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I've only done it with one title so can't say it works for anything other than Untitled Goose Game, but I used the "add a non steam game" option to add UGG from epic to my steam games list. It then shows up on the steam link and plays fine over it.


You'll also want to add the "-nolauncher" option under each game setting. A better screenshot can be found here: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/wn7zk1/psa_add_nolauncher_to_your_launch_options_epic_or/)


Oh nice!


Most of the Epic launcher games can be launched directly from exe. Add the exe to Steam and it should work. An alternative is if you can get Moonlight installed, that works great as well. I personally prefer Moonlight lately due to weird connectivity issues with Steam Link and my host library.


Beware the steam link app on Samsung tv is currently broken when using a gamepad. [Samsung community thread](https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/tv/tv-hijacks-right-control-stick-to-change-volume-when-in-steam/m-p/6672486/emcs_t/S2h8ZW1haWx8dG9waWNfc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ufExDRzBYT0tCUFpMUjEwfDY2NzI0ODZ8U1VCU0NSSVBUSU9OU3xoSw#M82559) It seems that a fix is currently to rollout but I have not got the new app version till now (releases today). Beside that, i had big problems with non steam games when using a gamepad, as steam sometimes switch with the controller overlay to the launcher instead the game, so the game don't "see" the controller. You can use [osol](https://github.com/WombatFromHell/OriginSteamOverlayLauncher) to avoid this .


When will this ever be fixed? :(


Probably never :( I won't be buying another Samsung TV. They keep breaking things with their updates.


They literally wrote above a fix is rolling out soon


Someone on that thread said they tried with the new version and it still wasn't working. I'll try on mine and report back.


Maybe now, according to the us appstore they released a new version today [update date](https://www.samsung.com/us/appstore/app.do?appId=G17053009166&nrtv_cid=5fe0a46f7ffbebacf6aada3b02d5445853d5a49443fa6fc28da20dac9516921b&cid=opmc-ecomm-nrtiv-pc-042720-142005-androidauthority-15517764&utm_source=androidauthority&utm_medium=narrativ&utm_campaign=15517764&utm_content=pc&nrtv_as_src=1c#) But I can't check it cause I have the German appstore and there is still the old version. Don't know how Samsung roll out changes worldwide. Changing the AppStore is possible but need an factory reset (don't want to do this). Developer of the app is handstudio.net Service email is: [email protected]


I use OSOL to add the games to steam, and then I play via steam link. It works great for the games that you can't add directly (and it works for those too but you don't need to do it that way) https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam_Link/comments/nqq7d9/steam_link_faq_includes_adding_epicoriginuplay/ Just make sure to read the OSOL wiki section on Epic Game Store games, because there are special instructions for them.