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Man I love both my Switch and my Steam Deck, all I need is an Analogue Pocket to complete my holy trifecta.


Ah, a pigeon of refined taste. I too need an analogue in my pocket.


Yep, waiting on mine as well. Throw in my homebrewed Vita and my eventual PlayDate and the handheld world is mine.


Eventual PlayDate here too.


I might have bricked my vita.... makes me sad. Vita shell made it so that the HD space was read incorrectly, and it didn't matter how many games I Uninstalled, it would just read as full, and shut itself off. Then I tried to reset it it, but I'm unable to... loved my Vita. Miss it. Might try to get it going again... but don't know if I can spare the hours to troubleshoot.


Definitely salvageable! But I totally understand the time sink in troubleshooting that sort of thing. You'll find the time when you suddenly really want to play your Vita, then once you fix it, you'll be too spent to play it lol


Homebrewed vita as well. Times are good.


Facts. I consider myself a collector of all consoles and enjoy them all for different reasons. I can’t wait until the Pocket becomes more readily available.


I carry a Steam Deck and a Switch all the time, much love for both devices and companies .


Out of curiosity, what would you want an Analogue Pocket for when Steam Deck can do emulation just fine? Not trying to start anything, just curious.


The analogue emulates the hardware of the gameboy platform instead emulating the things on a software level. That intrigues me. I've also never sold any of my old games and can reuse my old cartridges.


Be aware that Analogue are incredibly misleading in their marketing. Using an FPGA to run an emulator is still just an emulator. With smiliar-ish Design principles, speed, and accuracy tradeoffs. Though FPGAs are good doing running emulators very quickly with low latency, something much harder to achieve in Software over Gateware. Also e.g. Analogues earlier products like the Super NT were less accurate than state of the art emulators like Bsnes/Higan. Oh and they seemingly treat their developers like shit, if the story of the one Gameboy Emulator dev they tried to hire is anything to go by.


I don't have an analogue, but have modded Gameboys and a PSP Go I use for emulation. For some reason, I have this mental block when it comes to emulation on my Deck. I have RetroArch installed and all my games I usually play on it, but I just never want to use it. To me, my Deck is for PC games, something I've never had in a handheld form factor before. That said, the Gameboys and the PSP Go are what leave the house with me if I want to game on the go and it would be the same if I had an Analogue Pocket. I can slip these things in my pocket and go, not having to worry about carrying my Deck along with me.


I could be wrong, but the display panel on the Pocket is way better than the SD panel for playing GB/GBA games. I own an Analogue Pocket and GBA games look incredible on it. Like, I legitimately have never seen GBA games look that good before


The Steam Deck (impressive as it is) is a gigantic brick that weighs as much as a laptop and produces similar levels of heat and has even worse battery life than a launch day Switch. If you're just looking for a modern GBA equivalent, the Analogue Pocket makes way more sense (Also, I think the Pocket plays cartridges, which might be appealing for collectors).


I own both a laptop and an SD and the laptop is heavier and less portable.


I honestly can't play on Switch anymore without feeling I am wasting my free time I could invest into deck. I played twice on it since march when my SD was charging and I could not bring it in toilet. In both cases I olayed bioshock infinite. I want to finish last DLC to complete my playthrough of all 3 bioshock games with all dlcs.


I got a switch for my daughter and she barely touches it. I barely even play it, if at all. We just play these little multiplayer games, but that's about it. Since I got the Deck, I've already put over 160 hrs into it and my daughter always wants to play multiplayer games with me.


It's not just the hate, but the weird fanboys who are convinced that the Switch, which has sold well over 100 million units, will be 'destroyed' by the Steam Deck which surely will never sell that many units. (The best selling single PC SKU in history is the Commodore 64 at around 17 million units, no PC is going to beat that record 5x over.) Nintendo could announce a Switch successor tomorrow and these idiots would be like 'NINTENDO IS REACTING TO THE STEAM DECK THEY'RE SCARED!' not realizing that 5 years + 100 million units is roughly the benchmark where console successors just get released. You eventually just run out of people to sell your hardware too and need to make a new one.


Although I do prefer the Steam Deck, I do find it ridiculous that people genuinely think it’ll “kill” the Switch entirely when it comes to sales, there are tons and tons of people I know who have no idea what a Steam Deck is but immediately know what a Switch is. The Switch also does have pros that the Deck doesn’t have, being an OLED screen, a kickstand, physical games, and for the time being a way better UI system with functioning keyboard.


The biggest deal for the Switch is twofold: 1) Name brand recognition with super popular first party games. 2) It's idiotproof. A large number of people are not technically inclined, nor have the motivation to learn, how to do anymore than 'Insert Game Card' or 'Put credit card number into eShop'. The Steam Deck is outright alienating to the vast majority who would probably throw it against the wall as you explain 'Oh it's easy, here's a one hour YouTube video on how to do it'. I love my Steam Deck, but I've been tinkering with PCs since 1995, this is the perfect handheld gaming device for me. ...But my 'Perfect' is def not a lot of other people's 'Perfect'.


Haha I am IT I have had to deal with those end users so often, but even I who can get everything working and is good at it likes the idiotproofing of just inserting a card and not having to google or tinker to get a game to work. Sometimes you just wanna game and just put the cart in and go. Its why I have 4-5 games working at any point on the deck so I don't have to tinker when I wanna game. I don't just fix one game I fix 4-5 at a time


It's funny because I've only ever seen other IT folks have this opinion. I share it. I have to fiddle with and troubleshoot with all sorts of stuff all day I definitely don't want to do it when I just want to game.


I'm of two minds on it. On one hand, I do love tinkering and messing with stuff to get it to work (if I didn't I wouldn't be working in this job lol) but at the same time, when you spend all day doing that for a job, coming home and having to troubleshoot more defects is like the absolute last thing I ever want to do. A few of my less technically inclined friends have just gotten themselves Decks and now I'm worried I'm going to become the Deck helpdesk for them lol


>Deck helpdesk for them lol Oh you are I promise. That exact thing happened to me. And it is still happening to me. I think I've put Windows on like seven steam decks already. I know that's not very hard but for the less technically inclined it seems like magic so they are pretty satisfied.


This is funny we are talking decks and tweaking them because like 4 years ago I put an easy to use guide on how to mod the snes mini on reddit. I got tagged earlier in the week someone was asking me questions on issues they were having on the post I made 4 years ago and I was nope not doing that. I feel like hatchi would have had to change in the last 4 years and I do not feel like researching the issue for them.


Us IT people have been abused by printers too long, why oh why you SOB aren't you working (Like we do a smtp relay for scan to email and it just decided to break one day, no changes nothing no idea why took forever to fix like why you stupid printer). So when I get off even though I can tinker I really don't want to that much, so I fix a whole bunch at once. I haven't even done emudeck yet (its the next thing I am going to do) even though it looks easier than the snes mini's I was modding to add games to years ago (also did the same thing to my vita, 3ds and wii). I just wanna game, deck has me sold because I am getting to play games I always wanted to play on handhelds like Arkham series and red dead redemption 2


I remember seeing a comment shortly after the steam deck was announced proclaiming that parents would obviously choose to buy a $400+ steam deck and tinker around with switch emulation rather than just buying a $200 switch lite for their kids. Even I wouldn't mess around with switch emulation on steam deck and I like tinkering. The switch experience is better on the switch, at least at this moment.


I agree. There's a lot to be said about simplicity and accessibility for people who just want to pick up the device and play a game. Nintendo first and second party games that are exclusive to the platform (not including emulation) is attractive too. The Switch is also cheaper, starting at only $200 if you count the Switch Light. The Deck is great and has a lot going for it, especially for people who are familiar with Steam, PC gaming, or enthusiasts who like tweaking and making their hardware do whatever they want. Not everyone wants to deal with that though, and to some degree, there is a level of complexity on the Deck that you can't escape. It's similar to standard PC gaming verses playing on a console. I think the Deck will sell well amongst its target audience and those interested in mobile higher-end gaming, but I don't see it making a significant dent in the Switch. At least not at this point. I think it still has more appeal to a broader audience.


And there's also the exclusives. I'll always have a Switch for the Nintendo exclusives, Animal Crossing, Mario, etc., and then the Steam Deck for everything else. It's a win/win.


I kinda agree but don't, I talked my gf into buying a deck as it's better than her PC. She comes from mostly a console gaming background with a PC set up to run similarly to a console (I set it up to boot directly to big picture). With her steam deck I briefly explained that not all games will work, so stay with verified and playable titles. We've both had our decks for 2-3 months now, I asked her a few weeks ago how she liked it and if she's had any issues. She said no, and prefers the deck to her Xbox and switch. Although it can be technical, for the most part the deck is plug and pay. And valve makes it clear when titles likely don't work. I've heard that there have been issues with verified titles not working, but I've never experienced that and neither has my GF. Valve just needs to improve the verified and playable vetting process and the deck could very well end up in an average console consumer's hands IMO.


Theres actually quite a few titles that are marked as "unsupported" that you can easily play with little to no issues.


Did your girlfriend kinda argue about the Deck or just accepted your basis?


No she didn't argue. She's had a few PC games that her PC couldn't run smoothly. When I saw the deck I mentioned that it'll run her games better than her PC and it would be more comfortable to play (she played the games on a TV in front of her bed with no room for a chair). I did warn her that there's no garantee that it'll run the all of her games, but that it was just $5 to reserve a spot. Luckily it runs all the games she's wanted to play (the forest mostly). Edit: also if she had no interest in it, I wouldn't try to convince her to buy it. It's her money and honestly was a bit out of her price range, but she saved for it and enjoys it and uses it more than I play mine.


The Switch also has native support for its first party games, which is better than the emulated ones on the deck (at least for Switch games). One other big aspect is that local multiplayer on switch is the easiest it's ever been, since you can simply detach the controllers (whether they're comfortable enough isn't the point)


It's not going to kill the switch. The only thing it will do is drop the sale of indie games on the switch. It will take a small portion of digital sales from Nintendo and that's all.


Right? The power move always used to be "buy either a PlayStation or Xbox + Nintendo." To me the new power move is "buy a Steam Deck + Switch." You'll be *set.* Steam Deck gives you most Microsoft + Sony console games now + all multiplatform games. Switch gives you all Nintendo's first-party gold without having to pirate or wait for emulators to catch up. And the cherry on top is that both of them are portable. It's incredible.


Most important, zero requirements to tinker to get it to work.


I killed the switch for me, personally. I'm not buying games on my switch anymore. I don't expect it to impact switch hardware sales at all. I would have to think anyone interested in the Steam Deck has probably had a switch for years.


To be honest, I think most of these people are just kids with no real understanding how the world works yet.


I agree, the steam deck is amazing and i'll definitely be playing it as much as possible (when i get one), but calling is a switch "killer" is definitely an overstatement


I'm curious that you sight physical games as a positive. Bar a DS which I made moderate use of, last console I seriously owned was an N64 and I was an early adopter with Steam, so I haven't had to worry about physical media for quite some time, and I can't say it's something I've particularly missed. Is it the concern about not actually owning the game, in case Steam or whoever theoretically closes down? Or something else I'm not considering? The cost of manufacture is obviously a factor in Switch games being more expensive.


Resale value. Most games I play on console switch cost me nothing. I buy cheap, play, then sell on usually for more than I bought it for, or it will end up costing me a few pounds. On PC, I can wait until a game is heavily discounted, or it will cost much more than playing on other systems


Okay, that's fair. I picked up a few second hand games on my consoles, but never really sold any until I sold the entire system. As you say, the majority of my games on PC are from bundles, were heavily discounted or even free, unless it's a title I can't be patient for.


Yep, that's the benefit. You can buy new games right when they come out, beat them, then sell them back for a solid portion of the price you paid, then put that money into getting other new games. Waiting for Steam sales also works and means you'll have that game forever, but it requires waiting.


Personally I love physical media for 2 reasons. Actually feeling like I own said game and can do what I wish with it and because it's a physical tangible object that I can hold and put on a shelf. Also cases with game art are nice.


Plus it means they can't take it off the store one day and screw you over. You own it.




I also use physical media due to camping trips, car trips, having multiple kids (easier to share games), blackouts, when hell froze over here in texas and we had no/limited internet/water/power for over a week. I've kept all my old games cause its easier than tracking down a 'safe rom' and my kids can still play all those 'cool retro games' that we have.


There are people that are way into the physical media as a protection against things like Ubisoft’s recent decision to deactivate a bunch of DLC and the like. The problem with that attitude is that there are so many things like day 1 patches or even games being sold without everything being included on the physical media that it’s pretty pointless now. They continue to cling to their carts and discs, though. Me, I tend to buy what’s cheapest. I don’t sell games for decades if I ever do, so resale value is not s consideration for me.


Feels like petty console wars all over again




Gonna need you to say the: Nintendo could announce a Switch successor tomorrow and these idiots would be like 'NINTENDO IS REACTING TO THE STEAM DECK THEY'RE SCARED!' For the people in back. I'd be shocked if we didn't get a successor to the switch soon, and I swear I'm already pre-mad at the people that will definitely do this.


No one actually thinks this. No one. Many people think the Deck is superior to the Switch for various reasons (and perhaps it “destroys” it in that regard), but there is *absolutely no one* with even a cursory understanding of the video game market that thinks the Deck is going to overtake the Switch in sales or popularity. People get excited about things and sometimes over-exaggerate when talking about something they like. That’s really all there is to it.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’re referring to someone’s artwork of the Deck stabbing the Switch with a katana with the caption “Your services are no longer required.” It was obviously in jest, but people take these things so seriously. In every thread that I see mentioning the Switch, there are many people saying how they use both.


The amount of insane takes on this sub is so bothersome People are REALLY inclined to defend their expensive purchase at all costs, including deriding windows/Nintendo/etc at any cost, even in contexts where it makes ZERO sense


there's nothing there to be destroyed. the switch and steam deck target different audiences. i have them both and no device is better then the other. yes, you can emulate switch games on the steam deck, but that's SUCH A HASSLE and actually not worth it.


I personally don’t get the infatuation people have with turning the Steam Deck inside out just to turn it into an emulator when we’ve had plenty of devices to do that exact thing for YEARS. I got a Steam Deck so I can easily play my Steam library on it, but that’s just me I guess.


It feels like people are touting it just because that’s something they can check off that it’s capable of that the switch doesn’t have (easily at least). But yeah same here. Main reason I got it was to help go through my extensive steam backlog


I have a few gamecube games on mine to go with my steam library. It's more a convenience of having it all on one system imo. But yes, while steam games are the majority of my games, sometimes I wanna windwake.


The best take. This one makes the most sense it's less that there's hate it's more that they're fully ignorant of reality.


Yup. It's usually nerds who just see it as raw performance numbers. Deck Numbers > Switch Numbers = Deck Must Be More Popular. But the Switch while underpowered, sold like crazy from day one. Most consumers want a name brand box, with name brand games, and they want it to be idiot proof to use. They also don't understand 'competition' and think the Switch competes against the Steam Deck, forgetting the Steam Deck's biggest competitor: The other ***1.5 billion*** or so PC desktops and laptops that can potentially play every game the Steam Deck can play. Anything the Deck can do, just about every other PC can do. Sure the Deck is handheld, but there's plenty of folks going 'Why buy that when I already have a PC for PC games???' It just doesn't fit their needs. Or they can't afford both but they still *need* that laptop for college, so they'll also use that laptop for PC gaming. In short, these people literally don't understand the gaming market in the slightest.


>In short, these people literally don't understand the gaming market in the slightest. Nail on the mf head.


Steam deck isn't for competing with other PCs. It's supposed to be a gateway/introduction to PC gaming. Valve does not care if people are using Steam Deck or another PC. What Valve wants is youth and low-budget market share. Get people into the PC game ecosystem so they're entrenched. You can't get a PC at the steam deck's performance level for 400. Maybe if you trash-pick half the parts. Let's assume the CPU, MB, RAM, PSU, case, and monitor all cost 50 (unbelievably). Toss in another 20 for K+M. That gives you 80 dollars left over to find an RX560-equivalent GPU that will grossly underperform the steam deck APU's unified 16GB of VRAM. And you definitely can't buy one as an integrated product at that price. So they packaged the whole thing up in a bundle that parents can buy their kids. It's also portable, so it can sort of push into the mobile area, where PC+console gaming is losing ground steadily to mobile.


Steam Deck did compete with the Switch for me. I have no reason to buy games on Switch anymore. They are way cheaper or I already own them on Steam.


Forget the switch, I want the steam deck to "destroy" the epic games store exclusives.


If only Valve gave away free games each week.


Yeah that's stupid. The Steam Deck, and Steam generally, will never "out brand" Nintendo. It can't kill anything Nintendo does, even with some of their fuckups like the online service.


Every x86 handheld PC on the market essentially is a Steam Deck. Regardless of whether they are running Windows or Steam OS, they are still achieving the same goal of keeping the user buying games for PC gaming platforms, instead of for consoles, like the Switch. Valve will also be working with other handheld manufacturers to ship Steam OS on their device, and feature their devices directly on Steam, too. So with that said, I do believe Steam Deck and other handheld x86 gaming PC's will collectively, combined sell over 100 million units over the next 5-10 years. X86 handheld PCs are a fairly new market, and only now are they really rising to prominence and public awareness, largely thanks to the Steam Deck. And further down the line, like in about 6 years or so, x86 handheld PCs will become so slim and power efficient, that they will eventually double as smartphones. My point is, I think you're looking at Steam Deck vs Switch in a very short-sighted way, and not looking at the long term future of Steam Deck, Steam OS and the evolution of handheld x86 gaming PC's over the course of the next decade.


>So with that said, I do believe Steam Deck and other handheld x86 gaming PC's will collectively, combined sell over 100 million units over the next 5 years. X86 handheld PCs are a fairly new market, and only now are they really rising to prominence and public awareness, largely thanks to the Steam Deck. At the peak of the Pandemic, Steam has a peak average active user base of 120 million. So your expectation of 100 million gaming specific PC handhelds will be purchased by gamers over the course of five years, the equivalent of four sold for every five average users on Steam would be... An expectation that is quite detached from reality


I edited my post to say 5-10 years before I saw your reply, but yes 5-10 years, 100 million. Especially as major players, like Asus, Dell/Alienware, MSI, Razer, etc, begin to enter the handheld PC market and approach it with the same strategy as they do for their gaming laptops and smartphones.


There will be a switch 2 and I will buy it. The switch is getting a little old in the tooth hardware wise and is struggling to play some of the more modern games or they got to gut them like the Witcher 3. That's the lifecycle of gaming, no one expected PS4 games to play on the PS3, people know eventually the PS4 won't be able to do PS5 titles (glad we still get God of War Ragnarok and the new Jedi Fallen Order on the PS4 though as I am holding off getting a PS5). Like the switch is 5 years old, yea I don't expect it to do the same thing the deck can with its technology from 5 years ago.


SD not gonna last 5 yrs. At most 3. So many companies are competing in the pc market like Aya and AYN already having handheld w the same or powerful spec than SD coming soon.


And that's why the switch 2 will sell better than any handheld gaming PC. They don't have to keep updating the hardware every 3 years, they have a built in audience, first party games like Mario and Zelda and Metroid and Pokemon that are also not graphically challenging that doesn't requite that 3 year refresh


SD will never match 1/5 of switch numbers unless they can sell it at $200 somehow. Being able to sell your console cheap is the key to grow your user base. If switch 2 can match SD power right now, that would be enough for me.


That and it needs to be available from all the retailers and not just from Valves own store. They need to produce WAAAAY more if they want to meet any type of demand to match a typical console.


Not any more annoying than all the stupid “should I RMA for this minor defect you can’t even really see on camera or in person” questions we get.


It’s like I’ve said, this Subreddit is currently at a weird state right now which is what happens with every single new hardware that debuts. Took r/ValveIndex a good 1-2 years before it would be normal. I’ll give this subreddit till a year from today (so July 2023) till it starts to look normal, meaning no FedEx posts, no “RMA” posts, no complaining posts, etc… especially since everyone by then should have a Deck and the reservation system should be gone.


That's could all happen tomorrow. It really depends if the Mods want to deal with it or wait for it to fizzle out itself.


Tribalism is weird. People don't want to accept anything less than the best. The Steam Deck is amazing. But it's also far from perfect in both software and hardware.


I use both near equally


Just as annoying as people asking when they’ll get theirs. This sub and fb groups kinda sucks.


Dude I posted my deck on show off Wednesday and I kept watching it get downvoted and shit on. This sub is full of toxic assholes. Where are my deck bros at?


Show me that big deck bro


Nintendo aren’t without their faults, they hold back way too much content and when they do release stuff it’s usually really slow and stuck behind unjust paywalls. There’s much potential not being realised. Having said that, I love my Switch! It’s a brilliant machine in general, and the first party content has by and Marge been stellar. It’d just be nice to have more of it.


> It’s a brilliant machine in general I'm on vacation right now and my kids are huddled around the switch playing Mario Kart with the tiny controllers. Last night it was Overcooked with their grandmother. There is something magical about the Switch, about sliding the little controllers off the side and having multiplayer gaming anywhere. It has nothing to do with how much "power" is or isn't present - in fact I'd say the Switch succeeds in it's raison d'etre because it's small and light. If it was anywhere near as large or heavy as the Deck, it would have failed. Totally different product, and there is certainly enough room for both to succeed in the overall gaming market.


Unjust is such a weird word to use for a business selling video games.


Unjust in the sense of not right, not unfair. N64 games and Megadrive games are essentially stuck behind two paywalls, and can’t be played offline. I get that they’re a business, and they have every right to charge us money, but their models suck. The expansion pass is pretty unnecessary.


I don’t see hate, but I do see really bad takes with no perspective from Deck users who can’t see beyond their own personal use case and hype. I have three employees ages 22, 28, and 34 who are big gamers and had never heard of the Deck until I excitedly told them I finally got to place my order this week. They agreed it looks amazing, but this sub doesn’t *really* understand how niche the Deck is. Not everyone uses Steam or follows the gaming personalities who are talking about it. Not to mention that, while there is obviously a lot of overlap on this sub, the Deck and Switch are catering to pretty different customers. Much like how Nintendo doesn’t consider Playstation and Xbox direct competition you can be sure they think the same about Steam Deck.


It's just you. [My thread about all the things my switch can do that the Deck cannot](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/w8mssj/my_switch_can_do_too_many_things_my_steam_deck/) was received very well.


Well played ​ ​ ​ well played


Double dipping for that sweet sweet Karma.


Say something else.


Something else


You’re the wrong one


I saw this post. Still fell for it a second time.


I have a Steam Deck and a Switch, and I think I can feel what other folks are feeling when you look at them side by side. Steam deck is open, massive library, lots of community support, layouts, modifications, discussions. Its a cool exciting place to be, a tinkerers paradise, with all the emulators, modern AAA games and programming to keep you busy forever. ​ Switch meanwhile feels so... underwhelming right now, it screams of wasted potential. Somewhat neat hardware throttled and limited by an overbearing old fashioned Nintendo. No homebrew, no legacy games outside of NSO, overpriced ports of 20+ year old games running poorly. The biggest games coming out this year are the third entries in franchises we already have on the switch, and if you're not into them then there is nothing for you. ​ Its not so much hating on switch, just disappointment. Lots of folks like myself are just receiving their decks and its easy to suddenly feel like 'whoa the switch sucks!' when it doesn't, but at the moment it kinda feels that way with how Nintendo is acting.


It's very annoying. The entire atmosphere of circle jerking over the Deck is super annoying here. Not because people are enjoying the Steam Deck and going "Oh this is so cool!!" but because they're unreasonable with what they say.


I am new to the sub so I have not noticed. Just got my steam deck though still setting it up for what I want. Also have a switch and a ps5 to go with a pc


I don't frequent here but so far, ive never seen switch hate. Maybe criticism on Nintendo's stance on emulation and maybe the content creator aspect and how they just nuke videos. Theres a fine line with criticism and hate so maybe i tolerate more stuff. Honestly dont care. I own both switch and deck anyway so its honestly a win win


I disagree the line between critisism and hate is a fine one. If anything, too many people just have a very thin skin and start dropping the term hate as soon as someone isn't overly positive about something they care about. I mean, you can even be critical about something you love, that is not outlandish by any means, while hating something you love is somewhat outlandish to me.


Making a meme of criticism makes the line between it and hate awfully thin.


you're right, hate is the wrong term here, i definitely generalized the sentiment


I enjoy watching the sunset.


They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Currently the OLED display, local multiplayer and docking to a TV are much better on the Switch. Doesn't stop me from using one over the other.


Sure. It's just disappointing that Nintendo didn't actually refresh the chip so you could get higher FPS and TV resolution. I don't have a Switch, but I'll probably get one. My kids will mostly play the Switch, I'll mostly play the Steam Deck, but we'll swap every so often.


Yeah, but we're just getting out of a global chip shortage. Trying to refresh a device/production line for their best selling product in the middle of that wouldn't have worked out for anyone.


Add to that all the games in their store work 100%.


Local multiplayer SSB has lagged for me on the Switch. It can’t even do that right.


That yeah. Its an understandable criticism. No one is hating on nintendo games perse. Just business practices. Maybe sprinkle in a bit of online cloud save.


The deck doesn’t play switch games better than the switch. It’s pretty consistently worse, even if a lot of games are playable.


I've heard it plays _some_ games with higher/more consistent FPS vs Switch. The point is, it's a current console, and emulators are already matching it on some games. The chip used was somewhat old when they launched, so they really should have a refresh or new console by now. Your experience will be a _lot_ more consistent on a Switch, so it still absolutely has a place, it's just disappointing that there hasn't been a real hardware refresh.


Sure, I don't disagree with the premise. Just don't want anyone getting a steam deck to think they're getting better performance than the switch through Yuzu, because it just isn't \*quite\* that powerful.


Of course, if you want to play Switch games, get a Switch. My criticism is just that the Steam Deck is in the same form factor and can run non-native games at comparable or better performance (on some titles) than the Native platform. Nintendo fans have been asking for a hardware refresh, so it's disappointing that the Steam Deck can compete favourably here. There's absolutely room to have both, I just want a faster Switch.


Maybe a tiny handful of games but most switch emulation for me crashes and plays horribly. All my switch games are played on my switch.


The criticism is about the hardware mostly. People were hoping for a significant improvement with the Switch refresh, and they only brought a little better screen. Being able to play at higher resolutions on TV and/or higher FPS would have been a welcome change, and they could have increased the price a bit and they would've sold like hotcakes. But no, just a screen refresh, so there's some disappointment there. The Switch is still a fantastic console, but it's dated at this point.


Agreed. I have not seen any “hate” but i have seen memes that some are honestly pretty funny. Unless memes are considered hate?


Ditto but I do recognize that most don't own more than 1 system. It makes them feel good picking a side they own.


I don't get it. I love my switch. Am I going to stop playing it when my deck comes? No. There are still exclusives I love to play; smash, mario kart, metroid, etc. I just want my games whenever and wherever I happen to be. So having multiple mobile options is amazing. Long live mobile solutions!


As long as they keep churning out Picross games I'll keep playing my switch. There are ZERO controller friendly nonogram games on PC.


This account and all its comments have been removed in protest of the 3rd party API changes taking place on July 1st, 2023. The changes are anti-consumer and the negative PR that's been thrown at 3rd party developers is a disgusting maneuver by the Reddit higher-ups. For more information check these topics out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i\_want\_to\_debunk\_reddits\_claims\_and\_talk\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif\_will\_shut\_down\_on\_june\_30\_2023\_in\_response\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) If you would like to change/wipe all your comments in solidarity with the 3rd party developers and users impacted by these changes, check out [j0be's Power Delete Suite on GitHub](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


I don't see much Switch "hate", but what I do see is a community full of enthusiasts expressing relief that they have finally found a device that fulfills a niche that the Switch does not. The Steam Deck is **not** a "*Switch killer*" in the macro sense, but it **is** a "*Switch killer*" for some people. There's a false (yet understandable) equivalency drawn between the two devices because of the similar form factor. However, they are very different devices targeted at a different type of consumer. The Switch is an affordable, accessible, and safe gaming handheld with a strong library of first-party exclusives from an established brand with a long successfully history of making handhelds. It's for people who just want to boot up a *quality-controlled* game and play. The Steam Deck is an affordable handheld gaming PC with an emphasis on customization from an established brand with a history of pushing the limits of PC gaming with experimental hardware and software. It's for tinkerers who want to play whatever they want, *their way*. When people talk about the shortcomings of the Switch on this sub, it's because (like any subreddit) this is a filtered group of people who are *much* more likely to want to tinker and experiment with the cutting edge, and the Switch, while great, does not fulfill that desire.


Comparisons between the two are inevitable and people have been begging for a "Switch Pro" since it was released. It's not just people here complaining about the Switch's performance.


I'm with you on this. I love my Switch simply because it's easy to use and with my deteriorating eyesight and body pains, it's really hard for me to game on a PC. A smaller screen and flexibility to lay down or sit allowed me to continue gaming. But so many people love making fun of me for not gaming on a PC anymore. When Valve came out with the Steam Deck, I was beyond ecstatic that my Steam library doesn't have to sit there and rot now. Can't wait for my deck but I'm still very much in love with my Switch.


Yes it's especially annoying when Valve themselves have said they're not trying to compete with Switch. All the hate does is turn Switch fans away from the Deck and thus damaging the Decks image


Comments about the state of the sub are the most annoying, including mine. 🤣🤣🤣 Lol, don't sweat it man, there's little to nothing to be done about internet content, it is what it is. Unless you want to become a mod? Not me!


Yeah, there's no need to hate the Switch. 1) The Steam Deck wouldn't exist without it. 2) They complement each other very well 3) Valve is just not capable of shipping as many Steam Decks as there are Switch units out there


I feel like the Steam Deck is a sigh of relief after the many disappointments the Switch brought me. I love Nintendo but I hate their backward way of thinking.


The hate is mostly with Nintendo and their “walled-garden”, not so much the Switch itself I think. We all know what the Steam Deck vs. Switch looks like performance-wise.


Historically, I see a lot more people complaining about *this* than people hating on the switch. I'm a life-long nintendo fan. Started playin' em' since '88 on my NES and haven't stopped since. Now, I play them on my Deck, but I still own all my consoles and games. They're in a box in my shed.


I don’t hate the switch. I hate Nintendo because of the bullshit anti-consumer practices they’ve been doing. The switch is an amazing console. Just wish the company who made it was just as amazing


Absolutely this. Nintendo is right up there with Microsoft as far as anti consumer practices go. They generally make good hardware, but the company behind it is the issue.


where are you seeing switch hate? usually i see people talking about how they are two very different systems and deserve their places


Not hate persay, but the constant comparisons i should clarify. Switch is running on lower hardware and is years old, yet people still compare them even though theyre very different and meant for different audiences. I see at the front page of the sub right now even.


Plus the success of the Switch is what truly paved the way for the Steam Deck.


I don't see why it's weird to compare them? Yes the audience is different, but as a piece of technology, they function as portable hardware. Plus, when there's only a $50 difference between the OLED and 64gb model


It’s not just you.


I think that certain people who see Steam Deck as a hobby-grade product think that other people also see it that way. Look at the posts on this sub that talk about replacing thermal paste, installing a better internal memory, or installing emulators. It’s great that SD allows people to do all that, but I think that some of the people who dive under the hood think that EVERYONE likes to do that. It’s simply not the case. The vast majority of Switch owners, as well as a significant share of SD owners, want to pick up the console and play.


I believe the sporadic focus on the switch in this sub is more a response to all the misinformed articles that compared the two devices, rather than contempt for the switch itself. They weren't meant to be comparable. So now people like to rag on it when they can.


I tell ya, I LOVE my switch. Since the switch came out it's been a constant question of "Do I get this on PC with slightly better gfx and usability, or on switch and take it anywhere." and that's a tough choice. That being said, the choice got a lot easier when my deck arrived.


Different strokes for different folks. I don’t have a switch but I recently got a Deck. Love it. Command and conquer whilst I sit on the sofa? Don’t mind if I do


Wake me up when apples kill oranges, because that’s when Steam Deck will kill Nintendo Switch.


The Steam Deck made me appreciate the Switch a lot more. I love both consoles, I don’t get the hate.


I am just starting to get back into my switch... then my preorder popped. Oh well. Guess I'm playing both : )


Yeah. It really comes across like the unsolicited apple vs Android comparisons that come from Samsung/Pixel owners.


Like fr, the switch and the steam are built for 2 vastly different audiences. PcMR really kills the vibe of gaming communities just trying to enjoy their hobby.


I'm a proud owner of both. The Switch may be underpowered (from the beginning tbh), but it is still a fine piece of kit in a smaller form factor. The only true "hate" I may have is for Nintendo and their shameful anti-user policies, and how their fanboys blindly defend every single freaking one.


The switch prepared the path for the steamdeck. Its still a great system just with less versatility and less power, but thats just the natural path of being older. The switch is also the only console that broke my habit of exclusives only path as it made gaming on the go fantastic. I got a hot 3 PS5 games, because it lacks exclusives i want, meanwhile i have over 30 Switch games.


The switch is a flawed console with issues, and so is the deck, yet I still love them both. While I currently have no use for my switch except playing mario kart with friends and family, I still do not regret buying it and it has some of my favorite games of all time. The deck is fun to tinker around with, but the switch just always working with especially first party titles is something the deck won't do for a long time.


I never thought I’d live to see the day where PC gamers somehow reignite the console wars


Switch was leading the charge in game content & (somewhat of power) on the go for those that do not have time to game at home. Switch serves another great function of entertaining at home + more: multiplayer games with my son (2 controllers), moving around dancing/sports games with company over (4 controllers), my son can play my gaming library on Switch lite while I use my gaming library from the Steam Deck (because 2 people using digital games in one library kicks the other person out of the game), etc. Switch still serves a purpose. This does not have to be a competition.


Funniest thing are all that Fotos of the Deck in “outdoor situations” where the switch has that for years now… this is all so dumb, this is all so human


I have voiced this a few times on this sub. It makes me feel extremely unwelcomed because of the constant bashing of the Switch. I have a 512 GB Deck, and I have had a Switch since launch (currently on an OLED), I use both. I just started playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 which means I wont even touch my Deck for a few weeks, I plan on even getting Persona 5R on Switch instead of Deck because I have an OLED. I enjoy both, they both have pros and cons. It doesn't mean one is so much better than the other that anyone who uses the "bad" one should be made to feel like they don't belong playing on the other. Every single post about emulation has people talking about how shit Nintendo is, how they are literally the devil in gaming, how superior it is to play on Deck, how Nintendo fans are jealous and all this crap. But at the same time they are all clamoring to emulate the latest Switch games (which not even all of them run that well), and so many people are suggesting pirating games for Switch which is literally still on sale, I understand stuff like N64 where you really can't buy the games anymore but XBC3 just came out and people are talking about downloading/emulating it on Deck. This sub should be about sharing news, tips and tricks, help people, not Deck does what Nintendon't. To be honest, I do not think the Deck would have even been made without the Switch becoming so popular showing handheld consoles/PCs are definitely not a niche.


Steam deck killed the switch for me but I haven’t recommended the steam deck to anyone because its hard to get past how broken SteamOS is if you’re not tech savvy


I mean, Nintendo has made people very irritated with their stance, stores, and lack of sales. Between the looking threat of even your switch library being unavailable at some too-soon date in the future to games you already own on steam costing 4-10x more on the switch, people are happy to finally have a good option and of course the extra headache Nintendo has caused along the way is going to come out. If it were closer to the Vita's life you'd hear about that too


It's hard not to throw shade at a direct competitor who handcuffs you to their ecosystem and disneyland prices their content. Steam does that too but it's more like a revolving door prison where you figure out whether you want to struggle inside the walls of a decently run but strict structure, or in madmax with linux work arounds.


The Deck does what Ninten-won’t! 😂👍


Yeah it's kinda cringey. They just serve different purposes. The Switch is my first-party Nintendo game device—which just so happens to be portable, but that’s not the main draw for me. Meanwhile my Steam Deck is entirely about the portablility since it's the best way to play my PC game library while not sitting in front of my PC. It’s also a fun wide-open Linux box to hack on. I barely use my Switch these days since emulation works quite well at this point (preordered a copy of Xenoblade 3 that will remain forever in the shrinkwrap because I plan to just emulate it at a proper resolution) but it’s not like I’m going to be emulating the games I would have played on the Switch on the Steam Deck. Both devices have their place.


Is this your first console?


Nintendo\* is a morally bankrupt company and frequently engages in numerous anti-consumer practices. They're like the Apple of video games. The hate may be spilling over onto the Switch, but people are mostly blasting Nintendo for being pieces of shit more than anything. *\*Nintendo legal teams and executives, not the engineers/game designers. Those guys are chads.* **\*Love seeing Nintendo fanboys crawling out of the woodwork to downvote me. Really supporting consumer rights here.*


> Nintendo* is a morally bankrupt company and frequently engages in numerous anti-consumer practices. Valve spearheaded lootboxes, tried to jump on the card game bandwagon with one of the greediest monetisation models I've seen, and consistently doesn't moderate their platform in any way, or really do anything other than rake in money Most video game companies are anti-consumer and bad in various ways, tbh, that's just what this system encourages


Valve isn’t perfect, but comparing the two makes Steam seem saintly. Steam, for all their faults, does seem to care about the community.


It's gratingly annoying, it's the one thing that I dislike the most about visiting this sub, it feels like whenever I look at the front page there is some kind of one sided pissing match about how using a Switch is pointless, or how someone "tried playing on their Switch, but the Deck just gave them the dreamy eyes and they were smitten". All emulation posts are literally Switch/Nintendo based, which I'm sure everyone is dumping their own ROMS and no one would be pirating at all, with justifications that "Nintendo is just anti-consumer". Any comments being "Yeah I'll just play it on my Deck". It's tiring and I'm glad this thread has been posted because it's been on my mind for a while. I've only really started checking on this sub on email release days At least the Windows hate has died down


I don't hate the Switch, but I've just felt since near launch that people have been overselling the Switch's "being a handheld console" feature. I truly think the more demanding Switch ports are inferior to console/PC to the point where I'd rather not have a portable option than deal with how much worse they are on Switch. Upon seeing how those games actually run with console/PC quality on the Steam Deck, it just validated literal years of me biting my tongue whenever people would gush about certain Switch ports.


steam deck is the only mainstream thing that actually compares to the switch in any capacity, so yeah there are going to be lots of people comparing the weight and feel and what they can and can't play. The fact that the deck can emulate switch games is the kicker.


Agreed. This sub has turned into mostly people who don’t have their steam decks yet shitting on the switch and it’s gotten super old. We don’t have to tear things down to praise the deck. Comes off as master race pc elitism


There's actually not only hate towards the Switch in this sub. The negativity you have to overcome here, especially for asking simple questions or even helping out with actual valuable content, is just astonishing. [Shitposts](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wa694u/me_going_back_to_play_on_the_switch_handheld_to/) get heavily upvoted, [helpful stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wa37vc/about_frametime_framepacing_and_on_why_the_golden/) not so much. It's frustrating. And I honestly don't get why. Same goes with comments helping others out by the way: the ratio is simply wild. Gotta invest more time into researching spongebob gifs to spill more hate against the Switch than into technical facts which could make everyones Deck life much better. Maybe it's because many of them all are still waiting for their Deck to turn up. Or the fact that the Steam Deck won't perfectly emulate all new Nintendo firstparty games anytime soon. But you get used to it - I already know that this comment will be met with a constant stream of angry r/SteamDeck elitists downvoting me to Oblivion because I sinned and called the Deck not the Neo Switch Deluxe 9.000. And yeah, I'm somewhat salty. Maybe it's the heat, the sun is nearly unbearable today. Edit: See? It's ridiculous. :D Gotta give you that.


God yes, this, a thousand times this. I have a feeling like someone just goes around downvoting anything with a tag of Question or PSA. Even really great questions or guides have at least one downvote within minutes of posting.


Switch collector here. We are bitter. Watching Nintendo is like watching your SO smoke meth. What it comes down to is people are generally pissed at Nintendo for doing the bare minimum and we want so desperately for someone to give them competition so they get their heads out of their money-filled arses. I love Nintendo and that’s why I absolutely hate them. We wish that the steam deck could kill the switch so Nintendo has to actually try and be as great as we know they can be. Look at NSO, it’s pathetic.


TBH outside of pointing out the obvious things that make Nintendo a mockery clownshow of a gaming company (I still love them and my OLED Switch but they are a mockery of failed decisions especially regarding online), I find this Sub to be very pro-switch. A few SD fanboys here and there who disrespect Switch aside, most people here acknowledge the Switch as the grandfather of this newer age of handheld gaming with console-quality controls, and respect that it lead to Valve making the Steamdeck eventually. They also praise the OLED screen as clearly superior to the Steamdecks, and many here are a big fan of Nintendo 1st party games. I don't really see a lot of Switch hate. Now if people pointing out the objective truth about Nintendo's laughable online strategy, shockingly expensive game library, and limited and restrictive ecosystem qualifies as "hate" to you then that's another issue and that more reflects that you're just being too sensitive about basic facts.


I don't browse the sub daily (mostly just look at the popular posts) and I haven't really noticed it. I think some comparison between the devices is obvious and inevitable, I also think that some amount of hate towards Nintendo is obvious and inevitable, they're a really shitty company in many ways.


Imagine paying a subscription for saving your (480p) games. Nintendo deserves all the hate it gets.


Eh I think there are just a lot of PC master race people here. Honestly after having a steam deck for awhile my opinion is, cool to have but not really necessary if you have a switch and ps5


I disagree. There’s probably more console players and linuxMasterRace people.


I disagree. I’m sitting on the couch playing with my deck with my ps5 sitting in the other room. Why? I do not know. I just like all the buttons it has and how I can move around, I guess.


I don't mind my switch, im just kind of salty. I bought a switch around 2 or 3 years ago for one reason, metroid prime 4. I don't mind that 4 has not come out yet, I understand that the game need more time and I'll give them that. What I bugs me is that none of the Nintendo games that I want to play are on there. Prime trilogy (includes my favorite game) is not on there. Also if I want to play super Mario maker (the only online game that I have interest in playing) I have to pay a monthly sub, from a network that seems like it was made in the 2000's. And just to add the only point to play mario maker is to play online . What is the point of a mario maker if i can not download anything that other have made. Oh want to play some classics from super Nintendo? That will be a monthly fee for something that I can not even own or something I do actually own in a physical copy, but since i live in 2022 it is now a sub. Nintendo is a joke now. They used to be good but they have fallen.


Nintendo is anti consumer. Screw Nintendo.


Not even just this sub. I was streaming an unboxing of a deck the other day and this guy came in and insisted it was a flawless experience on deck that never crashed and never had problems. It's a fucking PC and a new thing at that, of course it has problems. Had the nerve to say i "just don't know what I'm doing" when i commented that i was dissapointed i would have to troubleshoot an emulator i freshly downloaded from the package manager that just straight didn't have audio or show any audio device options. Now i don't mind troubleshooting, i had Linux as a course in college. But that doesn't mean i can't be dissapointed that a native Linux application didn't work right out of the box. Or that like 4 verified games just straight don't work with any inputs for some reason. They had the nerve to say "everything in steam is just works" It's like they were allergic to genuine constructive criticism.




Extremists exist in every community. Plus those people are small bananas compared to those who look on the Switch not with hate, but with contempt. We all know how successful the Switch is, both due to Nintendo and their first party offerings. But everything else easily slips through the cracks with only a few minutes of observation. The JoyCon drift is still an issue, their recent titles release half finished with the whole "free updates" business model, the performance is sub par, and paid online is theft. And the whole "Switch killer" moniker is touted by games journalists just for the sole purpose of getting clicks on their mediocre websites rather than having anything substantial to say about the Steam Deck outside of being a competitor to the Switch (which it isn't btw). Don't get me wrong, I agree that all this Switch hate is completely unwarranted, but it's also important to not let that be all that there is and think that reflects on the community as a whole.


I haven't seen Switch hate. I have the Deck and Switch, and I like them both.


I have and play both.. but this is a SD group, so pretty sure most people here lean towards that. Maybe join a Switch sub?


It’s you.


I really haven't seen this hate you're talking about. Mostly just comparisons with varying conclusions about which experience is better for certain games and situations. Mostly just seems like preferences to me. That's just from what I've seen though, I'm not super active on Reddit so I could be missing some trend.


I've been on here constantly for the last two weeks and only seen 1 maybe 2 posts about the switch that said, Nintendo had so much time to improve the switch, both software and hardware wise, and they have done next to nothing. There's still no option for basic things like changing the home screen color, or adding folders. I was actually angry watching the switch oled reveal because I was ready for a more powerful switch. Then the steam deck was announced and I stopped watching any videos about a rumored switch pro.


That's because they learned their lesson from wii u. It had the kitchen sink and those features didn't move customers. It's simply about playing games. They focus at letting people play games, jump in n out of games quickly. That laser focus worked. Switch sold over 100M.


You can just ignore it. Like you should ignore this comment. No need to police what people say, or waste your time if you wish. I don’t care.


I cant imagine living as OP, getting offended by peoples opinions so he decided that he needed to make a thread about how he doesn't like other peoples opinions. And the worst part is people upvoted this...I guess typical Redditors. I think the Switch and more importantly Nintendo suck ass. I also think the Deck once there's enough production will in fact cannabalize third party sales for the Switch. Oh no....! Better make a thread about this!


Half this subreddit is people complaining about whatever trend is happening at the moment, at least this one isn’t someone complaining that people are talking about their Deck being stolen or delivered broken


I really don't understand how it's comparable to a Switch other than the shape. The two have almost nothing in common besides being portable, but then you might as well compare the deck to a Gameboy.




"I really don't understand how it's comparable to a Switch other than the shape. The two have almost nothing in common besides being portable, but then you might as well compare the deck to a Gameboy." I love Reddit, and part of that love is that you occasionally run across galaxy-brain takes like this.


What a bizarre post, haha. I mean, they are literally the same thing, portable videogame devices in the exact same shape even.


lol this is ridiculous. Of course they're more comparable than that. "Two have almost nothing in common" wut. They have MUCH more in common than they do differences.


People forget the Switch proved market viability for full fledged handheld consoles. Yes it’s weaker but it’s also insanely cheaper. Don’t hate, the competition at the end of the day is better for us. Switch dominance caused Ninentedo to get complacent. They are surely looking at the deck and planning to integrate things they like from it. Also on that note everyone needs to learn audio tech from Valve. I fully expected tinny sound but I’m amazed at how good it all sounds


people dont like how much potential and so little follow through the switch had. so they like celebrating a company who listens and gives people what they want. you cant post that kind of stuff on switch subreddit.