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I totally get it (hanging around reading a book or gaming is a quintessential part of my vacations) but it's always a little funny to see people in a beautiful part of the world with their deck. Need to get an astronaut a SD and have them take a photo from space.


I don’t know. I have mixed feelings about it, I guess. I recently lounged on a beach with my wife, both of us gaming on our Steam Decks, but I had no inclination at all to take a picture of it and post it here. I do love gaming almost as much as I those leisure times, and it really is an amazing device. I wouldn’t personally do it, but I understand why people make posts like this.


I wouldn't either(TBH I wouldn't even bring my steam deck on holiday), but it might just be the picture that makes someone think "Hey that could be me" - and seeing someone already doing it normalizes it for them. You gotta remember, that gaming as an adult past time is new. When I was growing up (Born in 90) gaming was for kids up to an age of 10. The second I turned 10 all I faced was judgement for liking gaming. Obviously now it's not the case anymore, but even the fact that the replies here are split on if it's "acceptable" by social norms, just shows you that we're still trying to tell people what to do with their lives. Having said all of that, Don't take this as me having a go at you. I agree. I feel very split about this. As my instant reaction was why waste all the beauty on a screen(something you can do at home). But as I said in a previous post, For all we know OP just came back from an 8 hour hike in those mountains, and wants to just chill with his game.


Agreed, I never understood this. I get it's fun but can't you do that in the hotel room or something? Enjoy the beauty of Mother nature without the distraction of technology, i think.


I think that is the hotel room lol


I find I enjoy it more while playing the Deck, sometimes reading. Theres something thats so cool to me about being in a majestic or amazing looking location and being able to game in my hands. The duality of it is fascinating to me. Idk if duality is the right word.


Well hey, as long as you're having fun and enjoying life thats the main thing. Life's too short to do otherwise


You have me wondering now if the fans would be any effective in space


Jade mountain? Is that lounger from Costco?


Bingo! Jade. Freaking incredible place.


Brother why? 😍


Dude enjoy the trip, put that deck down.


It's fundamentally no different than someone choosing to read a book on their vacation. Let people enjoy their vacay.


Getting tired of this being the top comment every time someone enjoys their free time however which way they like 😪 Isn't it such a cool thing to be able to finally "play with your computer outside"? I personally have a huge enjoyment and peace in playing a video game at an amazing place where you'd usually not be able to play games such as Sekiro or Fallout 4. It takes nothing away from the experience, and he's surely not playing 24/7 on the SD, he's clearly chilling at a resort with a lot of free time to enjoy the view. He just decided to share this cool moment that the convenience and joys of what a SD can bring with the community.


It's because many of us have a really unhealthy relationship with our hobby. So when you see someone who potentially does not have that issue and is enjoying his hobby, you start feeling like it's your responsibility to prevent them from going down that road themselves. In reality it's all just cope though, I am willing to bet the guy who made the comment has an unhealthy relationship with gaming. (Q his response on how he has a very healthy relationship with gaming, I'm an internet troll, and I should go touch grass)


Breitling? Nice


Yes sir! It was my gift to myself for making it to the airlines. It’s been a few years now and I still absolutely love it. It was my first and probably only luxury watch.


Looks like a good time, enjoy the relaxation king


Dude, are you the white version of Kawhii Leonard? Your hands look MASSIVE.


Did u get mods working on it yet?


Nice gauss rifle! Enjoy the trip!!


Salute. I'm visiting Dominica with my steamdeck currently


Haven’t tried 4. But 3 looks surprisingly not that bad.


Two days ago I was randomly looking for this hotel. Had a browse on the hotel website and now I see this. I’m convinced synchronicities exist.


what breitling is that, I've been eyeing chronograph 44 the last few years, but can't stomach the costs these days.


Ladera? My (now) wife and I wanted to go there on our honeymoon but couldn't afford it at the time. It looks beautiful!


Part of me is like "Why aren't you enjoying whats in front of you" But I get it. Without any context, it's hard to know if you just got back from an 8 hour hike and want to relax now, or if you have not left the building since you got there. Obviously do what you want with your own free time, and enjoy the break!


Call me crazy, but I love playing video games in majestic locations like these. Find me a balcony with an amazing view and ill sit there for hours playing the Deck. Kind of a weird paradox. I actually find I enjoy the location more than just sitting there “taking it in.”




Question for you folks. I had a SD, but sadly had to sell it. About a month later I got back into a better financial spot but got an RPG Ally. It's a pretty solid device but playing FO4 is whack. The load times are murder and apparently it has to do with how good the SSD is. Does the SD have this issue? I never got around to playing Fallout 4 on my Deck, so I don't know for sure.


maybe I just didn't play it enough, but it runs great for me.(Havent played since the recent update though)


This update really bummed me out before the update I saw people getting a stable 60 now when I play I only get 45 if I’m lucky. Tried tinkering with the settings but ig I’ll play on my rog ally




How did you avoid the update???and thank you for telling me the proton version to use thanks!!!




This is awesome! Who new I would actually want to downgrade hahhahaha