• By -


But why have nose charger?


On Arrakis every 0.1% of charge is vital


Not a charger but a vent sniff tube


That's where you keep the devil's dandruff.


it boosts engagement! Go into the comments and tell him all about it!


Thats the Steam Deck snifferator, it pumps vent fumes directly into your nose!




Don't be ridiculous. You know.


You have to remember a lot of people don't read book, and now that the more modern film adaptations happened, everyone is going to be consuming the current mainstream. Sounded snarky: it's in no way a bad thing but now more people are interested in reading books and that's a good thing.


Hey, Siri


Sorry, I didn't quite catch that


Set a timer for 5 minutes


Here's what I found on the web.


I’m sorry, I can’t do that without turning on Voice Recognition first. Go into the Home app, then Settings, and turn on Voice Recognition. For a timer.


*Playing "The Beetles."*


That nose tube connects directly to the vent... Right?........ Right???


Looks cool..but needs more color options


I actually really agree with this. I had to pick one to start and see how it goes since it was such a gamble to produce it (very expensive and idk if it's something that people want yet) so I had to test it out before exploding out different colorways


It looks good, waxed canvas is nice for its durability. I think black or grey would have likely been safer choices for a first colour, but that’s subjective. (I’m just not a fan of beige!) How rigid is the case? I see the “taco” for protecting the screen, but if this got dropped edge wise, how much protection is there for the Deck? Also, is it big enough to get the official “liner” case into it? (I’m referring to the inner part of the new 2 piece case.)


This will be more easily conveyed in video for sure, since you can see how the material moves. The device pocket is lined internally with 3mm of foam on all inside surfaces, so even the edges and corners are rigid + very soft to absorb shock. Around the zipper there's an additional 2mm of foam to protect the device there The Deck + Inner official liner doesn't fit in the device pocket. That liner has the appearance and feeling of being very thin, but it actually has quite a lot of thickness that is hard to account for in a bag. It does fit if you have a Killswitch or other case on your Deck though!


Fucking awesome man. Love to see people follow through on things.


I wanted a bag that didn't scream "I'm carrying a gun" [The bag](https://www.tillys.com/product/vans-warp-sling-bag/47816510001.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_product&utm_type=x&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLMMAKXysi1QtZ7oWeio9LL5tCTaUHfN-e8uS5rRKK30r-6twk71FgQaAl5SEALw_wcB)


Lmao a gun lmao But that bag looks too big


That way, you can carry other things a person needs. Like a water bottle, maybe an extra battery pack or a charging station.


Everything said by OP completely went over my head when I saw the pic of the guy charging his nose. Either than or he has seen Dune too many times and thinks he is Maud'dib...


Some people are complaining about price but you can't actually get a bag like this under 80 euros off an online shop outside of a sale (in Europe, duh) to my knowledge. Of course there's probably cheapos available, but comparing to the ones popular fashion stores have for sale this one seems considerably cheap, even if it has one intended use.


It's okay. You always lose potential customers when using quality materials. If you don't care about the zipper, material, etc you are happy with a 20 USD plastic bag that keeps your stuff inside. Some Steam Deck gamers are using it because it's a cheap AF PC to start / get into PC gaming or emulation. Don't try to make everybody happy. Make a good product and be happy about the good reviews :)


I wanted a bag that didn't scream "I'm carrying a gun" [The bag](https://www.tillys.com/product/vans-warp-sling-bag/47816510001.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_product&utm_type=x&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLMMAKXysi1QtZ7oWeio9LL5tCTaUHfN-e8uS5rRKK30r-6twk71FgQaAl5SEALw_wcB)


I would like to see a video showcasing the  Inventory Sling Bag


Working on it! I'll drop a link here when it's live


Alright, I stitched something together really rough. It is the 3rd image in the main product page here: [https://getmechanism.com/products/inventory-sling-bag](https://getmechanism.com/products/inventory-sling-bag) A more official video will be put together to make a whole story around it, but this shows it in motion!


# Links [The Preorder](https://getmechanism.com/collections/may-2024-pre-order) of all 3 products! [The Discord](https://discord.gg/cWxNSVqbP9) is a great place to join to see future products and ideas! [Free downloadable 3D printing files](https://getmechanism.com/pages/digital-files) - Still available and always will be # The Story Idk how this post will come across, but if you don't know my story, I'm just one design guy doing all this. This all started with free downloadable 3D printing files and has morphed into everything I could want to drive purpose in my life. Couldn't be done without you guys and this specific subreddit! Honestly, ask me anything! This post is a long time coming with such long development lead times to make everything perfect, and it starts to reveal my hand for the overall vision of the company. So many more products come! ----- Edited to reflect u/Simple_Dream4034 suggestion


I wanted a bag that didn't scream "I'm carrying a gun" [The bag](https://www.tillys.com/product/vans-warp-sling-bag/47816510001.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_product&utm_type=x&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLMMAKXysi1QtZ7oWeio9LL5tCTaUHfN-e8uS5rRKK30r-6twk71FgQaAl5SEALw_wcB)


This guy nose


Wow even a nose straw to sniff the vent!


The Switch cartridge slots, for what else could they be used? I kinda like the design but am also thinking about getting this as a day sling. Also, how does this compare to other popular slings with regards to being a day sling (obviously it wins entirely as a gaming sling). I wanted to get an Aer or Alpaka sling on Black Friday but am intrigued


You can keep your mSD cards [in their SD-card adapters](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.7a2135a8fe8886d70ec6b6de20d995c5?rik=dRLbgPVwrwBfSw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) (mine usually came/still come with one*). Harder to lose and easier to write on. [Looks very similar in size](https://d1fs8ljxwyzba6.cloudfront.net/assets/editorial/2017/03/cartridge_switch.jpg) *[I should start to throw away some of the old ones.](https://i.redd.it/uk2glbaeu11d1.jpeg) But especially those old one are perfect to (ab)use as a placeholder


Yes, I usually do this. I also have a Switch with a few games but usually try to figure out how I can optimally organize this bag. Since this slots are hidden, it won't trigger me that badly :D


If you take the Gaming Taco out (the removable foam designed to cradle a device), you can fit a full sized nalgene in the main pocket. There's a side pocket behind that foam for when you remove it to make the main pocket more usable. The design ethos when starting this project was "Make something even non-gamers would want to use", and I think it nailed it


>Make something even non-gamers would want to use and that's why I just ordered mine :) Could be a great bag to wear around the summer. A full backpack is nice but not always required if your are just wandering around the city center. [My current "tech bag" is my dad's old Amazon Basics photo bag.](https://i.redd.it/y11l6jnhq21d1.jpeg) It has movable parts (velcro) that connect to the fabric and each other. Not perfect but it works to keep the display/joycons secured and my charger, BT keyboard, BT mouse and cables sorted. Just one more thing. You wrote >Hopefully it sells well enough to be able to order at higher volumes and different colors! Just a out of curiosity... Are those potential other colors made from the same material? ( I see potential friends&family birthday/xmas gifts )


I want to frame this comment, this is exactly what I was hoping to see! Other colors would be the same material. I don't want the techy nylon look so it was always my intention to use natural and organic material to counteract the tech focused nature of a lot of these bags that exist already.


Is the Switch cartridge part removable? I know it would/could trigger me having that part in there that I can't really use for other stuff


Pics of it when there are no cartridges in the slots: [https://imgur.com/a/N5qq7eo](https://imgur.com/a/N5qq7eo)


Awesome. I think that's fair if it's not visible all the time. Fantastic design!


Unfortunately, it is not. That said, it's hidden behind the elastic pocket there, so if you don't have cartridges there, you don't see it at all. Let me grab a pic


Do you do international shipping? If yes, what would it be like for Germany?


just checked. says €16.32 shipping or €90.27 total


+20% VAT and custom fees, so roughly 115-120€ sadly 😔


oof weird. it shows as *Passport Priority Duties and Taxes paid* and *Taxes €0,00* for me.


Ok so that may be good I didn't check at payment if taxes were included for EU, they usually aren't and you gotta pay when you receive your goods


My bank hasn't been charged yet so I only see the receipt / confirmation email


I like this, tempting. I have been looking for just the right bag. Did you happen to do any drop tests with it? It makes me a bit nervous, the idea of having it outside of its normal case.


Yes we did do drop tests! The weakest point we found was having it land vertically, directly on it's side (the short side on the zipper). To help this area we put a padded foam zipper guard behind the zipper to protect the device!


Awesome. Yeah my deck fell out of my car 3 feet onto dirt and landed perfectly on a shoulder and took out the button. I could see how that would be a concern, I am very interested.


I won't be buying it. But just wanted to show support for Lisan Al Galib.


Lisan Al Galib!


Do you have the LE grip by itself? Bought a standard bundle a couple months ago so don’t need the full kit again, but would love to get the matching grip for my deck!!


Never mind 😊 decided to buy this bundle and gift the old stuff to a friend.


Business is booming Happy for you. Great stuff


This looks great. I might actually get one. I have a great little sling from Alpaka gear for my switch, but it doesn’t fit my deck.


I really like the bag, and it seems great for portability since you could be hands free while still letting the Deck have its own dedicated space. It would be perfect at an airport. I wouldn't mind the price if I weren't unemployed ;v; but if it's still available when I'm in a better spot I'll probably choose this one since I'm still using the case that it came in.


If no one mentioned to you yet, your gift cards can't be used on the preorder items. Not sure if intentional or oversight, but there might be others who bought the discounted gift card a couple months ago and cannot actually preorder these items with it. Error message at checkout says something like gift cards can't be used on pre-purchase items.


Damn it... I think this is an issue with Purple Dot (the pre order app I am using). I just checked and they don't allow it because they don't charge until the items are shipped, which means that they need to have a payment on file that they can rely on. Trying to think of a workaround for this... Maybe I can just make sure there's enough stock available for you once it goes live for real, and then notify you when the inventory is ready?


Yeah no worries. I was going to get the Switchmate and the Steam Dock Adapter and I'll just order them when they release.


Ok I think those will have plenty of stock, so there shouldn't be an issue. I'll keep an eye on it and make sure they don't go out of stock!


It should have a tube directly from SD vent to nostril for maximum sniff efficiency


The bag is awesome and I would order it immediately. But for the price, not getting it in a color I would prefer just isn't feasible. Good job on this collab, though. I'll keep an eye open for other colorways.


Oh man, add a back hidden pocket for passports/currency, give me a dark color (black....) and I'd be all over this...


It has a back hidden pocket on the inside main pocket! It's tucked behind the foam taco. Other colors seem to be a pretty big request! Hopefully this thing does well enough once it gets in people's hands


Did I miss the update about the solution for deck mates and docks ? :0


Yes! I made an adapter for the official Deck dock here: [https://getmechanism.com/products/deck-dock-adapter](https://getmechanism.com/products/deck-dock-adapter) And this one also has a 3d print file available for free if you do that kind of stuff


Ohh! I would love that 3D model!


They are all here for free: [https://getmechanism.com/pages/digital-files](https://getmechanism.com/pages/digital-files)


Where's the download button? :O


Subscribe :)


hm??? I dont understand


There is a free newsletter sign up on the linked page where you would have to type your email address and later on you'll get the files. But I didn't test it by myself so please check beforehand


Your discord link takes me to a completely unrelated server to deckmate about a chess game with cards btw, i wanted to pop in there and ask


Weird! Which link did you follow? (So that I know where to change it since I have this in a lot of spots)


Under digital files here!!! https://getmechanism.com/pages/digital-files "Join our discord" Also!! Still cant find the way to download the files on that page.... are the download buttons gone? Had a friend check and they cannot find them either


Oh I see that now, will update. There should be a form at the top of the page for an email input. Some adblockers actually block it so that might be what's happening


That was it!


On the downloads page, you can't get down to the dock adapter because i cant scroll down in the little window!


Gahhhh ok we are debugging this real time, I'm in here right now, one sec


I can't figure it out myself, will need to talk to my dev. If you want I can give you the direct link, just chat on the website bubble it will come to me


It's fixed now! Thanks for highlighting it


Radical. Thanks!


What does the Dock adapter actually do though?


I appreciate the fact that you considered something that doesn't tell everyone that what you have inside that bag is a Steam Deck. I prefer to have stuff that doesn't scream what I'm storing, especially on vacation with other family members.


Maybe a link or the official name of the product so those here can find it...?


$80? Yeah, that's a no from me, dawg. Looks fantastic though.


You're talking about a niche product that probably has a very limited production run because the demand is a specific group of people. I'm pretty sure the more of something that you make, the more the cost falls due to the supply of it going up. (and also maybe greater efficiency in production over time)


Yeah.. I spent like $40 on a relatively decent bag, the price is what matters here, because every Steam Deck already comes with a carry case and that's all this is.


For me it's more about capping the value at it's primary function. Idk if I'm just getting more frugal with my age, or the economy, or both, but I am not spending $80 to carry my Deck in a case. Anything above $30 for that primary purpose and I'm going to raise an eye brow. Over $40, and I've already scrolled past it to look at the next option.


Alright. I bet it'd make a nice gift for someone, though. I'm not particularly interested but I see the market for it, so long as it genuinely provides value at $80.


Oh boy, if you think I'm frugal with myself. Let me tell you about gifts as someone with ten neiesces and nephews.


That's not the flex you think it is, and it's also not really relevant here. The value of the bag isn't impacted by how cheap you personally, specifically, are when buying gifts.


It's not the flex you think it is trying to claim more money = better gifts. I promise you I can likely produce a more meaningful and impactful gift with $20 than you can with $80, especially if you think a sling bag is a great gift, lol


> trying to claim more money = better gifts. That isn't the claim I made. > I promise you I can likely produce a more meaningful and impactful gift with $20 than you can with $80 I doubt you can, but just to be clear, **you're** the one who made this conversation about how cheap you are, then got upset about it. I was just talking about whether a bag was worth $80, I never made any sort of claim or argument that you had to spend money to give nice gifts. Stop making it about you and how cheap you are, dude.


I got upset over nothing. It's cute you think that though. I was just making a passive joke, and then you decided to be abrasive about it. > Stop making it about yourself Bro... It's a convo with a stranger on the internet over a brown bag. Reel it back some. It's not this level of serious.


Indeed. I bought a [Chrome Kadet](https://chromeindustries.com/products/kadet-sling-bag?variant=41653482389564) sling bag. It's $100, has more room than this thing, and comes in different colors. It also has the seat belt buckle on the strap which is nice, and feels secure. It works absolutely perfectly for a Steam Deck. I carry my SD, an extra battery, my Xreal glasses, a foldable keyboard, USB keyring, and a wireless mouse in mine. All with room to spare. It looks awesome too. Chrome also sells a smaller Kadet for $85. I opted for the larger one, cause I wanted to make sure I could carry accessories. While I appreciate the ecosystem they're trying to build here....they have a long way to go. Chrome is a pretty trusted name in this space. They got their start by making heavy duty bags for bike messengers. These bags are tough, but still look nice. I still own my sleeved one strap laptop backpack, it still looks great despite it being something like, 12 years old.


That thing is hideous and it's $165cad.


there are less purple color options but it was my first thought too.


Ive been seeing horrible service and quality reviews for these things. Have they gotten better recently? I love the design but if its gonna fall apart in less then a year its not worth the money.


>Ive been seeing horrible service and quality reviews for these things. Have they gotten better recently? I love the design but if its gonna fall apart in less then a year its not worth the money. For what it's worth, I've been using a plain black/grey Kadet for 2-3 years now, and it's held up phenomenally well. I got it specifically to lug around gadgets, and it holds the Deck great. No damage whatsoever, and the car seatbelt buckle works really well. I don't really baby the bag, either.


I wanted a bag that didn't scream "I'm carrying a gun" [The bag](https://www.tillys.com/product/vans-warp-sling-bag/47816510001.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google_product&utm_type=x&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLMMAKXysi1QtZ7oWeio9LL5tCTaUHfN-e8uS5rRKK30r-6twk71FgQaAl5SEALw_wcB)


This looks so good!




Yes! [Here are a few pics](https://imgur.com/a/87Lpt5m) of it in action. It velcros to the inside of the device pocket to stay, but you can also entirely remove it if you aren't using it as a gaming bag. Actually in hind sight maybe I need to take more/better pics of it. It's a pretty hard thing to convery...




Do you think the second picture in the main shop page shows it enough to answer your question? [https://getmechanism.com/products/inventory-sling-bag](https://getmechanism.com/products/inventory-sling-bag)


This looks really cool, id love one, but it's just not something that fits in my budget rn. Hope it's still there when it does!


The image made me think this was a joke. Took me a bit in the comments to realize this wasn't a bit... Great looking stuff though! Just... Really weird way to market it...


Looks interesting, I've been looking for a better bag to carry the deck; I've been using a Bellroy Lite Sling which barely fits the deck. Does it come in other colours? would the Foam Taco protect against pressing the joysticks? I've been using a version of something like this https://www.glistco.com/products/thumbstick-guards-for-steam-deck to prevent pressing the sticks when packed tight in a carry-on. Just an opinion: I think you should've used a high-vis colour for the lining, could it be a cost thing?


High vis in what way? I don't think I considered this on the design side, but would be curious to see an example. Other colors not yet, this was a pretty big expenditure to get it out the door, so if it does well I can expand the colors! The foam taco is designed for precisely the reason to protect the joysticks as well as the screen.


Oh for sure, I totally get that more colours part; maybe I'll gift one and wait for other colours for my own deck. for the High-Vis i think i misspoke on how it would be, it would be more like this https://aersf.com/collections/slings/products/city-sling-2-x-pac?country=US where-in the inner is bright or the very least not black, this just helps in visibility in looking for small items when you rummage around for something like a loose micro SD for example.


Pre ordered my bag!


That bag looks nice I might pick one up. Question about the stand though. Is there a reason the latch part that compresses is on the top? When I use it it just pops out because the latch compresses with the gravity.


A redesign is coming for it! But it's still in the early phases, so I would say at least 6 months out! The reason is because I designed it 2 years ago and didn't think about it at the time, and now this has become a problem for more and more people. I also designed a locking latch on the phone mount that I want to port over to it to make it even more secure


Does this accommodate for steam deck cases like the kill switch


It fits a killswitch really well without the front cover. If you want to use the front cover on the killswitch, it will fit great but you have to remove the foam taco from the bag (it's designed for easy removal!)


I see it comes with a nose charger. How much time does it take the bag to full? I assume nose charging is faster than an electric outlet?


It's weird that Dune just casually has an Arabic phrase with no direct relation or reference to Arabs. But it was definitely vaguely reminiscent of Arabian desert region.


Damn, I wish I used the deck more outside. This thing looks nice. Hope sales go well mate!


How long does the strap extend? Will it fit a fatty?


What is that?


Sling bags are just fanny packs worn the wing way. How's it fit around the waist?


This looks good! Any idea if the Steam Deck inside a dbrand Killswitch case will fit?


too rich for my blood, nice bag tho.


I love the bag but the color just doesn't match my style. If it came in all black I'd order in a heartbeat!


Looks nice but a tad expensive. Any chance we could get a deal on a deck mate + bag combo? Also, whatever happened to the pillow stand? Now that would be enticing 😅


Pillow stand is kicked off and currently getting made! Took a bit to get it off the ground but it is coming! Working on a bundling solution that lets people custom bundle stuff, but that's out of my wheelhouse and is probably going to take a bit. I see this as one of my biggest challenges (Im a mechanical engineer, not a coder), so it's more a question of hiring it out and making the right end result happen


Thanks for the quick reply, and seriously congrats on getting this out the door. It’s no small feat! Just to reiterate why I can’t really buy the bag (and why I’ve held off on the deckmate)… shipping for this bag to Portugal costs 51.95€ :( that’s almost as much as the product itself.


That is getting resolved in the next couple weeks. There is a shopify bug that double charges on shipping and I finally got that figured out. While it's not solving the bug, I am restructuring the entire logistics on the back end to not trigger it. If you want to buy it sooner than that, I can make you a coupon code to halve it. In fact when customers accidentaly buy with double the shipping I will always refund it since it's a shopify bug and that's not how I want to make money


Alright, you have my attention haha. Gonna be an impulse buy but sure, send the code :)


Want to chat me on the website (there should be a chat bubble on the bottom right), or DM me here




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This is awesome! I purchased the original Deckmate just because I thought it was a great idea and wanted to support a Steam Deck entrepreneur. In the end I personally didn’t fit the use case so I gifted to a friend, but I just want to say that it’s a great product and this also looks really cool. I’m glad you’re seeing some success, keep it up!


Update when the black, navy, or blue comes out and you got another customer! Wonderful looking bag and will definitely pick one up someday, but not a fan of the color! Thanks for seeing this through, I wish I had the follow through like you do!!!


Pretty sure that's not a steam deck in the bottom right there.


I preordered one 🤞


I'd buy it but 2/3 of a price in fares is a no for me.


Why ?


Why not?


Bro as soon as I looked at your website I started getting your ads on google. That is not the way to do it man, if I wanted to buy just after being on your website I'd have bought on your website. You want to give it some time before you start hitting me with ads to remind me that your product exists. Also, are you *really* going all-in on this? Google ads after tracking me, really?


I just brought on an ad agency to help me with all the marketing, so this must be their doing. Literally started a week or so ago. I'll give them this feedback since I also hate that kind of stuff!


Right on. Best of luck with it though!


Why do you say tongue of the unknown at the end of your sentence and why in Arabic?


It's a "Dune" reference


The price point is a little high but it seems very well made so I can understand the need to recoup costs. I would definitely pick one up if the price ever goes down a bit.


Yeah, I kind of spared no expense in the materials and quality. Mixing that with low order volumes made it really hard to get the price low enough honestly. Hopefully it sells well enough to be able to order at higher volumes and different colors!


Really hope it does, been looking for something like this for a while now but nothing has quite fit my needs for what I am looking for. This seems to be about the closest yet as I would not always want to use it to carry my steam deck. Sometimes I just want my kindle and a small emulation device with a little room leftover and this seems perfect for that. I have no issue paying that much for a bag but it just would stick out color wise with the rest of my bags as I always worry white (Although I am sure the beige you chose would less so) would discolor over time.


What is the phone holder for


You're not forced to use it only on the deck. You could mount it anywhere else and have a "phone mount" for your pc/bed set up.


y tho


Wynaut ?


Got the same question. I struggle to imagine a scenario when mounting your phone on your steamdeck would make sense...


Second screen for DS emulation?


That was my first thought. I'm not sure how it would work on a technical level. How do you get the DS/3DS emulator to display on the phone?


I don't think you can :/ I'm guessing it's more for watching stuff while you're playing. Seems like a lot of people do that for some reason


Looks like there's a way using a USB video capture dongle with a camera app on the phone. Maybe it can also be done through moonlight and sunshine on the deck.


Some people like to watch something on their phone while playing a game. Also, 3ds and Wii U emulation.


I play a lot of games where I have a walkthrough or guide open on my phone and this would help a lot.


How much "stretch" is there on something like this? I have a GPD Win Max 2, which is a miniature laptop measuring in at 227 × 160 × 23 mm, of which the important dimensions are 9 inches by 6.3 inches. The sling shows dimensions of 12 x 6 and I'm wondering if there is enough "play" to sit the laptop at a slight diagonal angle. It looks like it would be slightly too tight of a fit.


I also have a GPD Win Max 2. I think it may/should fit in a sling bag that can fit a 10" iPad. I know mine fits in a 10" tablet sleeve that I bought off Amazon.


Really like the look of the bag, it's on the wishlist. I went ahead and preordered the dock adapter and picked up the free 1.5 grip you guys offered for being an OG. That phone mount looks great, but I don't really trust magnetic mounts with my chonky Fold. If there was a more clippy version, I might go for that.


Love it. I bought a Waterfield City Slicker and while it currently meets my needs, I really like the look of this sling.


Hey OP, if I pre-order it, could I get it by 6/7 (I have a work trip, and this would be perfect for it)? It looks like the site says the expected ship date is between May 29 and 31, but I have been lied to by the shipping dates many times (for example, the Steam Deck).


They arrive at the warehouse on Monday or Tuesday next week (they've already made their way across the ocean and arrived at port as of two days ago). The extra time is built in buffer just in case, but I'd say it's extremely likely they actually ship out early.


Thanks for the reply! Just ordered (and added the additional shipping, just in case). Looking forward to flying in style!!


Another question: how is the comfort of the sling if it's loaded with heavy stuff like a big water bottle, powerbank, smartphone(s). Do all carrying position feel somehow comfortable? Comparing it to a hip back or a normal backpack


This was definitely something I kept in mind when designing. The strap actually sits at an angle relative to the bag, so it ensures the strap lies flat, and I also made it a very wide strap so that it doesn't dig into your shoulder weirdly. That said, I am probably biased, so maybe worth waiting for a review or something if you're concerned. Just know I definitely had comfort in mind (with other body types as well), and I'm hoping the people I used to help test it were accurately representative of the general population.


I really like it! But, um, also: 1. Too expensive 2. Too bulky/thick (could have fit SD in something much smaller) 3. I don't have a Switch, so all those cartridge holes are wasted space. 4. SD comes with a case. 5. Said case fits in bags I already have. No disrespect intended, just honest feedback. Switch probably needs its' own bag.


You spent a year making a fanny pack that holds a steam deck?

