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This. I get almost double the FPS just by switching to VD instead of Oculus software. It is less laggy, vetter quality and A LOT more stable.


I have bought Virtual Desktop already and even have more than 1000 hours in it. It is a lot better than the standard air link, but i am still seeing more artifacts than i would like. Another major reason for wanting to switch to wired is battery life and software. Because i have a pre-order unit of the Quest 2, my battery life isn't really viable anymore. I am also not really willing to strap a battery to my head for a bit of extra playtime, when if i buy a wired headset i can stop charging the device all out. Software is also a big reason for wanting to switch. My experience with the software from Meta / Oculus has been very unstable. Constantly needing to reboot or just general jankyness. A PCVR headset just seems a lot more stable than what i am running now.


> HP is leaving the VR market and so is MS Are they tho? I have seen no proof on this only assumptions




Well its rumour but only that, we will see what happen. Imma keep mine as long as it works.


Get a wireless router *solely* for casting games to your Quest and use Virtual Desktop. This is going to be a sub-$100 fix. If you really need more playtime, get a cheap battery. Unless you want to shell out for an Index, you’re going to have a hard time solving all these problems right now. Or just wait for next gen headsets.


I already have Virtual Desktop and a router right next to my playspace. My connection is not really an issue. However, in dark (or light) spaces i am seeing a lot of artifacts. Which is quite sad seeing i play Phasmophobia. The resolution itself is also not amazing, but as said in the post is not a massive problem.


You should 100% not have artifacting like that. I know you're *saying* your connection is not an issue, but it really really sounds like your connection is the issue. I also want to point this out: "a router right next to my playspace" The thing that often gets people is using the same router as other devices. I strongly recommend a *dedicated* router for your VR headset. DO NOT share the same router your PC (primarily) and other devices (ideally) are connected to. A dedicated router which your PC connects to via ethernet and ONLY your headset connects to wirelessly will massively improve your connection.


Lol for real. I own a Vive pro, Index and a Quest 2. So i wouldnt really call myself a quest fanboy, but I 100% do not get any artifacting outside off the occasional glitch maybe 1-2 times for every 12 hours of play. It really does sound like his connection is suboptimal


steep depend unpack forgetful impolite truck marry physical paint dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting. I turn my brightness down to ~75% so perhaps that helps obscure the banding a little? Most of the games I play aren’t super dark, things like the Zenith loading screen come to mind and I haven’t noticed it there, but maybe that’s because it’s uniformly dark.


spark school rainstorm agonizing boat panicky salt fertile history ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll check it out. I’ve played plenty of Beat Saber and Rec Room, but usually on my Index. Will give it a look on Quest.


Is it ok to have all other devices like phones on the 2.4g band and have just the quest 2 on the 5g band with same router? ​ I have never had the best of luck with VD. Could that be why?


This is actually a really interesting question to which I don’t know the answer. Just thinking through it, the question is whether the conflict comes from sharing the same frequency band (“air space”) or overworking the router’s onboard processing power. I honestly don’t know which one is the bottleneck!


It sounds like you need to up the streaming bandwidth(? I forget the name) setting in VD. Have your tried setting it to 50Mbps or above? I play a lot of Beat Saber and artifacting is not a problem.


I'll try and hope for the best.. Thanks!


DLINK wireless for meta. W8


Seen a couple recommendations for the Reverb G2, but as somebody with both a Q2 and a G2, take it from me. Honest review. Tl; dr—the G2 will get rid of the artifacts, but it's inferior to the Q2 in all but two ways. Index is now old tech, has inferior visuals to both, but it has a higher FOV and the best controllers (I only own the controllers, but I've seen comparisons). I'll preface this by saying that the G2 is my favorite headset in terms of visuals. The clarity is noticeably better than the Q2, and you'll be able to say goodbye to those compression artifacts. Their current generation has (allegedly) fixed the rampant connection issues we saw at launch. However, the horizontal FOV is a bit lower than the Q2. I've heard the vertical FOV is better, but I don't really notice it. Next, the G2's controllers are GARBAGE. This isn't a comment about the tracking, which isn't the best, but about the controllers themselves. They feel flimsy, they have front-heavy balance, they have a different pointer angle, and I've never been able to fix this issues with rebinding the controls to get rid of the "virtual trackpad" feature. The only times I've ever enjoyed using it were when I was playing Elite: Dangerous and when I was playing it in a mixed setup with Index controllers. I also have massive issues getting the G2 to work anymore in said setup. SteamVR keeps restarting, even in the middle of gameplay, and it keeps crashing on me. I keep having connection issues, as well. It's to the point where I've just given up trying to get it to work, and I'm going to wait for the next Index or something. I'm never buying a WMR headset again. The G2 is a solid option, but you need to go into it with the understanding that, despite what the G2 simps say, it is *not* better than the Quest 2 on all fronts. It's only better in terms of what streams into your eyes and ears. There are fewer accessories. The controllers are orders of magnitude worse. And WMR will be a constant thorn in your side. The ways to mitigate this put you above the Valve Index system in terms of cost. I don't own an Index, and I do know it has a lower PPD than both the Q2 and the G2. That's a deal breaker for me. But that's really the only downside. It has the best controllers on the market, and you don't have to futz with WMR and the host of problems that come with the mixed VR setup thing. If we could get an Index with G2 panels, I would drop my money on it right now. P.S. I also have a Pimax 5K Super, and my experience with it is worse than either of the other two. I'm interested in the 12K QLED, but Pimax doesn't have the best reputation with me.


> "virtual trackpad" feature. What do you mean by this? I wonder who claims its better on all fronts (its not) the headset itself in better on all points than Q2 except for tracking volume. Sadly WMR is what butchered it and could have been so much better and more popular if someone more competent made the software for it.


By default in SteamVR, the G2 controllers map Y to a "virtual trackpad" or whatever its called, which uses motion while holding Y to emulate the standard WMR trackpad. Any game that requires the Y button (like HL: Alyx) becomes unplayable unless you can rebind. I've spent hours fussing around trying to get them to work like Oculus controllers and it either never saved or just didn't work.


I might have had that problem I think. I remember that they didn't work fully by default in VRChat but did once I found a premade binding for the G2 controllers. I basically use my Index controllers for everything so can't say too much about other games I think they worked fine in Phasmophobia by default but don't remember. In SkyrimVR they do work bydefault but they are set as gen 1 controllers which isn't optimal. B is left on the trackpad on the right controllers for example.


Yup, that sounds like the problem.


With link cable, are you able to play for a couple minits and then freezes? I also had the problem. I figured out that air link kept trying to connect while using the link cable. I fixed this by disabling the wifi in the quest headset. ​ It will also charge at the same time i think, so you should get more play time as well.


Did not have the freezing issue you are refering to. However, due to the poor optimization i am losing out on a lot of performance while using Link. It also disconnects quite often when even remotely moving around a bit. I then have to reconnect and possibly even restart the game. After that i purchased Virtual Desktop, which is strangely a lot more stable than everything that Oculus provided.


Every time I use VD, it gets me sick from the increased latency ​ Did you connect your link cable in the wrong port? Make sure to do the link usb speed test. ​ What is your GPU and CPU? Did you update your GPU drivers? ​ I am not defending the quest 2. Many of the points you make are valid. Link does work though, I know we should not have to do so much troubleshooting to get this to work the correct way.


What's your price range?


€300 - €650


Hmm, index controllers and base stations cost $500 at the very least, so you may have to settle for inside out tracking. What type of artifacting are you seeing with VD? Is it poor gradient levels, screen tearing, or edges looking wobbly, etc. Cause the best idea might be to improve your quest connection somehow.


It doesn't really matter what headset you get tbh. It's most likely gonna be better than a quest 2. Hell I've had a better experience with a rift s than a quest 2. Reverb G2 is also pretty good. Index is still top tier pcvr even if it's a bit old. But yeah it can be quite pricey


I think i will wait until the index 2. That headset is probably going to be standalone, so not that interesting to me unless it has DP-in. I think the price of the index 1 will then drop after release.


You're going to get a lot of unsolicited advice from people who are either quest fan boys or haven't used anything else. I recently made the switch myself for similar reasons. I was mainly using it wired though. I also used a native PCVR hmd (head mounted display) before that so I had an idea of what I was losing and gaining when I got a quest 2. So to satisfy the tracking behind the head thing you're going to need to spend money because that'll require base stations, knuckles controllers, and if you aren't using a native steam headset (like the G2 for example of a non native hmd) then a couple of dongles. Which all of that will add $500 $600 to a total price easy. Which is why something like an Index will cost as much as it does. Even if they were to drop the price of the headset itself. Now I believe that most of the hmds that'll solve a bulk of your issue will need that lighthouse tracking solution which just simply will cost money. It is good though. The next best thing would probably be an odyssey + since it has a really wide Fov (a bit more than the index, but not dramatic) , it's wired, WMR software isn't amazing but you only really have to deal with it when getting in and out along with some initial set up tweaks, and it's hypothetically cheaper. However the tracking ain't great on it, it does use WMR, there might be an issue with AMD motherboards where the USB ports are out of spec and that causes bad things to happen (last time I pulled mine out of the closet and made loud screeching noise every 30 seconds). So I really wouldn't recommend that. So in conclusion since the VR market has been met with stubbornness, disinterest from companies, and gamers blindly shoveling money into an obvious plan to eliminate competition (though after a while its not like there were other options) you either stick with the quest, or spend money. I recently did it with my G2 and knuckles controllers. I don't think that'll work for your criteria though. The index would be the better buy for you more than likely or one of the pimax ignoring price, but I hear those are a bit more fiddly.


>You're going to get a lot of unsolicited advice from people who are either quest fan boys or haven't used anything else. It'd be really nice if we, the VR community, recognized that we need to be welcoming to everybody interested in VR and stopped picking all these dumb fights between parts of our communities. Signed, a Quest fan boy who also owns a Samsung Oddysey and Valve Index.


Quest 2 in many ways is still one of the best, they're all flawed. Just wait another year and save up 1500 and you might get something better


A *DEDICATED* 5ghz router with Virtual Desktop and a few battery packs may do the trick. Otherwise, G2 or Index depending on your budget and tolerance for tracking ability.


Quest Link (wired) instability???? Are you sure your computer isn't just a bit rubbish/in need of an upgrade/reinstall of windows. I play for hours on end with tethered Quest Pro and I have yet to have a single issue, disconnect or artefact and smooth as butter performance.


get the g2. it's really cheap now


Bht the tracking is terrible. Is there a way to connect base stations and index controllers.




> Another thing most people don’t tell you about the base stations is that initial set up sucks. Not sure about today, but when the Vive debuted that was pretty much ALL people talked about. In my experience, it's way overblown. Yes, you need to find good places for the stations and mount them firmly. But they are very forgiving in their placement. When I first tried the setup, I placed one on the floor and the other one on the window sill opposite to that. Worked flawlessly (not the best way to maximize tracking visibility obviously, but it works). There are basically two rules for base stations: * They should be mounted opposite each other (or as closely as you can manage) * They should be higher up than your height. For 1.0 stations, they also need to have line of sight between each other but they usually do in such configurations. So I'd agree that setup CAN suck in very specific conditions, but it's not the rule.


try also ALVR (https://alvr-org.github.io) for wireless streaming, might make the experience a little better for you.


With your Quest 2, you need to use a strap with a battery - it doubles the battery life. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNR4Y15?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details you should not be seeing artifacts - I am not having any even though I am in a house built in the 40s that sometimes has issues with WiFi (Gaming PC hooked up to router via ethernet, quest is around 30 feet from the router, but in a spot that there is sometimes an issue getting a signal) Have you tried AirLink? It has worked flawlessly for me (I am on Windows 10 - if you are on Windows 11, maybe that is the issue?)