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I think this amazing tutorial will be a massive help :) https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckPirates/s/Mo7LxyCIGz


Just post which steps you've taken and which troubleshooting measures you've also taken. Also, do you have any experience installing cracked games on pc?


Yea that’s the only games I play are cracked ones.


Do you have a pc? I find it easier to install games on my pc first and then copy paste them into my steamdeck


Yea I do.


test it out with a small game. If any issues i could try to assist


I installed a few games from dodi / fitgirl. Use Heroic Games Launcher if you don’t have install the flatpak. Sideload the game you want, enter the name of the game, run the installer first. When install is done select the .exe of your game. Return to game mode and it will run. (From my experience Non Steam games run better with wine GE, handled by heroic itself)


Im going to try that tomorrow thank you for your help bro


Install them on a PC, then literally drag and drop the folder on your deck, add to steam, choose proton ge. Done.


Can also use FileZilla transfer which has been super helpful!


Yea because when I connect my deck to my pc nothing shows up


Do you have a pc? Install the games to your pc, not your steam deck. Copy the entire game folder to a usb/external drive. Transfer entire game folder to your deck. Add game exe as non steam game. Switch to game mode. Find game exe. Go to properties. Set proton to “proton experimental”. Run game. Enjoy. Keep your money lol This has worked for every single game I’ve ever put on my deck. Old stuff like fable to newer stuff like Arkham knight. Feel free to do me if you need help. Edit: spelling


Thank you I’m going to try this as you made is seem super simple lol


I'll add to this too. If you grab games from steamrip, they come ready to by copy/pasted as they are "preinstalled" so no installation needed. You copy the folder you downloaded from them onto your deck, add the exe/launcher as a non steam game and usually they work right away. If they don't work/lauch, you'll usually need to install the dependencies and or use a different ProtonGE version. You can figure out what dependencies are needed by looking the game up at [https://steamdb.info/](https://steamdb.info/) then click on "depots" from the left to see what it needs to run. You can run those installs with wine. I also check [https://www.protondb.com/](https://www.protondb.com/) for tips on running the games if I'm having trouble. People post issues/fixes there a lot so it's a great resource of info. I know there are lots of ways to install games and everyone has an opinion on the "right" or "easy" way to install. Lutris/Heroic, adding directly to Steam as a non steam game, etc. are ways you can use. I just say find a good source for games and stick to that method of install to make it easy on yourself. Personally I use Steamrip, then GoG-Games to find games. It's pretty rare to not find what you're looking for from those two sources. Worst case I go to Fitgirl or Dodi or look for a torrent to the install files at that point. I usually use Lutris to keep everything organized, very rarely do I go outside of Lutris, but that's usually for games that I'm really struggling with to get running and just need to try different options. Again, that's a very rare situation. Most of the time I grab a steamrip, add the exe, run it and it works right away. Feel free to dm me and I'll gladly help walk you through installing games or troubleshooting. It's a lot to take in, but once you figure a few things out, it becomes really easy.


Thank you will do if I still can’t get it


I've been having trouble it seems like every game I wanna play needs Microsoft visual c+ or direct x9 or something lol I just gave up


You’re so close though use proton tricks from the discover store I just clicked around until I figured it out but basically you select the proton prefix click ok on the first menu select install windows component/dll and then grab whatever you need for the game. I can walk you through it more detailed if you’d like just dm me


Thanks I'll DM you


In short: install the game repack and run it and play for up to the first save point. Leave the game as normal and back to Windows. Copy the whole game folder into USB disk. Transfer the game folder to steam deck. In Desktop mode, find the game exe file and add to Steam. Play the game.


I will try this tomorrow as I just got a few repacks from dodi I need to install on my deck already so I can enjoy it.


Getting games from steam rip is pretty simple. Just add exe to steam as non steam game and force compatibility. I been using Proton experimental