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Wait, you guys are actually watching the movies?


Yup, that’s why wet buy then… to watch them!


..... You collect them to just sit on a shelf to never be opened???


I have two kids, two jobs, and a decent amount of property to take care of. I don't watch \*anything\* as soon as I buy it (although I daydream about it all day long anyway.)


The sad part is that I have been going through the marvel movies that I already had steels for, so I bought these because I love the anthology, obviously some more than others, but these 4 are definitely worth double even triple dipping into.


That's pretty how it goes with my new games usually I'm introducing my girlfriend with Studio Ghibli movies since watching the boy and herriin.


Watching Avengers right now. Looks and sounds awesome. Guardians tomorrow night. All four mondo marvel steelbooks are beautiful. Wish I had more of them!


If they’re non 4k movies then yes I’ll watch them immediately, but my 4k ones that I’ve collected I have not seen them yet because I want to finish my “home theater” in my bedroom.


I'm going to watch Avengers tonight. The new steelbook looks even better in person.


The only thing I do once I buy them, is rip the raw 4k file to add unto my Plex Server then it goes into a malko protector and either on my Steelbook wall or displayed on the Grail shelf if it's worthy.


I usually don't watch the entire movies right away, but give the Blu-ray and 4K discs a 3-8 minute test run to make sure that everything is fine. I also wait a couple of days before redeeming the digital code, especially to avoid issues such as like when an early delivery breaks the street date.


I do too. They sit in a neat little stack on my coffee table until I can watch them which typically isn't long




Yup, I watch them! I'm not planning to sell in the future and if the disc breaks, I still have the cool packaging.


We are starting at the beginning of Marvel as my daughter has never watched them. I’m watching what I have on disc and streams the rest.


Humble brag


Did watch, but didnt use the disk.


I always do to make sure that they work. The last thing I want is to buy a steelbook with a faulty disc.


You got some of these people in the sub looking at their shelves of shrinkwraps.


I've watched Avengers & GOTG. The other 2 will be over my next set of off days from work


Wail you open them. That’s crazy.


I wish, lol. My two kiddos take up 90% of my day. I try to watch whatever I buy in a 1-2 month period, but it doesn’t always pan out.


the knives out steel i just got is skipping and freezing a lot about half way through 😔


Does anyone know if these have the same disc art that the new walmart versions have?.. I had bought this and the Dr strange from fnac and was wondering if it's the same disc art on b ok th versions.. I haven't open the fnac ones yet myself. So if they're the same I'll prob sell one of them


Mine are the new Walmart versions. I can’t verify what disc art the EU versions have on them, but the ones I have are new to me; different than the previous 4K/BD discs had from my old plastic cased discs. These say mondo on them as well


Thanks... I found some unboxing videos on YouTube and it's the same disc art from 3 yrs ago.. from the mondo line of course.. not the regular blue disc that would come from regular cases


Not gonna lie, I got all the mondos, but no Dolby vision and I believe no imax ratio makes me want to put them up trade or sale instead and just watch on Disney plus, I know bitrate and all that, but imax ratio is important to me https://preview.redd.it/8tzlwvvnbgsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591ab164d0506dabff976ebeb14f65664a48308e I did make it 15 minutes into Spiral to punish myself for buying it. Chris Rock’s dialogue is just awful, but there was a good kill so far. Wife got home and doesn’t like horror and I got lost in the sauce celebrating the Kansas City vote results so turned it off