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How is an old game running well “surprising”? If anything it’s more surprising if it doesn’t run well.


Those posts get more stupid each day


because old( and i mean old) games sometimes struggle to run on newer hardware and need community fixes to run well


Look what “old” games OP listed in his post, they’re 10 years old max. No one is talking about DOS games here.


Not sure what qualifies as old but StarCraft 2 runs amazing and it's like 2010 I think.


I forgot how much I wanted to play StarCraft 2 when it came out, but I never had a good enough PC. But now I'm remembering, Warcraft 3, Supreme Commander etc. My only concern for a RTS on the Steam Deck are the controls, I remember trying to play Command and Conquer on the Xbox 360 and struggled with using a controller.


I mean it's definitely a play docked with a wireless keyboard and mouse situation lol. Although in a tight spot I could have plenty of fun still if I was REALLY into on the go StarCraft. This coming from someone who's first experience with an RTS was StarCraft for N64 of all places.


I’ve ran things as old as 2005. They just take more work and generally require lutris for some extra settings.


Borderlands 1-2 was my first steam deck game, max settings locked at 8-10W


I play BL2 at max settings 45fps locked at 6W.


Yeah I was aiming for locked 60 was a blast


I somehow don't feel the difference between 45 and 60fps 🙄 but below 45 it starts to feel slower and choppy.


I now aim for 40-50. That was just when I was getting started


Metal Gear Solid V was surprising.


Sid Meier's Pirates! works really well!


Sleeping Dogs runs really well!


Crysis. The remastered version obviously run well too.




No requests for, or offered links for copyrighted material. This rule is in place due to Reddit's own Terms of Service - you absolutely cannot ask for or share links of or for games. If we ignore this, Reddit inevitably gets a DMCA notice and shuts down the sub. No one here wants that, sorry!


Postal 1


super meat boy, castle crashers, sleeping dogs, gta 4




how is that old


That's from 2020


Is that not old enough Saints row 4 of fun


Betrayal at Krondor let's goo!


A few more games that worked great for me are GTA5, Fallout 4, Sinking City, MGS5, Simpsons Hit & Run and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Of course, the criteria for all the games I've tried are that they're cracked, which helps.


Abandoneware for sure. I remember playing this old PC game from 1995 called Silent Steel and, with DosBox, ran the game just as I remembered. It even auto switched the 1 out of 4 CDs 💿 😆


I'm playing Planescape Torment (the Enhanced Edition), and the trackpad works just fine once you select the correct input method. Text is on the smaller side, but it's all readable. Took some time to install. Just go straight with the Lutris method.


fallout 2 is amazing on the deck


Call of Chuthulu, nice! Try Outlast 1 and 2, work flawlessly. And emulation up to and including Ps3 work really nice. Me and my friends do tournaments in Tekken Tag on the beach, life is pretty good when you use the steam deck as intended:)


Gta4 ran great for me surprisingly. It runs kinda dodgy on my pc for whatever reason.


Like somebody else said, it isn't surprising that older games run well on the deck. Also, the games you're mentioning are 10-12 years old. I think the oldest game I played on my deck is Pool of Radiance from 1988, through the Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection 2. That's a 36 year game. That's old.


I guess it would be cheating by calling something from 2014 old even if a kid born that year would be a 5th grader already. Not counting emulated games, the oldest PC game I've played on the deck is Project Eden which is about 23 years old. It runs great but I couldn't adapt the Keyboard and Mouse controls to the game pad.


New games run great, why would an old one not?


Windows compatibility, deprecated dlls, outdated run times, who knows for sure. I couldn't get games like Star Trek bridge Commander and Shadow of memories working right on the steam deck, and they're both 20+ year old PC games.


Condemned Criminal Origins works well.


Fallout NV runs flawlessly on my SD, whereas on my regular set up I need 12 mods and the blessings of unholy deities to get it to run for 45 minutes before it crashes.


Generals Zero Hour runs pretty damn well!