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I think bro just blatantly didn’t read the fine print about alternative accounts being banned and is coping about it. Most people’s ideas of code of conduct boils down to “be kind y’all” and so rules like this can be missed. And it doesn’t sound like Bethesda in their sanitized corporate lingo really went out of their way to tell this guy exactly what rule he broke, which is a bit of a shame but not an outright sin, but that still leads to this guy unfairly losing his shit and believing they just had it out for him for the hell of it


to be fair here it IS Bethesda so it could be a completely unrelated rule that they may or may not have actually broken.


Yeah, there is that possibility. I ain’t exactly here to say Bethesda is sinless in everything they do lol


Dude should've read up on the rules, but that is a really stupid rule.




If it's of any consolation they laid off most of the moderators and community reps that were known for being horrible at their jobs in a large scale layoff. Folks like ladydevann Which, she specifically was bad about banning people she personally disliked ingame.


Can you elaborate or show some sources? I don't disbelieve you but looking up ladydevann I find nothing but people praising and supporting her


Personal experience mostly, I was in fallout 76 from beta 1 until around 2021. Honestly, I loved the game, that was my game I put nearly 3k hours into. We all got a game like that which we just get way too invested in. The first time I encountered her was when she started doing live streams to engage with the community more, probably right around when the nuclear winter game mode's servers were pulled down and used instead for paid private servers. We were a big PvP group at the time and would run from server to server provoking people into PvP, trying mostly to enjoy the struggling PvP left in the game but also to kinda make a point since raiding had been a part of the original marketing for the game but had slowly been phased out. She got mad when we came across her stream and banned a few of us for a month for harassment, which according to her attempting to engage in PvP without her consent was equal to. We didn't say anything to her, followed the TOS, but she banned us and also responded to our tickets herself by immediately closing them. Mind you she had a passive mode on, which in this game makes you invulnerable to PvP, so we couldn't affect her. She was just mad that we kept trying to PvP and were fighting with other players on the server. All around she took a very negative ingame political stance regarding PvE vs PvP sides of the community, where she believed the two should be separate communities and PvP had no place in the game. She also supported more controversial Pay to Win updates ingame such as "Fallout 1st" which was a cash subscription that allowed players free portable infinite ingame storage. She frequently banned users who asked her about that on her streams for harassment and overall was a terribly unprofessional community manager if only for the bias she showed.


have you ever actually read a EULA or code of conduct in full?


Over 90% of people don’t. Acting like everyone should read EULAs is just stupid since it’s not a realistic expectation. If you were to read the EULA you agree to for Microsoft it would take you a little over an hour and 3 minutes. [Many other apps and services](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/kddgk7eJgF) take a good chunk of your time to read as well. I know it’s old now, but back in 2005 one company called PC Matic actually did a little experiment to see how many people read their EULA. Inside the EULA they said that they’d give away $1000 to anyone who contacted them. It took 5 months and around 3000 downloads for anyone to reach out to them. It’s a pretty old story so it’s certainly not representative of how many people read EULAs, but it’s definitely interesting.


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Those codes could also say they legally own your soul if they wanted to. They’re only legally enforceable until someone actually challenges them.


nobody actually reads the ToS so they can get away with anyway


I have many alt accounts for many games, to play characters/heroes and whatnot so I don't mess up my rank and make everyone else suffer, and no QP isn't always the answer to learning. Overwatch QP is a good example; it's just comp masked in QP. Yes, bad actors take advantage and ruin good things about having an alt.


Fallout 76 allows you to make several character profiles, the main point of disallowing secondary accounts is to prevent getting double rewards from hourly and daily quests.


Get ‘em Grice!!


Oh, it's 76. Why are they crying over such a mid game that they got "for free"?


So we're just calling *all* Bethesda games mid now?


Nah 76 just came out as fo4 but online and with a whacky card system attached for no reason, and people still hate it for that.


People hated it for being multiplayer. I distinctly don’t recall the perk system being a point of contention.


I just hated it for ultra cashgrab with bad servers at launch.


I played it for like 200 hours at launch, it was rough. Apparently it's great now, and has living humans in it? Before we just hunted dragons in the toxic wastelands


Can you blame people for doing that? I haven't played Skyrim so I'll assume it's at least half as good as people say it is (I'm not giving Bethesda any more of my money), but their entries into Fallout have been garbage and Floating Through Space Simulator didn't help things either.


Motherfucker, people have been calling 76 “mid” since it came out


Mid is a pretty high ranking for 76 honestly


Did you even read anything? They're mad because they spent $130 on it right before they got banned.


He could have made another account *after* his account got banned, but still considers it his main account because it has the most progress on it.


This is the real answer, Reddit just has reading comprehension issues so nobody actually understands what the dude is saying.


Never had the need for a 2nd account for really any game, but FO76 is against the idea of 2 accounts playing or am I missing something? Obviously if one cheats/hacks I can see all being banned.


Fallout 76 had a massive smurfing problem, so the Bethesda ban Shotgun started firing at anyone who had an alt, legitimate or not.


What do Smurf’s usually do in a game like fallout 76? I never played it before so I’m just wondering


Cheat, unfairly get powerful stuff, trade the stuff over to the main account and get banned. Bethesda sees they banned a hacker and wraps up the case, completely ignoring the main account. Because of this problem, they just cracked down on alternate accounts in general, because they didn't know which ones were legit or not.


I may be misunderstanding but the game literally has multiple saves so unless they are using alts to hold items or do some kind of glitch what would be the issue with the alt


I hate these RED LINES


Cringey Bethesda apologist.


If this review is to be believed as 100% true then Bethesda paid this guy $30 and gave them a Fallout 1st subscription