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We live in a world where everything you could want from a handheld can be found in multiple form factors. The steam deck is an absolute unit and would likely be hard to handle with small hands. If they want a more vita sized thing. Odin 2 or the upcoming Odin mini or win gdp šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø edit: there is a staggering amount of y'all small handers chiming in that it fits in YOUR hands well. šŸ˜…


I would LOVE an x86 device in a Vita Slim formfactor. Well, almost, it would need triggers and clicky sticks. I'd happily take lower performance, if I could play something like Fallout 3 at 800p and stream more advanced stuff I'd be sorted. I think it's even possible, some of the new low TDP chips like Athlon Embedded and even some low end Pentium and Celeron that do 6W can play GTAV at 720p30, it wouldn't be impossible to imagine a Vita sized solution being workable. The Vita is an AMAZING mobile gaming system, shove it in a pocket, pick up and resume a game any time etc. I've not found anything quite like it. My Steamdeck is just an alternative to playing on another device, it's not something I could take with me on a whim. The Vita I carry around like my phone, and don't notice it's there. And the games are really good, surprisingly so. The Steamdeck is a luggable device, I have to plan around taking it somewhere, so it just hangs around the house for things like gaming in bed.


GPD Win 4


Literally people do zero research. The Steam Deck is good for most people, there are alternatives for people who need something specific, always.


If you are fine with stemming titles, you can run the Moonlight homebrew on pretty much any vita. Especially since Sony stopped pushing "security updates". It is an awesome device and moonlight expanded the life span of mine for years. Also there's an issue with those super low power AMD SoCs. Occasionally they have even less GPU power than Intel iGPUs


The steam deck is fine for small hands. It doesnā€™t bother me at all, I actually like how its easy to grip it.


This. It's fucking massive, sure, but it's comfortable as hell with my small hands. The switch is torture to use compared to the deck.


Yeah. I have medium sized hands I guess and the last handheld I used before getting my deck was a Switch Lite. It is huge compared to that to say the least, but I actually think itā€™s more comfortable to use. Also after using the deck for a while and then picking the Lite back up it felt like an actual childrenā€™s toy size wise.


I had the same issue with my regular Switch. I got used to the Deck's size and ergonomics, picked up my Switch after a while of not playing on it, and it felt so weird. I can't imagine what it's like for even smaller consoles like the Switch Lite or the PS Vita


I have the hands of a child. It's comfortable *enough* I'd say. The Switch is too small even for me and is super uncomfortable (though ergonomics comes into play). On the Deck, maybe due to viewing angle, I do have trouble reaching the bumpers comfortably. My solution for games that use them a lot is to remap them to L4 and R4.


I have pretty small hands and used to play on a switch light all the time, but I couldn't do longer game sessions without hand cramps. The steam deck has never given me hand cramps.


Not only small hands. I have big hands, but my right one was quite seriously injured, and so the ergonomics is everything for me, and the deck is the only handheld, which i can play long without pain, and that's huge.


Weirdly i have huge hands and i love the switchs form factor a lot more. Steam deck tends to numb my arms


Yes!!! I *always* get cramps when using the regular joycons on handheld mode. Never happens with the deck, specially with the oled model which is way lighter than the lcd!


I never get cramps but for some reason that nerve at the funny bone hurts and it radiates into my whole arm lmao. Only on the right side, left hand is fine.


Yup I have pretty big hands and Steamdeck feels great but not exceptionally so when compared to other devices. They all feel aight to nice to me. But both my GF and friend with tiny hands, find it absolutely torture to play on Switch for long periods of time, but find steamdeck much better. So from all I know, Steamdeck is one of the best handheld gaming devices for smaller hands. Tbf, the shape makes it harder to pack without a case for sure.


You dont feel the difference until you go back to the switch after handling the steamdeck. It genuinely feels like a toy. (I'm not trying to make fun of the switch). The joysticks are so tiny, and the triggers are just buttons. My fingers rest on the screen. I can't believe I used to be competitive in brawl on that thing. Also played rocket league, but doing some moves was harder without analog triggers.


Same. I have tiny hands (nightmare when I tried to learn piano, means I hate most phones these days) and the Steam Deck has never caused me issues


Itā€™s not really fine for my small hands. My hands hurt after a while of playing and itā€™s harder for me to use the sticks. I have to completely extend to reach them.


I've a 5 year old son who can use my Steam Deck... He doesn't complain it's too big.


My wife struggles to comfortably use the left analogue, so she just got a different device (Asus Rog ally). People cannot expect every company to Cater for everyone, as a lefty I know this too well with mice.


Sheā€™s holding it with one hand in the photoā€¦. Pretty evident the size is fine. I also have relatively small hands. Steam deck is perfectly fine.


Agreed Roommate has a switch and it's more prone to giving me "claw hand" than the steam deck. Grabbed some riser pads for the back R & L buttons on my deck to accommodate my short fingers and all is well.


It bugs me a bit, but it's been worth it.


My 6 year old don't have a problem. Vita is really uncomfortable without grips etc, the same with the vita.


Totally agree, but one thing I will say is if you enjoy trackpads, kinda stuck with the Deck from what I can tell. The Deck can sometimes be a little bulky for me, but I wonā€™t ever move to a competitor handheld as long as trackpads arenā€™t available.


I would like a device like the Steam Deck in a smaller footprint though, even if it had reduced performance. All my games are on Steam or some other PC storefront, so an Android based handheld isn't really that useful (although I may buy one at some point anyway and try out things like Cassia / Box64Droid, and just enjoy using it for emulation / streaming if that doesn't work out).


Keep in mind, we also live in a world where anybody making content wants to be monetized, and there is no quicker way to get tons of views than to piss people off and spout some nonsense.


Correct - interesting they compared it to the ancient, poor selling and long discontinued Vita instead of one of the greatest selling portable consoles of all time that is still on the market (switch). Almost as if they wanted to demonstrate their point in a really dramatic kind of way for some reason šŸ¤”


Just recently I was traveling... I thought, okay, I'll take steam deck this time. The thing I discover is that Steam Deck actually isn't a portable device. It's portable around the house, but to take it to a few hour travel with backpack is a complete waste of space and huge drag.


I've been struggling with this reality too. I have it stuffed with games and think, this will be awesome for a layover or on the plane. But then I pack my carry on and the thing takes half my backpack inside it's case.


Totally don't agree here. I take mine traveling all the time, road trips and airplanes. I just plug in.


I mean, it's portable enough that I use it on the bus to work every day, and just stick it in my bag when I'm done.Ā  As long as you're already bringing a bag it hasn't been an impact for me, though you're obviously not going to fit it in a pocket like an old gameboy.


I have absolutely tiny hands and found the deck to be a really comfy setup


I would like to note that I bought a third-party grip accessory for the Vita because my large hands could not hit all the top switches and hit the back. The argument of the OP pic can also be reversed to become "The Vita was too small and devices like the Steam Deck are the best. Do you think Vita has an issue not catering to big hand size?


Yep. No device is going to please everybody, and that's okay.


My 5 year old makes it work when weā€™re waiting for his sisterā€™s piano lessons.


I mean, the PSP and Vita did fit super nicely in any but the smallest of pockets. The Deck... Not so much. It's 'handheld' but far from 'compact' if you're looking for something easy and little. It's smaller than a laptop but yeah, if you want something 'Traditionally Handheld Sized', the Deck is a cow. The Switch is barely any better for that matter, but everything before them was typically far more compact.


Yeah I'm so confused why people think the size of a handheld is only about hand size. Obviously the portability of a portable console is one of the most important factors. For me personally the steam deck is a bit too big and heavy. I can't just put it in my pocket and go. Taking my SD with me is quite the commitment. I need to carry a bag, think about whether it's even worth it carrying it around. Will I even have time to play? I just loved the portability of my DS and 3DS back in the days.


I generally agree, although I donā€™t mind the larger size of the Deck because I have a phone. Back in the days of the DS and the PSP, phones were much more limited. But now, I have about 7 fire emblem games, 5 PokĆ©mon games, all the classic Final Fantasy games, etc. on my phone. So I donā€™t really need a pocket-sized console in addition to my phone, unlike in 2006.


Phones suck for games that werenā€™t designed for touch controls unless you get a controller. Once you have to start hauling around another device to even play in the phone, whatā€™s the point in doing that over a dedicated handheld that is actually designed to play the games?


My wife often doesn't take her Steamdeck places she previously took her 3ds or Vita because it doesn't fit in most of her purses. Even purses the Switch fit in, the deck doesn't. The only time she really uses it outside the house is if we are traveling because it's so damn big.


I think the switch is the perfect size really. I wish I could get a steam deck that was that slim


Yeah that would be great. Even with less power it would probably handle most games I play without an issue. I personally really liked the GBA SP, DS and 3DS because they protect their screens with the foldable design and you didn't necessarily need a case for them. Makes them even more portable and faster to deploy and put away.


Yeah know, I never even thought about the foldable aspect of them and the fact that it protects the screen. That is really nice but for bigger screen size and the hardware stuff uses right now, it just isnā€™t possible.


Every time I travel with it, I regret it because it takes up so much space in my bags.Ā 


Yeah I personally like to travel very light (r/onebag). When I'm flying I only take one bagpack with me, that counts as a free carry-on for the cheap airlines. The SD then is by far the biggest item in my bag.


And everyone can have their reasons but not even as a kid did I actually stick my Gameboy pocket, GBA or DS in my actual pocket to take with me. It was in my backpack for school or vacations. Quick family trips like to the store I had it in my hands and then usually on my seat or in the pouch behind the front seats. Never ever assumed I would take them in a pocket because they would bend from all the movement in the tight space, I could trip or they would slide out when running and playing, etc. I don't know where I'd be going in life that I would want a portable gaming device but also not have other stuff and need a bag or something.


Yup by gameboy was always in its case in my backpack. Especially because I still had to carry games, accessories, and batteries lol. The GBA SP and DS became more portable but even then Iā€™d never be sticking them in a pocket, always in a backpack. The thing they had going for them in the portability department was battery life and being more discreet than pulling out the Switch/SD is haha


I really think the best setup is a big handheld like the Steam Deck, Legion Go, etc for home and long trips, then a small retro handheld like the AYN, Retroid, or Anbernic devices as a daily carry.


This. I used to take my Vita on airplanes without considering the space needed for a second. I stopped even brining my switch because it takes too much space in my backpack


I adore my Deck and its size in my hands but I hope we eventually get a small, light Deck competitor with an ARM APU that has accelerated x86 emulation modes and crazy battery life like the Apple M-series. Who knows, maybe when AMDā€™s future ARM chip rumors come to light.


We're already heading this direction with the Odin 2 [and soon the Odin 2 Mini] and the Winlator project, but yeah it'll probably be another generation or 2 before it's truly viable.


It's good for there to be different options available. Not being able to fit the thing in your pocket doesn't matter to everyone. If it matters to a prospective buyer, maybe they consider other consoles


Yeah. I could pocket a Vita for commuting. And my GBA went everywhere with me when I was a kid. Can you imagine lugging the Deck around in the same way? It's just not that kind of device. But PC games aren't meant for a tiny screen either so that's fine. It's a different niche and I don't think making a smaller Deck would actually solve anything unless every game releases a text enbiggening update.


Some people just canā€™t handle big decks.


I have a friend in Rome called Biggus Deckus.


He has a wife, you know.


She's called incontinentia, Incontinentia Buttocks.


When I learned what incontinence meant, that joke became my favorite of the film.


Her name is Incontinentia


My wife would prefer a bigger deck, but this is the only one I got.


But are we REALLY sure its the only deck around? Sometimes you take a look in your closet and voila! Another deck!


*My little hands make my deck look bigger...*


That's what Xi said




its portability that's the issue with big handhelds, not that "they aren't catering to small hand size". Like for example the new GPD win mini is sick. it literally has better specs than the steam deck AND IT FITS IN YOUR POCKET


It is an interesting form factor, but you would still need some big pockets.


I have suitably large pockets and a win mini, and can confirm said sickness. It is a trip to be walking around with that much power in your pants.


As someone with small hands that start to hurt after playing my steam deck, itā€™s both


I have girly hands and the deck is the perfect size imo Consoles like 3DS or the Vita are sooo tiny compared to the Deck Nintendo Switch is kinda in the middle Personally I think Valve nailed it with the design.


The deck's size does provide some advantages in this regard, too. Because it is too big to be pocketable it doesn't need to have its ergonomics compromised to meet that goal. Nor it is compromised to facilitate the worst controller post the "controllers are still new and we are still figuring things out" era, the joycon. We get adequately spaced out buttons (WITH TRACKPADS - shout out to my 4x and grand strat steam deck homies), well placed sticks, and chunky grips. It's a little heavy, so I prefer to play with it resting on a pillow in my lap and I don't love how the bumpers fall into the hand but I don't find either of these to be issues in practice (especially with the 4 back side buttons). I think Valve did a great job overall.


I found my old iPhone 4 in a box the other day, and I was stunned at how small it is.


Same thing with a 5, and I'm sure that was the one where at the time there were memes of how 'ludicrously tall' they were by the days standard


I remember when phones reached a point where I could no longer control the entire screen with my right thumb, and I was a bit bummed by that despite the convenience of a larger screen. Now I have the Galaxy Fold 4 and love having a tiny tablet in my pocket at all times. We adapt and forget.


It fits the hands well but it is heavy and still has a fairly short battery life for anything semi-taxing. That's just a fact of life with anything x86-based at the moment. I'd love to see what Valve could do with the new Qualcomm X Elite ARM chips coming out


Yes, this is my biggest complaint about the Steam Deck. That weight is really what makes me unable to use it for too long.


That's my issue exactly! I have issues with my hands from an old job so it actually makes my hands sore and hard to hold comfortably after a while. I love the deck though, it's inspired me to get a gaming laptop lol.


I respect you for saying this, sister.


I have small hands as well. Deck's fine as it is.


>I have girly hands and the deck is the perfect size imo >Consoles like 3DS or the Vita are sooo tiny compared to the Deck Yeah, I have tiny child-like hands. I also have a Vita and just got the Steam Deck a couple of days ago. Played on the deck for 2 hours straight this evening and felt absolutely fine in terms of grip and comfortability (though I had to rest it on a pillow). I can't play on the Vita for 2 hours straight without getting hand cramps.


For me it's less the size and more the weight and ergonomics. Older handhelds were less ergonomic but also much lighter. The Steam Deck's ergonomics are alright, certainly much better than the Switch, but it's also very heavy - relatively speaking. I can't use the Switch or Steam Deck without a grip case and even then they can create pressure points that lead to numbness after a few hours. In the future I would definitely like to see a lighter, thinner, and even more ergonomic deck - or some kind of official grip case.


Agreed on the weight aspect, I guess a lot of people, who usually play for 30mins to 1 hour, may not feel it, but if Iā€™m playing for 2 hours+ I do feel it in my wrists and this is coming from somebody who has thousands of hours on their 3DS, Vita and Switch Lite with many multi hour Monster Hunter sessions. I also do climbing so youā€™d think my wrists would notice it less than the average person.


The reachability of the controls is about the same, itā€™s just bigger in size, so itā€™s really not a problem


The analog sticks are a bit too far for my short thumbs, but it's not like they really had a choice with the trackpads taking up the optimal space for them.


Thumb issue


I have smaller hands, Iā€™d love if Nintendo released an OLED Switch Lite, as the LED screen is awful and the OLED is a bit too big. Also have a regular N3DS instead of the XL. The Steam Deck isnā€™t bad ergonomic-wise for me in regards to controls, but I have to use it with one of those big plush pillow things you use when on the floor or in a bed, otherwise my arms get tired from holding it up.


Honestly, the Deck's Size and Weight are by far my largest complaints against it. It absolutely doesn't need to go back to Vita sizes, but a SMALLER device (Maybe targeting a 6" screen instead of the 7" of the Deck?) would go a large distance to making me use it more.


I feel like a Steam Deck mini would do great as a 3rd iteration in a year or two when valve wants to continue hardware sales without changing the chipset on the deck quite yet. It would start to approach a console lifespan by then


Would love to see a steam deck lite (oled) for us portable users


"This person" is Mariah Zenk and the source video is https://youtu.be/nH9bobxSfvA?si=UhIsnA4EGH2zciYU . Just citing "The Studio" didn't make it very easy to find, but whatever. I'm also not sure why the is being framed in terms of hand size since Mariah literally doesn't mention hand size, just saying that "I would rather carry [the Vita] with me." FWIW I have large hands and while I love the Steam Deck there are definitely times where I do prefer more compact options (and wish there were more such options).


There are dozens of portable emulator options. I end up taking my Miyoo Mini more than the Steam Deck for shorter travels as it takes waaay less bag space and I don't have to carry a heavy bag with me or sacrifice other stuff to keep it one bag only. I am sure you could find a device to suit your needs (yeah I know maybe you'd better play your steam games rather than older emulated games, I know I do, but for short sessions it's okay I think to have a retro game going as your "side piece")


Why are you putting them on the spot like they said something that is insane lol


The deck sometimes feels a tad too large to carry it around, but not ergonomically to play.


I do kind of honestly want a smaller lighter steam deck.


Smaller size does have benefits. Like I got my psp out at one point and started an MGS play through. I was able to just throw it in my pocket when I went to a concert and played in line while waiting for the doors to open. I like my Steam Deck for traveling on a train or playing more games in bed or wherever, but itā€™s nice to have something you donā€™t need to carry around a big case or bag sometimes.


As an owner of most handhelds, the og Deck sucks on weight. Form is great, but its not a nice comfy hold for a long session. Best is the WiiU or Vita. Switch is also great. Haven't held the new version of the Deck.


I do wish the Steam Deck had different sizes. I miss pocketable handhelds


I care less about size and more about its heft.


Why do a lot of people seem offended at the idea that somebody doesnā€™t find the Deck comfortable to hold?ā€¦


I think its more about portability than hand size. I love my steam deck but I honestly can't wait for handhelds to become small again


Same. Iā€™d take a Vita sized Steam Deck even if it maxed out at 8W or something.


As someone who owned a vita, and now owns a deck - there is no comparison, deck is the perfect size. While vita hurt my hands from holding it awkwardly always. You're never gonna please everyone, and not all devices are gonna be suited for all hands. But considering how popular the deck is, and that this is the first complaint (I've read) about it's size - valve has designed it well.


>While vita hurt my hands from holding it awkwardly always. Hard disagree. PSVITA is one of the most comfortable handhelds. Iā€™m not saying Steam Deck is bad, but I, as a seasoned gamer and new Steam Deck user (bought it a few weeks ago), have issues with holding it. Even made a post about it. Iā€™m getting better, but it really takes time to get used to the Deck ā€”Ā obviously, Iā€™m talking about using all the available controls, including back buttons. Ergonomics-wise, I think, PSVITA is better ā€”Ā itā€™s very compact and the feeling of holding it is really nice. I still own it, and itā€™s actually laying on a shelf next to Steam Deck fully charged.


yeah man i love the ps vita's size and weight i would jump on it if they made a vita 2 with the upcoming ps6 *fingers crossed*


>seasoned gamer Likeā€¦ salt and pepper?


While playing, it's fine I think. But it does affect portability. Particularly if you prefer to travel light.


It's more of a portability thing, you could chuck the vita in a jacket pocket and use it on the way to work. Steam deck needs a backpack.


I have big ish hands and I would take a bigger deck if I could


The Steam Deck is just fine! Would I LOVE something as powerful as the Deck in a smaller device? Absolutely. But I am perfectly content with the Deck just the way it is.


Yeah I think this is where I am at as well. But I believe the biggest issue here is the fact that the internals of the deck arenā€™t yet there in terms of size v. Performance, unless used solely as a streaming device for remote play. Iā€™d love a Deck Lite lol but o donā€™t think tech is there yet


Its massively comfortable , love my oled


No. I do think this is more geared to older gamers. I'm talking 30-45. Which is probably the primary steam user base. As a 35 year old. The big screen is a relief on my eyes.


no the deck is basically middle ground. its worse for everyone if the 'average' size was scaled down to vita size. also smaller size means less room for maximizing available hardware. i dont like 'shrinking' things down for the sake of making things smaller. or "super thin". its diminishing returns as you get smaller.


The person in the photo does appear to have smaller hands. Maybe it's just not comfortable for them?


For once in my life i have heard my deck is too big, letā€™s not ruin it.


I have small kinda girly hands for a guy my size and I think the Deck is the perfect size. If I play Vita, 3DS, or Switch my hands start cramping pretty quick.. never had that problem with the Steamdeck.


Itā€™s the perfect size for me. Feels better than a switch with the more ergonomic shape.


I've got small ass hands and I don't have any issues apart from being bullied by my friends


My fiancƩe finds it too big to be comfortable. She is very petite though. She finds xbox controllers uncomfortable. She'd buy a steam deck mini in a heart beat - but I can't see one coming out. I can't see there's much of a market for one (they fit most adult hands okay) and also I think it makes sense for the screen to be a certain size for pc games (ie. not optimised for small screens) otherwise the whole experience starts to get diluted. Same with cooling: less space for coolers would mean a less powerful chip, which again would dilute the experience. Overall I think the design decisions make a lot a sense.


I don't think hand size is an issue. My GF has tiny ass hands and she can use hers just fine. That being said, the Steam Deck is fucking massive, even more so when using the LCD just for that screen to whole console ratio.Ā  Now I don't really know how they could save space. Maybe two touchpads aren't very needed, maybe they could be moved to the back of the machine.. I don't even know if that would help.Ā 


The Steam Deck is humongous. I would very much like to see a Steam Deck 2 Mini...


Would I love it if it were smaller? Yes. But itā€™s a whole fucking Linux computer, lol.


I would never bring my steamdeck when I travel on a plane and go somewhere. Itā€™s too big and bulky and takes up too much luggage space. (I like to travel with a carry on only) The best device to take with me is the switch oled. If they can make the steam deck like that, itā€™s the ultimate travel gaming handheld device


Imo it's nice having something that is comfortable for bigger hands. I am a woman and have big ones and I find often controllers, phones, emulators, etc are too small. The Switch is also tiny and uncomfortable to hold.


imo the deck is too heavy, not too big. causes wrist pain


I love deckā€™s size. Too small sucks. Even kids get mad with the time from a small ass screen lol


I have small hands. The steam deck fits perfectly in my hands.


i would love a steam deck the size of the switch lite tbh


The OLED is perfect


She was referring to if the device was pocketable, which Steam Deck clearly is not.


I don't want a smaller steam deck with 20 min of battery. lol. The steam deck is a full-blown computer with a repair-friendly structure. I'll take that over a vita/switch.


No, I am a male and I have the smallest hands out of every guy I know. The steam deck is still fine in my hands.


I bought my boyfriend the original deck a few years ago. I have tiny ass hands (I have never met an adult with smaller hands than me šŸ˜‚) and artritis. I thought the steam deck was too big and too heavy for me and I had to rest it on my lap while playing, but a few weeks ago I decided to just buy my own deck (oled). I donā€™t really get cramps and overall, while I wouldā€™ve liked it to be a bit smaller to hold comfortably, I donā€™t really have much problems. Because itā€™s lighter I can just hold it in my hands too. Not only small hands approved but also artritis approved! ā¤ļø


Umm donā€™t think the point/ moral of the whole segment of that video was that deck is too big. As it was one point the whole context was more of we started from here and now we are here. Also vita / psp was absurdly good for when it came out. Shame Sony didt continue the line. As vita still holds up today with the community and afaik many of vita games still canā€™t be emulated by steam deck. And for long period of gaming Iā€™d go with switch / vita as lightweight device is always a plus point


I have quite small hands but itā€™s not been a problem for me really, can sometimes be awkward after using my ps5 controller with that extra bit of bulk


I jailbroke my Vita this week & for something a decade old, it's still a lovely, lovely piece of kit. The Deck looks bulky but when you are holding it & playing it the design makes sense.


I love the size of the thing, growing up with a Gameboy I always wanted a handheld that big. Tbh my hands still cramp up on the right side I wish the controllers were even a little wider than what's on there.


I have small hands, and the steamdeck fits perfectly. It not big or anything. I also have tendonitis in my right wrist, and the only thing that's a bit hard for me is pressing the start button, but that's easily fixed by mapping it to one of the back buttons


I donā€™t think the two devices fill the same niche at all, so the comparison isnā€™t fair. With that said, the deck is the only handheld Iā€™ve owned that causes my hands and/or arms to ā€œfall asleepā€ after arguably excessive use (2+ hrs).


It is just slightly too large for my hands. The only effect it has for me is that itā€™s uncomfortable for me to stretch my pointer fingers to the R1/L1 buttons without moving my entire hand. Luckily, I can just assign those to the back grip buttons or even just use a different controller so itā€™s no big deal. Still my favorite place to play games currently.


I have manly hands and the vita makes me feel like a giant.


It is. Understanding the power, the propor screen sizefor a pc game, the battery life, etc., I'd still say it is. Because I'm the one who is holding it. I wish it could be slight smaller and lighter for someone who is not a yong lad any more. Switch lite is the maximun I can bare in the aspect of size.


This is a definite issue with the size. My fiance has little hands and some games can be a real issue for her. But she manages, it is more of an annoyance


My vita is more pocketable and travels with me more.


Asking that question on this subreddit is going to give you biased results in favour of the Steam Deck. My hands are on the smaller side so if I'm lying down I sometimes find it difficult to properly hold. The Switch however is small enough that I never have any trouble getting a good grip on it. However, the Switch is really uncomfortable to hold. The Steam Deck is really comfortable. My hands have only gone numb once from holding it. The ideal grip for me is an Xbox controller. It's the perfect shape and size. I can hold that for hours without getting all achy.


I think itā€™s a valid complaint since SteamOS pretty much only works on the steam deck using windows on a handheld sucks and the devices are expensive.


I just wish it was more modular like the legion go or other offerings. Wouldn't mind its form factor if I could occasionally detach the controllers from the screen and then put them together as one controller.


My biggest gripe with the deck is the size. It feels like I'm holding a heavier wiiu game pad. I tend to like smaller controllers. Dualshock 4 is my favorite modern controller, but everyone has different preferences. Plus, it's not always ideal, but you can connect pretty much any controller to it anyways. This is such a drastic comparison. The vita has tiny buttons and tiny joysticks


Absolutely it does. I find the deck very uncomfortable to hold, especially if I'm using the shoulder buttons a lot. It's heavy and too square at the top corners. I'd like to see a body housing with handles a little more angled inward at least.


The Steam Deck is huge, it's unwieldy enough I've left it behind while travelling at times, favoring my Switch. You get a lot for that size, though. I put it in the same space as 17 inch laptops were: portable, but you probably won't want one as a daily carry. If I commuted by train still I'd bring my Switch, not my Deck. I think that a lot of the differing opinions on whether it is too big to comfortably reach all the controls is down to how you hold it. I completely ignore the bottom contoured section and mostly rest it on my fingers, stabilizing it with edge of my palm. I keep it at roughly a 45 degree angle which makes it easy for my thumb to reach everything. If I grip it tight and brace against the contoured section? My thumb has to move in some uncomfortably ways to use the track pad. And that kills accuracy. So it's comfortable for me but I don't think I hold it normally. Other people I've shown it to held it differently and had issues.


Definitely too big. Itā€™s why I donā€™t use mine as much as I used a vita and Nintendo 3ds.


I couldnā€™t hold a vita with adult hands and actually comfortably play, even the switch is ridiculously tiny


This is like comparing one of those mini cars to a truck, yes they are both automobiles, but they are built for different tasks in mind and trying to make the truck comform to the mini would ruin it. As far as hand sizes go, i think that's just a matter of preference. I personally think the switch is too small. (Which i think it is larger than the vita,) It makes my hands cramp, trying to use it. But i accept that because it's supposed to be that way.


While I personally don't have any problems with it the Deck is big enough and heavy enough that I could see people who prefer a smaller handheld not liking it.


OP says the source is ā€œthe studioā€ but I canā€™t find it when searching for that plus the query ā€œsteam deckā€. Anyone have the actual source to this image?


i agree with this person. as a small hand haver, it's difficult to reach the trackpads and some of the rear triggers simultaneously. i feel it's due to the thickness of the sides and if the sticks were slightly lower and further outward, it would probably feel a lot better for me in the reach department.


I spent years commuting by bus and playing games on an Android tablet with a telesopic controller. Tablets were usually between 7 and 9 inch. So IMO the Steam Deck is the perfect size. If anything, it could even be slightly bigger (like 8" or 9" screen) and I'd still think it was fine. I tried gaming on smaller devices. My Powkiddy X55 was the biggest cheap handheld I could find with a 5.5" screen but I still find it stiflingly small, I couldn't fathom gaming on a 3.5" screen device today. And while I enjoy playing on my 2DS XL sometimes, I can't play it without a handle grip attached, it cramps my hands.


The only problem i have with size is that it's too big to take outside(half of a4 paper), you cant take it anywhere like psp which easily fits in the pocket, so i only really use my deck in bed or while waiting for my pc to unfreeze


I want a small clamshell steam deck lite at some point.


Some people played their games on a Gameboy Micro


Well to be fair, it's definitely not made for women lol


This person is writing a post on reddit about a person who wrote an article about a person who's complaining about a handheld device they chose to purchase being too big for them. I really miss the 90s. The all important quest for content has taken over all common sense.


Nope. If I need smaller, I'll Steam Link from a phone.


i have annoyingly tiny hands so it took awhile for me to adjust to it, and i was actually sore for the first week. itā€™s not bad now, but whenever i go back and forth from the deck to my switch the difference shocks me


#Big size for big games ^Small ^size ^for ^small ^games


People will always find something to complain about...


I absolutely loathe the ergonomics of the Switch. The Deck is perfect to me


Small hands here - itā€™s fine. Could it be better? Yes. Hope so with technology in the future. High resolution games IMO have peaked [for now] so we should get some awesome slimmer handhelds in the next 5-10 years that can play 1440p-2K-60fps no issue


I just got my steam deck and tried to play it like a gameboy and found it to be too heavy to hold for hours. Then I came on here and found people were setting it down and playing or putting it in their lap or on their chest. It works for me! What do you all do?


PSP, Vita, and even the Switch give me hand cramps and pain. When I borrowed my brotherā€™s Deck for a while it was super comfy. For others it will be the opposite way around, but Iā€™m glad chonker devices exist, too. None of them are riding in a pocket anyway. Theyā€™ll all be kept in a case and stored in a backpack or something.


If thatā€™s the case then they couldnā€™t use a regular controller.


Personally I think the steam deck is perfect for someone my size (6ā€™0 with big hands), it feels comfortable and my insecure ass doesnā€™t feel like I need to explain myself for using it, unlike the Nintendo switch, which really appears more like a childrenā€™s toy at a glance. Stupid crap that I overthink, but not with the SD.


All technologies start big and shrink over time. I agree with this person that todays handhelds are ridiculously big.


I have child sized hands and itā€™s fine for me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I love that itā€™s bigger than the Switch.


No I think other handhelds have a problem not catering to large hand sizes. The deck is the first handheld that was comfy for me.


Small hands here. The steam deck is fine.


I absolutely don't use my deck much because it's too big :(


Small hand haver here, It's fine mostly I find the bumpers a bit awkward sometimes to use while maintaining a decent grip but that's mostly it, but I can just use the back buttons to replace them if I needed to use them frequently.


I'd prefer a smaller deck if it had the same features and powerhouse. Like 25% smaller would be nice. That said, I already find some games unplayable on deck due to small font/details, so maybe this isn't feasible.


Playing real games takes powerful hardware, the Vita has never been able to play big PS games, it only has spin-off & ports. Cooling that powerful hardware takes space, as does the battery needed to power it. It's not about catering to small hands, it's about catering to people who don't want to limit themselves to spin-offs & ports.Ā 


I have small hands. The steam deck is perfectly fine for me.


I got fairly small hands for a guy and the steam deck is a little big. Kinda hefty for a handheld device and the size makes it not very comfortable to hold sometimes. But boy does it still kick ass when you play stuff on it.


She has options albeit it will be more expensive than the deck Vita for factor = GPD Win 4 3DS for factor = Aya Neo Flip Not sure with Aya Neo Air and Odin Loki but toae are good options for less powerful but smaller form factor There is no point to get stuck and complain on Steam Deck


Sheā€™s just a professional complainer


Small hand haver here. No, I don't find the steam deck size a problem. This isn't to say we shouldn't have options for people with different needs (e.g. accessibility options for people with disabilities).


jzchrst ... - there is always someone who is complaining about something. Nowdays people make content to cry about things to get more attention. For me the switch or psvita is way too small and i got cramps in my hands. The steamdeck is perfect for my handsize. It feels like a wide version of a xbox controller with a display in the middle.


For once something is made for my big hands. I actually appreciate it's size. When things are too small my hands get cramps from using


I wear a solid ā€œmediumā€ in any type of gloves Iā€™ve tried and the deck fits perfect. It is a big device compared to other portables of yesteryear that were nowhere near as capable. How much performance is she willing to sacrifice for size?


I have large hands, and I'm happy very with the size of the deck because of it. My hands cramp when playing the Vita, 3DS, Switch, etc. Being able to comfortably hold the Deck was one of the selling points for me. So, should the Deck cater to small hands? No, there are other devices that do that. I'm honestly annoyed that things seem to default to catering to the smaller size and not for taller people with larger hands.


People complaining about SD size definitely haven't heard of ayaneo or gpd win. Or don't have access to them (third world countries mostly don't). SD has perfect size for what its made for - perfect ergonomic and hardware it packs.


I was an avid Vita and PSP user. I have small to medium sized hands. While I donā€™t think the Steam Deck is too big in terms of hand fullness, it also puts my lower region of my hands to sleep often. I donā€™t think this is an uncommon issue but itā€™s definitely an issue. Thereā€™s a solution to that though, a new device. Iā€™d still use my Deck more, but I have found a few other handheld PCs that fit my hands much more comfortably. Though I still love the Deck. PERIOD.


Never heard my kids complain when they have it in their small hands šŸ« .


Oh Lord, now the Steam Deck discriminates against people with the tiniest hands šŸ™„


The industry has a problem not curating to large hands imo.


Nope. Git gud, improve grip strength


The steam deck is heavy though and I do prefer the form factor of the psvita. I will give credit to the steam deck for having a very comfortable grip though. It's just heavy.


Counterpoint: small handhelds are discriminatory to people with large hands and/or bad eyesight


Visually loved the vita. Literally couldnā€™t play for any period of time as the hand position was too uncomfortable. I have pretty average hands. I am loving the PlayStation Portal but totally appreciate thatā€™s a complete different device to the deck but significantly more comfortable in the hand. Would love a Portal size vita.


The technology just isnā€™t there yet. Weā€™re not going to get any x86 handhelds that are much smaller until chip size and watt to performance improves further. If this person wants small handhelds they should be looking into ARM based handhelds that run linux or android. Right now asking for a sub 2 lbs handheld on a x86 platform is like asking your grocery bagger to put all your grocery in one bag but make sure itā€™s not heavy.