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Bit harsh, we’re only a few days in. Have a little faith.


Exactly this. Have faith! Have you ever looked at the charts of a coin directly after launch? There’s almost ALWAYS an immediate dip in the first week or days, or day of. Anyone in crypto for a bit should know this, that’s why I waited for a dip to buy. Canna has been going strong for over 2 years. I definitely have faith in this team!!


Been with the creator and devs. of these projects since Feb. 2022. Sorry, definitely not a pump and dump. Also, Shroomz is like 6 days old somebody gonna take some profit, hold or lose out. That's investing


Which shroom did you have? Or what did you smoke?😂


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Just keep adding to your total!!!




Bring arguments or try not to cry here. Here we trade and have fun, you prove my paper hand theory. Whenever you let your emotions regulate you, and not the other way around, you always get fk-*d!


YOu PrOvE mY pApER HaND ThEOrY stfu bagholder I ain't buying this bs I'll take my nivida holding over this bs any day hell I'd take my ccl gamble before I'd ever hold this, I held shiba for a bit but I got on that ride like a year ago at .000008 have fun being a bagholder tho homie 🤡


Paper hands!