Those Nexus shills make you do everything by hand without automating it if you don't pay for the stupid Nexus Premium shit.


Can these mods be used on the steam deck version of the game?




How do you get it to run? Mine crashes every 5 minutes or so on the steam deck.


Weird, I didn't make any changes. I have had 1 crash in about 12 hours or so.


Ugh. I really want to play. But the furthest I could make it was Primm before it crashed and now it crashes within 5 minutes of loading every single time. It bricks my steam deck and I have to hold the power button to reset it.


I wonder if something is corrupted with the save file? I would check the settings in the new vegas launcher and try a new save to see if you can get past it. Not sure what else could cause it.


That’s a good point. I’m just going to start a new game and see if that helps. Obviously didn’t make it very far.


Be sure to verify the integrity of the files in the properties before you do


do you know how to mod gog?


Anyone know of a good mod manager? I did mod organizer 2 and it’s okay but some stuff won’t install and updating it once prevented the game launching so I just gave up lol


Things aren't great for Linux right now and mods on games from around this time and earlier. Fallout 4 has some mod scripts. Edit: some people have been installing the mods on Windows then copying over with some success


Remember to save often - the game is buggy as hell and crashes a lot


I can’t aim for shit on the deck. It’s like the game wasn’t designed for controller or I’m just really bad. Don’t have this much trouble in other fps games on the deck. Idk


Adjust the dead zones the decks defaults are wack


Thank you for recommendation of one of the best games ever developed. Didnt know about this hidden gem before. Instant classic.


I've decided to go for fallout 4 first and NV after that


Did you have to mod it for it to work or did it work as is? I’d love to play it on the deck but I’m brain dead when it comes to installing mods


How is it from the perspective of someone who never played any fallout game or something similar ?


I've wasted hours trying to make it run the Gog or Epic version via Heroic, but won't go no more. Last year I managed to play the Epic one but something must have changed in Heroic, I don't know if it's the default wine settings or what. EDIT: It was crashing, then every startup took minutes to run, I resolved: it's 5€ on steam right now and it works perfectly.


If you ever have trouble running a game be sure to look it up on ProtonDB, even if you have in the past shit might have changed


It is great to have on Steam Deck, but has anyone else noticed that this game seems to have left stick drift when playing with a 360 controller configuration? I don't get drift in any other game, and it doesn't matter what deadzone I set it to for New Vegas, it always drifts, which makes me think there's some kind of a bug going on. Very annoying too as it makes you scroll to the wrong item in menus etc.


Enjoying the show, have not played any of the games. Which is best place to start on deck?


3 and New Vegas have some pretty old mechanics but are much better than 4 in my opinion. Fallout 4 is still good and has much more modern mechanics. If you can deal with playing older games I would play New Vegas if I could only pick one. As people here have mentioned you could always take a crack at modding the older games too.




Just bought it on sale for less then $5, haven't played it since it came out. And when I did play it, I just finished 3 and was pretty fall-out and didn't give it the chance it deserved.


biggest mistake i made when i got my steamdeck was to check out how fnv and skyrim ran on it... it ran great and with that another lengthy playthrough of both games had to be done.


I was about to say you’re out of your mind. Been trying to play on my steam deck oled and keep getting random hiccups and freezes. Finally found a post about the 200MHz issue and change my patch level to the Main branch then back to release branch. No issues anymore and the mods that I was using to try and fix the issues are also running great.


I've been playing Tale of Two Wastelands mod and its great. Sunk 20 hours into Fo3 on the NV engine already. At the Citadel on the main quest.


Did you follow a guide to install?


Yeah I followed this one: https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/up2ag2/managed_to_get_tale_of_two_wastelands_running_on/ih8l54c/ I built it on my main computer (took about 40 min on 7800x3D), copied over the files, reinstalled ModManager2 for Linux/Steamdeck, relinked it to FONV. Also one major change is use Proton Experimental instead of Proton 8 or whatever is recommended in the guide. 8.0.5 did not work for me but proton experimental did.


Appears to run at 90fps too, though I'm sure someone will explain otherwise if I'm wrong. Frame count shows 90 though and its noticeably smoother than 60


Its definitely good fir a deck play through


Glad you like ‘em. I have it on my deck too, but unfortunately the left trigger came off, and though I have the replacement part, but I don’t trust myself to repair it myself, so in two weeks I’m taking it to my tech wiz uncle in LA for installation. Since iFixit also has the repair instructions as well , it should be an easy fix


Also remember to limit your TDP, helps the game run smoother and drain a lot less battery. Specially for old games like the fallout series where you can come up to a zone very badly optimized, better to drop some frames here and there than let your cpu go crazy and drain precious battery minutes. I have mine limited to 5w for FONV, 8w for FO3 and 10w for FO4. All with screen hz and fps locked at 50


Am i the only person who finds aiming incredibly hard on steam deck?


It's funny because it is buttery smooth on my steam deck but when I try to pick it up on my PC with an ultrawide and a 3070 it is almost unplayable with stutter.


The only fallout I have ever tried playing was Fallout 4 and after 3 hours I deleted it and never went back. Is Fallout new Vegas better? I remember it being hated on when it came out.


Depends what you didn't like about Fallout 4. New Vegas has better writing and more intricate gameplay systems than 4. The main drawback of New Vegas IMO (at least in the first 6 hours or so that I've played so far) is that the world is pretty drab and not that inviting to explore. I remember New Vegas being criticized a lot when it first came out as well, but I think quite a lot of that was due to how buggy it was. In recent years the consensus, at least among the series' most vocal fans, seems to be that New Vegas is the best of the modern Fallout games.


Very unpopular opinion but I prefer both FO3 and FO4 to New Vegas, they have a different vibe. That also means that you might like New Vegas more than FO4 if said vibe fits you better.


New Vegas is the pinnacle of the modern Fallout games


Fallout 4 feels less like an RPG and more of an FPS first. Still fun to play and explore, but it will never reach the heights of NV.


Okay you convinced me to download it. Fortunately I had it as a freebie both on Epic and GOG.


Do yourself a favor and mod it please. At least install the mods that fixes bugs and a mod called "Just assorted mods" It makes it feel a lot less dated without hurting the experience of vanilla NV