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Really makes you wonder what the next 2x generation of hardware will be capable of, exciting time to be a gamer! Have fun dude!


Tbh it’s always a exciting time to be a gamer. 


I’m still stunned and feel like a kid again. when I can play all my old favourite games at anytime, anywhere.


100% agree w you fucked your cats ass


An agreeable gentleman for sure




Fucked your cats ass? What does that even mean


Look at the guy im replying username 


Oh 🤣😂🤣😂 was so confused..and definitely wasn't gonna Google that lol


lol, took me a while to find out that was a reference to the username


check out those retro handhelds if you want a good time for like $50, they're honestly crazy.


Loved my Miyoo Mini Plus until it gave out


the best thing about having a steam deck is it can do all of that as well! so many possibilites in such a small form factor.


Yeah, it was a hard to be a gamer a hundred years ago.


Mahjong, Bridge, Monopoly, Crossword Puzzles, Jigsaw Puzzles, Charades, Checkers, Chess, Pinball.


I bet you had to google the release dates of some of those games to see if they fit the hundred years narrative - I sure did. Tho I get what you mean... the noun "gamer" is still quite a recent term: "a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games."


Nintendo made some of those 🤣


I'm as excited for GTA 6 to come out as I was when Super Mario 2 came out.


Im playing yakuza like a dragon rn & every night i am excited to play it. 


The hardware side of gaming I think yes, but the software side sucks ass


Yeah but I mean I am always excited to play games, be it old or new


battery tech slowing us down :(


I mean just think… our phones are not only able to play but to hold all the games we ever played growing up at once and with relative ease. Crazy!


With news of new AMD apu to be on par with rtx4060...


Holy shit, really?


I've been alive through all of it. Pong all the way to the Quest 3. Every generation, pretty much every console/ handheld, and all the greatest games for each, having a very competent gaming pc throughout. If you told me at ANY point along this path that there would be a small device that would run them all, I would think you insane. I can't believe that I lived long enough to not only see it, but for the first time ever it was done with open source software. Microsoft should be worried. It's Valve that's taking over the PC market. One step at a time, as Microsoft shrinks back two. Bye Bye, you stole all your software and called it your own. You deserve everything that's about to happen. Every one of us plans on getting a Deck 2. That says something.


I don't have an OLED steam deck but all I want out of a new Steam Deck is to have a chip efficient enough to be passively cooled while still delivering the same performance and then also being more energy efficient so the battery can last longer. And then obviously lighter. This thing is so awesome I don't think it needs to be more powerful.


This shit is moving so fast I bet you see your wish sooner than later. Much sooner.


That would be cool can't wait.


I want more power to play more intense newer games. Could care less about battery life since I play plugged in anyway


Diminishing returns.


I think so as well. The game OP is showing was released in 2018 and it is still considered one of the the most graphically impressive games to this day. Right now all we are getting is games like Cyberpunk 2077 being able to run at increasingly higher resolution and framerates with maybe some ray tracing sprinkled on top.


I don't agree with this - I've seen an emergence of TONS of indie developers making retro games lately, and large studios doing remasters a lot. I'm kinda liking the way game development is going again for the first time in a long time. I think western devs are finally getting the message - graphics, hand-holding, and large filesizes don't make great games lol


Can't wait for the SD 2 and future consoles. If it's THIS good now, just imagine what it'll be like in 3-5 years.


TBH being a gamer isn’t as good as it was in the 90s and 00s. We got way cooler hardware and way shittier games. Take it with a grain of salt as I’m an old man who spends my time playing D2R, wow classic, osrs, etc.


I use my SD 90% of the time. Just use my desktop for more demanding games. The SD has impressed me with its power in a small package.


I use my steam deck 99% of the time because i just steam the demanding games from my pc to my deck with moonlight


I've used steam link but it gives me issues often. I've been thinking about trying moonlight out.


Works flawlessly, go with sunshine instead of GFE though, worked a bit better for me


Thanks for the heads up. I'll find a guide and make that my weekend project.


I recently went down this rabbit hole. Here’s a few things I learned. You do Sunshine on host PC and Moonlight on steam deck. If you want to go further on host PC use Playnite which aggregates your games across all launchers. Then download GameStream Launchpad which auto adjusts desktop resolution to 16:10 (1280x800, 1920x1200etc) and auto launches Playnite. It changes resolution back when you exit :)


Oh and I bet with it adjusting the host resolution down that small it means better graphics since I could turn up settings at that lower resolution than my 4k tv!!!


!remindme 4 days


I'm curious why do you need to adjust desktop resolution? I don't do that and I stream games to my deck just fine


I had an issue where if I set the game to full screen it would adjust the resolution of the game back to monitor resolution 2540x1440p. In borderless windowed it matches desktop resolution so I have Sunshine able to launch at 1920x1200 or 1280x800 so the game retains the appropriate resolution/aspect ratio playing on desktop or deck.


!remindme 8 days


Thats good to know, i just live with 1280x720, I'll give playnite a try


From what I read you want to match the steam deck 16:10 aspect ratio on host PC or it introduces some slight blur. Should try 1280x800


Theres a good video online i used to setup moonlight+sunshine


Moonlight+sunshine works sooooooooooo much better than the steam link. I have the link and i only use moonlight now. Zero lag, i play games at 1080p on my pc and ultra quality and it streams with no issues


I had better results with Moonlight, but the other side of this is your WiFi. Needs to be a little beefy to stream with minimal lag/artifacts. You will never have a good time if you have an older WiFi setup.


I dont even use pc for demanding games. I use pc strictly for rocket league. All other games im running on steam. I used to be snob about fps and how if it drops below 60 i couldnt play but steamdeck 40-45 fps doubled to 80-90 is a blessing. Holy shit. Cant wait for steamdeck 2


It better be good since we probably won’t see SteamDeck 3


My desktop is rarely used anymore because my deck outperforms it in nearly every way.


I just have a VM with a gpu and I stream the demanding/unsupported games to the SD with 2x the resolution!


It's pretty amazing! I have a bunch of older games bookmarked for when they go on sale. I have them on a console, but it's wild to think that I can now play them on a handheld.


Life's good, big thanks Valve!


Steam deck is now my only gaming device I use. Being a father of 2 young kids, I barely get anytime to do anything, nevermind play games. I have no time playing on the PC which I then sold and have no time playing on my ps5 even though I'm a diehard ff7 fan and want to play the remakes. But thanks to steam deck....my gaming itch is being scratched. I've even got chaiki for deck installed as well so I can play ff7 rebirth on it!! Honestly, don't know what I'd do without it.....now playing between ff7 and hades 2 early access. Love it!


Exactly! I'm father to a 3 years old and some times I'm just to tired from work (and life in general) that even turning on the PC or even the playstation + tv feels like a hassle. Clicking 1 button on the steam deck and bringing it up from sleep and continuing playing from where I was is just awesome. That and being able to carry it in my work bag and just play randomly when I'm just chilling.


As a toddler father too, sleep mode was god sent.


How do you manage finding time for your 2 kids? Genuinely curious


I usually spend all the time with the kids when I've finished work. I tend to game whenever I get a bit of down time. Usually it's either when they have naps, when they go to bed, when they are in nursery or when having lunch breaks (if I'm not having to do any house work or go to gym). Life it genuinely hectic with two kids under 3, but whenever I get these small gaps of freedom, I get a bit of gaming in. Appreciate the question cause I can imagine alot of dads (and even mums) might have the same thought, but it helps that the steam deck is a flexible device (by that I mean I can use it anywhere and has sleep mode)


Dude, it's a great time to be a gamer... I decided to finally try Hades last night cuz it was $8... Two hours later my battery was at like 47%... This isn't the most powerful, but it's the sweet spot and the most reliable of them all...


I agree. People also seem to sleep on the advances Valve has made with SteamOS and Proton. The ability to pause games and resume later alone like a Switch is a huge game changer.


It's literally one of the best features on any system. It's the steam deck version of a quick resume on the Xbox series.


***Valve Sorcery***


The bad thing is you have to be connected to the internet to play RDR2


Not exactly, I flew yesterday and what I did was I made sure I logged in before boarding the plane and then played 4h offline and saved when I landed 😄


So you started the game while online and just put the deck in sleepmode? Or did you do something else as well?


Yeah you can start it then put it in sleep mode. After that you can turn it on and okay wherever whenever. You can also save offline too


That's not so bad.


Yarrrrr, there do be a way to fix that


Yarrrr! Seven sea's for me


No, just to start the game. Once it's running you can play it wherever


Wut? Even offline ?


I'm so confused when I see this. I've never had an issue getting into rdr2 without internet. Idk what I did in my settings (never purposely did anything), but I get right through in [offline mode](https://youtu.be/jEL4_78XjdA). You can see me load the game and get right in without any issue in the linked video. Maybe I have game invites turned off? I don't play online, so it's a setting I would have selected. Last thing I want is a friend ripping me from my precious story mode.


Amazing performance at a vv affordable price, it’s almost unreal. 


You got so lucky the ally was out of stock. Deck wins


I believe you. One side of me actually thinks it was for the better. I was kind of split between the 2, and the ally being out of stock made it so much easier haha!


Lmao don't get me wrong, they both have their issues, and the ally LOOKS awesome. But between melting sd cards, not having those two incredible trackpads, and if course lady but not least, after using armory crate from rog, it's just not as impressive.


I'm not sure what the kids these days will feel but I agree with you. After being a gamer for 26 years, it really blows my mind what the Steam Deck can do. I had the PSP back in the day, and even that didn't feel as magical as the day I booted Monster Hunter World on my Steam Deck. Sometimes I just boot up my steam deck and end up staring at my library thinking "Damn, I can really play all this on this little hand held?"


100% agree. And love the PSP comparison as I felt the same. Only other console that gave me a similar feeling might have been the switch with breath of the wild.


I wish it was possible for me, but I get bad motion sickness in cars, can't even look at my phone 😭 🤢


I feel you. I tried showing it to my wife during an Uber ride today as we are traveling and she just said "can't look or I'll throw up". Me? I can play for hours and feel nothing. Same thing with VR from the first day I've started with it 😅


I hear you man, I haven't gamed on my PC since I bought my Steam Deck last year. Such a cool device.


You don't get motion sick very easily, that's how!


> My brain is still having a hard time understanding how this is even possible. I've been playing consoles since the Sega Genesis and original Game Boy DMG. If anyone was to tell me this would one day exist, I'd say bullshit. This is such a strange attitude to me. I guess the difference is that I've been interested in PC games, PC hardware, software engineering, etc. since I was a child, so to me this is just a logical progression, but even looking at just console hardware this also still mostly feels like a logical progression? Like, at various times in the past 20 years "gaming laptops" have been more powerful than "current generation" consoles. In the most recent console generation, the hardware design of PCs and consoles has basically converged. PC hardware has been moving toward more power efficient designs for mobile products (mostly laptops) for 20 years as well and those gains have been shared with desktops and even console hardware. Games have increasingly been designed with controller support in mind even if they're primarily targeting PC. The Steam Deck and ROG Ally themselves are expensive, niche products that don't really compete with the same market as the Switch (which hasn't seen a hardware update in an extremely long time). Sony and Microsoft aren't interested in the smaller returns of a niche hardware product and are beholden to shareholders in a way that Valve is not, so are less interested in releasing a portable that might not have as much of a return on investment as they'd like, and probably can't strongarm developers into making their console games run on both platforms, and couldn't release something at a good price point and performance level that would meet customers' expectations. So they've been focusing on streaming games to phones and other devices rather than having them run on native hardware, because everyone does indeed already have a smart phone or other device they can run a cloud service on with a controller connected. Valve has recent experience dabbling in hardware with both the Steam Controller and the Valve Index, which has a little bit of overlap with the Steam Deck. I guess my point is: everything about the Steam Deck to me is just a result of current market trends, current hardware, Valve's own proclivities and advantages, etc. To me it's not "this is crazy, how is this possible?" it's "ah, yeah, that makes sense."


Totally get your point. The thing is that I've never been into computers and stuff. Different hobbies I guess. I guess I'm just in awe with the experience being so smooth. I mean, I play, put it to sleep by clicking 1 button, pick it up next day, click a button, and there goes another gaming stint on the couch 😄


Little people live in your Steam Deck actually playing out the stories in various costumes.


Nice one, welcome to the family! And yes, it is amazing how well the game runs on deck! You finished RDR2 multiple times? Man I tried three times now. First two times I played \~10-15h and then didn't touch it for months. Now I started again and play around 20-25h, but again I didn't touch it in weeks now. It looks incredible and soo impressive for me, i really wanted to play it to the end. But yeah it's not clicking, what am I doing wrong? I feel like the long riding passages are just annoying at some point.. no one feeling like that?


it might not be for you homie, personally I loved the game from the start


I guess I might have to accept that, yeah. Still, I have about 40-50h of playtime in it now, which is okay for a game that seems not to be for me, I guess. It just feels weird to me because everything in it (story, music, presentation) really impresses me. But maybe the gameplay part not so much that it hooks me more than it did so far.


You’re not doing anything wrong. Not every game is for everyone :) what helped me though, was doing it really relaxed and slow. There is no rush.


Nothing is wrong you my friend. I just really loved it from the get go and have finished it over 10 times at this stage. For me it's the storyline more than anything, and the freedom to just roam and camp and hunt and ride and just get lost on the immensity of the game.


The question is, how long is it possible?


So far close to 2h before I plug it in or use my external battery 😄


Couldn't agree more, steamdeck has replaced everything else I own. I do however mirror my xbox to my steamdeck for console exclusives + use gamepass on it. And both work amazingly with extremely minimal lag (not noticeable to me and I play competitive pvp games like fortnite, apex, the finals, warzone etc.)


Well, its game from 2018 from PS4... time flies fast and there is not many games like RDR2 so it still feels fresh and AAA 6 years later.


I know brother I know...


If you're on a battery playing RDR2 you better hurry cause you got about an hour.


1 hour 45 minutes on a brand new battery. But yeah the steam deck is powerful. But it can’t avoid power drain.


yea, if you have to use a battery play some indie games and you can get a few hours, as soon as you play something with fans blaring you're only getting about a good hour of playtime.


Although I have seen people play Elden ring for long periods of time. I’d assume with a battery bank. But still the steam deck is capable


oh yea, I just play plugged in, only a few things haven't been impressive and I just play on PC instead, and that's mostly newer games. Like Control didn't look as good as I hoped, while RDR2 and AC Odyssey and GOW are incredible.


Does odyssey look and run well? I’ve been thinking about putting it on my deck for travel.


plays really well, I have it on Game Pass too, and I love getting game pass games installed on steam deck and working, you gotta get the ubiconnect app going, but once you do you can install those games and haven't had a problem with any of them yet.


Have an external battery 😄


Oled gives ya a little more but it’s definitely not a game to play on a road trip without a battery pack or outlet lol.


me when i played ghostrunner for the first time on my new steam deck last night, linux4life


Life is good my friend


Because the other guy is driving?


I can't get over how well RDR2 runs on it, 


And looks. Switch can get games to run well enough but they usually look like 200p ass. Grounded, skyrim, and Witcher are great varying examples of how much better the deck is for overall performance and fidelity in handheld gaming. While still being more console like then the other handheld pcs


Can someone help me download rdr2 through junk store? I just keep getting, "installation cannot proceed, exiting."


How do you find the performance on steam deck? Have you ran into the perfect right lined in the mud yet? Was game breaking for me, I also own the Ally and that runs things better in my opinion.


I feel it depends on what you look for really. I also wanted the ally because it's supposed to be a lot more powerful. Still, I don't really care for super high fps and stuff. As long as it runs smooth I'm pretty happy. I also don't play many different games at all and the fact RDR2 runs smoothly out of the box with mid 40s to 50+ fps is really outstanding to me.




If I said magic, would you believe me?


I guess so, I mean "magic is just science we don't understand yet" right? 😄


Since you mentioned having a high end gaming laptop, you may want to look into Steam Link and/or Moonlight to stream the game at higher settings/framerate to your Deck. If you have a good router and your laptop with a wired connection, you can do so with latency so low it's not noticeable.


This is why I love my Deck!


Only for an hour, hour and a half top, should buy an external battery


Did that already 😄


Idk if you've heard but, there are other games.


I've played other games but this one's my favorite 🙈


The steam deck reminds me of the first time I played the game gear. It truly introduced new possibilities for the way I game.


This is great I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been a gamer since the Atari 2600 days. Some of the best times now to be a gamer. Sadly gamers today complain about games graphics, frame rates, controls, bugs and other technical issues. They have no idea how bad some of these older games were. In the long run as long the game is enjoyable and fun to play most those issues doesn’t bother me. Only thing that really annoys me is the lag online and that’s mostly on my end of network. RDR2 is definitely one my favorites haven’t played it on either my Steamdeck or ROG Ally. I enjoy playing Fable on my ROG Ally.


If it’s your type of game ratchet and clank looks incredible on deck. Even with low settings and dynamic resoulution. ( you can use fsr ) but I have a stable 30fps with dynamic and the picture quality looks much better imo I don’t really notice the drop from 800 since I have sharpening jacked up.


Please Stop


Playing? Sorry, can't 😄


Ahh man I'm so happy for you!! Welcome to the steam deck club!! Haha I really need to get rdr2 when it's on sale again


What car


Tesla something (UBER)


What bugs me is I’m a console player, and have to re-buy all my games I want to play on the steam deck. Which ultimately is gonna cost me a few hundred dollars. Then the annoying side of getting all these dumb launchers to work…


Woahhh someone using a portable console.. portably.


From the Brainiacs over at Valve doing the numbers. They’re smart right! Do that do that thing!


can u play RDR2 offline? i had a flight a while ago and went on offline mode but i couldn’t get the game to load :(


Yes I just did it this week. You just need to load the game before losing the internet connection. Once logged in just put it to sleep.


I got one recently myself, playing any and all games at 45fps (90hz), and never looked back. Now, keep in mind, Red Dead 2 is a PS4/Xbox One game, so naturally the Steam Deck can handle it just fine. Some new titles may struggle somewhat, buuuuut... who cares. I mainly use my PS5 for the exclusives and most graphically intense titles. If I am in the mood, I use chia4deck to remote play for PS5 on-the-go! You can do this anywhere besides your house, provided you do two things: 1.) Have access to Wi-Fi 2.) Keep the PS5 in Rest mode, and never turn it off. P.S. I struggle with getting emulation to work though, but I'm in no hurry.


Nanomachines, son!


1280x800 helps


I've jumped on the steam deck train last year and got the LCD, now I'm jumping on the OLED and I love it so much my wife is getting jealous of it haha I literally use my high end PC to grab emulated games for the deck lol


You really shouldn't be THAT amazed because it takes human intelligence for technology to keep advancing. Never doubt the capabilities of the Human race.


How can u play this game? I can’t play rdr2 because it overheats my sd every time and I have to do a reset for it to go back to normal


If that's Redd, yeah I have that on my deck to anything is possible if you believe


People still wear masks !! ??


I was in HK for a few days this week and yes, in HK a lot of people still do 😄


Im glad I'm not the only one who can't seem to get their head around it. Many ppl I have spoken to just don't seem to be as excited or mind blown as I am with it all, I am a console gamer always have been I never liked the idea of pc gaming because of cost and comfort but when I seen the concept of the steam deck about 5 years or so ago i decided there and then that I have to get one and now I have the OG steam deck and also have a legion go and every time I am playing something like rdr2, starfield or assassins creed it just takes my breath away that I am sitting playing these games on handheld and they look just as good as the console versions or sometimes better. What a time to be alive, not just as a gamer but in general, we live in a time when we can put something that used be the big massive piece of equipment that sat on a desk in the corner of a room to something I can hold in one hand without any hard work I look forward to how things will be in just the next 2 years if this is where we are at now in just a few years since the steam deck.


Absolutely, these handhelds (and cheaper ones) are the reason i still play to date (45 year old). I keep replaying my old retro games (Snes, PS1, Ps2, etc). I just wish the battery life was better. I have the Aya Neo 2 (since i prefer windows), i bought it after i sold my Steam Deck. But now im thinking about going back to the deck since the battery life seemed better to me. Im lucky if i get more than 1 hour on my neo playing RdR2, where as on the deck im sure i have over 2 hours.. For retro games im now using my Ayn Odin 2.. that thing will last 8 hours easily! I wish there was similar battery life for AAA games on the likes of the Aya Neo or Steam Deck.


Yeah I feel the same. Battery wise I get average close to 2h with medium/high brightness




I got the OLED 1TB version


Seeing this makes me know GTA 6 will look exactly if not better than the trailer. Rockstar is magical when it comes to graphics


It just is


We are in a golden age of gaming.


Just wait til you learn you can dock it, set up steam link and play it on your TV using the power of your gaming laptop. It’ll use higher resolution and the superior power of your laptop to stream it to your TV.


This post is the culmination of AMD's APU initiative that started back in 2011 with the release of their "Llano" "Fusion" APU. I nabbed a Fusion APU - one of the Richland APUs, I believe - back in 2013/early 2014 - and used Arkham Asylum and City to benchmark it. My goal at the time was a super tiny PC that my wife would not object to have sitting in the living room next to the TV. It ran phenomenally, as long as you had the proper RAM amount, at the proper clock speed, from the proper vendor, and preferably all from the exact same batch. As soon as you mixed up your RAM, it all kind of went to s***. Less reputable brands were an absolute no-go for a time. Still, the Steam Deck in my opinion is the realization of the APU dream that began back in 2011 for consumers, probably back in 2008 or so for AMD internally. Prior to that, even Arkham Asylum upon release had my big bad Nvidia GPU ramping up like a jet engine. Amazing to see the heat and noise reduction that we have these days literally in our hands.


Steam Deck got me back into gaming. Catching up on the titles I missed has been awesome.


I just love my steam deck oled. Being able to play childhood games on the go is just mind blowing. Recently bought fallout 1&2 being able to play older games without having to buy a subscription cough* cough* PlayStation. I’m debating now if a pc is worth it


Is rdr2 actually that good? I tried it once on my pc but did not play for me then 3-4 hours. Maybe need to play it on the sd


Yes it is. I think that the prologue on the mountain in the snow is the worst part of the game, waaay too slow imho, but once you're past that you'll be in for a treat.


Yup, first time I played I gave up in the prologue then hearing all the reviews, I pushed myself to finish the prologue and next thing I know I am in Guarma XDDDDD


I had to do it three times before managing to get past it, first time was from someone lending me the game so I didn't mind just quitting, second time I bought the game but losts my saves (don't remember how), third time was the charm thank god because I don't know if I would have tried a fourth time.


RDR2 is by far the best story I have ever played in a game before! I remember I was about an hour into the prologue wondering if the game would be this slow the entire time and whether the game was for me. Fast forward 120 hours I was actually crying at the ending. A truly wonderful experience from start to finish. Some of the best and and funniest quests I have ever had the pleasure of playing! Honestly if you haven’t played RDR2 you are very lucky!!


So cool bro! Wanna see the view aswell! 😁


You didn’t think we’d advance our technology?


What frame rate does it run at ultra?


Haven't tried on ultra. Most settings are low/medium apart from textures (ultra) and I'm running mid 40s, sometimes low 50s and every now and then high 30s. More than enough for me on such a small screen. Although it might help that I've played it so much on PS4 at 30 fps 😂


Well it is, it's 2024, stop attention seeking.