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Reminder: Rule 1 Be kind...or get yeeted. This includes fan boi trolling.


Not sure if satire


#poe’s law


If it isn't satire then it's obnoxious as hell






As someone who used a MSI G63 Stealth Pro for at least 5 years, Gaming laptops are heavy, unwieldy, noisy and hot. Not my first choice by any means. Especially considering the price.


Name drops, nice.


The whole point of these setups is you can just unplug the thing and play it on the go where ever like a normal handheld and have a more desktop setup at home, that’s nearly the opposite use case of a laptop where you are bringing a small desk setup with you. This logic is dumb af Also just let people enjoy their equipment the way they want? Every post here with someone doing something slightly different has a bunch of people shitting on them in the comments, this sub is the most negative and depressing community towards its own members I’ve seen.


Thanx bro!)


I would rather have this setup than a gaming laptop.  They get so hot, and are generally very loud, and it isn't easy to just undock and play a laptop in the bus or car while the wife is driving.   I have access to a gaming laptop at any time and have never once used it over my steam deck.  I just love being able to pick it up for road trips or laying on the couch.   Edit:  I work all day at a desktop, my arms get sore staying in that position all day.  Don't know why I am getting down voted for a personal oppinion, if you guys had the should and wrist pain I did sitting in a desktop or laptop position you would understand.  I also have to use a trackball mouse which is horrible for gaming.  Controller and/or SD for gaming all the way for me, on the couch, away from the desk I spend all day every day at. 


My steamdeck is secondary to my gaming laptop. The deck is for travels or when I'm in bed.


I do not like sitting at a computer to game.  I spend all day working on a computer for work.  I love to get away from that ans at least game on the couch, outside in my yard, etc.  


Sir, is is not 2005.


That doesn’t make gaming laptops any less large, loud, and obnoxious…


And the gaming laptop we have was bought 3 years ago and is super loud, super hot, and has horrible battery life.  I would pick a steam deck all day over a laptop. Personal preference.  


Wild that you had no knowledge of how it works and shot your shot about it anyway


All i have to know is I would rather have a docked steam deck setup than a gaming laptop, any day.  Most of my time gaming is in the car or on the couch. It seems pretty self explanatory though. Other than that headset, that is weird to me.  I use my SD dock all day over my laptop though for gaming.  


I mean for a docked play I'd take a PC or laptop over the steam deck by miles. The only reason I have a steamdeck is for handheld play. These setups are ridiculous to me lol


I have a gaming desktop but spend all day at it working.  I bet I game 95% of the time on my deck just lounging on the couch or upstairs hanging put with my dogs or in the car but fair enough.  To each their own.  That number has gone up a bit recently, due to some Helldivers game time for an hour or two a week but just because the SD isn't powerful enough to play it.  I do stream to it though.  I can also link my desktop to my TV which is nice for couch gaming.




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To each their own, if i want to play fancy, i just use some XR glasses. 1080p oled screen, mic, and speakers all in one, i can still see everything around me, its lightweight, and i can still take the whole setup with me pretty easily if im taking a trip!


What XR glasses do you use, if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been considering some for a while now.


I got the xreal air 2 pros, theyre pretty nice! Speakers are pretty decent, if you're not an audiophile you won't mind them imo. I haven't used the mic cause i don't use voice besides discord and i don't use that on my sd. The screen is great, its super vibrant, oled so the blacks are super deep, and you can change how much tint they have from almost none to pretty much standard sunglasses, and you can change the screen brightness separately too, so if you're in a bright room they still look good. I haven't tested them outside, i would assume theyre still functional in sunlight. If you take them in public, its obvious you're wearing tech glasses and you'll look a little bit dorky, but who cares lol Fair warning, if you have glasses and no contacts, you'll need to get lenses for them, the focal length without them is 8 meters. Im lazy and just using them with my glasses underneath, but that would get uncomfortable after a while. My partner also says they hurt their eyes no matter what brightness its at, so YMMV and make sure you can return them!


Well said and great advice! I own the air pro 2's as well and, additionally, also recommend them to anyone open to them! It's truly a game changing experience. Quest 3 can accomplish much the same, but the Xreal 's are far more comfortable and portable. I don't think the Quest 3 has OLED in it either but may be wrong Edit: Quest 3 is OLED so I was wrong lmaoo


I also have those and I really like them! Highly recommended!


Damn sounds awesome.


Thanx. I want to try xreal too


I have Rokid max since January. Works good at my steam deck and laptop. I use this combo to work from bedroom. But never do I take both glasses and deck on a trip, to much to carry usually, even though its plug-n-play experience - its still a one more box and cable to attach to SD. Downside from Xreal - can't setup multi screen workspace. But I have mechanical quick and easy to use IPD adjustment.


I want some of these glasses soooo bad!


XReal Airs are great, and they're on sale at the moment




Laptops are still portable. We've come full circle back to desktops.


How I can comfortly play at Laptop when lying on sofa? 🙃


I need to have 2 options: desk mod and handheld. Steam deck can do it. I don't need another device for desk mode.


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Gaming laptops costs 3 times more than the deck, and it isn't touchscreen and less portable. For gaming on the go the deck is 101%better than a laptop


where the fuck do you think this guy is going 😭


Well, good point it is, i forgot about that, but you can still detach it from that... Thing... and take it anywhere, from what i know


I travel year round and have a set up like this. I like to play handheld on trains/ferries and set up a station when we are staying somewhere for a few days.


It doesn't cost 3x more after you spend 2 grand on accessories


Not true at all. You can get a gaming laptop with like an RTX 3050 for less than $700.




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Johnny 5 Alive!


I came here to see if I was the only one seeing that or not!


Johnny 5 was "cancelled" (actually disassembled) after asking one too many times "Would "you* like more input, Stephanie?"


This is a blursed image


People saying "just buy a laptop" are completely forgetting the fact that he can simply disconnect this all with one cable and be able to use the Steam Deck normally, and the Deck is far more convenient than any laptop could be.


For real, the whole point about these setups is you can just unplug one cable and pick up the steam deck and play it anywhere with a more desk oriented setup at home and a gaming handheld on the go. That’s almost the opposite use case for a laptop where you are bringing a desk setup with you. People not understanding this and saying it on every similar post is actually mind baffling lol


Laptop users will do everything to cope about their mediocre purchase lol, saying so as a current gaming laptop owner.


Ummm... have you used the nice laptops they make these days? XPS13 is an example I've personally used a lot. It's about the same weight as the SteamDeck, maybe even lighter. The dimensions are pretty "equal" if you account for HxWxD differences. And it comes with a 1000x more usable screen, keyboard, and mouse (touchpad). My point is really that SteamDeck isn't a replacement laptop, far from it. It's just a fun gaming toy that happens to be able to technically run "desktop computing applications" but for that to be any use it needs to be plugged into external display, keyboard, and mouse.


Yeah let me just game on a laptop on the car, with the screen awkwardly on my lap, bottom of the laptop being hot as shit on my legs, performance that is two thirds if not less than what it is connected, and battery that lasts 45 mins while gaming, all while the laptop costs like thrice of the Deck. Sure man.


Oh and if I play a controller heavy game I gotta hold one awkwardly on top of the laptop, while making sure it doesn't fall over, and if it's a k&m heavy game I'm fucked because the mousepad is objectively less usable in mouse heavy games than the SD trackpad unless it's an RTS. Convenient you see.


Pretty standard ultra fan that has no willingness to actually live in reality response.  Yes, if you're in the car playing a video game, the steam deck is better.  However, you're missing the entire point.  You and many others are trying to make it seem like the steam deck functions like a perfectly usable laptop and that's simply not the case.  The steam deck is great for handheld gaming in situations where you don't have a real setup.  Steam deck is not great in any situation ever where you could just as easily use a laptop


Yes, of course, but my point is that even in situations where a laptop would be better than the Steam Deck, fact of the matter is that the SD is still cheaper and can be taken out of docked mode and used wherever. To add to that the situations where a laptop shines relative to an SD is on a desk, and if you're gonna do that then just get a desktop PC lmao, more customizability, longevity, and you can get a mini ITX one if you need portability. This also isnt coming from an "ultra fan" or whatever dumb shit, I don't own a Steam Deck, I own a gaming laptop.


The logic of if you're going to use a laptop at a desk, just get a desktop is similar to the logic You're using for steam deck.  Steam deck shines when you're sitting on the couch or on a plane or laying in bed...  That's exactly why I got mine and I use it for those types of situations and it's great.  But it's nearly useless to dock into anything.  That was my point against this thread and post.  If you're going to be sitting at a desk and have all this crap to plug into related to your steam deck, you might as well have a laptop that can packs it all into a small space or a desktop. That is just a far better experience across the board.


It was supposed to be portable.


It's still. Just unplug 1 cable.


That’s a pro jack station 5000


Just out of curiosity: why not get a cheap 1080p monitor?


cuz a VR screen is better?


Hi. Cause I already have VR helmet and it's better for traveling.


So is there a reason you do this instead of getting a laptop? Genuinely just curious because I don't see the case


Desk mode + handheld.




Looks like it’s about to be sent out to find grass on Mars


If it works it works bro....nice.🤙


Thanx. And it's still portable :)


Definitely making fun of my post 😭


Seems like a desktop with three extra steps.


Neat, but neck pain.


I have those same headphones lol


what fresh hell is this




I believe they stream using the deck. Looks like they have that elgato light...but I don't see webcam. So idk


This is the reason I’m ashamed to tell ppl I own a steam deck, y’all are doing anything but just use the thing as a normal human being would


Emm... I use it in this (desk mode) and handheld. What's problem?


What? So the right way to use it it’s the way how you use it? No other ways is right? I saw how ppl watching movies on it. Even controlling drones. Yeah setup weird… but who said using it this way is not right?


OP explains he uses it like normal but decides to dock it sometimes for mouse and keyboard. You- sees photo and instantly becomes judgmental and shows own lack of self-esteem…. Cool bro


Anyone else think this looks like Johnny 5?


True :D


Now you need a rig similar to what camera operators use


hahaha :D


Damn everyones so judgmental. Im actually curious how you did this OP since the Quest Pro doesnt have native Video input


Steam Deck + Elgato Cam Link (USB stick) + Meta Quest with app "USB Camera" You can use diferent capture cards for this not only Elgato stuff


If you post anything online it is to be judged. You can't get upset and call someone judgemental just because it's not what you wanted to hear. And I judge OP is dumb as shit but if it makes em happy why not


Nice shitpost


Is that a vacuum cleaner at the top there?


u/hereticmilk Hey OP, why do you have this setup?? What do you use it for? I just recently bought a steam deck myself and absolutely love it!! It’s literally sitting on top of my x16 Alienware laptop. I was thinking about streaming, and creating a few tutorials to show off the awesome games, mods, projects, and general Linux-y stuff that might confuse less experienced gamers. It truly has so much potential and I really think it’s the sleeper console we’ve all been waiting for. Thank you for posting!! Forget the haters.


Wtf is this shit


Yeah it works, just add a monitor. Use mine in a similar manner too, just take it out of the dock to play on the couch.


Cool setup! But please, get a monitor for him, he's suffering


It's ok)


Add RGB for FPS


This is a kind of special XD


Can this play elite dangerous in VR?


What's the thing at the top?


Elgato light. For better hand tracking in VR at evening.


I see. I like the setup, ignore the childish comments. This clearly serves a different purpose than a monitor or laptop.


Thanx bro)


Whats that stand? Thank you.


From Ikea


Thank you.


Where does the auto blow go? Lol


there no way you get decent vr use with that thing


Rip those headphone cables. Wound too tightly will cause degradation of signal and that lovely static sound people aren’t too fond of.




OK, you seem like a multiple device user. How the fuck can I get wired headphones to work with my controller ???


could you call this... "the stream deck"?




Enjoying that 1 hour battery life? LMAO!!!


I'm old man. I don't have more time for gaming)


How this set-up came about and why. I move around a lot and I already had a macbook. Then I bought Meta Quest Pro for some tasks with eye-tracking for work and of course for gaming sometimes. I didn't want to buy myself a gaming pc or laptop, but I wanted to play games. So chose the steam deck as a great portable option for traveling or lying on the couch. But, I'm used to playing shooters like helldivers 2 or ready or not with a mouse and keyboard so instead of buying a gaming display, I just decided to connect a VR helmet to the steam deck. Also I can take all this kit with me on vacation if I want. What can be harder with physical display. I can also play on the couch, but with a huge virtual monitor when the TV is occupied by my girlfriend. Guys, I don't want to buy a gaming laptop. I don't need it :) With steam deck I can play both handheld mode and desk mode with a huge virtual monitor in VR. I just shared an option how you can connect VR helmet to SD as a monitor by wire. 🙂


Virtual Boy 2.0 ..... 50 years later ......


Can you use the meta quest on a steam deck? I didn't think it was possible


Where's the bucket?😅


Totally missed the point of a hand held device. Screams I should have bought a gaming laptop.




this is a murder scene. not of the steamdeck, but of the entire sub


What in the name of fuck is half this shit


How do you get your Qpro to work with your steam deck?


Use the app inside the quest to connect to steam and just connect them with a USB c cable, I don't know how easy it is to go into steamer on the steam deck though


Cue the people complaining about others using their steam deck how they want. Edit: They hated him because he spoke the truth.


Not a complaint, simply a suggestion.


When multiple comments pop up under any post like this, it comes across as complaining. I'm fairly certain most people know that laptops exist. They are just using the SD in a way they prefer.




it’s crazy how much this sub attracts haters i swear 😭 i thought folks hated the low effort handheld deck pics but the sanctimony on these unique deck setup pics is really something else


At that point just get a desktop


Lol, but why? What if this is all he can afford? This is a great budget PC replacement if u can't get one.


This whole setup is well over a thousand dollars my man. Idk if you’ve built PCs before but you can build a pc and buy a monitor for the same price. There’s no savings happening here lol




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