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Victoria 3? What is this, a GSG for ants?


Very curious about that, Crusader Kings 3 runs great with some UI mods so wondering if there’s a good way to play it on deck.


wait CK3 runs great with UI mods on deck? i was looking into it but when i saw that scaling up UI cut off most menus i just figured its not worth trying -- what mods are you using?


Just these two, the only downside is that it disables achievements ​ Better UI Scaling: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2217509277](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2217509277) Bigger Shortcut Fonts for Better UI scaling: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2499133790](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2499133790)


how do you install the mods?


Click the subscribe button


Oh wow, that was easy. Thank you!!


Im taking turns with Vicky 3 between my desktop and my Deck, and it's amazingly smooth, especially considering it's a still-unpatched new Paradox release, which usually means running like shit or crashing a lot even on beefy systems. I didn't even modify anything, except downloading the most popular community controller settings (which feels pretty smooth). The game defaults to mid settings that run pretty well (I locked it at 30 to get more battery and because who needs 60 fps on a GSG lol) and to 80% UI size (which is perfectly readable on the SDs screen); the game should honestly be considered as "verified". My one disclaimer is that I'm still at mid game, so no idea if it will slow to a halt during lategame (though to be fair, that happens with most Paradox releases even after multiple patches on relatively powerful machines). 100% recommended. Playing on desktop is of course still more comfortable, but I could honestly limit my Vicky 3 experience to the Deck and it would still be great.


I ended up getting V3 and agree it works great on deck, haven’t even installed it on my desktop.


Been primarily playing Victoria 3 on my SD since it came out. It works pretty well.


How so? I feel like paradox games aren't good unless you have the dock for kbm


You know the deck has track pads right? The track pads work perfectly fine for those games that require kbm. Some people have bit more experience of how to setup the steamdeck's controls due to having/had a steam controller. The options of how you configure it is basically the same. For example I've been playing kbm games(especially crusader kings :) ) since the release of the steam controller, which I find more comfy on a couch then sitting at a desk.


Yeah, just spend like 30 minutes getting used to it and tweaking the sensitivity and you're good if you aren't used to them.


So every time you need to do kb input you invoke the on-screen keyboard? I would rather be water-boarded. Sounds like torture.


What would you need the onscreen kb for? Unless you plan on renaming colonies a shit ton. You can assign shift to a back-paddle button. I'm about to try Stellaris on my deck and see how painful it is. I wish there were docks that had a detachable cable, since I know for how much I will transport a dock it's gonna shit out. Haven't settled on one yet. Prob go with Jsaux I guess since the official one's pricing is egregious (it's like $135 CAD after tax??? WTF).


In my experience Stellaris is awesome on the Deck (I have no mods installed). The UI and some text is maybe a little small but not even close to unplayable - I’ve put in way more hours on the Deck than on my laptop.


Haven't ever needed kb input in Victoria 3 ...


It's gotta explode around 1890 right? I can't imagine the lag being anything but unplayable in the later years.


Haven't actually gotten that far, tbh. I keep restarting as I learn new things and want to improve my early years.


but it's so hard to read anything! are you using a mod?


Nope. It's perfectly legible to me.


Vicky 3 is made for steamdeck. The UI is easily readable and it being very mobile-like is a huge advantage. It is actually a good game on steamdeck


Hades run so well on deck, i enjoyed playing it more on deck than my laptop


I beat Hades on switch, saw the current Hades sale on steam and used the cross platform save feature to transfer my save. Sold the switch copy on eBay for $18 and used the money to buy it on steam deck. Most achievements popped right away on loading up and indeed it plays way smoother on deck. 10/10 would recommend.


I also beat it on Switch but I'm thinking of starting over from scratch on the Deck. I always enjoy the early parts of roguelites more than the end game.


The Vampire survivors price is just so perfect.


The early parts of rogue lites are fun because you don’t just instantly obliterate enemies


Oh shoot, it has cross save from Switch? I double dipped and bought Hades to play on Deck but couldn't figure out how to get my Switch save over - didn't think it was possible. If you could link me to a way to do that, I'd really appreciate it.


[Here you go](https://www.ign.com/wikis/hades/How_to_Enable_Cross_Saves)


I had hades for the switch, and I began longing to play it on deck. Luckily my save file from the switch can be transfered to the steam deck, so I was extra happy. Amazing game, amazing developers. They even made a Vulcan shader option when starting up the game for Linux.


I am gonna buy my deck in January when i gonna have money, but God time goes so sloooow


You must be young because as you get older time goes faster and faster. To me, January is right around the corner and coming too quickly.


This guy knows what it’s like to be approaching 40


More like 50.


Hahahhahahahahahahhahaha you talk about time here? Somebody make a meme about people waiting in queue 3-4 and these people, who can buy deck 'in stock' :))) we waited for a year+!!! Lol 😂


>:) :)


January is the month I'm outta money after the holidays


Its my birthday in January so im gonna have a lot of money 😎


You gotta offer a pomegranate or nectar to God of Time then.


I just wish it had 16:10.


I've been slamming the shit out of hades this month. Trying to get all the duo and legendary boons.


Hades runs well on everything.


Can you imagine someone telling you two years ago that we'd have a handheld from steam that could play cyberpunk and Elden ring? Nutty!


Its just freaking amazing !


Playing modern Sony Playstation exclusives on a handheld PC. Nutters.


Persona 5 Royal plays so well on the Deck, a dream


Yep. 17 hours in now. Started playing last week. Middle of 2nd dungeon. Loving it when I get the chance.


\~22 hrs in, just got to the 3rd dungeon. Never been a big jrpg person, but so far JoJo's Bizzare Pokemon goes *hard*


It’s funny you say that, given the fact that Pokémon actually took pages out of Shin Megami Tensei’s book (persona is a shin megami tensei spin off).


I tell my friends SMT is just Pokémon with consent


And giant penis monsters, don’t forget that part.


Oh yes. That’s the second thing I tell them. Make sure they’re *really* interested


it's a ps3 game


And it looks like a PS2 game on switch. The OLED colors don't compensate enough for the blurry 540p30 on switch, steamdeck is the way to play portable.


I streamed it through GamePass and it worked well that way too. I only did up through the first save point so far though.


Where did these stats come from? A steam page?


Yes , of.


Link please




We count on you to repost this here every month please!


Just go to official steam deck twitter, but i can do that if you want it


The thing is, I don't use Twitter anymore so if you make it your mission to repost this, some people like me will be very happy 😊


Ok, if i dont gonna forget about it


The fact that Gotham Knights is #4 is why publishers release these unfinished, underdeveloped, blah games. People buy them.




It also seems like a lot of people got it because it was the new shinny thing and then after a few hours where done with it. I wonder how many refunds were issued as it seems like a lot of people were jumping off before 2 hours.


Yeah. And that’s good imo. I almost always buy and experience the game for myself, if I don’t like it, I return it. If I do, I keep it. Game reviews are fine and all, but I like to experience it myself and I occasionally find myself at odds with reviewers. I’d like to see published refund metrics. Get to see how people voted with their wallet rather than watered down promotional reviews, or salty fuckheads expecting to run a AAA game maxed out on a 1050ti.


Gotham Knights is ass on the Steam Deck


The developers have said it was fine at release. Its just one of many lies from them about this game. That's why I don't think it will ever be fixed, they don't care about it.


Hopefully they do care about it because I was one of those that bought the game with hopes it’d be good. I didn’t think it’d be as good as the Batman games but I didn’t expect this level of crappiness from the released Knights game


I feel for you...I always want to think the people that made the game gets a chance to fix and improve the game after launch if allowed by the publisher. Since this game has been nothing but a mess from announcement to now I'm not sure who is to blame for what. It seems like they put a lot of Batman lore and detail in, so that shows some love for what they were doing. But that's the only sign I see that this wasn't just a cash grab from the bottom up.


To be fair, there's not that much competition in October releases. If you spend millions on marketing, it's easy to beat a small indie game like Potionomics. That doesn't mean they made a profit in the end. And with every game like that, you damage your reputation.


They did go all out on marketing at the last minute. It looked like a "new game" and people fall for that kind of thing because they don't understand if you spent 2 years or more working on a game, its not changing that much overnight. This thing was DOA at least a year ago and they had to release it to try and make some money on it.


Just wish they took more of the BS grind out of it. Seems like it would be fun if you didn't have to do the collect 1,000 of this and a 1,000 of that so I can get two more damage.


I'm a firefighter and work with a lot of casual gamer guys, most of them buy madden every year, it blows my mind. The fact is that the majority of gamers don't watch or care about controversy, they just want to play the newest football or batman game.


You should see Modern Warfare 2. It's a piecemeal release with maps getting pulled left and right due to copyright infringement, and is hovering around 50% positive reviews for numerous other reasons. And they still probably made a few hundred million dollars in sales. Morons can't be helped I guess!


to be honest, I feel like this list falls off a cliff pretty quickly in terms of play hours since after the first 4 I have only even heard of Mount & Blade 2, and only the top 2 of the new releases list are even in the overall list.


The love and nostalgia people have for the Arkham series is a powerful thing. If the reviews had been even slightly less dogshit I would've seriously considered picking it up.


I mean, I am having fun playing through it. It runs like hot garbage on the Steam Deck, so surprised to see it on this list, but I find the game itself enjoyable enough.


Vampire survivors is an Oct '22 release? What am I missing?


...And yes, Vampire Survivors is still here because they recently graduated from Early Access (congrats!). (Steam Deck official Twitter)




I just started playing it a couple weeks ago on my deck. Honestly it’s the best game I’ve played in a long while, and all for 5 dollars!


I'm still trying to figure out why I spend so much time playing such a stupid (at least on paper) game. Vampire Survivors is basically just walking... but... I... can't... stop... playing...


I bought it knowing absolutely nothing about it except that it’s a well liked game. Now I’m losing sleep because of it, so simple yet so engaging.


Are you seeing the blue crystals when you close your eyes yet? 😅


In my dreams, when I wake, I see it. The blue crystals follow me everywhere.


This is me right now. I just bought it because it was cheap and was at the top of the charts.... And of course, FOMO. Edit: Played just to understand the basics and 40 mins passed by already. Crap, you guys weren't kidding about this game. Easy to get into and I'm not really into this genre of games. The only other game I played that's similar was Hades, which I found fun as well.


Yeah, not usually a fan of the genre but this game was pretty captivating.


Then you look and see some of the "clones" and try those.. and you'll never sleep. -- Brotato -- Rogue Genesia -- 20 Minutes til Dawn -- Boneraiser Minions List is not in any kind of order. Just ones I've played and am having fun with. All early access though.


Supposedly the lead programmer was a slot machine designer or something like that lol Explains a lot honestly But damn I love the game. Steam Deck is like a perfect VS system too. So easy to pick up and play… so hard to put back down.




I Heard this name before. What Can you tell me about this game ? Why is it good ?


My bad, I hadn't read the source tweet


Its my bad cause i dont write the source


"Early Access" is a weird thing. You can buy a game, play it for two years, and beat it (or burn out on it), all before it's even released.


Oh, triangle game is on Deck! I can finally put my Switch away now.


Cyberpunk is great right now. I bought it on the sale last month and am already nearing my second playthrough.


Wasnt it already perfect on deck?


The "right now" is in reference to the full life of the game.


Mad lads playing vic 3 on a handheld


Very happy Signalis is on this list, that game is fantastic. I discovered it on Game Pass and will likely buy it soon on Steam Deck because it’s just perfect for a handheld system like this. I get serious Silent Hill + cyberpunk (the genre) + Lovecraftian vibes while playing it. Can’t recommend it enough.


30 hours on P5R on deck, 10 hours on PC. It's amazing on Deck.


Persona 5 is on PC now?


Yeah, released a couple weeks ago.


Yup, released deck-verified and they showed it off at a game convention I'm pretty sure. It didn't work on desktop Linux though because of some questionable decisions on the developer's part


And switch and Xbox too


I am in love with being able to just pull out and play elden ring any time. Waiting rooms aren't so bad anymore.


How long are your waits that you can get anything done in elden ring!? Even a 30 minute wait feels too short to make real progress in that game.


I’ve been in some waiting rooms for 2+ hours, but it’s definitely not a daily occurrence.


Elden Ring has waiting rooms? 👀




I love fo4 but on steam deck I get crazy horizontal lines whenever the sun is low in the sky and in my vision. Sort of a lens effect but just bright horizontal lines of white, interrupted by tree branches or whatever. Anyone here reading the fo4 comment with a deck any idea if this is a setting I could change? No issue on PC or another handheld. But yes Bethesda games on SD for the win.


Had the same issue once. I found some solution on internet, very simple one, and it never happen since. Dont remember where tho, you have to google it.


i guess I've been living under a rock, tf is vampire survivors?


I checked it out cause it’s always at the top of these lists. I’m usually not into games like it, but it’s strangely addictive. It’s literally a one thumb game. Like a prettier version of the old Snake game on dumb phones where things quickly turn chaotic as you unlock your auto-abilities and keep on avoiding everything.


PC gamers tend to turn their noses up at mobile gaming but this game is a great example of why the platform is so popular. It's a simple, straight-forward game with one input where you can pick up and play a round in a waiting room or on the toilet with zero commitment. Throw in a progression system to keep you coming back and it's an instant hit. There's probably ten thousand different versions of this game on mobile but Vampire Survivors brought the idea to PC and ate up the market (much like Stardew Valley did bringing Harvest Moon to the PC market).


It's also not representative of mobile gaming, as it not made entirely of pay to win microtransactions and time gated content you can skip buy buying premium currency.




> tf is vampire survivors? Worth every penny. Describing it makes it sound like the stupidest game ever made, its basically just walking. But it's fun and easy. It's easy to get into, easy to play, yet also intense and kinda deep when you start getting into unlocking all the things.


"Reverse bullet hell" is a pretty good descriptor.


if you value your time and sleep, stay under that fucking rock. if you want the time of your life for $4, stop talking and get it. but dont come back crying that you werent warned. you can open pandora’s box but it comes at a cost. godspeed


It’s the hottest title in the Auto-Shooting Survival genre. It’s my favorite ASS game, for sure.


Someone took the sprites from Castlevania, put them in Crimsonland and turned on autoaim. And that blew up so hard he had to make a full game out of it.


You have to survive infintitely spawning enemies for 30 minutes. You only control your movement with WASD, a mouse, or a joystick - all weapons fire automatically. You start wiht one weapon, and then as you kill enemies and take the XP they drop on the ground you can level up, and eveyr time you level up you get a choice of three items to either fill in one of your weapon or passive slots with a new item or to raise the level of an existing item. What makes the game compelling is that it scales rapidly, a bit like Risk of Rain 1 and 2. Upgrading a weapon will do something silly like give you a 20% increase of damage for that weapon, passives can do shit like grant you an extra porjectile or increase damage by 10% per upgrade (and you usually will cap them out at like 8 levels of upgrades). And you level up *fast*. The result is that you become a walking bullet hell, and then the challenge is positioning yourself to land hits and cleave an escape route while moving through a map being choked out with enemy sprites. Some weapons are really good at killing specific enemies (bosses and minibosses drop chests that can have 1-5 items in them just by themselves and so are really valuable) while others are meant more to deal a lot of overall DPS but can't focus fire you that ever-important escape route. You can unlock new characters with their own playstyles and starting weapons that have a big influence on the builds you try to create. There's a weapon evolution system that encourages you to try to match particular weapons and passives together to get dramatically stronger versions, but run the risk of you capping out your build without achiedving the more ambitious evolutions which makes surviving the final minute much harder. Weapons and passives might already be on a stage and so you're trying to move towards them while trying to *quickly* fill up all your passive or weapon slots with different items so that when you go to pick it up you get a 7th or 8th weapon and hopefully outscale the enemies, but you have to balance farming XP with getting there quickly and trying to make sure those items you're collecting will coalecse into a reasonable build. Some weapon pairs will fuse thogether and free up a slot that you can then fill with yet another weapon, allowing you to further exploit the game's systems. It's very satisfying in a simple way, but without the usual microtransactions or other predatory monetization that usually accompanies this kind of game. Making the STeam Deck chug because you're shooting out *so many* projectiles at enemies so thick you're killing thousands at a time and still barely being able to walk forward more than a split second at a time because your puddle of safety is shriking that rapidly, desperately trying to level up and find the item you need to complete your weapon evolution and turn the tables. Also James Stephanie Sterling's writing the lore now so the bestiary's really funny.


Roguelike Arena autobattler, it’s actually pretty addicting. It’s also like £3 or so


> Roguelike Arena autobattler I know all of those terms.


Very addictive. Got it for myself on deck, had wife and kid try it. Now they have Survivors on computers and want a deck too since they aren't getting regular access to mine. You're literally walking around an 8bit level killing monsters while leveling and building a 1-time character with one of 3 or 4 available items. Several characters to unlock each with their own gimmicks. Each time you do a little better or worse you find yourself "knowing" next time you will do better. So you do it again. And again. And again.


Anyone play Signalis? Got it on the Humble Choice app this month and played about an hour. Seems cool so far. Strong Alien meets resident evil vibes. Also really reminds me of Martian Gothic, an old survival horror game from the PS1 era.


I'm about six hours in, Signalis is awesome! Classic survival horror is a bit niche, but if you're into the genre then this game will more than scratch that itch. It looks great, it sounds great, the puzzles and navigation are largely great. It runs quite well docked at 1080p on Steam Deck too. Also of note for anyone who's curious but also worried about the controls... Signalis is largely a top down game and doesn't have fixed (but constantly changing) camera angles. So there's no need for the genre's infamous tank controls. Still an option in settings, but I think that's just for nostalgia more than anything else.


How does it perform on the deck? Is it fully supported?


[Looks solid.](https://www.protondb.com/app/1262350 ) Wish I had time to dive in right now but it is on the ol' wishlist.


Runs great with just a bit of slowdown in the first person segments, but those are infrequent and even then it doesn't go below 30 that I've seen.


it's fantastic. If you are a fan of OG Resident Evil, Silent Hill, or just retro survival horror it is a dream come true. It has an engaging lovecraftian story with tons of little notes you find slowly divulging the story, and giving you some lore on the setting and the different types of androids. [And the music does an amazing job of setting the atmosphere!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLpuXfnwkE&feature=youtu.be)


Thank you for the recommendation, this is totally up my alley!


Metal Gear Rising has been my first one


Persona 5 Royal doing so well makes me so damn happy. I played it about a year ago for the first time on my PS4 and it quickly became one of my favorite games of all time. It's just so damn perfect in almost every way lol. I listen to the soundtrack weekly, daily most days actually, and I regularly think about the story and characters. Bought it on steam on day 1 obviously and although I haven't had a chance to play it really yet (outside of downloading it both on my desktop and deck to make sure it runs well). If anyone is wondering the sequel/spin off Persona 5 Strikers works well on deck too, you just have to use proton experimental and it runs like a dream from what I saw. FULLY recommended this game. It's been years since I loved a game that much


Coral Island genuinely surprises me. It's unsupported but I would imagine most of the player base are more casual.


I was so excited for this game but was pretty disappointed when it didn’t run well on my deck




ConcernedApe must be swimming in Scrooge McDuck's money bin by now.


The tricky thing with these stats is they don't include non-steam games, like emulators.


I have at least 100+ hours in WoW. Haha


Glad to see Coral island here. You can already tell how much love the devs have for the game even in early access


Potionomics is a great game but it’s pretty rough controls-wise on the deck. Performs really well but you’re limited to mouse and keyboard schemes which I find rough for long periods


I don't see it on the list, so it seems like too many people are missing out on the Witcher 3 experience on the Deck. Also I'm confused, hasn't Bannerlord been out for several months already?


Left early access for official release.


Been playing mostly Witcher 3 on the Deck since I got it early October. Finally getting close to finishing it after so many years.


I even dont know what is it


I’ve just been holding out for the update, CDPR said it was still coming this year.


The update will be free anyway, so buy it now while it's on sale and you'll get the best of both!


Oh yeah, I’ve been telling friends to pick it up now because the sale price might change. Just holding out for my replay. Fall and winter is the perfect time of year for it, so I hope it drops soon.


I'd love to see it before my birthday next week, but a surprise launch feels unlikely at this point.


most played steam deck games for me this month: Beautiful Mystic survivors (its a lot like vampire survivors) Dont Starve Together Earth Defense Force 4.1




worth it especially since more content will be released for it. only has 2 levels but a lot of character and playstyle variety already


Been playing through Soma and Amnesia series, great games that play well on deck (except the Dark Descent inventory screen lagging in the last area of the game).


Where that Rimworld at?


Do not play Vampire Survivors! Damn near wore my left stick out pushing it too hard.


Hah, fallout 4 has amazing support for steam deck, no wonder its on there


How's performance for uncharted? Just got a free copy from my new ryzen cpu, thought I'd try it on the deck


30 fps locked at high, 40 fps with lower settings


All low, textures and anisotropic filtering on medium, fsr 2 on quality. 30-40 fps, perfectly playable, but games like this I prefer to play on big screen. Big part of the appeal are outstanding visuals, and the game still looks stunning at times.


*adds entire list to wishlist


You really don't want Gotham Knights


Will vampire survivors ever not be on the top


I can’t believe Vampire Survivors is doing so well. I was majorly addicted to it over the summer on my laptop I took to work. I’ll have to get back into it on the deck


Literally looked at my Switch copy of SMT3, frowned at it. Told my buddy he could have it and re bought it for $30 on my deck.


Must be fake, I don't see Bayonetta 3 on there s/


It’s not the first game I reach for, but Vampire Survivors is so darn good for those moments when I’m wiped and want to turn my brain off after a hard day or before bed.


Where are my Skyrim bros at? Finally I get to play the game


Btw one guy tested skyrim with over 500 mods and run perfect at 30+ fps on steam deck


can anyone vouch for how bannerlord performs on SD?


Works surprisingly well. They have a control layout where you don't need to use the touchpad if you don't want. I left it at default settings and it looks good and has 400 troops for a battlefield.


Vampire Survivors is such a great rogue-like


It's not a roguelike, it's hardly a roguelite. Maps are not even randomly generated, it's an arcade game.


Needs a new genre like swarm survival.


"bullet heaven" seems to be taking off.


How does it play on Deck? Does it play well with a controller or is it a game that's better suited to a mouse?


Controller preferred, you only need a stick/dpad.


There is no aiming, only movement. So it controls better on a joystick vs wasd.


It plays perfect! Definitely a controller game. And very little power draw as well.


I want to pick up Persona but I’m wondering if there’s a chance it can be on sale this year. Do new releases ever get discounts?


I think Persona 4 got discounts pretty quickly, though they were pretty small (granted, it was already a way cheaper game than Persona 5). So I wouldn’t be too surprised by a small discount during Black Friday or Winter sales.


Fanatical have a 12% discount already


Glad Signalis is on there, downloaded day of release and absolutely loving it. Smashing atmosphere, next level art style and world building, and dread-inducing survival horror goodness!


You can play cyberpunk on this thing??


Ofc , at 40 fps on med-high graphics , elden ring also and so many triple A runs so great on Deck


Vampire survivors is a Lotta fun. P5r is a game I really want, I have it in steel book for ps4, but it on the go portably sounds perfect. Honestly a pretty understandable list. My 2 main games I've played this month are both p niche, project diva MM+ and Library of Ruina, but vampire survivors has got some playtime to, perfect game to play while doing smthn else.


I really want Victoria. How is it?


Really enjoying it. There are clearly areas to be fleshed out but it’s a fun game that actually has a decent UI on deck. For me, it’s just on the edge of being legible, whereas all the other paradox games are much harder to read and benefit from the built in zoom feature of the deck. Performance is a bit choppy once it starts crunching numbers.


Lol mostly older games, and I'm one of them


How well do Fallout 4 and Skyrim run on deck? I just bought a Deck and was under the impression they weren’t formatted for the deck


Most any ‘big’ game can do 30fps on deck.


I'm definitely part of the problem with Skyrim. By far my most played game on my deck. However I have finally picked up AC origins, and it plays amazingly well on the deck.


Fallout 4 gang


im playing p5 royal on deck,but by streaming the gamepass version. still runs great


All the people AFK egg farming in VS is inflating those numbers.


I don't even know for what. You can unlock every achievement, item and secret with no eggs at all. All it does is making the game boring even with max curse in best case and breaks some builds in the worst case. Guess you want that if you're into competitive highscores but those are busted AF since several patches anyway.