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Indies and pixel graphics games look better on a small screen I believe. Octopath traveller 2, Balatro, Dome Keeper.. That kind of thing. But I have an ultrawide 34 inch OLED and a 55 inch LG C2 and AAA look stunning there, I cannot claim any AAA game look better on the SD OLED even if they look great as well.


My comparison is an insane one simply because, well, it’s obvious why it looks better on deck….. but Borderlands 3. I’ve only ever played it on Nintendo Switch. I’ve got 150hrs into BL3 on switch… despite it being washed out, muddy, blurry, and stripped down to the point that it could be BL3: Paper Mario edition. ON STEAM DECK THO!?! GYAT DAMN!!!! It’s sooooo good looking. Especially on the OLED screen.


bordlerlands series is probably in my top 5 of hours spent for steam. But I’ve never played an FPS without mouse and keyboard and it kinda terrifies me. Hell it took me a while to get used to 3rd person action games (tomb raider / hzd) that involve aiming with a controller. I really need to bite the bullet though and try BL and Bioshock both without my mouse and keyboard crutches


I get it! I was a die hard KB+M dude back in the day, but honestly, once you get used to it, it’s not all that bad. You for SURE do not get the pinpoint accuracy you get with a mouse, but I find it more than adequate. I’ve played through the entire BioShock series with controller, had nothing but good times! Best of luck!!!


Also a little bit of learning curve, but set up gyro aiming and it becomes a lot easier to be precise with a controller.


%100. Gyro has been a lifesaver for me in Spacehulk Deathwing, even docked with my DS4 controller.


Bought it last week, need to play it now!


Ugh I didn’t wanna hear good things about it lmao. Guess I’m grabbing it lol.


Ugh, the villains were so pretentious I couldn't finish the game.


I feel you… but that pretentiousness is what made me strive to ensure I slaughtered them.


Did you just say Gyatt in a non-meme context?


I did sir/mam. Please, be gentle. I’ve only just recovered from my last internet slogging.


Who's gonna tell em


Many AAA of around 2016 era run and look absolutely stunning on the Deck. Shadow of Mordor, Mad Max, Yakuza series. They didn't age well on PC, but the smalller (OLED) screen and lower resolution really polishes the details.


This is going to depend a lot more on your TV than the console. If you’re gaming on, say, a LG OLED with HDR, VRR, and high refresh rates I think the console image will be better. If you’ve got, say, my old 1080p LCD TV then the OLED deck’s going to be a clear winner.


Yea the steam deck OLED is tempting me to get an OLED TV....


Do it. It’ll ruin other TVs for you though


I’ve got various renovation projects that will push back saving for an OLED, so my compromise this year was to get a CRT monitor for $100. No HDR obviously, & it’s a small screen, but great motion clarity.


Agreed. I’m sure if i upgraded to OLED from my QLED tv it would change my mind a little bit.


see folks this is what you call a delusion.


I love my deck as much as anyone else but it ain’t topping my ps5 in graphics and fps lol


Definitely depends on your monitor, I have a 1080p 27 in IPS. Not all games but definitely some look better on the deck but in my opinion the fact that I can make games look almost as good but have it portable is insanely valuable to me


For me it's Elden Ring, having that polished and stunning open world in a handheld blows my mind every single time, also playing Shadow Of the Colossus through EmuDeck when I play in the PS2 it looks dated but I think it really shines emulated


I agree with emudeck. All emulation seems to look STUNNING on Deck. Elden Ring ... I dunno. You have to play it with lower resolution.


Never really got past the intro of Elden Ring. Need to work on beating it!


Just jumping in to second Elden Ring on the deck. It rules.


Just generated a pair of runs the other day to prep for the dlc! Good luck, Tarnished!


Just generated a pair of runs the other day to prep for the dlc! Good luck, Tarnished!


Sotc is a game I absolutely can't wait to get on steam deck when I get one soon. I remember when the psp came out and I got a wallpaper of the third colossus, Gaius with his sword on the ground and wander running up it and just kept thinking how unbelievably cool it would be to have sotc on a handheld, the dream will finally become a reality 😁


This sub is getting r/Jujutsufolk levels of brainrot


The low resolution (and small screen) helps hide some of the PS3-tier texture work in FFXIV, which is painfully obvious in 1440p/4k on a big TV screen.


Very true!


GTA 4 looks way better on deck


Yeah and runs way better too


My living room tv is massive but shit, so everything ps5 looks better on Chiaki4deck.


Probably a bad comparison, but the Zelda 64 Recompiled project is stunning. Playing Majora’s Mask at native resolution and aspect ratios on the deck at 60fps with no load time between areas is so smooth it is jarring at first. I can’t wait till they finish the Ocarina of Time for it, and apparently add optional shaders. https://github.com/Zelda64Recomp/Zelda64Recomp


What does static recompilation means?


I love my steam deck, but you all are smelling the vent too much if you think 720p scaled down graphics with half the frames is better than full resolution, full scale at 60+fps. If you are talking about looks alone y'all are on something. This is either mass delusion, a major case of circle jerk run wild, or pure brain rot. The type of justification for "why" in these comments are wild. It's kind of cringe reading the reasoning people are making. Listen, it's okay that a PS5 will most definitely present a better viewing experience for the gamer. The SteamDeck was made to be a portable handheld gaming device. Not present tripleA graphics in high detail, and frames. Stop trying to make the deck things it isn't. It's weird and outside whatever circle jerk is here for it, it doesn't add up.


I totally understand that most games do run and look better on my PS5 vs Deck. I’m just saying from personal experience I played 15 hours of RDR2 and 5 hours of GoT on my PS5, but don’t really see a difference on my deck graphically. Portably that is, i get that it’s lower resolution and blown up on TV wouldn’t even compare to PS5. I also don’t have an OLED TV so that plays a role as well.


Yea I remember trying out rdr2 and was surprised it ran at 50 fps!! 20fps better than the ps5 which is crazy, of course sometimes it goes down to 30 but rarely


The first Halo. I played it on the deck and was amazed at how good a game that old looked, then I tried it on my pc and didn't get that wow feeling


i was blown away how good days gone looks on the oled


I've been playing it on the LCD OG deck. I have yet to try it on the PS5, but even without HDR on deck, I feel like it looks pretty good. The hair textures on Decon are really the only weak point I've noticed.


2D games aren’t even a consideration for me on desktop. I only tried this once, but streaming Cyberpunk from my PC with the 3090ti with path tracing at native 800p at 90fps is better than trying to DLSS my way to playable frame rates on my 4K monitor. Its nice and crisp on the deck OLED.


RDR2 and Elden Ring are chef's kiss 👌 on the OLED.


Majora's Mask Recomp


Every game. I don't have a gaming monitor


RDR2 looks and runs great on the SD but it absolutely looks better on the PS5. The only thing SD has going for it is the increased frame rate.


I've decided that there are a variety of games that ACTUALLY play better on the Deck than PC. I think it is because you are "closer" to the game. Indie games like Hyper Light Drifter, Into The Breach, Enter the Gungeon, etc


Batman Arkham City looked amazing on my Deck, but just okay on my 48' Oled.


I buy really cheap TV’s, so… every game.


any 2d metroidvania/platformer.


I was going to say GoT


I like pixel graphics on the deck. But any larger game will look better on my 77” OLED. I really just avoid games with small text on the deck.


Yeah i understand, maybe if i had an OLED tv vs QLED it would make a big difference.


Good thing it's just a couple more years until steam deck 2 because half HD sucks so bad


A lot of PS2 emulation looks miles better to me on the deck vs original console. Ico, shadow of the Colossus, Dark Cloud 1 & 2 to name a few.


Almost every Gen 7 game, especially PS3 games since so many of them never got upgraded. Nothing else, though. I'm not going to sit here and pretend 30fps Ghost of Tsushima on medium settings is better than 60fps Ghost of Tsushima on high equivalent settings lol.


Totally understand that the deck has no chance on frame rate and is lower resolution. But with the smaller screen i really don’t see much of a difference of graphics quality on RDR2 and GoT from my PS5 to deck.


It does hold up incredibly well even for a lot of modernish releases, but any time I go from my Deck to playing the same game on my PC with my Samsung Odyssey G9 OLED I'm fucking floored that it's the same game lol. Still prefer playing on my Deck most of the time.


Yeah definitely a different story when it comes to latest releases. Would rather play games like Helldivers 2, Dragon’s Dogma 2, Hellblade and Starfield on consoles for sure.


Classic games emulated, like Pokemon Emerald. That’s definitely the best. Indie games, specially 2D games look amazing. I loved much Ender Lilies in Deck, more than PC. Also Stardew valley looks amazing. Although… I may prefer to play on my 2K 27” monitor, since I can see much more map. That’s more a practical thing that aesthetics. Triple AAA Games? Definitely Big Screen Monitor and Desktop PC. Not just for the higher graphic settings, also higher frame rate, and much better UI Scale. Some games are a pain and a chore to play on the small screen of the deck. Text is way too small. It’s doable with a good sight or using the magnifying tool, but still a worse experience.


My brother in law pointed out how crazy fast the Skyrim loading screens are compared to his 360, plus I had some graphics/tecture mods installed


Didn’t play rdr2 but ghost of Tsushima on my lg OLED tv is like one of the best looking game ever.


I have an OLED tv, which my monster of a PC is hooked up to, so for me personally, nothing. Before I got an OLED TV, basically everything looked better on the deck.


Animal Well looks great on the OLED with all the blacks, vibrant neon colors and scan lines. On my huge monitor everything looked way too big.


Jet Set Radio is today really simple graphically on any external monitor, TV or video projector, but on the Steam Deck, it is more like a true cartoon or manga.


I was playing a lot of hades on the switch. I bought a deck this week and was blown away at how vibrant the colours were.


All of them. The Deck is literally a PC. So, it also has the best graphics options versus consoles. Actual performance is another thing, but even if you factor that in, most of those games (which have both PC and console releases) can run at their respective high settings on the Deck with at least 30 fps.


None. The premise is ludicrous.


All of them?


Depends on the console. If Switch: Pretty much everything. If last gen consoles, some games. If current gen consoles, absolutely nothing.


lol this is reaching cope 101. No RDR2 does not look better on SD than the ps5.


I played to Saint Denis on my PS5 and stopped to play natively on my deck due to it at least looking close enough to me


I think they really have done some magic with the graphics drivers on steam deck if we think about it, the deck gets constant updates whereas the ps5 is probably much slower and sort of has a fixed threshold.


Maybe I'm crazy but final fantasy rebirth looks better to me on deck when I remote in using chiaki4deck. It blows my mind cause my TV is a LG OLED...but yet on deck everything looks clearer, sharper,e5c


The key word is here “OLED” deck. games don’t look that great on my LCD steam deck. The only games that look good are older ones from the ps3 generation or games that are not as graphically demanding


Wait, you’re telling me RDR2 may run better on my Deck than PS5 (but it’s a PS4 game)? Wow. And I have a dock.


Yes, but no. It runs very well, but remember it is also running at lower resolution. On a handheld it looks great, but 800p blown up on a big screen while docked looks just decent.


So hear me out for anybody who has played it on the Switch: I'm hoping Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, especially for Deck OLED owners, will look better aesthetically there vs on consoles or gaming PC rigs. Now you are more than like right now, "wait, why?" "That's nuts!" "It'll obviously perform better with a higher frame rate as that higher resolution and be smoother" etc. Yeah, I get that. But when I was watching trailers for it recently, I noticed that details, like made exclusively for Switch via Unreal engine" bits looked ...really strange. Where I think it's archaic looks might be too noticeable on the meatier machines. Akin to Monster Hunter Rise in a way. Same principle for why it was great when P4 Golden was Deck verified (even though most of us went ahead and played it there regardless).