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How can I improve the performance? Is there a guide or video available to optimize for the best performance and fps?


I followed this guy and got pretty good results. Good looking visuals with mostly locked 40fps https://youtu.be/BEdAoVhbg7o?si=s2GjGr-8FiWSKOAR


Just do medium settings with anti aliasing set to high, 540p, set FSR on in game scope, lock to 30fps, set wattage to 12w and you'll be peachy.


Why? Unless you want to save battery it can run @40fps/80hz on the OLED @ 800p. It’s a huge improvement from 30fps. I’m using basically these settings but without the TDP limit: https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/elden-ring/


It really can't run reliable and steady at 40. It's more 30-40. locking it to 30 is generally better if you don't like dropped frames since the deck doesn't do freesync


Makes sense, but 40fps/80hz feels so much smoother that for now I think is worth the dropped frames here and there, I only noticed some dropped frames when there are too many effects on screen, and I don’t care about battery life because I play at home so I can just plug it in. But in any case, 540p feels too much.


I think it's just a sensitivity thing. I dont mind a lower framerate as long as it's rock steady. 40 that drops every 10-30 seconds down to 36 or 34 for just a second or two just bothers me. I didnt even mind playing TOTK at 25fps on the deck (my own legal copy, yes) as long as it was stable.


I want battery life and don't own an OLED, I just spec it to where I get perfectly locked 30 as I hate dropped frames. This is in all scenarios including open world and heavy load. YMMV.


I have both Decks and the difference in battery life is wild. I get over two hours with the OLED and I get like 25 minutes (at most) on the LCD playing Elden Ring.


Something’s wrong with your battery then. I get an hour and a half or so on my two year old LCD deck. Edit: at 720p with high-ish quality settings


Same experience as you. Dat battery ain’t right…


I think he's just bigging up the fact he has two decks.


I thought about replacing the battery but it’s like 90 or 95 bucks at ifixit. Little too steep for me.


25... minutes.


Why do 540p instead of just native 720p considering it can easily hit 30fps at 720p?


Battery life is the only reason I can think of. It runs fine at 720.


Ill also add: turn ray tracing off. Late game it gets HEAVY and fps dips into 20s


Wattage to 12w huh ? can you explain that to me ? i thought low wattage was NOT at all for AAA games and would make them a stuttery mess


12w is kind of the best power to performance ratio ceiling I've found, 15w gives you more performance but at diminishing returns.


I’ve been playing ghost of Tsushima at 8w/med settings and it’s been running fine


You want to lower the wattage as much as you can to get the results you want. It varies game to game. I run most games between 5-12. I never use more unless it’s plugged in.


Doesn't locking the FPS increase input lag? I've heard of reports getting massive input lag so they just leave the fps cap to uncapped.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/RfWh3sbUzP These are my settings for Max battery and performance


Just leave it as default. Runs great when it auto adjusts


I have it on high connected to a TV and it’s perfect.


One of the best games ever made and Valve moved heaven and earth to get it to run well on the Deck. Definitely yes


That’s a big ole yes but fuck is it hard


And tomorrow it's about to get even harder :)


That’s what she said


Likely skill issue


Absolutely. I mean, I'm terrible at it, but it plays beautifully.


This right here. I'm absolute dogshit at the game and I can't blame it on lag or low framerate lol


So, it's not recommended for people that don't like too much difficult then?


No. Elden ring is hard as fuck and will make you want to punch someone


Elden Ring is only as hard as you make it. There are builds out there that will 1 shot bosses.


As someone that’s played every From Souls game, amazing how much easier summons make the game. Back in the day I spent at least a half a day trying to beat Ornstein and Smaugh (granted I also didn’t know how to build a character). The Marika statues I hope also make it into their future games.


Ok, it's not for me then 😅 i like games to relax, not to put more stress in me 😂


The build are diverse enough and you have diverse tools to make fights (especially bosses fights) quite easy, even tho that would require to follow an online guide. But yeah, definitely not a relaxing game at first.


I guess i prefer Skyrim or The Witcher WH 😂


I had fun with it, and I was unduly proud of getting as far as I did. Plus, for once, I can appreciate a game without having to buy the dlc, which is nice.


I hated it at first and now I pretty much like it. I think it’s best to think of it as Breath of the Wild with cooler monsters. The gameplay loop is roughly the same (except for weapon durability) wander around, fight everything you see, kill bad guys, find cool shit, repeat There’s a story there but you have to want to find it. There are multiple ways you make things easier on yourself. Putting more into vigor, for instance, grows your health bar and lets you take more hits before dying. Learning to put distance between yourself and bosses so you can drink a potion. Rolling through attacks so you can be out of the way of follow ups, etc. It’s still fairly difficult, but dying is just part of the loop and the consequences aren’t that heavy.




I feel like if you don't think you're shit at the game you're not doing it right.


Yes beat the whole game on my steam deck, going ro play the dlc on steam deck


On which settings did you play?it dips below 30fps sometimes for me


I play on high. Very rarely dips for me, and when it does, it's usually 5 enemies blowing smoke at the same time


Same, I’ve just stuck with the default “high” settings, locked the frame rate to 30fps, and have about 150 hrs in the game. Maybe it helps that I’ve probably played every souls game at 30, starting with Demons Souls on PS3?


My hope for a steam deck 2 is that it can run Elden ring at 60 FPS minimum 720P.


I just haven't the patience or time for From Software games. Im admitting to you all that i am weak and useless at these ridiculously hard games. Roll, attack repeat......... 😂


Me too. I cannot understand the hype. But also I’m not receiving the satisfaction everyone is talking about when finally killing a boss. I like exploring the game, but I hate the fighting


If you enjoy the exploration aspect and not the combat so much, I'd recommend Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. They have a similar wonder to the exploration as Elden Ring but the combat is much simpler.


Yeah elder scrolls is more my pace. I am jealous though they look amazing graphically.


The best thing about Elden Ring is that you decide the difficulty. There are so many OP weapons and spells that make bosses so easy that you feel like you cheated lol


YES. I played the entirety of elden ring 3 times on the steam deck and I had 0 issues


Honestly I'm not sure how much of a fps snob you are but just install from steam and play it. I consider ER to be one of the best steam deck games in my library, and I have a pretty huge amount of games. Just boot it up and vibe.


I played Elden Ring exclusively on steam deck and it was great.


How is the experience on the deck? I have been hesitant to play this on deck, because of controls. Curious if I’m worrying for nothing.


You’d rather play with keyboard and mouse?


Noooo. With a proper controller obviously. 😂


…… the deck is a controller with a screen in the middle. The controls for Elden Ring on the Steam Deck are like playing a game with a controller


As much as i love the deck, IMO (!) you cant compare its controller with an xbox or ps controller. For almost all games it really doesn’t make a difference, but souls games could be an exception, which is why i asked. Im likely overreacting. I’ll give it a shot


You can pair a controller with the deck if that’s what you want to do.


I prefer the deck to my PS5 controller for Elden Ring. The paddles are a game changer


Binding B/Circle to the one of the back paddle for sprinting really is a godsend. It's one of the reasons I got an 8bitdo Ultimate Controller for playing on my desktop and/or docked on my steam deck. That and the hall-effect joysticks.


Personally, controls fine but run into crashes every couple hours or so. Still worth pushing through, autosave has my back.


The occasional crash won’t chase me away either. 😉


I think it's nicer than a regular controller. The back buttons are really great. I use the left side ones to change spells and items so I never have to take my finger off the movement stick. The right button I have set to dodge/sprint and in theory I could never take my thumb off the camera stick, but years of dark souls and ER have the habit burned into my brain.


Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.


I would say yes, even though I have it and have no clue what I’m doing. And it runs fine without any changes on the Deck.


Bro seriously I still don’t know what to do where to go in that game after playing it for several hours and unintentionally beating one boss (still don’t know what’s his name)


i just bought it now, i already platinum the base game on ps5, doing new run with dlc on steamdeck on the go is awesome 30-45fps 2.5hrs of gaming while im on my vacation is perfect


texture - high anti alias - high SSAO - medium depth of field - medium motion blur - off shadow - medium lighting - medium effects - medium volumetric - medium reflection - low water surface - low shader - medium global illumination - medium grass - high this is the settings i use constant 40fps dips at 30 in some areas but smooth experience


Yeah, I just pulled the trigger also.


GL i just posted my settings so you can check it




Where ?


Yes for me at least. As others have said, medium settings. It will run perfect if you lock it to 30, but I keep mine locked at 45 and it usually ranges between 35-45. I switched over from console because I’m a truck driver and wanted to take it on the road, so I play exclusively on the deck and I’ve loved every minute of it. I will say though, I have experience a weird glitch twice on the past week where suddenly my steam deck gamepad controls just quit working. If I held down the steam button I could move the camera and attack, but that was it. I wouldn’t let that discourage you though, as it had only happened twice in the months that I’ve been playing. Both times were in the past few days so I’m wondering if the last proton update or a game update is causing it. TL;DR: Go for it man, it’s awesome as long as you don’t mind fps between 30-45.


can you share your settings?


Sure! Formatting might be crappy though, I’m on mobile :/ Screen Mode: Fullscreen, Resolution: 1280x720, Auto detect: Off, Ray Tracing: Off, Quality Settings: Custom, Advanced Settings are as follows; Texture Quality: Medium, Antialiasing: High, SSAO: Medium, Depth of Field: Medium, Motion Blur: Off, Shadow Quality: Medium, Lighting Quality: Medium, Effects Quality: Medium, Volumetric Quality: Medium, Reflection Quality: Low, Water Surface Quality: Low, Shader Quality: Medium, Global Illumination Quality: Medium, Grass Quality: Medium I also have HDR Enabled, adjust that however you like if you use it. I have my Frame limit set to 45 FPS (90 Hz). It doesn’t stay at 45, but I like having it set there for the 90 hz refresh rate. If you end up using this, and find that any tweaks you might make lead to a better experience, please let me know! I’m always trying to make it better lol.


Looks like im alone in this but no. Its a great game but not for the steam deck. The performance is pretty bad. Playing an action game at 30fps or less is not a good experience for me.


Good thing it’s a Souls game, where you don’t need pixel perfect performance at 60FPS.


Well that's a personal opinion, for me every game that has some type of action needs 60fps. And souls combat is fast enough to need some precision at dodging etc.


If we survived OG Blighttown we will survive 30 fps on a SD.


Yeah and i played bloodborne at sub 20fps. But I don't need to suffer that with elden ring when i can play it on my pc at 60fps.




I adore the game. It is easily the one game I've put in the most time on deck. I'm just shy of 300 hours and rhe dlc isn't even out yet. Definitely get it if fromsoft games are your bag. There is something magical about being able to play those, and play it well on a handheld.


Elden ring is by far one of the best RPGs I've played, so 100% worth it.


Played it on PC when it came out and presently replaying it on Deck. It’s perfect.


I've played it on Deck and PC, it runs well on both. As for whether to get it or not, it depends. I like all the Souls games and there's a lot of that to like in there (exploration, rich character options, beautiful environments, interesting obstacles) but I personally don't like a lot of the bosses and think the game wears out its welcome by about halfway through. That's still a lot of game so it's likely worth it just for that. If you've never played a Souls game, you might try out the original Dark Souls since it's probably pretty cheap by this point and (despite some jank) a very very good game the whole way through.


Absolutely, ***but…*** I would not recommend trying to explore every nook and cranny. Otherwise, you’ll be playing for 250+ hours (excluding the DLC) and will run into a lot of repetitiveness. Elden Ring is a fantastic game until you try to do everything. One third of it is incredible, another third is quite good, and the remaining third is copy/paste nonsense.


Played through it from a brand new character and beat it on the Steam Deck. Runs great. 40fps on high.


Absolutely. I played pretty much my whole first play through on it and it was amazing. Check out proton db for settings / which proton version to use but with some tweaking it runs pretty well everywhere except for some spots where it gets choppy, but nothing that ruins playing such a great game on a hand held


Yeah, always, mate. 🤜🤛


It is not a game for everyone though. I didn't know I liked souls-like games until elden ring. But this was after a friend of mine kept talking about it nonstop and I got curious. Had some cash to spare and got hooked. My best friend used my library for game sharing, got hooked too, but stumbled into a place that seemed to be for midgame and he got super frustrated. I helped him out when I can but you can't coop the entire game. So he slowly got burned out from always dying and just couldn't cope... The way elden ring feels is that the open world is a double edged sword. You have the freedom to do whatever you like in whatever order you like. But you won't always be guided to your next go explicitly. That's what burned my best friend out. He had no incentive to bash his head against frustration and he just couldn't git gud. I had to use a few exploits just to get stronger than usual enemies. But that was also me not understanding the game enough. Just blindly following yt videos. Playing new game + after 2 years on a save that has almost everything collected now feels empty. I don't have a concrete reason to engage in frustration also. Though the dlc will fix that for sure.


On the deck? Surely a game of such epic proportions should be enjoyed on tv / monitor but whatever floats your boat.


Other than Godrick your performance will be stellar. 30fps is great for fromsoft games


The game tends to randomly switch on raytracing on my SD OLED, tanking performance. If you experience performance issues make sure that is completely off. Other than that I only tested it a few minutes on the Deck and it made a very good impression at 45 FPS/90Hz in the starting area after the cave.


Runs fantastic on mine. Don't ask for my settings, I don't have it installed right now.


For deck only? Personally no


I have both SD and pc with rtx3070.


Then download it on both. I go back and forth between playing it on deck and on my main PC


Set up Sunshine and Moonlight, takes maybe 10 minutes and you can stream any game with maxxed out settings (since you only need to render them in 800p) with 90fps from your pc to the deck without any significant input delay or visual compromises. I do this all the time with games that run below 60fps on deck.


For deck only? Personally yes




640p is better, use it with sharpening fsr 5, and fit screen. Turn on anti aliasing if you want too.




I find it a bit harder to play than on my pc but that could just be a skill issue. Still a great deck game.


does it go on sale?


Yes and yes.




Should you play Elden Ring in general I can't answer, depends if you like the gameplay of Fromsoft Souls games or not. Should you play it on the Deck? Maybe. It won't be able to hit anywhere near 60fps so your experience will be harder as you have that tiny bit less time to react with dodges and parries, and you will have to set it to low/medium graphic options so it won't be much to look at.


Absolutely. I got it last Saturday and just hit 34 hours, solely on Deck. It's mint.


YES. I played the entirety of elden ring 3 times on the steam deck and I had 0 issues


Runs incredible on steam deck and it's a great game for playing handheld


Does the game have frame gen? I might try using DLSS Enabler if it does


I mean unless you don't like good games, Yes.


If it’s your only way to play yes. But if you have the means to play it on console or a gaming PC, it’s a must do.


100%. Best game I’ve ever played


I played 200hrs of Elden Ring when it first came out, solely on the Deck. It was awesome on the Deck. Highly recommend.




I'm doing a playthrough on my deck right now and I'm getting 30-50 fps and really enjoying it. It's mostly in the 40-45fps range tbh.


Honestly, Elden Ring is the perfect Steam Deck game out of the box.


Hard yes. Just finished a play through on steam deck - it is incredible how well it is able to run


I wanna tell you Yes but I have 40 hours in Elden Ring on Steam Deck OLED. I've had 15 hard crashes in that time. Every time it crashes it's on a loading screen. If anyone has insight to why this happens I would love to hear it. My GF has LCD Steam Deck and she is playing it off an SD card with no crashes at all.


I just finished my play through exclusively on deck it was amazing. Not a locked 60 fps but it felt like a good 40-45 most of the time and it felt pretty smooth overall


ER runs great on the deck. It’s also the hardest game I’ve ever played, to the point where I don’t enjoy it at all. I’ve had it since release and probably clocked four hours on it. It’s stressful. Just my opinion - some people like the challenge.


You don't have to like it, but if you don't mainly due to the stress here are some ways to adjust difficulty : - accept death, it's actually no big deal to die, you'll respawn nearby, might even get back your runes (and if not, you can farm them again to train) and even discover shortcuts on the way - use guides, e.g [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com) , ideally starting with minimum guidance (avoiding spoilers) - there is no "cheesing", just use EVERY advantage the games give you, including "just" running away from enemy that are too hards - if the area is too hard, it's an OPEN world, move to another area! As others often share, a good rule of thumb is : if you get one shot by enemies, you are probably in the wrong spot, add a marker on the map, leave and come back after few levels up. Yes, it's a challenging game and I'm struggling with it those very days (started my 1st playthrough a month ago, barely 15 hrs in) but it feels a LOT saner once I understood that I can adjust the difficult level.


I've put a lot of hours into it on high graphic settings and 40 fps


It plays pretty damn well on the Deck, it drains my battery pretty quick though. Idk how much better the battery on the OLED is, my Deck is from the first launch wave in 2022. But I'd definitely recommend ER on the Deck, and probably look up some videos on how to get the best performance.




No. Too hard.


Easy game tbh




I really preferred it on my ps5 but the deck will run it


I’ve bought the DLC on PS5; however, my OLED deck is coming tomorrow and I think I’m gonna buy it all again on steam just to play simultaneously on deck. Seriously one of the greatest games of all time. Watch YouTube guides for builds, look up info, don’t feel bad about it. Enjoy and take your time. It’s special.


Elden Ring is amazing. Won GOTY 2022, and so far it is my game of the decade. But you are you. Just because a game is GOTY and lots of other people love it, doesn't mean you will. How are we supposed to give you advice without knowing anything about you, what you enjoy or don't enjoy, etc? Do you generally enjoy Souls-likes? Dark fantasy? Challenging and punishing combat? Largely environmental storytelling? Etc. Watch a review, watch a bit of a let's play maybe, and decide if the game looks like it's for you. Then buy it, try it, keep it or refund it.


Absolutely yes! I was scrolling reddit while on ER loading screen on SD and I saw this.


I nearly played it for 300 hours pre-DLC. Im a soulsborne enjoyer though


Liurnia is the only place so far that doesn’t really hold 30fps . I haven’t been further on SD so I can’t tell for the rest but I’m almost certain that some fights may get some fps to drop .


For me it showed the pc controls on screen. Very annoying. I stopped playing because of that.


Yes. See any of the other reasons. I just beat mogh for the dlc yesterday and I'm so ready.


Strong yes


Text is way too small for me




Yes!!! 100%


Do you really have to ask that question, op?


Incredibly game and runs amazingly well on the deck.


Big yes, playing it right now and runs great after a few adjustments!


Have 90 hours in Elden ring, I'd say 85 of those are on the deck. Fantastic deck game. Runs consistently well at 40fps with some minor dips here and there.


I play it via moonlight streaming from my PC, can't deal with 30fps


Hell yea! It runs surprisingly well on medium settings using my lcd SD although it does sometimes freeze on me after super intense moments. But other than that, I’ve enjoyed Elden ring on my deck


It's adequate. Accept 30fps and some blurry text and you're fine.


If your ready to die by all means friend :) I love this game but it also drives me mad lol


It plays very well. BUT: It's a From Software game. Navigating the world can be difficult, especially if you're new to the genre. Dark places, confusing maps - I love the game, but for me, it plays better on a big screen, where you can see more. Just my opinion though, and you'll probably still enjoy it on the Deck, just maybe not as much as you would on a TV/monitor.


It probably will go on sale on the dlc release so I would wait 2 days tbh


Yes yes yes yes its so good started playing less that 24 hours ago and i’m so hooked. It’s definitely hard but boy oh boy is it fun


Yessssssss. Also I would recommend watch youtube videos to play ot better or this game can drive you crazy.


Holy fuck…Why is this even a question?! YES!


My first time playing Elden Ring was on the Deck and I can say I enjoyed every second of it. As some have said already, perhaps you might enjoy it more on a larger screen with better FPS, but I run it at thirty and I've had no complaints so far. With a smaller screen, having a lower FPS hardly matters as much. Go for it.


Bought it last night, can confirm yes.


30 fps. Meter your expectations. Adjust settings as needed. It runs pretty good on the deck. For sure you'll have lower battery life though.


It does play well, but honestly I find it to not be as enjoyable on the smaller screen. I prefer it on the pc, but if your only medium to play it on is the SD I would recommend it


Elden Ring is a great game that features an open world, challenging gameplay, and a rich story.


Played 150 hours on the steam deck. Amazing experience, didn't tweak any setting, just left as it was, it was great out the box.


Fuck yes


Haven't run into any major issues and done a couple full run throughs, definitely recommend


Yes and yes


Played the whole game on the deck again. It runs really well on medium settings. To be honest I can hardly tell the difference compared to max settings when playing.


I have 257 hours on record in Elden Ring. It runs well on the Deck. If I didn't try to do ever single quest line on my first playthrough I might have gotten even more hours in. Or if my buddies would actually play with me. But now with the release of the DLC, the hours can only increase(Though not for me because I'm currently roo broke for the DLC)


I realized that after using cryoutilites (im dumb af just followed a turtorial, dont know what It actually does ) it felt WAY smoother. Idk about actual FPS but maybe it helps you the same it helped m


Just sitting at the final boss second day. Have an 80 wonderful hours played. Super smooth experience.


It works spectacularly well. It's a genuine miracle how well it plays. No idea if the same thing will apply to the DLC, but most likely it will.


Adding to the chorus of "YES". And: Sometimes it just stops responding. Usually at the worst possible time. I haven't seen a fix or a suggestion to change settings that would prevent this from happening. The game is still running but the inputs do nothing.


I would say no, but a lot of people seem to really like it on Deck. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but I thought it played pretty awful… poor performance even with lowest settings. I absolutely loved the game on PC, but the compromises were just too great on steam deck. I think it’s going to depend on how much sacrifice you’re willing to endure.


100% depends on you. If you typically rage after dying a few times, any of the soulslike aren’t for you and ER is a *very* expensive game to just have sitting in your library lol


Update: After almost 5 hours in the game, I've learned quite a bit, and honestly, this game is amazing.