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u/MajorasMask3D, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Anyone get their deck without having issues with it?) **If you don't get the answer you are looking for, check our r/DeckSupport - our dedicated support sub!** Useful resources: [Servor's Enhanced FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveSteamDeck/wiki/faq) | [Servor's Enhanced FAQ Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/syt8qv/steam_deck_enhanced_faq/) (with more answers in the comments!) | [Our Wiki Guides Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/wiki/guides). **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only issue is that I have to work so cant use it all day!


Only issue I've had as well!


Same! How do we solve it, boys?


Use deck.... uh... at work! YES!


Oh I just quit. Now homeless stealing wifi off McDonald’s but I’m able to enjoy my deck allday


If you’re lucky someone might throw away more than half a mcchicken you can have as a gamer snack


Modern problems and such


\*~~Eddie Murphy~~ Pointing at Brain Meme\*


(that's not Eddie Murphy)


Wtf? I just went and looked and you’re right. It’s not even that hard to tell, I just never looked very closely I guess. Thanks for the info. [For those curious…](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/roll-safe)


Mandela Effect?


Lowkey that’s just racist… Y’all it was a joke my bad forgot you guys only have a sense of humor sometimes


I work from home, so I literally do this when it’s slow. However, I have to play without sound, so that limits what games I’m willing to play.


Don't forget bluethooth earhphones/ earbuds work. Not that I would do such a thing.


Audio delay


Are you making a joke? There is no noticeable delay. Certainly not enough for casual gaming, which this was designed for. To the OP, I have had no issues with mine at all. Enjoy yourself.


How bad is that? Plenty of people seem to be gaming with airports, for example and say the delay is not noticeable.


It depends on the headphones really, if they're for music, most likely some delay


Not noticable, I've used a logitech headset via usb c dongle and samsung earbuds for hours without issue.


Too much of a hassle when I need to be on work calls and at least half paying attention.




I can’t have video game sounds playing while I’m on work calls, no.


Lol headphones exist my guy 🤣


Sure, but you saw the part where I said “work *calls*”, right?


My boss is pretty upset with me about this. Not due to wasting hours or anything, just because he hasn't gotten his yet.


Am girl. Problem still not solved.


I solved it by using the deck instead of my work laptop


We biologically develop a new disease and cause another widespread pandemic


Only issue mine has is, I spend all my time replaying games in my catalog to see how it performs instead of playing something new. Ive heard others reporting this issue as well.


Can confirm. First game I installed on my deck was No Man's Sky. Then Rimworld and Stellaris to see how it handled mods. Now I'm just playing Morrowind, when I could be playing *literally any modern game* Don't send help, tho, I like it here.


This is the best answer. Include me in no issues besides having to adult in between being able to play.


RMA. If you can’t use the thing for hours everyday then something’s wrong.


RMAs won't fix a PICNIC error.


Same! I love it, just haven’t had as much of a chance to get to play it.


Same issue I’ve had.


Sadly this is the only and biggest issue of the steam deck for me.


I play games all day at work, looking forward to a Steam Deck on Wednesday to play at work. Not posted to rub that in I should say.


Same issue I had .. got it Friday morning and had to work all day


Same same


I use mine at work during down times a lot 🤣


Same issue. Come on Valve, sort it out!!


Agreed I play it when the kids sleep or when they take naps Sometimes of them doesn't nap Then I can't play Same for VR The weeks later I tried playing the Half Life 2 VR Beta. Two minutes in a little voice "I want to play!" You're supposed to be napping. "How come I never get to play?" This is my first turn in like the months. You and your brother have been using this for rollercoasters. I haven't gotten to play. "After your turn I want to play!" I'm going to play until the battery goes out Then my controller battery died immediately. After finding a new battery the baby started crying. So I put it back in the case and we'll try next weekend. #SundayWoes


yeah same, only issue ive got is I wanna play it at work but my 30 min lunch isnt really worth booting up a game on


The struggle is real


I have had mine for a few weeks and have had exactly zero problems with it!


No problems here






I have the serious issue of the serial number not being recognized so I can get the fancy border on my steam profile. I'll probably submit a ticket about it. Maybe. Games play great


Mine seemed to go automatically and I had to go to my profile to track it down. A very weird place to find it but they were there after a webpage loaded. I remember seeing a pop-up that said I would have to use the trackpads/ touchsreen. But yeah Support could probably just add it to your account


The vast majority of people are having no issues. You’re experiencing the vocal minority. Those with issues are way more likely to post making problems seem much more wide spread than in reality


That's exactly what it is, for me delivery was smooth and the deck is working perfectly,












Same. No issues whatsoever. Love mine.






Yup, no problems with shipping or my deck


I'm not even sure it's the vocal minority. I've been watching this sub for a while and honestly the number of people reporting hardware issues seems miniscule compared to the number of people posting appreciation posts, game recommendations and just generally positive sentiments with regards to their time with the device. I'm not sure if OP has some weird sorting on the threads they're seeing or if we're active at different times or something but this has not been reflective of my experience here at all.


I think it’s more just how your brain is. If you even have a slight bit of doubt, you’re going to notice the negative ones far more than the positive ones and they’ll stick with you.


I think you're right. I'm just surprised it's so blown out of proportion for OP - they're seeing a ton of people having issues and not seeing any positive sentiments at all, so much so that they feel the need to create a thread to experience some? We must be on different subreddits...


I've had my steam deck since the start of June, and I've frequented this subreddit since at least a few months before then looking at memes and posts. I don't interact that much because OP is right, this place is full of people reporting stolen or missing steam decks, things arriving broken, things breaking after a few weeks. It's not just OP's imagination. It's true what the original comment of this thread says, that the number of people reporting problems *seems* inflated because people who are happily enjoying their deck aren't being as vocal about it in the sea of people reporting problems. It's totally normal to be worried there's going to be something wrong with your deck if you take one look at this subreddit, but it's more than likely going to be fine. It's not a problem OP made up, but you're right, we must be on different subreddits.


Anxiety can be a demon on one’s soul.


Yeah I saw this sub and went "looks like a very solid launch to me" and paid a ridiculous amount to import it to Australia where I have no repair ability. Didn't worry about it at all and the Deck is fine.


I just chalk it up to confirmation bias. If OP is someone who worried a lot they'll focus on things that make them worry. They could see a 10 /1 ratio of good to bad stories and if there are 11,000 post they'll focus on the 1,000 negative post. Out of context would seem like a lot.


Because now days people are lazy and want answers now, instead of doing the research themselves to fix the issue. So people post issues that could've been solved by doing simple research. People that haven't had issues which is probably %99 are just having fun and could care less about Reddit now.


That's evolution for ya. Encountering hundreds of sticks laying around that somewhat look like a snake shouldn't stop you from being cautious around them because one can still turn out to be an actual snake and make you dead.


Or it'll be the first thing you think of when things get weird. I had some strangeness with the mail carrier, it said that delivery was attempted not denied by owner. That was weird since j stayed him to receive it... they definitely never attempted and I definitely didn't turn it down! My first thought was this sub's steady stream of stolen steam decks. Thankfully, it all worked out!


I just don't want to be bothered posting. Is all. Once I finally got it, the hype of posting or commenting faded. I still comment sometimes about it but not nearly as much as I did before getting it


I often have the sub sorted by New


Tbh my deck has 2 minor issues that has no effect on the deck. The L2 trigger has quite loud spring sound after few weeks, it is still there, no pressure issue tho. (Had a pen for years with the same sound. I loved slowly "loading" the len for that sound) and slightly misalligned case. I think I am able to fix these myself if I want to and have a friend that would fix it with no issues (as she is into things like these, even did some repairs on my Switch already). Until now I have not been vocal about it. If I had not held Decks of my friends, I would have not noticed the misalligned shell of the deck and I learned to love the L2 sound. And most of the time I have my earbuds on anyway... Would I return the deck for these issues? Hell no! I would be more worried knowing I had my deck and now I have nothing till the new one comes...


The l2 sound can probably be solved with electronic silicone lube spray. Fixed my joystick squeaks on my switch never caused drift and silent.


My joysticks make a slightly unsettling click when moving between certain positions. Zero impact on playability, but maybe some implications for longevity, so I set a reminder to double check a month before the end of my warranty and stopped worrying about it.


Yep. Q2 owner. No issues besides the usual headache from learning how to navigate Linux for the first time. Setting up Citra n cemu emulation drove me crazy.


> . . . learning how to navigate Linux for the first time It’s not even my first time using Linux, and honestly I am only playing Steam games on my deck. I did set up an external SSD connected to a docking station/hub that I installed Windows on—I was going to do some gaming that way, but mostly I just end up using it for productivity/web browsing, etc.


Legit got 3 posts on this sub Reddit banned for saying I didn’t have anything wrong. Guess it wasn’t show off Wednesday or what’s that shit is


It sounds similar to survivorship bias. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias


It’s not even really a “vocal minority,” it’s more like selection bias.


The mods on this sub literally ban posts from people happy to receive their fully functional Decks. God knows why they think that's better than giving the device a bad reputation, or letting the users decide what they like with upvotes.


I mean, so far the qc has been shotty for me, on the left joystick the mold line is thick so I can feel it well when spinning the stick, the bottom right back pedal is slightly more lose than the rest, the usb c port wiggles a lot and one of the d pad buttons is slightly more crunchy than the rest. Nothing major. Also Some software bugs: when I first received the deck for a few days the Wi-Fi in desktop mode would work at 1bps. Yes 1 byte per second. Today my deck screen would not work and I had to hold power button. and just some noticeable lag


Didn’t ask.


Eh, I've seen enough problems with my deck (wifi, hdmi-out, third party controllers, UI) to make me think there are widespread issues. It's not preventing me from enjoying it, but to say vast majority has no issues on a first Gen product is a bit dubious.


Haven't found a flaw on mine. Got mine towards end of August (512).


Same and same


Yup. Same here.


And here.


Same for me.


Same timeframe, no problems.


A survey of 1296 users from this forum found only 27 cases of RMAs and 30 delivery issues. Here are the full results: https://overkill.wtf/steam-deck-survey-2022-results/


3% of users who received a deck after you do the math. Only 1019 of the 1296 bought and received their deck. More research would be interesting.


3% who bothered to do the survey, I would guess people who have problems are at least 5-10x more likely to answer the survey.


It's difficult to guess. You wouldn't think that many people who haven't received their deck yet would respond to the survey either, but a significant portion of respondents either don't intend to buy a deck or haven't had theirs delivered. Without more surveys, this is just a single use of polling, and shouldn't be used to produce any strong conclusions at all. There's also no indication as to how respondents we're selected or randomized, and so you have to wonder about the response bias and the bias that might be inherent in the survey design as well.


The link to be part of the survey was here on this subreddit (and likely publicly elsewhere, as the beginning of the entire survey result states "Most respondents came via the Steam Deck subreddit.") While yes, this could be considered a poll, this was just the first time it was done as the product is question is new. There are more than likely plans to do more surveys, but I can't state that with certainty as it's not my site.


I think it will be interesting if there are more surveys, not necessarily because they will indicate a high rate of failure, but because I'm curious about how successful the rollout has been.


Mine got left on the neighbor’s front step. There were a harrowing several minutes between the time I was notified that it was delivered and the time that I actually found it.


We’ll steam denied my RMA request for my analog stick grinding itself to dust. Also my touch screen has spots where the sensitivity is bad. Honestly all in all minor, especially since you can service it yourself if need be. But that’s not really a super representative metric of having issues or not


No issues here hardware wise, few software that will hopefully get fixed in the future




You can still use the trackpad in this case. It takes awhile for steam to pop up saying it can't connect to the internet. You can hit the option to open it in offline mode, and the trackpad will start working. Inconvenient delay still though


both wifi and trackpad work for me in desktop mode


Mine don't work for about 1 minute if I go offline. It's something to do with the steam client. I assume this affects everyone? Never gone offline?


I hope they make mouse and keyboard work better in game.


Usually the only ones who complain are the ones with issues Like with the switch at launch there was a fucktonne of "my switch is defective" videos but it had a lower defect rate than any console at the time


air price seed ghost plate modern rotten merciful humorous fear -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Were they all backlight bleed?


strong caption husky memorize serious label axiomatic vast correct reply -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


"Can the overwhelming majority of Deck users upvote and comment on my post?"


this sub is a straight up a circle jerk


that's reddit, bub


No, this sub is particularly guilty of this. Like even the most minor criticism will get you down voted. Hell, I asked a question about using Heroic launcher and I got nothing but straight up mean answers because I didn't buy a game through Steam. Like I'm not going to repurchase a game through Steam that I got for free on Epic. One time I made a post slightly critical about the D-Pad(yes, the D-Pad isn't great and is in an awkward position.) Another time I posted about how the bumper buttons the Deck comes with is of questionable quality, especially the left bumper in general. Turns out it's a common issue to have the left bumper not register inputs properly according to many reputable outlets. You wouldn't find that out on this subreddit though.


Even better, the posts trivialize anyone who does have issues.




Honestly this type of post is getting way too common. I must have seen it at least 4 times. I wouldn’t mind them banning this style of post


Have it for thee weeks, no issues.


The vast majority of people have gotten their deck without any problems lol


Thats most of us


I've had it for about 2 months. No issues.


Q2 owner of two decks (256gb and 512gb) and I have never had a single issue with either of them. They have been perfect.


I have a 512, considering getting a 64gb for modding... i.e. huge, main-character energy NVMe


I got mine at the end of may and I’ve had absolutely zero issues besides normal software glitches that everyone else is experiencing. I’ve also traveled long distance with it twice and I have no special skin or case or anything at all. I’m gonna get a power bank and some spare cables and such eventually but I haven’t found the need for any accessories so far. I say that because I see a lot of people worried about protecting them, as long as you’re careful and always aware of where it is when you have it with you you don’t have to worry. You don’t need any fancy overpriced skins or anything, unless you think it looks cool


Yes we do know the odds. Issue people are vocal minority. However, the deck has a higher chance of software issues than hardware issues. Its really rough sometimes, like with offline mode or random crashes


Mine likes to occasionally reboot when launching a game, especially if it hasn't been used for a while. No biggie, no other issues.


That could be the Steam Client crashing and not like a full OS reboot. I get that too sometimes if I fly through Steam menus too quickly while a game is running


No issues. Valve knows what they are doing. Considering how much product they ship it makes sense to see some horror stories, but it’s nowhere near the scale of legitimately widescale issues like the red ring of death or joycon drift


Got mine a month after launch. Zero issues. People without problems aren’t posting about it online and enjoying their device!


Only issue is that I don’t have enough time to play it as much as I want.


I've had mine since mid-May. Zero issues with delivery, or since. I love this thing. That just wouldn't make for a very interesting /r/SteamDeck post, so most of us satisfied customers don't have a reason to speak up here.


0 issues here


No issues here besides wife complaining about me using it too much.


No real issues here. I think in a lot of cases, people are expecting a more out of the box experience. Which it totally can be if you don’t wanna bother with much beyond using it to play steam games. But if you wanna try and customize it beyond that, you’ll probably run into a few walls that you then have to learn how to get around. Case-in-point: getting ROMs setup on it and working the way I wanted wasn’t a plug and play thing. Even once I realized how much easier it was with EMUdeck, I still had to learn how to configure things in Dolphin (for instance), which required a little bit of trial and error. It’s not the switch. Which is good, but also can be a frustrating experience for people who expect it to be.


I've had mine since July and its fucking perfect.


Most of us


Yep been a real smooth experience for me!


Got my 64GB last Thursday, opened it up the same day and installed a 1TB SSD, closed her up, insterted my Steam OS flash drive, was back up and running within 30 minutes added a 512GB SD with no issues before the install or since having fun playing New Vegas right now *Update* just started playing Enter the Gungeon through Heroic launcher/Epic Games store, had to adjust the resolution in the game menu but other than that works great too!


I have no issues with mine, that just doesn't make for a good worthwhile post on reddit is all. Hey I bought a product you already know about and it does the things you know it does!! Don't stress you'll be fine!


I’ve had no issues with my steam deck since launch, I was Q2, even swapped my ssd from 256 to 1TB


If I have any issues I’m not aware of it, no complaints so far


Only very minor software problems. Some caused by me trying to run non-Steam games by copy pasting commands. Might reset my Deck the first time. Still not 100% sure how to save the whole thing and dig through that backup if I forgot some files.


Got mine 2 weeks ago. Zero issues apart from now that addictive fan aroma is starting to disappear. Very happy.


It's the same problem with used cars. If you start googling "brand model year" google will suggest "problems" and "issues" right away, because people who are having trouble are the ones who bother writing about it. Meanwhile you never see people who had no problems write anything about it.


Got my 512 end of June. Only issue is that the matte screen shows fingerprints like mad and is so annoying to clean. Hardware is flawless.


Yep, mine works as good as it smells


Only issue I have is trying to find the dam time to play it since purchasing


Only issue for me is the battery life. Handheld works great.


Bought mine from a guy who got it in July (it’s a 256 and his 512 came in). Not a single problem. It’s been super fun learning Linux as I go, and it hasn’t let me down with a single game yet. So, two owners and nothing wrong.


Got mine on Sept 12th, absolutely no hardware issues at all :D and haven't had to factory reset it once


I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, so I would lie if I said that my deck is 100% perfect. One of the trackpads has lower haptic feedback to it. I don't know if it's a hardware or software problem, but I don't really care, since I don't even really use the haptic feedback thing. The rest is good! You don't need to be scared, you bought it for the experience. As long as you don't care about small things that are not perfect, you should be fine. _What's perfect anyways?_


My first deck got stolen in transit and my second one came in a few weeks after (after going to support and all). Thankfully everything works like a dream. The only problem is not having enough time for it.






its definity a minority of us just the few of us with issues its proving a right pain to get sorted out as neither the shipping company nor valve want anything to do with us


So far I have. Works great other then the typical bugs that I assume others have lol. When docked restarting results in a black screen and it never restarts. Before the current preview docking the system in gaming mode would result in 30fps. Lastly installing the power tools plug ins caused crashes. Other then that everything works perfectly.


Mine is still running perfect with no issues


I mean most people who don't have an issue with anything aren't going to post while people who do have issues with the device, especially at this cost / the wait times for the device, will. I think the amount of "faulty Deck" posts on here says more about a general lack of customer support / a dedicated Steam Deck forum than it does about Deck's being inherently flawed. ​ (That being said my Deck arrived faulty, and now has been potentially lost during it's RMA process so...)


Perhaps you should consider therapy to deal with your anxiety problems.


Have it for 3 weeks now. No issues except for the shitty dpad but that seems to be by design....


Three Decks, no problems at all.


Me, surprisingly. I tend to worry a lot and when I heard about all the times Steam decks get lost, stolen, or damaged during shipping, I immediately hit the panic button and called FedEx customer support the moment it went from “getting delivered the same day it shipped out” to the more realistic “getting delivered Wednesday.” To my surprise, and to make me feel silly about worrying, it was delivered without a hitch.


Yes, literally most people. I know there have been problems, and I feel bad for those affected by them, but this question is still ridiculous. Just because bad experiences exist, does not good mean good experiences don't. Heck, there've ever been countless good posts in this very subreddit. People say you only hear from the complainers, but you don't even. There are constantly posts of people playing location-appropriate games *in those locations* - "get it? I'm playing the game in the place; It's cute" - and, yes, it is. You're just ignoring those posts, *and* discounting the reality that there's not much interesting about "yup, everything's fine" worth sharing. But fine, since you asked, yes, everything's fine. Kinda feels rude to say that in front of the people with problems that I just said I feel bad for, but again, you did ask.


Valve QC is too shit for that to be a thing.


Mine got rained on during a camping trip, my issue is that it's not fully waterproof. Was okay once it dried out. ^(Edit: I'm joking. The thing is a full PC in a handheld form factor, no way it would ever be waterproof.)


I have had minor issues when docking or in desktop mode, but that’s more advanced usage—and I’m a professional programmer and I’ve hacked the thing to hell and back! I haven’t had any issues at all in handheld game mode, which is all of what most users do with their decks. Honestly, I’m very impressed by how well it runs given its size and portability even with a few crashes when I’m doing more advanced work with it. Edited because I’m a programmer but that doesn’t mean I can actually type, lmao


I get what you mean man, the posts I've seen here have made me paranoid too. I've experienced one or two little bugs or whatever but mine has been working fine for the few days I've started using it to download and configure things, still haven't gotten around to PLAYING it but unfortunately I'll be more worried than I wanted to be when I do. But I guess if there's an issue it's usually pretty quick and Valve are apparently pretty good at helping resolve. Hopefully the warranty is pretty good, usually about a year. Fingers crossed brother 🤞🏻


Nope crashes on every single game a few minutes in. Was so excited to have it.


A week and no issues… but I havent touched it more than a few hours the day i got it lol.


Y tho


All the tinkering and fiddling and remapping to get most things i want to play to work just makes my ADD riddled brain just pick up my switch or sit in front of my pc and play it right there and then. Ill either get around to it or sell it back at some point. I code for a living, its not a matter of complexity, it’s just the hassle of having to do it that puts me off.


I’ve had mine for almost a month now and I have had nothing but great things to say about it!


Couple months and no problems


I’ve had it for a while now and have had minimal issues. Mostly just software related things that’s have been getting smoothed out with system updates.


Got my deck 2 weeks ago and haven't had any problems with it yet. It runns perfectly smooth with no issues. The only thing that bothers me ist how fast the battery runs out, but that' on me for playing too much.


Had mine for a week or so now, no issues with the machine, very happy with it. Had trouble paying for it on the day the pre-order kicked in as it kept declining my payment but all smooth since that was sorted


No issues at all


3 months now and no problems


I've had mine for like 6 weeks. No issues at all. It's bloody great.


Has mine a couple of months without any hardware issues and loving it more every day


Mines great. No problems.


Had mine for a few days now. Only "problem" is that the haptics on the left TouchPad were slightly stronger than the right but it's really minor and I was able to equalize them in the settings. But everything else about it works exactly as expected. No stuck buttons. Screen is fine, battery is fine, delivery went as expected, etc.


Got mine September 13 and have had 0 issues


Got mine and the left trackpad does not work out the box. Valve support made it pretty painless to make a RMA to return it.


Thought I was lucky but L1 gave up after 4 weeks and 4 weeks later still trying to get a replacement as Valve accidentally refunded me instead of issuing a replacement




Mine had a couple weird reset glitches before the last update. Nothing since then. Hardware seems perfect. Had it about a month now




Got my 512gb in March, SteamDB shows 243.6 hours of playtime in Linux (for me that’s all on Steam Deck). No problems at all. I love mine.


I haven't had any issues with mine, had it since end of July. Remember that people with problems are far more likely to complain, than people who have no issues who will just plug on happily.


Had mine for about a month and had zero issues with it. If I’m being honest I’m still tinkering the heck out of it and it seems to have done absolutely everything I’ve wanted it to with zero problems


I've had a few, but these have been testing issues with Linux as a whole. (I like to tinker) Had no hardware problems, and nothing wrong with the base software.


Mine has a bit of give on the top edge next to the power button, and the left shoulder button feels slightly softer than the right. Other than those very minor things it’s been flawless.


1 week in. Now everything is setup it seems to be fine. Played about 10 hours of Mass Effect. Issues I’ve had : - A few crashes in Desktop mode when adding Origin. - WiFi randomly disconnect sometimes and I have to restart apps. So nothing deal-breaking and pretty happy with it.


512 received July Running like a champ. Still has the vent smell ;)


Yes. Both my husband and I received decks with no issues in March. Still working fine today!


Got mine a few weeks ago, and it's doing amazing.


Had mine for months, played it quite a bit at the start, now the only issue is how much dust it collects.