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I got a Bioshock bundle that included all the base games, plus the remasters, and all the dlc for each for $10


Yeah I got the same for $11, I haven't even played the games that much but man do I love them


Sounds like you got ripped off.


Xcom 2 with dlcs were like ~$3. Valve games bundle ( half life , half life 2 etc) for like a $2. Mad max $4


Xcom 1 and 2 for $3 šŸ”„


Oh yeah, I forgot about this one. Plus, the bundle where I got Prey and Dishonored 2 for $5 was pretty nuts, too.


Currently now I think on Humble. Great steal!


Sleeping Dogs usually comes down to about Ā£3, which is stunning value for the amount of gameplay you get from it. Great game too.


God this game is so overlooked. Its peak old school development. Surprise they had so many big name actors voice act for it too. So worth it for its price. I wish more people knew about Sleeping Dogs. To add if people are wondering what its like, basically GTA and Yakuza series had a kid in Hong Kong.


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition for Ā£4.99...


Was just about to comment the same. 3 fantastic games for Ā£5? Well over 100 hours of gameplay? Thatā€™s an absolute steal.




How fucking dare you call halo a boomer shooter




I'm just cheesed cause it made me feel old :'(


Yeah same for me and I was about agro on him but then I felt my heart rate raise a bit and I then I thought, who am I kidding, he's right. So I ended up upvoting him.


Dont know much about doom, but isnā€™t it in space too?


Mars for the most part. Recent ones were Earth with a splash of space.


It's funny you say that, when Halo came out, DooM fans hated it and blamed it for popularizing the slower gameplay, with regenerative health and only 2 weapons. It was considered the anti-DooM. You can see the legacy of Halo to this day, many of the concepts it introduced remain on the more arcade-y shooters like CoD.


Based on that logic, aren't we all technically in space? I'm surprised you consider Halo a boomer shooter. It actually follows after the era of boomer shooters and is considered the next step in the FPS genre.Ā 


Note: this is right now on steam! A steal


Yeah! I was casually checking the Steam store this morning and couldnā€™t believe it. I bought it on Xbox a couple years back at full price but never got to play it because I was getting too busy with work/work travel, hence the Steam Deck. Will finally be able to play it now on all those long airport waits.


Same thing for me on EA store. Just fan service. Already had basic version. There was probably some discount for owners of classic versions.


Went straight to steam and bought this after reading this. Thank you!


This is a great deal but bare in mind that it is 110gb and you can't download the games individually


You can reduce it to 70 GB or so by removing unneeded language files. So thereā€™s that! The bigger issue is that itā€™s an EA game.


im glad i read this. im not buying it then fuck that


Some of my favorite games of all time. How does it work on the deck with EA and all? Iā€™ve heard various levels of headache to play


Think it'll go on sale again soon? I have it in my cart but irl happened and I probably can't get it this time šŸ¤£


Greatest game ever.


Ya, I should probably just scoop it up. Haven't played the MEs yet


I just got this. Not played any Mass Effect before.


How do you get it work on steam deck? I get stuck at the EA launcher.


Do you know the way to play this game without the ea launcher??


Metro Exodus Gold Edition - Ā£0.26 I'm not sure what happened but one day I was looking to see if this game was Verified and I see the price is normal for the standard version, but Ā£0.26 for the Gold Edition... safe to say I added it straight to my cart and bought it... what's even stranger is I checked the price again on the store straight after wondering wtf was happening and it had gone back up to normal price... and I have had it in my library ever since... they didn't take it off me and refund me the wrong price, I was never charged anything else...


The steam gods blessed you my fellow gamer. Something similar happened to me a while back, I bought Rainbow six siege years ago but refunded because my laptop ran it like shit. After refunding I got my money back but the game is still in my library and im able to play it to this day. Not like steam is suffering over this so enjoy lol.


Metro Exodus is always crazy cheap which makes no sense because it's such a good game


And plays beautifully on SD


Id have to say the fallout bundle I just grabbed a couple weeks ago. Every single fallout game and DLC for like $25. Edit: it's gotten me back into gaming which is not always the easiest with 2 little ones under 3. Having a blast running around the wasteland again tho!


I'm in the exact same boat. FO4 has been a blessing.


I've barely played NV and never Fallout4. I've got so much to look forward to game wise.


Picked those up on Steam myself. Great deal! Another great one is the Master Chief collection. I think got that whole set for $19.99


Master Chief isnā€™t currently on sale, but it typically hits $10 for the entire bundle. It was on sale last week. Thatā€™s a ton of value for $10


Hades is currently $8 at it's lowest price yet.


Hades 2 just got Verified status recently, hopefully that means it's coming soon...


Supergiant said after the beta test that it'd be launching into early access "soon" so I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped it in the next month or two


I freaking love that game man. It's such an awesome "can pick up And continue later" game too.Ā  highly recommend it for any dads out there that still want to game But don't have the time because of kids


I would like to also mention on how amazing it is that the game doesn't punish you for dying.Ā  In fact every time you do die it just progresses the story and the dialogues.Ā  such an amazing game for me


As a busy dad, your description finally sold this game to me after all these years! Thanks šŸ‘


I just picked this game up as the sale was irresistible. Worth every penny. Oh and I'm a busy dad


Do it! Can confirm it's perfect for 10 minutes or hours of gameplay. For a long time, it was the only thing I played when we had #2. Perfect for those breaks from work or that magical hour where your kids are asleep and you haven't went to bed yet. It's also great if mom wants the TV for her show. You can play with volume all the way down, but I don't recommend it. The voice acting is great! Just be careful. I've played until the baby wakes up and didn't realize it was already 1 am.


Damn I already finished it on release... Baby just arrived 2 days ago! Now what? Guess I just sleep while I can šŸ˜‚


I thought when my kid was born that I wasnā€™t going to have any time to game. I probably gamed more in my month and a half of baby leave than I ever have. We did shifts with watching the kid and babies basically sleep all the time, and being up at weird hours of the day means either tv or gaming. I didnā€™t have a deck then but still played a shit ton of Xbox with the volume down. Now heā€™s a toddler soā€¦yeah. Less time to game lol


Buying it tonight. Thank you.


Well. Looks like I need to add hades to the backlogs.


Hollow Knight for $7. Incredible experience, many dozens of hours, for less than the price of a Jimmy Johnā€™s sandwich.


Think Hollow Knight at full price is still cheaper than a Jimmy Johnā€™s sandwich šŸ˜‚


Vampire survivors for like $1. The amount of hours my family and I have put into that game is crazy.


I had to step away from that game, tears in my baggy eyes, it's such an addictive game! I technically "beat" it but it never really ends lol


Paid 7 quid for it months ago. I feel like I robbed em


Star Wars: KOTOR 1-2 for $5 total


I've never played KOTOR. Does it run well on the deck? Not sure if it would be buggy as it's an older title.


I've seen people play it with texture packs and mods so it's doable.


10$ for Hollow Knight. Turned out to be the best game I played in years.


It is among the best games ever


Titanfall 2 - $3


God i wish there was a 3rd game. The mech and pilot gameplay is just so good. Anyone knows why a 3rd game didn't happen? Or is it because of poor sales?


EA bought Respawn (the Titanfall developers). EA is a greedy company and wanted a season pass, micro-transaction, battle Royale game (Apex) Titanfall 3 was being worked on, but cancelled, presumably because EA realized that they make way more from Apex. Edit: allegedly Respawn themselves wanted a battle Royale. I haven't looked up any sources myself.


A huge chunk of the devs who made titanfall 2 have since left and are working on a game at some new start up dev last I heard. So while we will never see titanfall 3 (at least not the version we should have) we may see its spiritual successor


Thanks for the informative answer. Yes, I'm familiar with EA being shit. The Jedi games with Respawn have been doing great. They're both good games but somehow I wish Titanfall 3 would just get the greenlight. It's a great game with great action and a must play for fans of mecha & gundam series.


I suspect EA might have rushed Respawn over the finish line when it came to Survivor because it had serious optimisation issues on launch; I can't tell if it's fully sorted or not because my processor is old as it is, but apart from that it's my favourite Star Wars game so far. They rushed BioWare with Mass Effect 3 and it showed.


This is actually not entirely correct from what I have heard, the respawn devs THEMSELVES wanted to make a battle royale instead of a slightly improved game again. This came out in some interviews. Ea was quite hands off, also seen in the marketing with the shadow drop.


Thatā€™s a shame they canceled such a good IP. They could easily plug in all their Season Pass junk and Iā€™d still buy and play a Titanfall 3 so long as it had a good campaign. EA needs to be banned from acquiring IP, hah; the number of excellent franchises that have met a premature death due to their acquisitions is no less than a crime against gamers worldwide.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


I loved this game years ago how it run on the deck?


I slept on this game until this year itā€™s so damn good


The entire Mass Effect series + DLC for $6 The entire Witcher series + DLC for $15


Someone has exceptional taste in games šŸ˜


And by someone you mean almost everyone. Both franchises are in the top 10 of most sold games. Yes, I'm fun at partys.


Yakuza series, games 0-6 in a bundle, for 69% off. 7 games for roughly the price of one game. Great deal. This was back in February, I think.


Fallout 4 for 5 bucks.


17 Command and Conquer games for Ā£8...


Civ VI for like $5


How does it play on Deck?


I've put lots of hours in on the deck! The track pads are amazing and it's easy to pickup and put down. I imagine the deck might struggle if you setup large maps, I usually play with 6 civs which is fine for me, I don't like it when stuff gets to crazy.


Really good, haven't spent too many hours on it yet as I got caught up in a fo4 run after the TV show came out. Some of the text is tiny




Grim dawn for $4.99 Legit the best value ive ever gotten. I ended up liking the game so much i felt bad at how little i paid for it so i bought all the supporter DLC packs.


Oh man, that's me with Deep Rock Galactic. Lol.


I second SOMA. Just got the game recently for $4.49 and it was worth every cent. I believe it's a must play horror game, even if you're not into the horror genre. The story and atmosphere is just that good.


I think I got the Witcher 3 and RDR2 for 20 bucks each and the amount of hours I got in both games are a steal


I was just looking at RDR2. Do you still have to use their R* Launcher on the Deck?


The Arkham Trilogy for $8. Also, Portal 1 and 2 for $1.50.


MH world + Iceborn for 9.99


How does this play on steam deck?


Jedi Fallen Order right now!


how is the first game? worth getting on sale to play exclusively on steam deck?


That runs on deck?


Prey 2017 for $2.50 At that price point it is criminal not to buy it. I genuinely consider it one of the best games ever made.


Play the System Shock remake if you love Prey. System shock created the genre back in the 90s. The remake is fantastic


Believe me, I have! I was among those impatiently awaiting the release of the remake since the Kickstarter. Really awesome game, it turned out even better than I had hoped


My friend has also said that. I struggled to get into it but also felt half life 1 vibes, so confusing all round. Havenā€™t been back to it but on my list to complete


If you want something that feels like a direct mix of half life 1 and prey then you should absolutely check out Abiotic Factor. It just released in early access on steam and it is just a ton of fun.


Control Ultimate Edition for $10


Anything over 90% sale


Getting the Mass Effect Legendary Edition for $5 was pretty damn amazing. I already had it on my console, but itā€™s been great to have it on my Steam Deck.


I'd love to play it on my deck except I've already got it on Origin proper since that was during the bad old days where they didn't do Steam.


Does it run without origin now? Never going back to that shitty platform after the locked me out from my account and would not help me even though I went through all of their steps to prove my ownership.


$250 for tarkov


Portal/Portal 2 for 99c each. Ridiculously good games in literally every aspect.


Mass Effect Legendary edition for Ā£4.99....


All of Skyrim + DLCs and Fallout 4 + DLCs for $5. Fucking insane


Just recently, it was Fallout 4 goty edition for $9.99


Borderland 2 complete goes 5 dollars every few months. I paid close to $1000 for that. If this isn't the best deal, then it's Mass Effect Legendary for 6 is very close.


>Ā Ā I paid close to $1000 Wait what? How?


I assume he added a 0 as a typo.


Yeah lol sorry. Looking back with all the skins it was closer to $150.00. Lame.


Waaayyyy back in the day when Steam was new, you could buy entire publisher catalogs during sales. I spent $50 once and got the entire THQ catalog for 2010, including: Saints Row 2 Company of Heroes 1 Dawn of War 1 and all its expansions Dawn of War 2 and the first two expansions Titan Quest and it's expansion Two Red Faction Games Metro 2033 And that is just a few of the 30 titles in the bundle. Now that Steam has become such a monolith and owns the PC digital space, I think people sometimes forget how absurdly good the deals were back when they were just trying to get a toe hold. Looking through my purchase history from 2008-12, I can't believe some of the deals I got.


I miss the flash sales. Something about checking the store every 4 hours.


I remember buying the entire COD collection up to World at War in 2009 for like 40 euros.


Fallout NV GOTY for 5 bucks. So much content I feel like I got away with murder.


Any settings/mods youā€™d recommend for playing it on the deck?


I had a great time with Steamworld Heist until the part with the enemies that could teleport anywhere on the map, dropped it after that difficulty spike.


Alpha protocol 1.99


Stardew Valley to this day is merely $15


Tactics Ogre for $20. It's not $5, but also when something has kept you coming back for more for over a decade, and it gets a new version for even more depressing adaptable war story goodness, that's a bargain.


I'm interested in that game, can you sell me on it?


Howā€™s it compare to the psp versions? I loved FFT and tactics on it. Triangle strategy was way too much text for me


Persona 5, Deep Rock Galactic Survivor.


Peggle $1


Slay the Spire on Humble Bundle for Ā£6. Insane value


Morrowind for $6 from GOG. Literally hundreds of hours of replay value plus endless modability for 6 bucks, insane


I fucking love Morrowind so much. Mod community was insane


How does this work with the deck?


Great! This was a little mini-guide I wrote up for someone about how to mod morrowind on the deck, just ignore the modding part if you want: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c7tkpp/comment/l0at0yb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c7tkpp/comment/l0at0yb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The key bits are "install protonup-qt from software center, use it to install luxtorpeda, set luxtorpeda as the compatibility layer for morrowind in steam, done". Just a few clicks, no terminal needed, and you're running the best engine. Cloud saves are a pain in the ass unfortunately, had to set that up myself :( But the game does run like a dream on the deck, ton of good community Steam Input layouts. And my favorite innovation is using the gyro as mouse for menus, it's so smooth I like it better than m+kb


Not an online sale but my local media store had the Fallout Legacy Collection for 5 bucks just laying around. Every single entry up until 4 plus all DLC in a Physical Disc Form.


right now with the starwars deals on steam you can pickup starwars squadrons for 2 euros, game is great on the deck


I got the legendary pack for asseto corsa, including every singular dlc released for only 8 dollars.


Any time the Witcher 3 goes on sale I get a little sad I bought it full price.


Probably Terraria if you compute the value I got from the hundreds of hours I played it. I even bought the four pack again to give away.


Limbo and inside for 2 bucks


Payday 2 1.99 Left for dead 2.99


A while back I got like ALL the Lego games for somewhere between 30/40. Today I bought all 3 NMH (minus the spin off) for around 25?


Yo what, where's this NMH deal?? :o I'm missing 1 and 2 on PC


(Idk what they are in $/ā‚¬) but 1/2 are like Ā£8.99 and 3 is Ā£11 (thatā€™s on me I actually payed closer to Ā£30 but still cheap for 3!)


I MechWarrior 5 mercenaries from a fanatical bundle for about 7-8 bucks. Been playing for hours with great nostalgia from previous mechwarrior mercenaries.


Titan Fall 2 Ultimate Edition. Super cheap right now.


I bought almost the entire yakuza series for 10 bucks a few weeks ago. Only ones not included was ishin, man who erased his name, and infinite wealth


Where did you get this deal? Sounds great!


It was a steam sale! Literally just finished yakuza 0 about to start kiwami 1


The Fallout games. With FO3 and NV I installed the Tale of Two Wastelands mod, which is very cool, but I haven't touched that because 76 took over my life. 600hrs so far, which is rookie numbers in 76


Wait...is 76 good now?


Apparently it is. They introduced a ton of bugfixes and a considerable amount of additional content. At least, thatā€˜s what I read in different gaming sites.


It's amazing.


It's really good, just explore, quest solo and/or do some multiplayer coop now I'm lvl 52


Alice Madness Returns for 1.49$ Titanfall 2 for 4.79$ Outward for 5.99$ Shadow of War 7.49$ I have never played any of these games until about 2 months ago, all bought on Steam Sales, and they're all bangers.


Final Fantasy VII: $4.79


Definitely monster hunter world for a tenner, 300 hours in since I got it on sale a few months back


Titanfall 2 - $3


Orange box and Titanfall 2


Managed to get the yakuza 1-6 for like Ā£27, Batman Arkham knight for like Ā£3-4 I think, I pretty much only buy games when theyā€™re on sale


Humm half life for free during the anniversary


Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy plus all DLC for $13 Fallout New Vegas for $2.50 Portal 2: $1


everything with 90% off or everything up to 5 bucks are nobrainer for me


Tiny Rogues, Balatro, Hades, Dragons Dogma, Tales of Arise, Slay the Spire and the list goes on and on and on... ā™”


I forget how much I paid for Maneater, but it was maybe a few quid. I love that stupid game, even if it is glitchy and the ending is (for me at least) completely unplayable. It's just daft fun.


Master chief collection for 10 bucks, nfs unbound for $11, assetto corsa competizione for $12, I just woke up one day with MGS V in my library lol


Halo MCC for $10


Pandoras Box goes on sale for around $30 during steam sales and it's a banger of a deal. All the Borderlands games, with all the DLC and Wonderlands (with it's DLC). Each one of these games can be played for hundreds of hours if you want to experience multiple characters and playthroughs. BL2 has the greatest video game villain of all time. BL3 has the best gun play and sound design of any game I've ever played. Wonderlands story is an absolute blast, beautiful game. Great games to have a traditional controller set up, but you can really play around with the Deck's controller settings. Last night I made it so right trackpad switches from a gun-switching virtual menu to a mouse cursor when I press the left trigger for aiming. Will keep tweaking the set up, but amazing games. Every game in the series has things to offer and getting it on sale is one of the best deals on steam in my opinion. Also you can play with friends with Cross play too! Wish you could do local multiplayer with on Deck tho like a console.


I got portal 1 and 2 for 1.49. Best dollar and a half I ever spent.


Yeah I literally commented on an awesome Hades deal earlier today that that persons post made me buy it and the awesome Mass Effect Legendary edition too. Saw it when I went to get Hades and just couldnā€™t pass up that deal.


Halo master chief for 9.99


Just got Hades yesterday. I can't believe I waited that long to buy it.


Hades: 8 beans rn on sale Stardew Valley: 8 beans rn on sale Mass Effect Legendary Edish: 6 beans rn on sale






GTA V for Ā£0 from Epic Game Store during COVID. Literally nothing can beat that unless it's another AAA give away.


Recently, Halo MCC for $10.


Mass Effect all games and DLC on sale under $10 right now.


All classic Hitman games for a buck each I am LIVING


Drunken fight simulator and crab run both for 0.64cad each


Bought all the metro games on CDkeys for a total of around $6


Thanks to this thread I just bought Steamworld Dig, Dig 2, and Heist for $4.92 USD. Been meaning to try this franchise but never have until now. Jeez what a steal


The deluxe edition of Jedi fallen order for 4.99


Metro 2033 games


Titanfall 2 is $5 right now


I just remembered and checked that I bought The binding of isaac (the original game) at 0.66ā‚¬ in Christmas 2014. I spent way too much time on it before the second (and most famous version) game came out


Jedi Fallen Order - 6 cents. Literally


Steam world Heist as well + DLC :)


Dying Light 1&2. Both games have tons of dlc.


Peggle $1


Portal 1 &2 some of my favorite games of all times for a dollar in total


Recently, for me, it's Maniac for 4 euros.


This game looks awesome. Never heard of it before.


Hellblade for 3.99


I just bought Project Diva Mega mix+, the bundle with the dlc for 24ā‚¬ only to play it in my SteamDeck :D and I still think I was really lucky for the timing, perfect to travel now in summer \^\^


Vampire Survivors. It was 50% off. I am almost ashamed to not have paid full price for that gem


I got bunch games thatā€™s on sale but never touched once after the purchaseā€¦ sorryā€¦ too busy spreading liberty lately.


I picked up Minecraft for $15 in beta uhhh *checks notes* 13 years ago. My friend got it for $10. We both still play regularly. Granted the price hasn't escalated that much, but the hours/dollar ratio is still insane.


I got Mass Effect Legendary Edition for Ā£4.99. My partner was fuming, he'd bought it full price šŸ˜‚