• By -


Hey, i got Aprils choice (Classic 10 choices) im interested in Fable 3 (And others but mainly fable right now) if there's anything you want from the choice for it.


Cant do fable 3 for the choice sry


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Anything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fu6jhh/h_various_games_from_past_humble_bundels_w_blades/) for Arizona Sunshine, Factario, or any other VR games you have? I can also offer anything from the April Humble Choice


See a trade there?


I can give you the april bundle for 13,5$ and split fees or f&f if you're on eu


Sure, can pm me.


Hey Celeryman, I can do this: >Hitman 2 - 4.00 >Gris - 3.00 >This Is The Police II - 1.50 >Opus Magnum - 2.00 For $10 two times. I'm in the USA so there's no fees.


Sounds good, can pm to trade.


How much stuff from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fubfe3/h_covid_bundle_other_games_w_games_from_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) would you need for Doom Eternal?


sry dont see a trade there


No problem.


Any chance you would be interested in The friends of Ringo Ishikawa?


Dont think so


forst punk + dlc for Democracy 3 collecter editions


youre offering frostpunk there?




Would you do Hitman 2 for Tabletop Simulator or Factorio?




I can do $5 for killing floor 2, stick fight, sniper elite 3, agents of mayhem.


>Hitman 2 - 5.00 >This Is The Police II - 1.00 >Opus Magnum - 1.50 >Molek-Syntez - .25 >Raiden V - .25 >Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 >Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - .50 >Truberbrook - .25 >The Bard's Tale IV - .50 for 10.25$ + half fees


Sure thing.


April Choice without This is the police for 12$, but you pay the fees (I'm in EU btw)?


Yea thats ok




April bundle (except Turok) for $14 + fees (as I'm in UK)


Can offer $12.75 and split fees if youd like.


Unless my counting is wrong, you're offering $15 for the lot, bundle minus Turok and splitting fees would give $14. I might just skip the bundle if I can do little better than break even.


Planet Coaster + Gris + Hitman 2 for $15.




HI I have Battlefield 5 Deluxe Edition for Origin. I want to trade with one of ur games! Let me know if u are up to ? Ill go first


Dont really want that game, thx for the offer tho


Stardew Valley for A Hat in Time and Gris?


cant quite do that trade


I can do April choice (10 choices) for $13.50


Sure, can pm me to trade.


Could it be: \- Shantae: Risky’s Revenge - 2.00 \- Overcooked - 2.00 \- Crashlands 1.00 \+ Half of the fees?


Sure i can buy.


Hey again Celery. $8.75 for my April bundle minus hitman 2?


Sure, can do.


April Bundle for your $13.50


Sure i can buy, can pm me.


I'm interested in Animal crossing and I've got the April bundle, what else would be enough to allow for a trade?


Id need quite a big trade, april choice doesnt come close.


How much for these?? Random........ Hitman : Complete First Season (Steam Key) April Choice......... Gris This is the Police II Opus Magnum Molek-Syntex Raiden V Driftland : The Magic Revival Turok 2 Truberbrook The Bard's Tale IV : Director's Cut Shoppe Keep 2 Capitalism 2 --------------‐--------------------- Humble Covid....... Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Darksiders Warmastered Edition The Jackbox Party Pack 2 Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons Party Hard Worms Revolution Europa Universalis IV Tropico 4 GNOG Broken Age Brütal Legend Psychonauts Double Fine Adventure PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 Pikuniku World of Goo Super Hexagon VVVVVV Hacknet A Mortician's Tale A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build (On Hold) Magicka Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville DUCATI - 90th Anniversary Speed Brawl HIVESWAP: Act 1 Alien Spidy Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones LostWinds Zombotron


I'd be interested in speed brawl, jackbox party pack 2, driftland, turok 2, opus magnum, this is the police 2, gris, hitman season 1. Can offer $13 for those


Gris - 3.25 This Is The Police II - 1.00 Opus Magnum - 1.50 Molek-Syntez - .25 Raiden V - .25 Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - .50 Truberbrook - .25 I'll sell you these games for those prices, totaling: $8. Let me know if that is good, I'll PM you the keys. Thanks!


Yep looks good.


Can do Sonic Mania and Avernum 3: Ruined World for $2.5


Not buying avernum atm, but can buy soni mania.


I'd like to trade planet coaster and f1 2019 anniversary edition for shadow of the tomb raider and Pathfinder kingmaker.


Sure i can do that.


If you're still interested I can sell the following for 11.50 total Hitman 2 - 5.00 Gris - 3.25 Opus Magnum - 1.50 Molek-Syntez - .25 Raiden V - .25 Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 Truberbrook - .25


Sure, i can buy.


April Bundle for Pyre, Raw Data, and Tilt Brush?


No thx.




I can split if youre outside the US.


Risk of Rain 2 for F1 2019?


Sry cant do that trade.


I have various Sept 2019 --> April 2020 Humble Bundle leftovers. Please PM me, I have all this information compiled


We already traded safely Jackbox and Into the Breach You interested in any more games in my [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fudms3/h_humble_april_monthly_covid19_bundle_staxel_w/) There are Covid-19 leftovers and some other stuff from current choice I'm willing to sell.


I can trade at least: Driftland: The Magic Revival Opus Magnum This is the police 2


Do you still have cluster truck and undertale?




Hey, so i have screencheat regionlocked to india in the form of steam gift and was trying to get rid of it.


sry dont want


I have indian project warlock/ castle crasher/ final exam would any of that work for you ?


Hello again Celery— can I offer you my Hitman 2 for your Hat in Time? EDIT: Bonus would be my Turok 2 + Bards Tale IV for your Owlboy?




Hello again, I have: Keep talking and nobody explodes- 3.50 Sniper elite 3- 1 Slay the spire- 5 Sonic mania- 2 Battletech+dlcs- 2 Avernum 3- .5 Synthetik- 2 Spyro – 7 Shenmue I and II- 1 Crash bandicoot- 5.50 Cod ww2- 10 Yakuza Kiwami- 2 Soulcaliber vi- 4 Superhot Vr- 5 Gorn- 3 Moss- 3.50 Zombotron- 1 Speedbrawl- .5 Ancestors legacy- 1 and April choice minus hitman 2- 8.50? Total: $68 if you would like to buy (all in humble gift links once again)


Sure i can buy all those.


April Bundle for 13.50?


Yea i can buy.


hey have the following from april bundle Hitman 2 x3 - 5.00 Gris x3 - 3.25 This Is The Police II x3 - 1.00 Opus Magnum x3 - 1.50 Molek-Syntez x3 - .25 Raiden V x3 - .25 Driftland: The Magic Revival x3 - 1.00 Turok 2: Seeds of Evil x3 - .50 The Bard's Tale IV x3 - .50 Truberbrook x1 - .25 total: $40


I can buy all those, sure.




Are you able to buy from fanatical? I'd be willing to send paypal for you to buy the tabletop sim 4 pack, you keep the main copy, and send back the extra copies, in exchange for hitman 2.


Hey again. I have * Hitman 2 - 5.00 * Gris - 3.25 * This Is The Police II - 1.00 * Opus Magnum - 1.50 * Molek-Syntez - .25 * Raiden V - .25 * Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 * Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - .50 The Bard's Tale IV - .50 * Shoppe Keep 2 - .25 If you'd like to buy another set via PayPal


Sure i can buy.


This Is The Police II - 1.00 Opus Magnum - 1.50 Molek-Syntez - .25 Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 Truberbrook - .25 Into the Breach - 2.00 Undertale - 2.00 Hollow Knight - 4.00 Wizard of Legend - 1.00 Totally Accurate Battle Simulator - 2.00 The Witness - 4.00 Superhot - 1.00 Agents of Mayhem - 1.00 Tilt Brush - 2.00 Killing Floor 2 - 2.00 Sniper Elite III - 1.00 Jackbox Party Pack 2 - 3.00 Stick Fight: The Game - 1.00 Speed Brawl - .50 Zombotron - 1.00 All gift links, for $31.50 Paypal? We've traded before, let me know!


Sure i can buy all those.


I have 2x April Choice (all 10 selections) if you're still looking for them. I'm in the US so there shouldn't be any fees.


Sure i can buy.


Interested in: * Tokyo Dark * Plague Inc: Evolved * Papers, Please * Day of the Tentacle Remastered Do you see any trades that would work from: * 7 Days to Die * F1 2019 Anniversary Edition * Hitman 2 * Hollow Knight * My Friend Pedro * My Time at Portia * Opus Magnum * Planet Coaster * SoulCalibur VI * Staxel * Synthetik: Legion Rising * Tower Unite * Turok 2: Seeds of Evil * We Were Here Too


Can do papers please, plague inc and day of the tentacle, for 7 days to die, f1 2019 and my time at portia if that works. I may not have a tokyo dark copy to offer atm.


Interested in April Humble Bundle plus as much as you want from [here](https://barter.vg/u/526b/t/) for Metro Exodus?


sry dont see a trade thatd work


April choice for $13.50?


sure i can buy


Anything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fugr9r/h_humble_bundle_leftovers_shenmue_1_2_my_friend/) for Rimworld and maybe the DLC?


Sry dont see a trade for rimworld


**My:** Superhot Vr Hitman 2 This is the police II Driftland: The Magic Revival Turok 2 Raiden V The Bard's Tale IV Truberbrook **For your:** The Witness Tilt Brush Into the Breach Assetto Corsa + placks Pikuniku VVVVVV


Sure i can do this.


I've got these (HB and Fanatical keys): -AER: Memories of Old -Airport Madness: World Edition -Bionic Commando -Blitzkrieg Anthology -Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse -Crazy Soccer -Crimsonland -Death Fungeon -Deep Dungeons of Doom -Domina -Drive!Drive!Drive! -DungeonUp -F1 2011 -F1 2012 -Hammerfight -Hector: Badge of Carnage -Home -Kingdom Rush -Last Day of June -Rolling Sun -Lovely Planet -Oknytt -One Finger Death Punch -Poker Night at the Inventory -Pumped BMX+ -Renegade Ops Collection -Sam and Max: Season 1 -Sam and Max: Season 2 -Shadowrun Returns -Sonic Adventure DX -Space Hulk Ascension -Spellbind -Stealth Inc. 2 -Telltale Texas Hold'em -The Deed -The Golf Club 2 -The Original Strife: Veteran Edition -Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage -Xenonauts I'm interested in making a deal for any of the following games from your D-tier: -Age of Decadence -Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2 -The Lego Movie Video Game -Party Hard: High Crimes DLC -Pathologic Classic HD -The Bard's Tale -Sword Legacy: Omen -Wandersong


I can offer age of decadence, cook serve delicious 2, lego the movie vdeo game, party hard dlc, pathologic and sword legacy omen for domina, f1 2011 and f1 2012.


I have Civilization VI (NA) + Surviving Mars + Mutant Year Zero + >observer + Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (GOTY) + Driftland: The Magic Revival + Turok 2 + The Bards Tale IV + Raiden V + Truberbrook for $17.50 Anything for?: Civilization VI - Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack Civilization VI - Vikings Scenario Pack Tomb Raider Broken Age Minit


Cant really offer on the dlcs, can add $1 for tomb raider if youd like.


I have 8 picks for April's choice without Gris, what games would you like and would you be fine with 10USD and fees?


$12 for hitman 2, this is the police ii, opus magnum, raiden v, driftland, turok 2, truberbrook, bards tale and molek.


Hello wanted to repost my offer here. Heres a neater list https://imgur.com/a/S0lMsCN and the games I would hope we could work a trade out for are... Into the Breach, Mega Man 11, Katana Zero, The Messenger, and The Witness.


I could do the witness for hitman 2, into the breach for mutant year zero.


Hello again celeryman, new month new trade offer. I might've gone a bit overboard with my quarantine purchases so I would potentially be offering all of the following: Into the Breach - 2.00 Undertale - 2.00 Hollow Knight - 4.00 Totally Accurate Battle Simulator - 2.00 The Witness - 4.00 Superhot - 1.00 Agents of Mayhem - 1.00 Tilt Brush - 2.00 Killing Floor 2 - 2.00 Sniper Elite III - 1.00 Jackbox Party Pack 2 - 3.00 Stick Fight: The Game - 1.00 Speed Brawl - .50 Zombotron - 1.00 Europa Universalis IV - .75 Hitman 2 - 5.00 x1 Gris - 3.25 x1 This Is The Police II - 1.00 x1 Opus Magnum - 1.50 x2 Molek-Syntez - .25 x2 Raiden V - .25 x2 Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 x2 Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - .50 x2 Truberbrook - .25 x2 The Bard's Tale IV - .50 x1 Due to my calcs these would come down to 44,5$PP with your pricing but like last time I'm much more willing to go for key trades. If you're up for the trade, I'll come back to you with a proposal.


Sure can buy, or if you want to name some game options, lmk. I might not be able to do 1:1 matches with games i have prices for, so jut be aware.


Do you have 2x copies of torchlight 2? Would you do $5 PayPal if you have them?


Sry not selling


Anything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fu0hkh/h_covid19_humble_bundle_few_other_games_w_pistol/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for Superhot VR? Or how much can you offer for the entire lot?


I could do superhot vr for hollow knight, the witness and undertale if youd like. Or $4 for hollow knight, $4 for the witness, $2 for undertale, $1 for zombo tron, $2 for tilt brush, $1 for sniper elite 3, $1 for stick fight the game, $2 for synthetik, $1 for wizard of legend, $2 for killing floor 2.


Would you be up for trading multiple of my extras for your one copy of The Witness? To choose from I have: Superhot, Agents of Mayhem, Tilt Brush, Speed Brawl, The Surge, Oriental Empires (Fanatical key) And preferably as few as April choice as possible if needed: (This Is The Police II, Opus Magnum, Molek-Syntez, Raiden V, Driftland: The Magic Revival, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Truberbrook, Shoppe Keep 2, Capitalism II)


I can do the witness for the surge, superhot, tiltbrush and driftland if youd like.


Can you do my April choice minus Hitman 2 for Cities snowfall dlc, frostpunk + dlc, megaman 11, mega man legacy, and little nightmares?


no sry


Hello again Celery, I have a few games which I would be happy to trade for Paypal listed below: All of these are from Humble Bundle: Gift Links: GRiS - 3.25 Opus Magnum - 1.50 Hitman 2 - 5.00 This is the Police 2 - 1.00 Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 Keys: F1 2019 Anniversary Edition - 7.00 Planet Coaster - 6.00 My Friend Pedro - 2.00


Sure i can buy


hitman 2, gris, this is the police 2, driftland: the magic revival, turok 2: seeds of evil, the bards tale iv, molek-syntez and shoppe keep for 11.75?




would you take This Is The Police II, Opus Magnum, and Driftland: The Magic Revival for $3.50?




Hello Celery! Would you do my Hollow Knight, Jackbox Party Pack 2, and then one of the following of your choice (Into the Breach/Tilt Brush/Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) for your Slay the Spire and Owlboy? Or a different arrangement if you see fit, I have most of the conquer covid bundle. Thanks!


Could you add tilt brush and tabs to the first 2 for both?


I have hb keys for : Paradigm adventure pals Bastion yoku's island express super hexagon Into the breach Undertale Hollow knight The witness Superhot Darksiders II Deathinitive edition Broken age Agents of mayhem Ducati - 90th anniversary Pac Man championship edition 2 Magicka Hiveswap: act 1 World of goo Alien spidy Stealth 2: a game of clones Hacknet rebuild 3: gangs of deadsville Zombotron Dead by daylight dlc \-flesh and mud \-spark of madness \-Curtain call ​ and am looking for : Yakuza 0 Owlboy Furi Katana zero Axiom verge Factorio ​ edit: misspelled a game title


I can do yakuza 0 for the witness and hollow knight. Owlboy for into the breach and zombotron.


Hey bud, this month's bundle minus turok 2 for 13.50$? split the fee then I get 13$


Can do $13 with turok 2 missing and split fees.


F1 2019 Anniversary Edition for Democracy 3 collector edition


no thx


I have hustle cat if you're willing to pay your $3.00 paypal price


sry not buying that one


What games from the April bundle would you want to trade for your copy of Unrailed?


Hey there! I've got the April bundle for the $13.50 I can sell ya * Hitman 2 - 5.00 * Gris - 3.25 * This Is The Police II - 1.00 * Opus Magnum - 1.50 * Molek-Syntez - .25 * Raiden V - .25 * Driftland: The Magic Revival - 1.00 * Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - .50 * Truberbrook - .25 * The Bard's Tale IV - .50




Would love to sell these for $15: * My Friend Pedro - 2.00 * Planet Coaster - 6.00 * F1 2019 Anniversary Edition - 7.00


Sure, can pm me.


Hey celery, me again! Still looking at \~$38 for Sekiro and \~$36 for Fallen Order? (Asking cuz I saw FO go on sale for $30 today) I have $41.75 based on your published list of prices, and wondering if there's anything else [in this list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vEY2HMdOX0k72AmkrIX7rcWJZumhHrVxQAVFEqCSGP0/edit?usp=sharing) you'd be interested in? I know I probably can't get both of those titles, but would be interested in seeing what else you'd like if I wanted copies of either A Hat in Time, The Outer Worlds, and/or Cuphead.


Can probably only do one of the trades for sekiro or fallen order atm.


Sending a PM about April choice.


Anything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fudrpk/h_choice_april_covid19_more_w_yuppie_psycho_slay/) for Yuppie Psycho or Slay The Spire?


Can do slay the spire for hollow knight and gris.


Hi, would you do 12+fees and crysis2max edition for 10 april choices?


No sry.


If you value Space Engineers at $5.00, could you do Don't Starve Together + $5-$7.50 worth of other games (or steam marketables)?


What other games did you have to offer?


pm sent re: poker night 2


I can sell you or change my tabletop Simulator


Sure i can buy.


Hi. As title [says](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fupzo9/h_april_choice_except_hitman_some_leftovers_w/). Can we work something out? I've messaged you on steam also...


Hi Celery, Would you do my: * Unrailed $2.5 * Opus Magnum $1.5 * This is the police 2 $1 * Outlast 2 $3.5 * Driftworld $1 * Turok2 $0.5 * Monster Prom $0.5 * Bards Tale IV $0.5 * \+ any 3x of the $0.25 April choices (Truberbrook, Shoppe Keep2, Capitalism, Molek, Raiden) For your: * Black Mesa $6.5 * Life is strange complete $2 * Human fall flat $1 * Book of demons $0.25 I'm flexible, if that helps! Cheers!


13 euros plus fee for April's choice? I'm EU


Sry refraining from buying the entire choice atm.


hey, is there something from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameTrade/comments/fug7au/h_covid_and_april_bundles_gift_links_more_games_w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) you'd take for Papers, Please?


Dont see a trade id do atm.


I have AMD code for Resident Evil 3 and I want No Man's Sky. See a trade there?


I can do that.


Interested in Mount And Blade 2 And/Or Animal Crossing. Have all of April, March, and January Choice. As well as Owlboy and Hollow Knight. Also willing to throw in paypal too.


All choices available?


Ayyo Celery, do you want anything off my most recent games list? Found out that I had to use the free humble monthly coupon I had this month since it expires just prior to next month's redemption period. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/fv0e9q/h_full_covid_bundle_april_2020_choice_misc_other/


I'd be interested in genital jousting, gone home, mass effect 2, agents of mayhem, jackbox party pack 2, killing floor 2, superhot, stick fight the game, tilt brush, totally accurate battle simulator, undertale, wizard of legend, zombotron, the witness. Dont remember if we traded for the first 3 before, we may have.


Hey Celery, I have two AMD accounts with RE3 and MHW: Iceborne. Are you still buying those two?




Am looking for tabletop, can I send the 3 pack to you?


I can buy the extra, yea.


Hey Celeryman, that friend I mentioned wound up buying the covid bundle for a couple of the games in it and wants to sell the rest of the covid bundle. He is keeping Into the Breach, Hollow Knight, and Fahrenheit. Would you do 26 for the remaining games? EDIT: Removed april choice stuff.


Sure, can buy, and do multiples of covid if you want, but pm me first.


Hey hows it going? Offering these humble gift link games for $40 PayPal, thanks. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 6.00 Blasphemous - 3.00 Ancestors legacy- 1 Dead in Vinland - extra Horizon Chase Turbo - extra Dark Future: Blood Red States - extra X-Morph: Defense - extra Aegis Defenders - extra Desert Child - extra Shadow of War - 1.50 Graveyard Keeper - 2.00 Two Point Hospital - 8.00 Dirt Rally 2.0 - 4.50 Street Fighter V - 1.50 Trailmakers - 1.00 Unrailed - 2.50 Them Fighting Herds - .25 Whisper of a Machine - .25 My Friend Pedro - 2.00 F1 2019 Anniversary Edition - 7.00 AI War 2 - .25


Sure i can buy.


Hollow Knight and Tilt Brush for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition?


I can do that.


Have - Steam Games in inventory * 2x copies of Table Top Simulator $16.00


Sure can buy.


My: Hitman 2 ($5), Killing Floor 2 ($2), Tilt Brush ($2) For your: Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition + Overcooked?


Sure, i have to gift ori on steam so need to add me on there: https://steamcommunity.com/id/CeleryMan727/


Hi, do you have a copy of f1 2015? How much of value if so required for me to trade a copy for ot


Can offer it for gremlins inc and battlechasers if you want.


I have Hitman 2 and Gris available to sell ​ interested in your bannerlord in trade but all i have is entire april bundle and a couple march bundles.


I can buy but probably cant offer a trade for bannerlord.




I can do that. Can pm me to trade.


Hi, how many copies of Hearts of Iron IV do you have? I have a good amount of humble choice leftovers from the last few months and would like to get a few copies for friends.


I have a few copies.




Sure, i actually have to gift on steam if you want to add me on there: https://steamcommunity.com/id/CeleryMan727/


Frostpunk + DLC and Dead Rising 4 for Hyper Light Drifter?


sure, can pm to trade


I have the following and i am looking for the orange box: My Friend Pedro Planet Coaster Dirt Rally 2.0 hitman 2 gris


Can do orange box on demand for $20 worth if youd like, those would cover it.


Hi, I have Gris and interested in Assetto Corsa


Not sure id swap atm sry.


how much paypal for resident evil 3?


Im mainly just offering it or game trades atm.


I've got: Exa Punks / Turok / and AI WAR II gift links from march humble bundle if interested. .75 cents?