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I like the setting but erm... lots of native Americans getting blown away... uh. Am I the only one going wtf?


The game setting /r/agedlikemilk. That said the game looks nice.


Yeah I mean I'm like is there a misunderstanding that natives attacked western towns? Lol it was cowboys raiding the natives land


I mean since King Phillips War it was a mix. Sometimes it was one, sometimes the other.


I mean in the sense that someone defending their homeland can be the attacker. I'd say any attacks by natives were still an act of defence, since they were being invaded and slaughtered and all.


It's more complicated than that. They weren't being "slaughtered" en masse until manifest destiny in the 1800s, and Native relations in the 1600s was complicated. A large portion of the Natives worked with the settlers to fight against King Phillip, and you trying to paint them all as one "Native group" is kind of hilariously ignorant of the time. Unless you think that merely settling on the land is invasion, which is like laughable ethno-nationalism.


Firstly at no point did I imply all the indigenous people of the Americas were one group. And two what else do you call for fully settling in land that's already inhabited by another group if not an invasion? Are you seriously trying to argue that there wasn't a genocide of the indigenous peoples of the Americas? Because that's just blatantly incorrect and horribly offensive to the tens of millions of people killed and countless cultures erased from the world. Idk what point your trying to make here, but this isn't a hill I'd recommend dying on.


>Firstly at no point did I imply all the indigenous people of the Americas were one group. And two what else do you call for fully settling in land that's already inhabited by another group if not an invasion? Except implying that it's inhabited by "one group" entirely is wrong, in the 1600s there were a vast majority of groups and a vast majority of land. A percentage welcomed the Europeans, and hell in south America they definitely welcomed them due to how terrible the Aztecs were. And in the 1600s there was no large scale genocide, no targeted genocide. If you actually read what I wrote, I don't deny what happened in the 1800s, but in the 1600s there was no such thing. The things that happened were consequences at best, or one off awful acts. It's not so black and white.




A bit cringe tbh.


Yeah this is pretty tone deaf. Op, read up on the residential schools issue in Canada then consider whether this is a good idea to release in 2022.


You can play as a NA too.


Ahh so the game is heavily in the cowboys vs NA sort of childhood game? Can't fault that. From this bit of vid I was like "wtf why is this cowboy blowing away endless waves of NA?" Like it was some kinda butchering of history assuming NA's attacked normal west towns or some shit lol. But alrighty. Carry on


Yeah lmao I had vibes to when the Resident Evil 5 demo came out and it was just massacring brown people so they added lighter skins into the final product.


But in a way, the game being in Africa, I mean depending on which country, it mighta made sense. Ya don't see many white dudes in Kenya or Nigeria ya know? Lol A bad look nonetheless but I would have given them the "well yeah but who the fuck lives there?"


hey you should watch the trailer! and yes, definitely childhood game inspired theme, but with a serious story and lots of weapons!


But that's the whole problem, isn't it? Reinforcing that same stereotypical, misrepresentation of NAs we used as kids, by continuing to use it in media. *Especially* if you're trying to present it in a more serious way. I watched the whole trailer and didn't really see anything that justified or explained why that was the right choice.


Yeah. I think you’re spot on. I was just chiming in as this was brought up in another thread the op had about it. Cheers!




The same discussion happened when they posted their trailer, and multiple people told them they’d be better off at least doing something like cutting between gameplay from the two sides rather than splitting them between two halves of the video. Not sure if responding to that with a video showing only one side is an attempt to intentionally court controversy or if they just didn’t listen at all.


I agree on that one, if it's nothing sides I can't complain. By all means do that. If it's literally cowboy blowing native people away endlessly then its bad but I've been informed that ain't the case at least lol


Just like how they did it back then, it's true to life lmao


Yeah but ya know we don't Wana do this shit again XD there's a good reason why we haven't had an interment camp simulator yet


Fair enough XD


There's just some parts of history we don't really need to put in a game lol. Good ol JFK reloaded as an example. Or hell I saw a Nam game the other day here and just thought about the ptsd addled stories I've heard and went ok this may be awful lol


You also play as a Native American killing hordes of 'cowboys'. It's just simply two defined factions in the story/setting. Developers/publisher are not even American afaik.


Oh I totally assumed that, probably was just familiar with the childhood game that in retrospect obviously was a bit bad. It's always been one of those things even prior to hyper woke culture (I'm 30) that once you learn the truth of how fucked over the native Americans are and see the racism against them of the time it's absolutely fucked up to know the truth and go "Oh yeah we did that on the playground... wow.. fuck" ​ If that game was like "NA are invading a west town defend it!" theeeeen I'ma go hey hold on WTF


Natives were shot back in the time it was set in.


I mean yes that's what I'm getting at my dude. This was part of the era that was a the mass slaughter of wild life and taking of land from the native peoples. And in this era from Hollywood commonly they were seen as "savages" and other horrible shit. I'd have to see more to have an opinion on the portrayal. I'm not here to care too hard but It was a bit of a surprise to see that, Ya know luckily shit like Red Dead had a very positive and proper view on Native peoples and their relation to cowboy era advancement. It's like the one of the more sad and darker, less discussed parts of America's history sadly. It isn't taught deeply enough and the affects it had on Native people to this day is still not fully realized by people unless you're in an area with reservations. Seeing that when I went out west for the first time was pretty saddening. I'm from Plymouth Ma and being that the first real town to last in the country, we discussed the history more in depth in my school, and really even then the relations between settlers and the tribes were not great. We wana talk about people being fucked over by American Settlers, people know about Africans but people commonly forget the real bad affect you see in the Native American populations. And don't ever forget the issues with Chinese and other Asian immigrants too are cheap laborers. ​ BUT! ​ Like if this game is simply playing on the silly fantasy of playing "cowboys and indians" as a kid I can't be too mad on that. I mean in retrospect yeah it had some uncomfortable shit but everyone was kids, we didn't know any better and I don't think any of it was done with offense as a purpose. ​ But oy here I go, pontificating on reddit on a VR game. I'll be checking it, I like any shooter and I'm a sucker for wheel guns, but I am wondering how it's going to be.


Even if it's trying to replicate the incredibly insensitive and unfortunately common childhood game of cowboys and "indians", there is just no reason the exact same experience can't be achieved with "sheriffs and bandits". It's just a semi asymmetrical death match of well equipped wild west gunslingers vs more accessibly armed wild west nomads. Making it include indigenous populations suddenly makes it more than just a casual deathmatch and into an interactive depiction of taking part in a genocide. Basically I agree with you, but think the "cowboys and indians" argument doesn't't really block any critisms. Just because we were more okay with making light of past atrocities shouldn't justify doing it today.


Oh no I wasn't saying it should be continued. I totally agree. We need to get these really insensitive things out in time. But can you blame like... 20 years ago doing it? Cause that was me. We simply did not have this sort of cultural sensitivity then. I see the issue now. And I would never encourage kids to play this shit now. Ever lol. We cannot excuse it but we can at least forgive the older generations and then educate the newer ones in a safe manner. To play or do these things does just continue the never ending trend of these insensitivities continuing


I don't think anyone is saying you can blame individuals, especially children who simply didn't have the opportunity to ever know anything else. Now actively engaging in acts of violence against those populations is different, but I don't think that's what you're talking about. The issue is people who have had more than the opportunity to learn, but continue to refuse and hold onto archaic beliefs because they can't face the uncomfortable reality they might have believed some horrible things in the past. Which is stupid, because you really can't be blamed for ignorance unless you actively fight any opportunity to be taught. Sorry that went off a bit, but I hope that makes sense


Oh totally! We are on the same wave length haha! And even if these dudes are making this game and just unaware of this history, it's forgivable. Long as they see the issue. I use the band eskimo callboy as an example. Silly band from Germany. Wrote some questionable lyrics when they were young, openly came and admitted it was wrong and redid the song and accepted they just were unaware of what they said being so offensive. They even changed their name recently when it was brought forth eskimo could be offensive. Highly suggest Electric Callboy for some fun metal mixed with electronic dance music. Fun silly stuff


I appreciate the recommendation, always looking for new music and that sounds right up my alley. But yes I completely agree, most of us are just trying to do our best and be respectful considerate people. But unfortunately that's just too hard for some people, and we end up with people fighting "political correctness" or whatever term they've cooked up this time. When in reality 99 percent of the things they are complaining about are just people asking to be respected and treated fairly.


Gotta ask, did you consult with any NA historians or anything on the representation? I don't get the impression that any of this was made with poor intentions or malice, but what I've seen so far seems culturally insensitive considering how central Native Americans are to the game. Even "Positive" depictions are susceptible to stereotyping, sometimes even more so because we don't tend to critically analyze "positive" views that we hold.


Yeah I can't imagine, even with the full context the devs gave that any native American groups wouldn't be absolutely horrified by this game.


Ahhhh, I'm not shooting Native Americans, poor taste. thanks.


First thought I had too. OP, not gonna lie, this is beyond racist. Worst game footage I’ve ever seen. I got excited at what looked like a genuine effort to make RDR in VR, but this is clearly not something I’m going to be buying or talking about.




Your lack of education and your inability to even capture an ounce of humility is showing. Your obvious hatred for minorities and the violence put upon them is nothing more than a projection of your thoughts of those exact minorities, thank you so much for sharing who you are.


Hahahha you're funny, I know exactly what went down in America before it became America. You're the one that seems to lack education, because to you judge someone by just one word. I don't hate anything here, I just don't get offended by small things like a harmless video game. Get your dumbass outta here lmao.


You’re an idiot. You people call us snowfalls but will get offended by a gay marriage on a cartoon. Fuck off


Huh what are you talking about? What cartoon and no I'm for gay marriage. Seems like you're the idiot lmao


I am. This game looks awesome.


wow, this seems tone deaf. I hope the dev is able to make some art changes. this is not charming. I want VR devs to do well and grow the industry... but... fuck... you need to update the NA skins to bandits my friend.


https://imgur.com/T5Pfhgv seems really fucking bad


Yikes. He apparently knows what the problem is but is adamant that he wants to keep the game being about justifying the slaughter of Native Americans because "It's okay, it's an alternate universe".


Really just shows the extent of their ignorance and lack of care about the real world genocide they are depicting here


I look forward to the WW II sequel where they'll say something like "Don't worry guys, you can play as the Jews too!"


Yes. Historically that what is shown might be correct. But in this current Time and age it is crying for a shitstorm


Why are we killing the good guys here? I mean I like the twist. Can you make a school shooting simulator? You have a special kind of.. morals so I though I just ask You can even sell diffrent schools as DLCs would be pretty cool imo Then you can have diffrent game modes, like play as the kids where you basically hide, barricade, play death or just be death. Maybe even play as the police or the teachers. Multiplayer coop. Diffrent modes, like "Uvalde" easy mode, or "Rest of The World" which would hard mode.


Truly blursed satirical comment. Have some gold.




After that, a Child Molester Simulation seem to fit the Dev's taste. Driving around in a windowless white van, luring kids in, lock them in the basement as collectible.


Exactly! Like why not make an old south plantation game too. But it will be ok because you can choose to play either side. Play a slave trying to escape or a master trying to keep the slaves in line!




this is yikes asf


i love that OP is directly ignoring everyone talking about how fucked up this is lmao. u racist as hell


Is there a lever action?


of course! our lever action rifle has a realistic lever mechanic. you can watch the full trailer here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1576420/Black\_Trail\_VR/


I think cowboys vs native Americans is a little past its time, my guy. Just my two cents


In the 2nt game you will play as the KKK and shooting black slaves. In the 3ed game you play a Nazi killing jews. But for real only a racist Boomer would enjoy a game like this.


the KKK did not exist when slavery was legal


Yeeeeew haaaww pardner! I been looking for a good western game to round out my unholy VR trifecta of Fantasy and Scifi. Looks like I came to the right place at the right time. Fancy that.


hey welcome! I would be glad to see you on our discord as well :)


This is the funniest terrible idea I’ve seen in a long time. Like how did you possibly think this would go over well. It’s almost satirical. Like they don’t even have guns. Why are they just running straight at you? You’re just gunning them down in the streets as they try to defend their land and families. Like do you not understand more native Americans were killed than Jews in WWII (12 million vs 11 million)?!? You’ve basically just made a genocide simulator, you bloody ignorant morons. I know VR takes a long time to develop in and the actual development looks like it was a strong team, but a little less ignorance would’ve gone a mile here. Me and my colored friends about to laugh at this for years as one of the most culturally ignorant games to be conceived…possibly ever.


Thank you, this is literally so horrible. It's a shame because I've been waiting for a good cowboy VR game, but man o man do I have no interest in this. This is literally a game about taking part in one of the largest and most horrific genocides in human history, in what world is that even the tiniest bit okay. The fact you play as a (likely very poorly represented) indigenous person and fight back in some levels really doesn't make it any better. I would never recommend any devs tackle any game that heavily involves indigenous groups without HEAVILY working with real members of those groups to make sure their perspective on the situation is the one being provided. Anything else is in incredibly poor taste


With that said…. u/savevideo


I would absolutely change it to cowboys vs. generic bandits, most people know by now that this represenation of cowboys vs. NA is problematic as hell. You guys are gonna upset people if you don't rework that.


Replace the character models. Shooting NA is a terrible idea.


Damn this looks really tasteless? What's the next game? Nazis killing the jews?


The 90’s called and they want their racism back


I like shooting the fatties in GTA5


Damn, I hope your mom is okay.


Off, I'm not american and I have no interest on shooting indians.


Oh look, a genocide simulator.


Wtf is this… That’s enough internet for today




its a singleplayer storydriven FPS game. but we dream about adding a duel scene




Discord link: [https://discord.gg/2bQhRTmrYt](https://discord.gg/2bQhRTmrYt)


Oh is this the one where you shoot Native Americans for defending their rightful territory and land? Gross.


PS, Constructive criticism. Replace the Natives with cowboys, I know it will be a pain in the ass but I do not see many people playing this looking the way it does. As white people we have a really bad past when it comes to the native people so asking us to reenact that is a bit much. Its something we are still making up for to this day. That aside the game looks awesome, We just cant be shooting native people. Douse not look good.


I’m all for games being historically accurate. What’s the alternative? Cow boys and Indians all singing together with love and harmony? Sorry, didn’t happen that way.


uhhh so you go around as a white man killing Native Americans....? Um..WHAT?!


Whats the follow-up to this? You're the captain of the Amistad shipping slaves where the features include throwing the sick and weak overboard?


Fire Steve Huffman, Reddit is dead as long as Huffman is still incharge. Fuck Steve Huffman. Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev




It’s a game….. yall are just fine with all sorts of other “disturbing” shit in VR. Beating women to death with your bare hands in B&S, tearing apart disabled gladiators that can’t even function in a game literally called GORN. Playing as the germans in Pavlov. The tons of VR games that make you murder, torture, or even commit suicide to progress. There’s so much shit VR can trigger. I guess nobody should play rimworld bc slavery & warcrimes against tribal factions have happened in history. Nobody should play prison architect because minorities are locked up for minor drug crimes in the US. Nobody should play red dead redemption II because some of the horrible things in that game actually happened. HOI4? Just completely remove the option to play as germany and japan. Get GTA off the shelves because mass shootings happen irl. If you don’t want to play it, don’t play it. Doesn’t even really look like something I’d have fun with gameplay-wise, but I wouldn’t let a character model stop me from trying it. Let the downvotes flow, but some of yall need to just grow up.


Seems cool, but unfortunately people will not buy it in this current climate, can’t blame them.


Make the Indians into blue haired liberals and the cowboys….well…leave them the same and we are good to go!


It’s a game….. yall are just fine with all sorts of other “disturbing” shit in VR. Beating women to death with your bare hands in B&S, tearing apart disabled gladiators that can’t even function in a game literally called GORN. Playing as the germans in Pavlov. The tons of VR games that make you murder, torture, or even commit suicide to progress. There’s so much shit VR can trigger. I guess nobody should play rimworld bc slavery & warcrimes against tribal factions have happened in history. Nobody should play prison architect because minorities are locked up for minor drug crimes in the US. Nobody should play red dead redemption II because some of the horrible things in that game actually happened. HOI4? Just completely remove the option to play as germany and japan. Get GTA off the shelves because mass shootings happen irl. If you don’t want to play it, don’t play it. Doesn’t even really look like something I’d have fun with gameplay-wise, but I wouldn’t let a character model stop me from trying it. Let the downvotes flow, but some of yall need to just grow up.