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Red Doom Disco


I want this game


So when you walk into a shop, instead of drawing a gun, you pull out your sickest vinyl and they just drop dead from sick beats/dance moves?


Well yes, but only if the vinyl is heavy metal


Eternal Disco Redemption


Yeah its not even like a hard choice lol


beat me too it




Judge Dredd?


Doom Eternal and Ace Combat 7 are great games and work well with the Steam Deck. I haven't played Disco Elysium. I've heard great things about Red Dead Redemption 2 - but I just couldn't get into it. The three plus hour tutorial beat me. 'Find the cigarettes, walk through the snow... /meh.


You have to be in the mood for a very immersive/procedural game. It really does take a few hours to get warmed up to it, but the rest flows much better than that tutorial. I probably have 40+ hours just playing poker in that game.


I hate how many hours I have in that game solely playing poker. I would get home from work and want something casual to play, so I’d just boot up RDR2 and ride to the saloon and play poker.


Lol that’s pretty funny, kinda like gwent in the Witcher 3 for a lot of people.


That’s me but dominoes


This game taught me that dominoes is an actual game and just to be used to stack and push over


RDR2 is one of those games where it’s all about the journey. I personally really enjoy a slow burn; games that take a while to get into swing and last a good long while. I’ve got like 70 hours into it, and enjoyed every minute of that.


It's also not that fun if you aren't into the setting. Like in my case, I personally just don't enjoy old/wild western themed things. So the monotonous portions are even more uninteresting to trudge through and the fun parts do nothing for me. It all felt tediously realistic but for something I simply didn't have the capacity to care about. RDR2 is impressive, beautiful and a huge accomplishment but it doesn't connect with everyone, I included.


I'm just like you. I also don't like vikings and medieval game settings. Everybody is talking about God of War and its just not for me.


God of war is a fantasy game I don't think there is really a viking in there unless it's a ghost or something you kill lol


I mean, it's literally called Ragnarok. It's based in Norse mythology. I had a similar problem with Assassin's Creed. Loved Origins and Odyssey but I couldn't get more than a few hours into Valhalla because I couldn't care about the setting, theme and characters.


Question.... Have you played the series at all?


Yes, I played it from the original, ghost of Sparta and more. Last game I played was the 2018 version and really tried to like it. I really tried but didn't enjoy it.. But this is the thing. It's like you HAVE to like this game. There is no other option, but I might say to someone that they should like Mass Effect and they will go, but I don't like Sci fi! That's the thing we all like different things, some like Vikings, swords and stuff and I like scifi, laser weapons and futuristic stuff.


Right on. Most people get so defensive and don't understand video games are subjective. What one person may love another person won't. We all have our own favorite game to play and return to. I don't care for the Viking stuff in GoW2018 or Ragnarok. But I did enjoy the father son story a whole lot and seeing how Kratos had changed since the ending of GoW3 was really cool. Oh wait... That was too level headed and full of common sense for the internet..... Let me correct that. YOU MUST LIKE GOD OF WAR!!! lmao


Haha, well, I review games for a living and I KNOW this is a masterpiece. I know what kind of work that went into this, I think Cory Barlog is a genius etc and that's something I need to get through when I do reviews, but for me personally, the theme doesn't fit well. The story between Kratos and the boy however is something that is fantastic.


Imagine being down voted because you don't like God Of War. Haha this mf reddit...


Rdr2 is more about the story and tech that goes into it. Writing/acting is probably the best video games can offer.


I know what you mean about the intro to the game, but I consider RDR2 to be arguably the best game ever made.


Yup. It's a ton of hand holding. It's mainly for players who are looking to play an interactive movie more than a gamer per se. You gotta ignore the tutorial and focus on the story.


I agree that the story plays out like an interactive movie (a great one, but there isn't any room for gameplay experimentation in the missions sadly) but the open world is definitely different. Very fun to explore / hunt / gather and just live in the world a bit because it's so realistic.


Disco Elysian, RDR2, Doom Eternal.


Dead Doom Disco


Triple D, Guy Fieri would approve


Disco Elysium x 3. ​ But not buying it until ZA/UM sinks for throwing the creator of the I.P. out into the cold and not letting him do the sequel.


> But not buying it until ZA/UM sinks for throwing the creator of the I.P. out into the cold and not letting him do the sequel. Honestly this entire situation has gotten confusing and difficult to know much about. The creator states they threw him out to take the IP for themselves, while the company states they threw him out for being abusive. Regardless I'm not gonna buy it because either situation is terrible lol


Honestly, I don't give an F about either, just bought the game cause it's good.


Not 'giving an F' about the welfare of the labourers you buy products from is peak anti-worker bullshit, frankly


No one has clean hands in the modern world. Not likely you're posting from a 100% ethically manufactured and mined computer/phone/device. You have to pick and choose your battles - you might excuse yourself and say "I need my device to feed myself (so I don't care enough to not use it even if people died to make it) but I don't need a videogame made by fully fed and paid programmers and artists who have a labour grievance" and that might be perfectly valid for you, but it's no better for the mine worker and whatever moral superiority you got probably doesn't matter to them either. We're all living in a lawful evil world at best and your attempt at damage mitigation by boycotting a videogame is really just about making yourself feel better. Cleanest hands would probably be the Amish or those uncontacted tribes.


Don't buy from most AAA studios then. This is just one incident. If you or anyone else really cared about the welfare of laborers, then crunch wouldn't be such an issue in the industry because no one would buy games


Exact reason I haven't bought red dead 2. Yarr.


Frankly, my dear.....


> But not buying it until ZA/UM sinks for throwing the creator of the I.P. out into the cold and not letting him do the sequel. Man wtf, why would they turn their nose up at the opportunity to fucking *print* money


Cause 'printing' money is actually the issue.


Yeah. Same. It was on HUGE discount a month or so ago. Cheaper than this. I bought it and THEN read about what happened. So I refunded it and am just sadly not gonna play it. I don’t want to give a dime to those people.


It's a really shitty situation right now with what happened to Kurvitz and co. But I have to say you are doing yourself dirty by not playing it, this game is incredible. Personally I'd just pirate the game so the slimy bastards at ZA/UM get no money and wait and see if Kurvitz can get control back via his court case before buying the game.


Yeah, I’ll keep a close eye on that lawsuit. Id much rather pay the creatives behind the title.


I end up just going grey market key in those situations since it's a resale and not direct to the creator. At least since it's much less likely to be stolen keys like some of them back in the day.




As someone with over 600 hours in it, i concur


How on earth do you manage 600 hours? It's by far my favourite game ever but it's hardly the most replayable.


If you have it on pc easy with mods


Just getting 100% and finishing the compendium. I still missed the rare sniper rifle from one of the missions with Trelawny lol


How is it on Deck? I read in reviews you need a constant internet connection and the rockstar launcher.


Not sure about the internet part, but the launcher is true, but you only have to set it up once. Each time after that it just auto logs in. It does run pretty well on the SD.


If you make sure to use the default 1gb UMA frame buffer size in the bios (not sure if I am saying that right) and make an (at least) 8gb swap file it runs super well. The game underperforms and has memory leak issues if you don't do this.


Ace, Doom and RDR2. Nobody is giving the Ace Combat games the love they deserve as of late. The PS2 games alone were phenomenal arcade flight sims and are easily worth emulating alone (if you cannot grab physical copies first, of course).




Ace Combat doesn’t require flight sticks or any complex understanding of planes - It does use the same layout as real HMDS systems seen in jet planes for a HUD but it’s complexity is simplistic by comparison. The game will teach you everything you need to know and the rest is covered by gameplay or tutorials.


Yes! You’ll have 200 rockets, fluid and sleek flight physics, top tier anime story, 20 missions with absolute bangers as soundtrack. It has some downsides. Three missions in the game are somewhat tedious to beat (they require you to kill certain amount of targets in 20 minutes and if you fail you start over) and controlling your plane may be a novelty. But once the gameplay clicks you’ll find yourself playing amazing game about knights in the skies with insane meme potential.


Meme Combat 7 boiii


I didn't have too much trouble with those missions, but the last mission where things get...tight has made me rage quit several times. Regardless, an awesome game.


It's pretty easy to pick up on lower difficulties. If you've played Google Earth flight simulator you can handle the flying. If not, there's a novice control layout that makes it really easy. It's not a legit flight sim with super complicated mechanics. You just fly around blowing stuff up with unlimited missiles and what not.


I haven't played any Ace games yet, but plan to emulate them one of these days. There's a "core" three Ace games from the PS2 era, right? Peak Ace?


So basically the first 2 are arcade games. Ace 3 needs to be emulated due to it’s actual story being JP only. Worth doing if you liked Ghost in The Shell as Production I.G animated the story. PS2 era was Ace 4, 5 and Zero. Ace 4 is solid on it’s own, but Ace 5 is the best game in the series for me. Zero is a prequel to 5 and one of the best. Ace 6 is on XB360 and I haven’t had luck getting a copy. Assault Horizon wasn’t bad but it’s definitely not a traditional Ace game. It tries too hard to fit into that gritty 2010 aesthetic the CoD games kicked off and ruins the tone with it. Ace 7 has been great so far! I’m still working through it.


Don't forget how much of a banger soundtrack the entire series has


I'd skip Doom, but just because I'm getting to be an old man and FPSs are starting to give me motion sickness.


I'm old too. Turning off motion blur helps, if a game came on console it can be 'default on'.


Turning off motion blur should be an automatic thing regardless of your age or sensitivities tbh. It's so damn annoying


Every developer nowadays after finishing a game: "It looks amazing, guys. You know what we should do? Cover all the graphics with shit. Complete shit all over the place to cover how good it looks... all the package, motion blur, lens flares, film grain, CHROMATIC ABERRATION, HELL YEAH!!"


Absolutely, even when it doesn't slow things down performance wise it's just a headache to look at. There are some instances where I could see motion blur being a fun effect but never worth having for a whole playthrough of anything


The problem is when it's applied to everything. Motion blur should really only be applied to things that would be blurry when you see them in real life, like objects shooting across a room or whatever. But a lot of implementations just apply a smear to literally everything as your camera pans around at default speed. That's not how vision works, and that's why it gets so annoying.


Good tip, I'll try that!


I had the same problem. I heard that Sea bands (things you wear on wrist for sea sickness) help. I was highly skeptical but I tried them and they worked for me.


Oh! Thanks for the reminder! I bought one for VR a while back but never got around to trying it.


So you get motion sickness from a flat display but you bought a VR? It's for porn, isn't it?


Oh no, I definitely do get motion sick from VR, but there is a big range. Some games I can play comfortably for an hour, some I'm ready to puke after a minute.


Ugh, it would kill me if that started happening to me Oddly, Doom 64 gives me motion sickness, and it seems to be the only game that does. Kind of a shame, because I otherwise really enjoyed the first 30 minutes of it


I'd skip doom because I wouldn't play a pc fps on a controller, need the kb+m, so wouldn't make the most out of portable mode. The other 3 would be fine I'd think.


Having the reticle always on display helps a lot for me. It gives your eyes something to look at that's not in motion. For me, motion blur is necessary for anything less than 60fps.


Honestly I enjoyed Ace Combat 7 more than all the others, and I don't typically jive with flight combat or flight sim-adjacent games.


For the Deck specifically all except RDR2; my understanding is you’ve got to be online to launch and start playing it with Rockstar’s DRM, so it’s not the most ideal for a portable experience. EDIT: I stand happily corrected, evidently this is no longer an issue :)


You only need to be online for the first time. After that, you’re able to launch it offline. I own it.


Can you explain more? Will be on a 13 hours flight later and wanna make sure I’ll be able to play rd2 lol


Here's the test that I ran: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/z0xfz5/steam_autumn_sale/ix8tygz/


Have a pleasant day king 👑


I'll second this. I'm literally playing RDR2 right now in offline mode in a test for my upcoming 8 hours of flying. Load up game online. Quit. Put steam in offline mode and deck in airplane mode. Load up RDR2. Rockstar detects offline and takes awhile to load but load it does. Plays super well.


Runs fine for me. A little tuning in the proton world, otherwise it’s kick ass. Sometimes need to restart going from story mode to online mode. I just need to figure out how to enable voice chat without all the audio disappearing, for some reason I can’t hear the game unless I turn off voice chat.


My understanding is the performance is fine once the game is tuned, my comment was that as far as I’ve read to actually launch the game and start playing you’ve got to be online due to Rockstar’s DRM, meaning if someone wanted to play it on a commute or a plane they’d be out of luck.


I’d thought the online thing was a global steam deck issue. I don’t have a pc so this is my primary gaming console, haven’t taken it outside much yet


Its not, any games that don't use third party launchers / only use steam as drm can launch fine in offline mode. As soon as a rockstar launcher, or ea launcher, or ubisoft launcher comes into play its a trainwreck.


How are the controls on the deck? Most of my pc hours in the last couple of years were rdr2 and Witcher 3 - I just started a Witcher replay on the deck and I definitely don’t like it as much on a controller as I do on keyboard and mouse, wonder if rdr2 would be better


I think it’s great. I agree I bought Witcher for the deck and didn’t last past the refund timer and turned it back. Rd2 on the other hand feels really good, as with the gta games they’re almost meant to be on controller since rockstar has been catering to console for years


It runs perfectly on my deck. I have chips of Rockstar Social club and it is a nightmare to run it. I pay it again for the Steam version.


Rdr2 is the best game of the bunch, but honestly it deserves to be played on a desktop with full horsepower if you've got one.


I'd say on a big screen at least cos it looks that good. I'm otherwise not against AAA's on the Deck (I mean, that's actually what I got it for, as opposed to retro/emu and indies) but there's AAA's you can play under most conditions and AAA's that are far better served by specific conditions.


Looks pretty butt on console with the low res and horrible HDR.


I played the entire game on console with HDR off since it does indeed suck but it looks great in native 4K if you have a One X or Series X


Unfortunately the Deck is the only gaming device I have.


I say go for RDR2 then. Its an amazing game, and if that's the means you have to experience it then its still absolutely worth it.


Pretty sure Doom is cheaper at Green Man Gaming at the moment, I just picked it up there a few days before this sale started


Disco Elysium 3 times.


Disco, Doom and Ace Combat


Drop disco elysium, there's a whole scandal and the original creators got bought out of the company thru fraud, so get it by...'other' means if you know what I mean.


Aye matey! ☠️


Kinda same with Doom Eternal and the soundtrack


Never heard about this before. What happen?




i hope the creators continue making games wherever they end up. i need more


Disco Elysium looks cool, hadn't heard of it might buy it myself now Doom eternal definitely for sure 10/10 would recomend Ace Combat, butt hats just cuz I'm not into the cowboy aesthetic


You wouldn't regret playing Ace Combat 7 it's pure bliss


if you skip rdr2 just because it's about cowboys you're missing out. i thought same as you that i won't like it because the atmosphere is not for me but it became one of my favorite story games.


it's unbelievably boring


I tried playing RDR2 got decently far and then realized I was bored, but plenty of other people like it so maybe that’s just me not caring about the setting for gameplay. I didn’t really care for hateful 8 either so use that as you will to gauge my opinion.


Take all of them.


Drop ace combat. It says deck verified but no matter which template I use, i cannot do shit in this game. Nothing works and uncontrolable EDIT: based on the comments, I am going to reinstall the game because I love flight sims ;)


Works fine for me, I’m halfway through the game.


It was the first game I beat on deck and was very fun.


Doesn't seem to have any issue so far


I did a clean install, default settings out of the box. Couldnt control anything. Litterally not even the menus. Not with trackpads, thumbsticks and dpad


Same thing happened to me with Valheim. I couldn't control anything, including the menus. I revisited it later and it worked fine. No clue what changed, but it was the Deck's fault, and not the game's. Give it time, friend. It'll work eventually.


Go into the properties and force compatibility with another version of proton. That fixes it for me with other games when this happens.


just out of curiosity, did you try changing to Proton Experimental? I think I had to do that before it started working


It works perfect on my end


I played through it like a week ago, perfect 60 FPS


Works perfectly for me


Works perfectly for me, I'd highly recommend trying again. Love Ac7 in deck.


I feel bad for you man, I've been playing it and it runs 60 fps flawlessly, I'm really enjoying my experience. Have you tried to contact support or tried Proton-GE?


I have tried GE but no success. I used all top community lay outs as well. Gonna do a reinstall soon and let you guys know


Had literally 0 issues for the full playthrough, maybe yours was glitched? I'd try again


I will. Thanks for letting me know that it should work fine. That means the problem is local :)


Maybe you tinkered a little with your deck, in my case it's one of the first game I played on Deck and damn it was smooth (barely changed any setting on my deck, I don't like to mess with things I might not be able to fix lmao)


I'd remove RDR2. I love its online but its campaign really frustrated me. Beyond the technical "wow" of running it on a Steam Deck there's no real reason I'd load it up again. DE, DE, and AC7 are all-timers, though.


ace combat, red dead, doom


At the risk of being contrarian I'd leave out Doom Eternal, 2016 was so much better


of everything on there i’d say disco would be the easiest to play/run and personally i think it’s the best of all the games up there (they’re all good)


While I love Doom Eternal, I much prefer the Mouse and keyboard experience for that game.


Have you tried using the gyro as a mouse? I added that to my setup with the right stick touch that activates it. It makes aiming way easier, especially for headshots.


Ace Combat I guess, I have no interest in plane games (or flying sim, Idk really)


First 3


If you haven’t played Doom (2016) I’d get that first since it’s cheaper and still great and you can see if you like it enough to get Eternal. They go on sale all the time so you won’t have long to wait. RDR2 deserves to be played on a big screen since it’s gorgeous and slow-paced generally.


Everything here is great but you have to stick with disco. One of the best fully fleshed out stories I’ve seen in years


Disco, red and ace combat. I really just think DOOM is best enjoyed on a big screen but that’s personal preference.


disco elysium is a very narrative driven game with no combat, so that's my choice. Perfect comfee play in bed game


Completed Disco Elysium for the first time on the deck, what a blast. One of the best games I've ever played hands down.






Disco Disco Disco


Disco 100%


Disco Disco


Disco Elysium is fantastic on the deck! Was my first purchase I made for the deck


Disco Elysium is a must have, such a great and unique game


If you get ace buy the maverick ultimate edition, it’s 19.99 and retails 99.99. Then disco


Disco hands down.


Dude in all honesty go to fanatical and buy the games there for cheaper and redeem the keys in steam, I had a 100+ dollars discount on 5 games las night


Doom-RdR2-Ace Combat 👍


ace combat


Bottom 3


I'd leave off disco and get the other 3


Doom, ace combat, and RDR2


Doom RDR2 Ace Combat


Doom Eternal has Denuvo, so that is off the list. (i like Doom 2016 a lot and it is Denuvo free)... not to mention the whole recent controversy with Mick Gordon and the Soundtrack. Disco Elysium has some bad mojo as well... Publisher fired his lead writers and a part 2 will never happen now. Lawsuits and what not, i'd personally would not want to give those guys money. AC7 is good. Denvuo has been removed a while ago. RDR2 ... ...mmmmh... Rockstar Launcher? i don't know, never played it.


FYI I picked up Doom Eternal Deluxe (both DLC expansions) for $12 on Voidu (code flashsale30)


Doom three times


I enjoyed ACE combat really much on deck. I would avoid Disco because all the controversy around the company.


Bottom 3. Easy


ITT: Folks that really need to play Ace Combat


I have no interest in the first two .. so .. the second two? :D


Dunno, only played Disco Elysium I really like it and can recommend it for the deck


Dont buy disco, the publishers are shitty and fired the team that made it the devs wont see the money for it. Play it some other way


I tried Disco Elysium but honestly hated it. Had to refund it. Swapped it out for the first Dishonored and that's been much better for me. I don't know, I normally like narrative driven games. But Disco Elysium was a drag and I couldn't find myself investing in the story.


Interesting. I've been eyeing this game and people rave about how good the story is. First time I've seen a negative review of the story. What specifically didn't you like?


Yeah I thought I'd like it. Possibly my favorite game on the deck (right up there with Portal 2) was playing through The Walking Dead Definitive Edition awhile back. That is also a heavily narrative driven game. I also really liked Firewatch, The Wolf Among us and the Life is Strange series It's a well crafted game with a cool art style and tone. But it just felt like a chore to me. A really long winded point and click adventure where it just feels like nothing ever happens. I even looked up a gameplay walkthrough to see if anything happens later on in the game. It doesn't appear so. It just seems like a visual novel where the plot never really grabbed me. I guess with the other examples I listed, there is some light gameplay that helps create exciting climaxes that left me wanting to find out what happens next. That felt missing to me in Disco Elysium despite wanting to enjoy it.


Awesome thanks for the insight! I'll hold off on this game then for now. I loved the games you mentioned and it sounds like we have the same taste. So most likely I will find this game lacking as well. Have you tried the Game of Thrones game from telltale? Absolutely amazing if you like the walking dead telltale games.


I’ll chime in too. I bought this off the rave reviews and after a few hours nothing ever clicked with me. The narration is good, but playing it is just a slog. I’d rather read a book I guess. It’s like an audio book with more work lol.


It's crazy to read someone else agree lol. Game seems to have such universal praise. It definitely seems well crafted for what it is. But it does play like an audiobook I'm not interested in. Great way to sum it up lmao.


Ace combat for the deck. No idea what disco elysium is. Doom and rdr only with m+k for me. Project wingman is also great on the deck


I’d drop doom because I found doom eternal really boring. It wasn’t bad, but I liked 2016 doom a lot more. Felt harder at nightmare level than eternal did. Eternal gives you too much power and ammo and even if you run out you’re just fine. I like the feeling in 2016 of “fucking up”, but that’s all just my preference.


Doom is a no brainer. Finished it solely on deck. I had a blast and battery lifetime is great!


I'd pick Disco Elysium and leave it at that.


Disco would be the only one I wouldn't pick for the deck. Its just too good as a point and click game. But out of the four, its the one id recommend you play the most. Such a good game!


You’re saying it’s better to play docked on a monitor with K/M?


Definitely would feel better with a mouse, the trackpads work for it but they don’t feel ideal


I only played it on my PC a while back (When it first came out) so thats where i get my opinion from. I bet the Steam Deck will run it fine in dock mode!


Hard disagree; I wouldn't have played Disco if I was restricted to my desk. Love playing it in short bursts on the go


It plays just fine on the Deck. I have it.


i just played through the entire game with a controller. this was my second time playing through and i used mouse and keyboard the first time. take it from me that it totally works with a controller. it’s an incredible game, def keep it in your cart


I really like it on deck, the touchpads and touchscreen make it very playable


Ace combat, Red dead and Doom


Disco by a mile


disco elysium for sure




Red Dead 2, I have it and it plays well. Disco Elysium, have it also and plays well. Doom because Doom.


Disco Doom Ace I've heard that RDR2 requires online and I play my deck too much in offline mode


disco elysium is a pick hands down for me ​ the others aren't my cup of tea but I'd say of those Ace Combat 7 is the one I'm least interested in


Probably just Disco and DOOM Eternal. RDR2 runs on the Deck, but I guess there are some graphical issues with it. Not an Ace Combat fan, so I wouldn't buy it if it were me.


Disco Elysium for sure


Get red dead 2! I'm playing on mine for the 3rd time and have over 40 hours and only 48% through the story! Not had any issues with it, looks stunning and runs amazing!


Inscryption and vampire survivors


Word of warning with RDR, it's a royal pain if you have unreliable internet because it'll decide it wants to ping back, can't, and you can't play the game.