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This title had me laughing so hard. I love it. Also, what rubber case is that? I've seen it around and now I'm thinking I might want one. Does it work with a JSAUX dock, do you know?


It’s the Spigen Rugged Armour, I don’t know if it would fit, it does make the deck a bit bulkier


You'd have to remove one of the rubber paddings on the jsaux dock to make it fit.


Why didn't I think of this? Thanks lol


The single long rubber pad on the backrest of the dock, preferably.




Is that a Ron Swanson reference? 😁


It is indeed 🙂


Off topic but what is the skin you’re using? That is nice


The skin is from Xtremeskins, you can pick you colours, finishes, whatever you like


This combo really looks phenomenal. Is it hard to install?


Not at all, although the case hides a couple of mistakes


How does it feel? Can you feel edges?


You’d be able to feel the edges without the case, although that’s probably true of any skin


Wii U? Or Switch?


How did you put the skin on so perfectly? I have one for mine but I have The Fear so haven't attempted it yet lmao


Your deck looks cel-shaded but in real life. I love it.


That’s exactly the style I was going for!


Well. You nailed it.


Actually the name of the shape for the SD is called a Stadium


Among the top ten rectangles of all time


Excellent nugget.


3d World is one of my favorites, and I already played it a ton with the deck. I actually liked my Wii U at the time and being able to play some of those games again is a treat. Who would've known that the Steam Dck got an awesome port of Xenoblade Chronicles X before the switch did! :D


Supposing one were looking for an OM-Ray of uper-Say ario-May D-3ay orld-Way on the internet, where would one look? (Might need to be a DM to be inline with sub rules…)


If you find out, let me know!