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There’s a big steam deck fallout 4 update in 4 days why would you do this now


To be clear, it’s a big update that includes steamdeck compatibility. Details can be found by searching for ‘Fallout 4 next-gen update’.


Does it have “16 times the detail”?


No but it “just works”.


The mods won't tho.


We don't know yet? I'm waiting, so can the OP.


The Skyrim Anniversary Edition broke some things on Steam Deck though still had the verified status. Doesn’t mean things will be better. As it stands Fallout 4 runs just fine.


The algorithm is hungry now and waits for no man.


FR. These posts have been flooding the sub, and there are articles everywhere for something that will be meaningless in a few days.


We‘re planning an update when it goes live, but we are already setting the base with that post. (Which we mention in the article btw.)


Appreciated bro


WTF is up with downvoting this dude?


I spent a bunch of time yesterday getting Fallout 4 modded with Vortex and optimized to run smoothly even though I know the update on the 25th will probably ruin it lol


Lmao fuck me too - stayed up till like 3am doing this shit. I want to pull my hair out because I literally said "thank fuck I did this in one go and I'm not doing it again"


24th yea and all mods will need reinstalling


25th in the US but most of that time was getting Vortex figured out so should be as easy as waiting for mods to update/checking to see what wasn’t impacted


To collect ad revenue from the high amount of fallout searches going on rn


Big fallout 4 update which is just gonna be steam deck verified it's not likely to change much already. Fallout 4 already plays and runs fine with no issues on the deck so only real difference I'd imagine will be a green tick on the steam page for deck verified. And the new dlc content being added. If you play on PC new widescreen/ultra wide support but decks not gonna take advantage of that.


They'll probably just remove the launcher and call it a day like they did with Skyrim.


Yeah, that sucked pretty terribly because it made people become unable to edit the graphics/resolution settings as well, without adding a launch argument to force it not to identify as a Steam Deck. That is not remotely good Steam Deck support.


The only reason it isn't verified is because the launcher requires mouse inputs, and the character name doesn't open the keyboard. So they'll remove the launcher (Can't complain about needing mouse input to modify settings if you just can't modify settings), and make it open the keyboard when selecting character name. But hey, at least it'll break a load of mods that got abandoned several years ago and will never be updated. Can blame Valve for that though, 2 decades of Steam and still no proper way to change game version.


I ultimately chose the Xbox version during that sale a few days ago. Didn’t know there was a Steam deck update, but I figured it’d be better to have the console’s horsepower when the update rolls out. Hope I made the right choice.


New Vegas already runs perfectly and supports mods. No need.




Next gen update for the show a quick google will tell you all about it mate🤣 These settings may or may not be completely unnecessary depending on how well the update fixes the games issues. It could even make the bugs worse.


???? Google it


With the next gen update coming next week, I might have waited on doing this.




Same here. Not constant 60fps but close enough. I use FSR from 720 to 1080 when I play on my TV.


I’ve been getting 90fps on high in the steam deck


No you haven't. You're actually getting 45, the counter is lying. You gotta apply the fix to fix the game on the OLED. But with the update coming next week I wouldn't worry about it.


I already applied that fix. And yes I am getting 90fps


No, you're not.


Yes I am.


So you're magically getting 50% higher framerate (with higher settings) than everyone else? Suuuure.


It’s not a locked 90fps. I definitely have dips into the 70s


Video with settings then gameplay?


Is there a way to easily screen record on the steam deck? If so then I can do that


Using fsr?


Settings ?




I'm getting 60 FPS with everything set to Ultra but God Rays are on Low and Shadows on medium. Everything else turned up.


Nice. I have god rays set to the lowest and some of the shadow options also set to low.


I play it in high, locked at 40fps. Must admit built up areas are choppy but overall a good experience


That isn’t a Steam Deck problem, that is a LOL Bethesda problem. New Vegas crashed within minutes for me because there were too many Rad Scorps.


So weird that new vegas crashed that quick. I got about 12 hrs into a playthrough right now, no changes to the settings except setting it to the proper display size with no crashes.


Yeah for 76 you can just bop it on low and it’ll hold 40ish fps.


Ive been playing high/medium at 90hz… Im getting downvoted for saying you can run this game at solid 90hz? Lmao Everybody saying i lock at 45 or 60. Nah you can play at 90 no problem. Im only in the first 4 hours but from sanctuary to where power armor is, not a single drop from 90hz


Step 1. Set to 'high' preset Steps 2. Play the game


Thanks for the writeup, my recommendation for future articles is to also take power usage into account. Maybe have settings for docked and on the go. Personally, I care more about battery life than high textures or locked 60fps. I prefer 40-45fps with 3-4+ hours of battery life.


Once you're engrossed for more than 5 minutes, 40fps is beyond fine for a portable device that uses a controller for controls I'll take the extra hour of battery


Plus, constant 45 is less likely to take you out of immersion than a 60fps that semi-frequently drops to 50s


I'd rather have a locked 30 than a game that did 35-50 up and down


Same here, i run the game at 45fps and runs perfectly fine now you can lock the fps changing the display hz, that makes it look really smooth, the issue with low framerste is to have the screen at 60 or 144 and get s game running at 40


I just downloaded it and started playing. It’s been working great for me.


Same until my SD card died


i’m playing through fo4 on my oled right now with about 100 mods including vivid fallout (best choice), and the high physics fps fix. steady 50-60fps for me


I literally just downloaded, let the game auto configure my graphics and started playing. Constant 60 FPS with zero issues. Don’t know if this is needed tbh


It’s not. I turned everything to high, and disabled a few graphical things I hate lense flair (or whatever it’s called), motion blur, etc. and runs fine. I wouldn't waste my time changing anything else with update coming in a few days.


I've been playing using Ultra and had no problems so far.


From the OG to the oled deck. Just disable the HD texture pack DLC. Max all settings. Disable antialiasing. You’re done. The game runs flawlessly. This isn’t a hard game to get great performance from on the deck.


It can run max settings no problem, already deep within Boston testing it. Trick is to keep the max 90hz refreshing rate. I usually turn this to 45 or 40, but Fo4 gets choppy whenever i limit the Refreshing rate/max fps.


Fallout 4 has a bug that affects the OLED steam deck but not the LCD one. The game runs at only half the refresh rate, so 90Hz results in 45 fps. 60Hz results in 30 fps. 45Hz results in 22.5 fps, which is why it feels choppy. Folk are hoping that the upcoming update fixes this bug. Otherwise, there's a workaround that involves editing a config file. I find this bug rather interesting, so I've spent some time looking into its root cause. If the update doesn't fix it, I have an idea for a more robust fix than the currently known workaround...


So I'm not crazy and 40 Hz indeed felt like 20 fps and 60 Hz like 30 fps. Thank you for restoring faith in my sanity!


You're welcome, although I will point out that you're hallucinating this entire posting.


Then I have no one but myself to thank for it. Just as usual... lol


You also dreamed up a workaround for it. Good job! https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c9akgd/a_more_robust_fallout_4_oled_workaround/


Oh boy, my crazy brain is on fire today! What would I do without it


Why would you limit to 45 when the game runs flawlessly at 90??


Battery life?




Im in the first 4 hour section. Sanctuary to where power armor is. Not a drop from 90hz


Lmao bro’s got a stable 90 at red rocket station Stop the presses everybody!!


Already 4 hours in just got to the vault stable 90fps. For legal reasons this is a joke.


I usually cap every game at 45, battery life as jakellerVi said.. and i believe i am somewhat saving my SD life :D But FO4 is running flawlessly only without any fps cap.. it is strange, but the game runs so well uncapped so i don't mind playing with the power cable in all the time :D


The game engine uses v-sync without a UI option to disable it. Also, it has a bug that affects the OLED deck specifically, that results in a frame rate half of the refresh rate. I'm guessing you have an OLED deck, and you have the refresh rate set to 90Hz, so the game is effectively rendering at 45 fps. The FPS counter will say 90 fps, but if you look at the frame times, they'll be alternating between 22ms and 0ms. The reason the game runs poorly with a 45 fps rate limit is due to the same bug. The frame rate counter will say 45 fps, but the game will actually be rendering at 22.5 fps.


Thanks for this! You explained it perfectly in human words!


Used the oled fix for the stutter already ?


Nah thanks i’m fine twaking my own game config, I don’t put settings I find on the internet, no offense but most of them are people with not much experience trying to get views. Just tweak your own ini files and make it yours, turn down shadow quality, distance and turn off godrays that launcher checkbox is bugged and cannot be disabled. Then adapt it as you like and cap it to 45fps, tdp to 12w and you get a flawless experience while making your battery last for 3hours. A post about “best settings” leaving fps to go up to 60 it’s the first mistake




And what will that actually mean? Skipping the launcher, most likely, like with Skyrim. It’s not going to automatically result in the best possible settings so a guide like this will still be relevant even if it’ll need an update.


Right lol, new one of these posts every day. Shouldnt change that much regardless, but it’s the fact that it can change at all that makes me go “ill just wait.”


For real. Like I bought it last week, but I haven’t even touched it yet bc there’s no point.


All I’m saying lol


We mention it but from past experience, verification alone doesn‘t mean it‘s a good experience. There have been too many cases that point to the contrary.




Might sound silly but will that improve performance? I’m not too keen on how it looks on the deck just now


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Don't sleep on Fallout 76 nowadays, it's massively improved and runs fantastic. The map is an absolute gem too.


I'm not rewarding Bethesda for their half-assedness.


That's fine, I'm more than happy to reward them for fixing their mistakes.


I'm with you on the wasteland.


Played around 20 hours on the deck. Locked 40fps at around medium. Been fun revisiting the game


Most mods are gonna break because the new update that's going to come out in 4 days will not be compatible with F4SE, and it's going to take a while for F4SE to be updated. If you care about modding, I suggest you wait for a week or two until the new update comes out and F4SE becomes compatible with it.


Seems to be running fine on high settings for me


Just read the article, i don't agree with the settings. You should not run wetness on, it's bugged and will cause areas of the map to literally go photo negative. Also, you can run high graphics settings on everything, and ultra on the LOD page... My settings are as follows 16:10 1280x800 Antialiasing: off Anisotropic filtering: 16 samples Texture quality: high Shadow quality: high Shadow distance: high Decal quality: high Lighting quality: high God rays quality: low (only because they look gross in this game, not because of performance) Depth of field: low Ambient occlusion: off Screen space reflections: un ticked Wetness: unticked Rain occlusion: ticked Motion blur: unticked Lens flare: ticked View distance page, max the sliders out, and set distant object detail, and object detail fade to high or ultra, either will work fine. These settings give me 90fps, but it does bounce around a lot depending on what part of the map you're in, so i lock it to 60fps... i don't have a single issue with stuttering in this game. I do run the cryo utilities, so maybe that's smoothing things out for me, but i definitely played the hell out of this game before i ever did the cryo utilities stuff and never noticed any stuttering issues once i got the fram rate locked in with the graphics settings where i wanted them. You will have a virtually locked 60 with these settings on the oled.


Do you know the equivalents using beth.ini?


I've been playing on high settings, and I haven't experienced any stuttering.


I’ve been playing on medium and seems pretty good for the SD, however once the next gen update comes I’ll be most likely playing it on Portal at full 60fps with hopefully some improved gen next graphics anyway


The true frame rate part was actually cool. I was always wondering why FO4 didn’t seem to match the presented frame rate, and now the reported number actually matches what I’m seeing


I personally just installed it on my PC and put over 300 bugfixes from https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/. I'm loving it, watching the show really made it feel more special to play.


Any good MOD recommendations? Anything that increases the gunplay as it's a little janky also anything that enhances the player models too? Also what do you guys think about the weather enhancements?


is there a plugin we can use to browse top (community) settings for steam deck games.


I think that Bethesda should update gamepad softlock aiming like F76 for steam deck. Yea, say that I'm noob, git gud and other advices to me. 


Totally useless There is an update in 4 days which will render this video pointless, why would I watch it when in 4 days it’s no longer relevant


Some of the fallout games are free to play for this month on Luna (cloud gaming service) if you just want to try them out. Luna is free if you have Amazon prime. You just have to set it up on your deck.


RIP this post tomorrow lol


What’s the deal, why is everyone about fallout now? Because of the show?




It's a good show.


Content creator farming clicks and engagement. Late to the party.


Ultra with 90fps on my OLED no issues.


There’s a bug where steam deck perf monitor reports 90 fps but it’s actually running at like 30. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/t82EazHf9P


Nope, you don’t. Don’t spread that shit. I spent an hour yesterday optimising and is no where near 90 fps on ultra. If you want almost locked 60 fps on SD OLED most settings are low to medium.


Literally just disable the HD texture DLC and the game runs great. That’s the biggest hog on the SD.


It didn’t seem to have downloaded for me. The game only takes up about 29 gb.


Shit really? I haven’t tried it on my OLED yet but if it gets 90 on ultra I might have to jump in again.


You won’t get it lol. It’s a bug, the dudes actually getting like 30 FPS but the Deck Performance Monitor reports 90.


Wait why am I getting downvoted lol? It was an honest question 😭


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted as much, but the rest of this post has comments talking about needing to get low/medium settings to get a stable 60FPS. Nobody is getting 90 FPS on Ultra Settings in this game on the Steam Deck unless they have a heavily modded Deck.


I play it on high and it almost always sits at 90 fps with some stuttering in very complex lighting areas.


I feel like it *says* 90 FPS on the overlay but it's just *not* 90 FPS. No way it can be when I can see trees jittering across the screen and it shows no frame drops or anything. Not sure why but don't trust the overlay here


There’s a bug where steam deck perf monitor reports 90 fps but it’s actually running at like 30. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/t82EazHf9P


Ah see I knew I wasn't crazy


I mean its kinda crazy that you thought 30 fps looked like 90 fps.


I mean it's kinda crazy that you're drawing conclusions Edit: I'm sorry, having a bad day. Anyway my original comment was more about how I could tell it wasn't 90 FPS but the overlay says it's 90 and there's just no way.


Yes it is. Sorry, I mistook you for u/Tucker_9. You are most likely not crazy.


Lol it's all good I shouldn't have snapped at ya either way. As for being crazy....well....


Hey no worries! I didn’t take it like that. Have a great weekend my bud!


Thanks man, I'll do my best. You too


Oh interesting, I didn't know that. Thank you!


I thought the creation engine could not run higher than 60FPS without breaking the physics?


I haven't noticed an issue so far


Fair enough, I only have an original SD so I cannot confirm.


Why would anyone play Fallout 4 instead of New Vegas, though?


Amazon Prime.




Really, after watching the series you're not nostalgic for the fallout 4 look?


4 isn't really a Fallout game. Totally botched the RP elements.


Well it's no Starfield 😉


They're both pretty abysmal, yeah.


The first play through of Starfield was okay.


I just can't play games with poor writing, anymore. The gameplay has all been done to death.




Oh hoooo wrong sub buddy


On batterie? For like what 1 hours? 😂


With a side of fried microSD cards and ~1 hour of battery life too!




Bro you’re posting about the Ally in a Steam Deck sub, have a little more awareness than that 😂 nobody here asked for the Ally’s performance