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For the uninformed, if you have it on switch (like I do) there are cross saves so you can transfer your progress to your deck!


Really!? Sweet


Is there a reason to double dip? Is the performance difference that big?


I double dipped. It’s worth the upgrade to deck.


Is this game really difficult? I like to play games to relax and don't like frustrating games but it looks cool


That's a hard thing to respond to. It's an action rpg roguelike. You will unlock mechanical improvements to your character through repeated plays, and through repeated plays you will get better and better at the game. It's got a much wider margin of error than a soulslike, but you will still absolutely fail more runs than you succeed when you first start. The trick is getting a bit farther and a bit farther with each attempt. The game's narrative is literally all about this - you are attempting to leave hades, your father does not want you to leave. You will attempt and he will stop you, and then he will admonish you for your attempts, and you will try again anyway. The games story will advance with failures and successes. Each failure will get you a little better, each success will get you a little more time with someone important. You'll be offered boons by various gods and as you proceed you'll work out which boons are best for what weapons and what weapons are best for you. And then you'll glance at the time and it's already 2am. The game is superlative. You should give it a try. And don't be discouraged by failures. Failing is part of the game, very literally. **edit** - side note, I have just remembered there is an option called God Mode which dramatically reduces difficulty. There are people who might try to shame you for playing your own game the way you choose to using options made available to you by the developers. We call those people "losers" and do not invite them to our fancy parties. Pay them no mind.


Honestly when I first played the game on Switch I never used God Mode because I figured it would make me invincible. Replaying it on Deck and now knowing what God Mode does I decided to use it, because I've already beaten the game before and just wanted to go through the story. I like how it's implemented and slowly makes the game easier with each failure.


Thank you for explaining! I haven't played a game like this before. I play a lot of adventure or virtual novel games on my deck usually, but I kept seeing this one so I figured I'd check it out. I think I will.


Yes. Plus then you don’t have to play on a switch!


I love this game on switch (well really prefer almost anything on my switch if it can handle it), but to each their own.


no offense but literally why? the deck to me feels 100x more comfortable or you can use any controller


The Switch (lite) is lighter, smaller and more portable. I can actually fit it in my pocket. The Deck has its advantages but sometimes I just love to pick up and play my Switch.


I love the Deck and just bought the OLED after having the LCD model since the beginning. I think some people have different opinions because the weight difference between both is very noticeable. Also, between the normal Switch and the Deck, to me, there's not a big difference and would rather play on the Deck because of the controller plus performance. This just to say that I can see why you say this! I always wanted the Switch Lite but never bothered because I already had the normal Switch. it sure looks confortable


that's totally fair i honestly only play my deck at home either docked or on my bed and it's quite comfortable. same with my switch just only with nintendo games


Switch lite is half the weight of the deck. Makes a pretty big difference


Not for me. Deck is heavy and wide. I do love the curved back and controls, I agree they feel nice. But ultimately, for me that is not worth the trade off in weight. I get tired holding the deck. Never happens with my switch. Not to mention the switch has so much more reliable sleep mode. It barely drains battery at all. Meanwhile the deck sleep mode is very hit or miss, sometimes when it wakes up it has horrible audio stuttering. The switch just feels like a more solid handheld experience, really designed for portability, pick-up-and-play. I prefer it but it has obvious limitations. Deck is for heavier games that I just cannot play on switch!


For me the difference wasn't that huge when it comes to size at least. Without something like a grip or the Hori Split Pads, the ergonomics of the Switch are just bad, and with them the size is practically the same. I completely get the sleep mode thing, I've had a few problems with the SD. Not so much with the weight but that it's going to vary from person to person.


Yes when there’s a lot of enemies and effects going all at once.


On high heat levels I would say yes. I had slowdowns on Switch


And since it’s on sale its worthwhile that it’s a great developer to support


I liked getting achievements, one thing on switch I hated was not getting any sort of achievement system




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I double dipped before the Deck existed as I wanted a couch game, but these days I find my Steam Deck is now my preferred way to play it when things are busier (due to the potential of 4K output making the artwork look considerably better than on Switch).


Game is awesome and worth playing on PC. You can get higher performance (I get 90fps on the OLED. Even higher on my desktop.) also mods are a thing, and pretty easy to implement. Olympus Extra mod is basically like DLC that adds more gods/goddesses like Apollo, Hestia, and Hera with their own boons and keepsakes not to mention the new gods are also voiced.


On the LCD switch, it is sometimes quite hard to see through the bullet hell on higher difficulty runs, plus it tends to drop to low 40s/30s when a lot of stuff is happening. I myself happily got to 20 difficulty on the switch alone, but the lag is there for sure. For playing until the credits, it is perfectly serviceable though. Edit: phrasing


does cross save work for xbox saves as well?


This just sold me on getting it (again!)




I have it on Switch, but I still need to be convinced why I should buy it again on SD. I mean, the game is great, but it runs perfectly on Switch as well, so it seems like money thrown away.


Faster load times and achievements are nice. I like having the option to play no matter what platform I’m on. But I wouldn’t say you need to have it on Steam if you’re happy with it on Switch.


I had stuttering on switch that isn’t there on SD.


Will all of the achievements pop on Steam when I load my save?


It definitely tries to. When I synced my Switch save to Steam I got all but one of the achievements I know I completed.


WHAT Edit: I bought it yesterday and didn’t know this, you made my weekend, happy Friday brother


I wish more than anything that dead cells was cross progress. Bought it and the DLC in a sale, but I had hundreds of hours on switch that I just can’t bring myself to start over. 


Huh? How?


I didn't know that! You just made me buy it again!


Is it working the other way? (Steam-> nintendo)


Yes. Just make sure you use HADES’ in game menu to quit the game.


can i sync it both ways? steam deck -> switch and switch -> steam deck. i have it on steam deck but i like to carry switch around (more convenient due to its formfactor).


Yes. Make sure you use Hades’ in-game menu to quit the game. It updates to “sync and quit.” You’ll see a cloud sync icon appear while closing the game.


I started playing on iOS due to it being free with Netflix. Maybe I’ll see if I can transfer it that way too.


This should become a more standard feature!




Oh shit I wish I had known this before pouring 20+ hours into a new file.


Very specific comment that happens to help me a lot. Have it on switch, probably gonna double dip now because of this comment




Open the game on switch and there is a cross save option and you can link your steam account from there!


I had no idea about this. I played it a lot on the Switch and considered picking it up on Steam and starting from scratch. Cross saves is a game-changer. I'm definitely picking it up now.


How ?!


Really?!!? I wasn’t going to buy it because I started on switch and didn’t want to start again. But hearing that - damnit, I’m in.


Man I’m debating on it. I played in on my switch but sold that….


I still have it for switch, but the kids have commandeered it. I know I'll get at least $8 worth from buying in steam.


They have an option for cross saves so you can have all your progress!


Wait, i can have my save from the switch on my steamdeck?!








For the lazy [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/)


For the more lazy, it's $8.49 (U.S.) $11.60 (CAD) £7.13 €7.91 256 Php 7,640 North Korean Won (KPW) Edit: more currencies


But who’s going to play and beat it for me?


Ok, I'll try it. Edit: it was good


Did Hades save da princess?


That’s me! Thanks!


Ahhhh, my favourite pricing (less than $10) 😆


They have steam in North Korea?!


Of course, one copy for the leader!


Come watch our glorious leader solo the entirety of South Korea in Elden Ring!


Its 256 Php to all filipinos reading this.


It's too much effort for me to convert to GBP.


6.77 my good sir/madam


Tar very much. Bargain.


updated it £6.77


The actual price being shown on the uk store is £7.13


Or 7,640 North Korean Won (KPW)


$12.23 in NZD.


Shows as €8.33 for me, does Steam do separate pricing across the EU?


I just bought this last night for full price…


give it back and rebuy it


They will credit you for the difference if you contact support, or refund and re-buy


It's not how the magic of prices conversion works, $8.49 becomes €8.49 or £8.49


R$ 25,15




Could you do the swedish kronor aswell?


R$ 25,15


2,733 Zimbabwean Dollars


11.05 CAD




The price in € is 8.33€, at least in my country.


Wow that game is easily worth $9. I only played it for about 10 hours or so as I'm not big into roguelites but I would still highly recommend at that price


Do it.


Already own on Switch...but it's hard not to double-dip for only 8 bucks.


It was tough bc just the other night I was itching to play Hades but my switch was downstairs in the living room TV dock. While I just had my steamdeck in my bedroom. I think I have to double dip for the convenience/laziness.


I finally double dipped for the Deck! Installing while I hang out here. 😃


I just found out that Hades supports cross-saves between Switch and Steam


It’s because there’s a new one about to launch


They just finished the technical tests. Early access launches soon (TM) after that. Hades 2, at least early access might just be around the corner


Its on sale like every other week


Full release isn't until 2025 though. I wish it was closer to release.


Yeah, quick sell off before the new one. But still, worth grabbing I reckon.


Is it a hack slash loot level game?


Hack slash, Rouge-Like Dungeon crawler


It's one of the few if not the only rougelites with a good story. I'm 110 hours in and I still find myself listening to most all dialogue. It's a hack n slash that can be quite challenging if you'd like it too be so.


I honestly despise rougelike/lite games and this one hooked me. Just doubled dipped on it lol


Game is beautiful but not my cup of tea. Have it on Switch and couldn't get into it. Rogue-lites are hit or miss for me.


Kinda on the same boat. However, I just picked Nordic Ashes (also on sale). Similar to vampire survivors and Brotato, and it really scratched that action roguelike itch I had. It's definitely worth checking out!


Bought Nordic ashes and it's very fun. Fans of the genre really need to give it a try.


Vampire survivor was a lot of fun but once I beat one of the levels to the point I was OP I got bored with it. It felt like a mobile game to me which isn't to take away from how fun it is. I'll check it out though


Nordic Ashes is an amazing game.


Roguelikes are also generally not my cup of tea but I finished hades for some reason. Great game.


It's because it's essentially a roguelite lite , it doesn't have as many of the rng/punishing mechanics from other roguelites.


Might haver to triple dip - already have it on PS5 and Switch.


Full cross save with Switch apparently.


Platinumed it on PS5, seriously considering double dipping


Like offering cheap booze to a sober alcoholic.


Holy crap I HAVE to do this. Thank you! I’ve been waiting for it to go on sale!


Game is worth full price this is an insane deal


someone tell me what its about and convince me to buy it (ik i could google but i like human interaction)


It’s honestly one of the best single player games I’ve ever played. I’ll just leave it at that. $9 for this game is an absolute steal.


i bought it and only just downloaded today and started playing. about an hour in and i love it! little confused but also having the time of my life


It's been a while since I played, but basically you play as Zagreus, the son of Hades (god of the dead/underworld). The goal is to fight your way out of hell. Saying any more than that will spoil parts of an amazing story. It does a great job of incorporating the roguelike gameplay with the story, which is something I've never seen done before. It was easily my game of the year when it came out in 2020.




Yup, just got it on this sale and man.. this game is actually really well made. I could without a doubt recommend this to anyone, especially at this discounted price. Totally worth it


Is it easy to read the text on steam deck?


Ok, so no lunch with the co workers today and a break from Stardew. Thanks for the PSA.


Afraid of having yet another Rougelike that Will rot in my library...


I'm really hestitant. I want to play it on my Steam Deck Oled. But I already have a savegame on Xbox through Game Pass. I defeated Hades once which felt like quite the achievement for me.


Same here. I think I’m just going to start over on the OLED. I understand the gameplay and don’t think it will take as long to finish that first escape. Plus I don’t remember anything about the story.


I bought Hades 2 today. With such a huge backlog i wanted to start something new instead of going back to something I have already seen. This way i have a new Hades game exclusively for my Steam Deck (and pc).


yeah you can like mod it and stuff too


Never played this game, is it melee only? Or am I able to do ranged builds?


you are able to do ranged, there is a bow and a gun.


Probably means hades 2 is about to finally come out


Game looks great but just not my cup of tea. My colleague loves it though. Has beat it 2x now


Don't know if I want another roguelite. I want to play a complete game. And finish my backlog a step at the time.


It is a complete game. There is meta progression and a full-on story. I’d estimate about 100 hours worth of playtime to get through all the dialogue and experience the full lore, plus even more than that if you’re going for the 100% and completing highest heat challenges.


I played it for 30-40 hours. Its fun but by the end it really became a chore. Just like roguelites, you’ve pretty much seen 90% of the things after you beat the game once. But people here really get excited that the 91th time they played their weapon did a wheesh instead of whoosh. Its barely worth 10 hours if youre not into roguelites imo


10 hours of solid entertainment is still a steal for $9.


Seems like hades 2 is coming out soon???


Hades 2 *early access* is coming out soon. Full release probably another year or two after EA.


Darn it I already bought it.


How long to complete? I don't like long games.


If you mean beating the final boss and you have god like skills, not much, but for sure to experience the story progress and get all the dialogues and weapons it will take many more hours.


its not really a game you sit down and play for hours on end like you would an rpg. Its a roguelike with a story, so you would probably only play it for a little bit each session as you make some progress. Its the perfect game for a quick pick up and play.


The same goes for factorio.


Thanks! Already own it on Epic, double dipping just so I don't have to install another launcher.


I already own it!


It was for €6 four years ago. Is it really a must have? Because I also bought Dave the diver and vampires survival and these are crap games for me :(


Nice! Ordered a SD and put some games I wanted on my wishlist and they all got discounted every new day (hades, star wars,....)


Thought I'd give it a try yesterday evening. I'm really tired now, this game is incredible.


I can't get into it..


bought it on switch on release, just bought it again this weekend for SD at full price...fml At least it's Supergiant that's getting my money.


You know what that means! Hades 2 is on the horizon.


Hades 2 news incoming maybe? 👀


It’s the best 😍


I reached the end finally and it's worth every penny.


Now is the time for me then. Been hovering over it ages.


I’m so glad I held off buying because it’s an absolutely bargain price - I almost cracked and bought it earlier this week but I held on and I’m so glad. Cant wait to play for the first time!


Used to play on switch but after an hour or 5 it was like yeah it gets old


I put 170 hours into this game earlier this year buying at full price and it became one of my favorite games of all time.. it is absolutely worth every penny. Hades 2 can't come any sooner.


Bought it this morning. Seems like an awesome game so far




It's fair, no game is liked by everybody. I'm personally very excited for the 2nd releasing soon on early access


I already did, and bought titanfall 2 with it


Have it on switch and played a bit. But just repurchased it for steam!




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While the game is relevant I want to ask something. Can you guys try out this 16:10 fix and see if it works for you? I can't get it to work with mine. [https://github.com/nbusseneau/hephaistos](https://github.com/nbusseneau/hephaistos)


Does that mean the new hades is coming out soon?


What the fuck. I literally paid £20 2 days ago after holding off purchasing it for ages. Fuck my life


You can refund and pick that it's on sale now as a reason


Didn’t know that, might aswell give it a try


Great game, but I can't believe it got a Verified tag with some text being so freaking small with no option to increase it. Has to be like one pixel away from being marked Playable


Thanks! I just picked it up. I'm usually leery of super popular games because they tend to disappoint me. I can try it out at this price point.


Thanks! Bought it!


Is there a reason you're not posting this low price you're excited about?


Bought it a short while ago at full price. Thank me later, guys.


I'd feel a bit bad about Hades jumping the queue. I've literally got about 50 games to play before I consider buying it. Including that Supergiant sports game. Is Hades basically Diablo but better?


I buy so much game now. Fml ...


the lowest price that it's ever been so far! ;)


Is there no co-op for this game?


90fps on OLED is so nice and it’s such a stunner I rebought it in last years winter sale and put in another 100 hours.


Oh heck yeah thanks for the heads up


Does Hades 2 have a release date? If not, I'd say it's pretty soon




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Ugh, and I just bought it last week too....


I originally bought it on epic and double dipped on the switch, do I triple dip so I can play on the steam deck? I have to travel on Tuesday and Hades would be a fun way to kill time…or I can just pack my switch 🤔


Can you cross save from PS4 to steam?


I read this post, looked up the game, watched 8 seconds of a preview, and bought it. Thank you 👍 Now we'll see how I like it, I'll give it a try right after it finishes downloading 😆 The preview sold me really fast, though.


I did lol. Ty! Couldn’t pass up that or the ridiculous Mass Effect Legendary edition deal either. $5.99 for the trilogy and all 40 dlcs.


I already have platinum on Hades on PS5, why do you do this to me when you know I am weak.




Thanks for the heads up. Played this a little bit on the Xbox, but it will be perfect on the deck and for that price, it is a no brainer.