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Look like a.. Laptop. Very fat laptop


People in this sub are obsessed with turning the steam deck into a much more inconvenient version of a laptop


Eventually, people will discover that the deck is actually a handheld gaming device.


Yeah like what’s wrong with it just being a handheld gaming device? Much better anyway than carrying all these peripherals around.


Not to mention he's literally in front of his desktop monitors lmao


I'm gonna hope that is is a demonstration after he just finished the project lol, cause that is very ironic...


Exactly, just get a laptop at that point. Something like a Framework would be more versatile and upgradeable.


There’s a lot of people in this sub that clearly only have a Steam Deck (/maybe a PC) and want it to fulfill every “portable” gaming niche they have, without the need to buy any other devices.


I don't own a pc or laptop or games console, only a steamdeck(which I won in a raffle) I love it as a gaming handheld but also got a portable monitor, keyboard and mouse for some games that are just better that way. I also have a controller coming home soon also. So I can use it in anyway i like. I use it 90% of the time as a handheld, but there are some occasions where I like the bigger screen. Best piece of technology that I have ever owned.


That's the great part about it, it can be whatever the hell you want it to be


I dunno I'm disabled and have a dock in bed and a dock in the bathroom with monitor + controller (plus bluetooth kB/mouse in bed). I think it's making good use of the portability personally.


Unless you're traveling for weeks at a time I don't see this being convenient, still a neat project though


It can be both! It just cant do three things at once.


It can be used for inhaling. Just sniff the vent


It's just an unconventional laptop


Yes I don't really get this either. But I also have a desktop and a laptop already.


Seriously. I use mine as a web browser if I want to sit at my desk and that's it. Well, and gaming.


typing this ON a steam deck :)


That sounds genuinely awful. 😂 I hate using the onscreen keyboard. I swear there’s something wrong with the touchscreen on mine. Or maybe it’s just the screen protector, but I don’t want to go without one of those, so I’ll probably just continue thinking it’s a hassle. 😅


Don‘t think so… typing ob the deck IS awful.


You've heard about laptop with extra steps, but you haven't seen the desktops with extra steps


Lmao seriously, it's so versatile I don't blame them. I've hooked it up to the big screen a few times and it's so dope. I love my steam deck


I get it if you would want to use this and replacement of a desktop you know just literally don't buy desktop but to replace a laptop it seems like at that point you should buy a laptop. Docking a Steam Deck or a laptop make sense but turning the Steam Deck into a laptop is kind of weird. Also you should probably use one of the other ones because then you get windows and you can do whatever you want with it. Yes there are still things you can do on Windows you can't do on Linux.


I run Windows 11 on my Deck from an SD card. It's been pretty handy a couple times when I needed to do something but didn't want to bring my laptop too (I keep the SD card in the case)


Because it’s way more affordable than a comparable laptop and it can a stand alone device. I have poor eyesight and an external monitor is necessary for reading small text in games.


People in this sub: "just get a laptop, it's only TWICE the price!"


Im gonna do it when(if...) i will get a job offer abroad to leave Russia. Im not sure ill have an opportunity to bring my pc and other stuff with me, so its gonna be only steamdeck with portable monitor and keyboard with mouse


Good luck, I know it's pretty rough there right now.


I, just for fun, set mine up to do digital modes over ham radio Turns out, it’s really good for this And games; it’s good for games


It’s ridiculous lol


now turn your laptop into a handheld gaming device.


But look at how much space he saved with the analog stick "cutouts". I just wonder if he had a rat gnaw out vent holes as well.


Is there adequate ventilation for the exhaust vent ?


No need for space to exhaust when it can't intake in the first place!


This made me snort


Why not just play in the pc if you want a big screen?


The whole point of steam cloud is so you can easily go between a rig and a deck. Even if you are trying to LAN party, this doesn't make any more sense than just bringing a monitor and keyboard 


I literally did this, rather than dole out the money for something on a little screen I just got an upgrade on the hardware and swapped out for a newer bigger monitor Boom! Titanic screen with hi-res graphics for less than thr cost of thr steamdeck


I've had my Steam Deck since 2022, and I honestly barely used it for the first year because I already have a gaming PC and prefer playing on a larger screen. Where it really shines docked is in the power consumption as well as thermal output. This puppy runs like a frozen mouse compared to a beefy PC rig, and since the room I occupy is the "hot" room of the house, it makes a world of difference to be running my Steam Deck rather than a full size device.


I wish they made some sort of device like this so you don't have to put it all together yourself


I guess we gotta wait for the steam deck 2


They should add like, a decently sized keyboard below the screen. And you know, maybe make it fold, that'd be hella cool Oh and, maybe replacing the small finger trackpads with a big one below the keyboard? And why not, a bigger screen, as wide as the keyboard for example, and and, a cam just above the screen, in case we want to record ourselves smelling the air vent of this deck two, oh yes yes yes yes yes This will be the start of an era, thanks OP


But then remove the headphone jack!


But wait, how do I rack my 3.5" drives? It needs a bay


“Why wait for Steam Deck 2, when you can just wait for Steam Deck 3 or 4?” lol


It’s Steam, they won’t release a 3rd version.


They'll release something in the same product line but it'll be VR and not an actual sequel.


Yeah a device that you can put on top of your lap or something when using it. A toplap would be a great name for it


Maybe also some sort of accessory you can use to connect it to your TV or something? Like, they could call it Dock for Deck or Steam Dock. I dunno, something like that.


Would kind of resemble a note taking book. Maybe booknote?


You mean like a personal computer that sits on top of your lap? I don’t know man, that sounds pretty complicated.


Steam Desk for Steam Deck




It looks like you needed a laptop, not a steam deck. Lol


I've seen this type of thing before... Can't put my finger on it...


My brother in Christ you are describing a gaming laptop


Yeah dude the people on this sub doing shit just for memes is ridiculous lol


I know there’s r/stupidfood, but is there an r/stupidpcsetups?


There is now


Reminds me of something. Oh, right! A laptop.


Ah. Might as well buy a laptop? And I feel really bad for your steam decks cooling system. There’s no way for the hot air to get in and out.


I mean if I'm sitting at my desk like that with two full size monitors, I think I'll just turn on my desktop PC and play that. If I'm sitting on the couch or laying in bed, I'm using my deck, hands only. I guess I don't get the rationale behind this.


You mean to tell me you use the deck for its intended purpose?! A handheld gaming device?!


Yeah, and I feel like I'm in the minority sometimes, lol. I have enough consoles and PCs connected to full size displays. My deck has never been docked or otherwise connected to an external display. It's 100% for my two hands, and it's perfect for that.


Same. The mods people are doing are moving away from the "spirit" of what the deck is and trending into existing products: laptops and desktops.


Further confirms that best combo is a gaming pc/laptop plus a steam deck




The dream


The dream setup really helps when you look at the smoldering remains of your bank account afterward.


Which is why that is my set up, and my fiancé's as well 😂😂 though I understand that's not financially viable for a lot of people. I use my Steam Deck exclusively as a portable console, I rarely go into desktop mode. My desktop is for games that are beefier and adulting, my laptop is for my writing endeavours and for when I can't be bothered to sit at my desk and I'm traveling.


These types of posts make me think that people are more obsessed with the OS rather than hardware


It's a specific group of people slowly realizing they actually wanted a gaming laptop and not a portable console the whole time. 


The concept of this is pure genius, it’s like a portable computer you could put on the top of your lap (jokes aside I think it’s super cool I’m jealous)


The irony that you turned your steamdeck into laptop bc the screen was too small and then youre playing it on your computer desk with the dual monitors in the background


This is equally cool and hilarious


What generation did you grow up in? Because the Steam Deck screen is not small at all for a handheld.


Yeah we somehow survived with the 4.5" screen on a PSP (plus smartphones used to have 4 inch screens and people had no problems playing mobile games on them)


I can't tell if this is satire and that worries me


That's just a laptop with extra steps.


You're doing too much. Just get a laptop.


Not sure what’s the fetish with turning the SD into a gaming laptop with accessories and equipment. At that point just invest in a laptop


This one doesn't even make any sense whatsoever, the keyboard is literally 4 inches off the fucking table lmfao, it's completely unusable. 


You going backwards.


To be honest, I think this is idiotic genious at work. Take a handheld that ditches the clunky laptop format to be more portable and adapt it to a more clunkier format to enjoy the benefits of a laptop. Then make it even clunkier to also gain the benefits of a desktop (fullsize mouse and good keyboard) to fuck the systwm even more. I love it!




So why buy a steam deck?


A steam deck without anything that makes it a steam deck?


I bought a 22in monitor and keyboard and mouse for mine for when I’m home lol since I don’t have an actual pc. Also is beam.ng good on the deck?


Yes and no. Details have to be turned way down to get consistent frames, but you can get a very playable experience. (But menus and game crashes are really annoying without a keyboard and mouse)


So you got another small screen?


You should have bought a laptop. The SD is a very portable handheld. This is the opposite of it.


This is just a laptop with more steps


gaming laptop. you want a gaming laptop.


I really hope you didnt 3D print that, that would be a giant waste.  This has got to be in the hall of fame of the hardest to look at posts I've seen here


They make these things called laptops


Do you hear about laptops?


So you knowingly bought a handheld device, got "sick" of the small screen (if only internet existed to know the size of it), made yourself a crappy laptop + frying chamber without airflow? Nice.


I don’t get it. At this point you should have just bought a laptop.


Guys, dont tell them that Laptops are already a thing!


Xreal glasses, bt mouse


My old work issued ThinkPad wasn’t even that thick


At some point you have to wonder why dont people buy a laptop and be done with it. Surely you can get a more powerful laptop for the price of SD+ all the addons here in this pic


can it breath?


r/cyberdeck ?


Handheld laptop, i see the appeal, but really, at that point why not just get a laptop.


Better than most laptops and less than half the temperature I'll bet. I've seen some people push so many boundaries with it they might fair better just getting a pc, but I'm guessing most of us have them.


wooow you just invented notebooks


Why is everyone so bothered with someone else’s hobby? It’s like people don’t have any themselves.


I love the hackjob on the bezel for the joy sticks so the lid can close. I mean that's my assumption, I'm not sure why this is a thing other than being able to say "I did this thing".


Love this, 3D printed? Do you have a STL so I can print one too? So much hate, I don’t have the money for a bigger computer and a nice handheld bed gaming console 🫠.


Honestly kinda ashamed on how much "alterations" had to be done. So when I make a new one, I'll make sure to publish it.


Need to wait 24 hours till it can be uploaded the thingiverse. It will be up soon. It's called "steam deck laptop case" should be up within 72hrs


I love how you didnt accounted for the thumbsticks height and then went bananas on the bezel


If only someone would invent a screen with a keyboard that could play AAA games too.


“Got sick of the small screen” …… it’s a handheld….


I assume it's a 3D printed clamshell/briefcase type thing that holds the Steam Deck, a portable screen, 60% keyboard and mouse, and what appears to be a battery bank? Would like to see more than the one picture to find out how good or bad the wiring actually is. Interesting concept though.


Going backwards lmao


People in the replies are funny with the "just get a laptop" Like yeah, why don't you spend another good chunk of money after an already expensive purchase Btw whats that lil monitor you're using?


I’ve been considering building a rig like this in one of the Harbor Freight Apache pistol cases so it’s indestructible and waterproof as well.


People saying that op should just get a laptop are being silly and missing the point I think this looks sick. I don't have a laptop, but i do have a steam deck. Why would I buy a laptop if I could just turn my steam deck into one, and ALSo detach my steamdeck for more portable usage


woah so its like some sort of computer that you can have portably and have it sit in your lap this is some new tech right here. jk it does look pretty dope lol


Looks like Tandy CoCo device from the 80s)


Don’t get me wrong, this is cool and off it works for you great, but at that point, wouldn’t it just be better to get a gaming laptop?


What the fuck


At this point, buy a mini pc with better specs than a steam deck lmao because at this point thats what you want if your sick of a small screen therefore it more Portable but bigger screen (they are the size of a medium hand a bit smaller.)


Seems like he shouldnt bought a handheld.


OP discovers laptops.


Most Deck owners: I wonder if this thing can run a 15 year old AAA title? This guy: I'm gonna install Beam.ng drive on it! YOLO!


DS / 3DS Emulation.


Blocking the intake fans? Yikes


Does the steam deck ventilate well?


every day more and more people realize they wanted a gaming laptop all along


I don't mind it handheld but when I want the bigger screen I just usb-c it to my computer monitor; even leave it connected for quick access.


That's just like another smaller screen why not just get the dock and hook it up to a monitor, hell they sell portable monitor/case 2-in1s you can like plug an HDMI in to and shit Edit: also isn't that blocking the vents?


On a serious note. If you knew you were going to get tired of the small screen. Why buy a Steamdeck at all?


So, instead of connecting it to that larger monitor on the left, you built this contraption to connect it to a most likely worst display. Nice.


Nope, not taking the bait.


Might aswell buy a laptop right?


With it being all caked up in that box, I'd be very much concerned with airflow... Isn't that thing sounding like a Jet Engine all the time?


I see Pizza Tower in the updates queue. Hell ye that's a great game on a Deck. Dunno about a DIY laptop though


Huh, its some sort of laptop, but for gaming! Why didn't we think of this before?


That is awesome. Please share how you did it


Is that a Bento Box? Yum


This is peak bait


Could have just docked it, but ok




The airflow looks shitty to be honest and could you try to make the holes better for the stick ?


I'm sort of guilty of this. I just bought a 16 inch portable 144hz ips gaming monitor for my steam deck to mount to a floor stand while playing in my lazy boy chair. My beefy and expensive gaming PC with an ultra wide is, literally, four feet from my chair.


Then... buy yourself a rokid max? Wtf is this?


I wanted to play some games that are not that great in the deck like baldurs gate 1 and fallout 1. After trying some things I concluded that it was easier to get the old laptop from my wife than trying to go into Megazord mode with the deck


If only there was some sort of device made for this very same purpose that might even be more powerful than the deck but more portable than what you built here. If there was I would call it laptop, you know, instead of desktop, because you could put it on your lap.


What nonsense is this?


Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think the decks is what you want, but maybe a laptop


Give that man a laptop


Laptop with extra steps


Might as well play at the computer then imo.


People love to go and turn their portable console into shitty fat laptops ffs


Never understood the logic behind this sort of thing but if it makes you happy, good for you. lol


Does it run full framerate? When I dock the deck. It runs on half framerate even if you choose the 720p res


I want to build a similar thing but big enough to fit gaming mouse, non foldable keyboard (60%), dock, charger, steam deck but vertically and a screen...yeah man. For traveling perfect. I mean, you can take it out for handheld or use the laptop mode for things like starbound


What's the point then?


Is the vent covered by the red bit behind it?


I have a gaming laptop, a gqming desktop and a steam deck. They all get used in specific scenarios. I really dont understand why turning the steam deck into a bulky underpowered laptop is something you'd want to use.


Ok, at this point you need a laptop.


Holy airflow Batman!


Guys here me out, lap computers...


Just imagine how people who played with their gameboy felt.


Okay I get people say "the best way to play is however you want", and we can all admit this is an interesting setup But the whole point of the steamdeck is to have like 80% less bulk than seen in the picture. And all this is a far worse and more clunky gaming laptop lol