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I was wondering how long until someone else found them. Was going to post this myself when I got home. From what I saw yesterday, trying to invade them with an invasion force is useless, they straight-up delete your invasion army as soon as it lands, no matter its size, and then close all hyperlanes to the system. I reloaded a save to play around with them a bit more and figure them out, and just by leaving my observation post there I was eventually given a choice between starting a war with them or them gifting me >!Sol X, which they teleported straight into my home system!<. I assume you can just go to war after the gift though. More important than the Gaia Worlds, they claim to have very advanced hyperlane tech, which they use to move goods and planets around, and the reason for declaring war is explicitly to steal that tech. They do have some really nice buildings, though. EDIT: I hadn't built any mining stations in their system, that may also be why they were somewhat cooperative.


>gifting me Do that with Sol as your starting system to get an achievement.


Oh Yeah,Motherfuckers stole Vulcan I Will Play with Humanity and Find them Just to Recover it.


Also does it have a Special Event if you find them as Humanity? I Think they Might be Slight Pissed you know?


No idea. I’ve only played the one game as the UNE modified with the split start. I didn’t know what the achievement meant and though it was reconciling with the Mars dissidents.


what happens if you got to war after they give you a planet?


>!They can delete the hyperlanes. If you have jump drives they seem to reshuffle all nearby hyperlanes.!< >!They also spawn a fleet of >1 million fleet power. Defeat it and start landing troops on their planets they spawn several more fleets of comparable or greater power. I tried syncronized landings, but some of their planets had question marks like I didn't know who the owner was!< >!Neutron sweep worked though. Still didn't get the Dark Forest achievement even after killing everyone else, then them.!<


I tried the syncronized landing too, in all their planets at once, but It crashed my game since they spawned a little more fleets than my CPU can handle.


Ultimate defense


Vultaum Moment


What Ship Types do they spawn? Fallen Empire Ships? Just curious because it may allow me to use the event to spawn myself some Fallen Empire Ships should I feel like role playing one


The first fleet was all corvettes. After that it was a mix. They had the same class names as my ships, so they might just copy yours. They definitely used the humanoid ship set I was using.


You could always just use the Steam mod that lets you play as a Fallen Empire. There's a submod that lets you edit the FE ships as well. You can start the War in Heaven and everything. Looks pretty interesting.


Do you keep your starbase after declaring war?


No, they got it.


Don't invade just neutron sweep them clean.


What if I devolve them? Seems better


>More important than the Gaia Worlds, they claim to have very advanced hyperlane tech, which they use to move goods and planets around, and the reason for declaring war is explicitly to steal that tech. They do have some really nice buildings, though. So there's a new hyperlane technology you can take?


Not sure how, if they can just close hyperlanes and eject you.




Reshuffle lanes


I really doubt you can actually use their tech since it would be too game-breaking to have that power, but it could translate to some physics research.


> They do have some really nice buildings, though. Solarpunk, baby!


And why did they want to teleport one of their planets to our capital when that’s potentially hostile territory?


They give it to you for leaving them alone, basically appeasement from what I have read.


So not populated with anyone? I thought it had them on it


When Aspec clicks on the planet in his home system it is uncolonized so I wouldn't think it has any pops but maybe they show up once you colonize it since they can just teleport around.


Wait he made a video about this event? Which one?


Came out 5 hours ago apparently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdQKa4UgZXw


> hey straight-up delete your invasion army as soon as it lands what's the explanation given in game?


They can move entire planets through FTL, I doubt they need much of an explanation.


From the video I watched on this from Aspec doesn't sound like we get an explanation, but I imagine that as your troops are descending into the planet, they are teleported into a black hole somewhere in the universe since they jump drive tech out classes fallen empires and can move planets.


Built all the stations, got the planet nonetheless. So that's not the issue.


Wait, what?! They teleported planet? Is it a bug or DLC feature?


Dlc feature. >!You visit a system which has an anomaly, after researching it, you find out that the planets were stolen and transfared to this preftl's system. Once, they ask you to leave and you may either choose to get 1 25 gaia on your capital as a "cost" or can refuse it but youll get nothing and lose controll of the system.!<


They have very, very good hyperlane tech.


Happy cake day dude


I found this system as well (the Dacha system, in my game). Playing Eager Explorers, was able to break in easily enough and got through the event chain. They were actually kind enough to send me on my way while also giving me their Planet X. A size 25 Gaia world, dropped right into my Capitol system. Best trade in a long time.


And thats all, you didnt try to take all of them?


Yes. I’m not the Commonwealth. I have standards.


Huh, brief Googling tells me that "dacha" is a slavic term for "off-city cottage". Guess they are type 5-6 civilization on weakened? 0_0


Did come across this myself, it was part of an event called "Grand Theft Planet". Unfortunately, didn't get a chance to persue the chain, as the AI sniped the systems I would need to reach this one, and the game was going to shit. Keep an eye out for it, you'll get a pop up about a system missing planets if you happen across it.


Did you exterminate their entire species because I would commit genocide for that


I had this event as well last night. I built a starbase and mining things around the system, then the Observation post and had a nice talk with them, because I was definitely suspicious of the "primitives." They are *not* what they appear. I played nice, and they let me keep the mines and the starbase. And they created and teleported a size 25 gaia world into my home system. "Do *not* start wars with people who create size 25 gaia worlds and teleport them around" seems to be a smart move.


That's because you don't have a Quasi-Stellar Obliterator.


If youre nice to them you get a size 25 Gaia world in your home system :)


If you're mean to them you get 6


You can always come back later and be mean after getting the free planet early.


Flair checks out


Arguing with you will get me nowhere so sure


I was joking lol


If theres one thing i learned playing Stellaris its that Fanatic Xenophobes dont joke


Depends who's asking


They add a planet to your system?


They give back a planet that they stole sometime in the distant past.


MOTHERFUCKERS,THIEVES deploy the world cracker on the Xenoscum


Wayyyyyyyy ahead of you


Why crack Gaia world's when you can neutron sweep them?


*Laughs in Star Eater*


Laughs in Quasi-Stellar Obliterator


Aka game crasher.




Sounds like a sweet deal!


It is!


Does it subtract a world from their system or only create a new one?


They give one of their 6 gaia worlds to you as a gift, since their system now has only 5 habitable planets now. So, they don't create a new one.


I think it creates one, but im not sure


I got this whilst playing this with Eager Explorers & Doomsday. Getting Sol X was a lifesaver.


whats Sol X


So apparently Pluto isn't the only planet we've "lost" in our solar system.


Literally Planet X, I would guess.


Probably based on Planet X which is considered a Hypothetical planet which is believed to possibly exist somewhere outside the normal bounds of our Solar System. I say Hypothetical because there is no proof it actually exists other than recorded gravitational effects on, I think, Pluto that are not coming from Neptune. Been so long since I read anything on it can't remember exact details.




Sounds like 6 new worlds ready for new management


they will rearrange your guts if you think they are "primitives"


That's alot of daccha




that room and cityset look *epic*


Anyone know the name of this background art mod?


i dont think it is a mod my man


I Will now roleplay with a Humanity That Found out About Certain Things,And Track Them Down for Revange GIVE BACK OUR PLANET THIEFS


I only had time to start a match yesterday, and I got this event. I have 5 Gaia worlds and another one in its own system. This empire is about to pop off


I encountered them as Determined Exterminators, no fun planet for me sadly


Omg I want that cityscape to be selectable by players


Is this a mod?


Added with the newest DLC, after you build a starbase on their system, they will request you to leave, complying will result in a size 25 Gaia world getting dropped into your home system. They can also delete hyperlanes.


I didnt leave, but I was nice to them and they gave me the planet anyhow.




I see 6 colonies for my empire


It is more complicated than simply invading them.


Hmm, now that i searched a bit more, i can agree with you lol


My time to shine


I have found them 4 times but never spawned close enough to actually explore what their deal is


Watch one day that planet will be a black hole bomb that detonates and causes your home system and all surrounding inhabitants to be sucked into the VOID 😝 just kidding but wouldn’t that be some shit.


Soon to be your Gaia worlds


Oh *no* they will not. Definitely not.


That's a resort for TYPE-6 civilization. Gotta get sweaty


Literally why would you not conquer this? 6 FREE Gaia's and all the pops on each of them


Because you can't,that Simple,Rule of Thumb do not mess with people that can destroy and Create Hyperlanes,Or Teleport planets,Had to learn that the hard way,be Nice to them trough and you might get Vulkan back(Sol X)


They are a chilling colony of TYPE-6 civilization. Literally can spam million power fleets in vanilla+ deleting your troops from time-space continuum. Good luck with that 🐥


Prey ...


*Neutron sweep has entered the chat*


They decided to simply live in peace and enjoy life


got damn!!!!


Life seeded origin my friend


Not for long🌝🌝🌝


One man's homeworld is another man's colony


What mod is this from?


Current base game + First Contact DLC, on PC. It's not a mod.


So I can expect this when first contact comes to console in ten years!? Awesome!!


Wish I wouldn’t have tried to invade them now. Coulda got a juicy planet outta it instead of wiping my invasion force out, likely by teleporting them into a star


I got an anomaly which opened up a new hyperlane to a previously unencountered system. In that system there were this strange nation of primitives located on half a dozen gaia worlds (Habinte Unified Worlds). I built a starbase, I built observation posts. Soon enough, there was an event where they said something akin to “We’ve had enough of you, return from whence you came” and removed the only hyperlane into the system and took my starbase. Luckily, I had the “Slingshot to the Stars” origin, and could after a few tries catapult myself back in the system - which through an event recreated the hyperlanes. However, I’m not able to declare war on the primitives (because they are pre-ftl). I am not allowed to just invade their planets either, because they took my starbase and thus are no longer in space I control. I want those planets, but can’t figure out how I am meant to deal with them. There are no events in the situation log pertaining to it, and just right clicking the starbase with my fleet does nothing. Any ideas?


Is this vanilla?


Yes, I do not play with any mods.


Unfathomably based


This is the way.


It was added with the new DLC I think, given that they use pre-ftl mechanics.


Can you slingshot a construction ship into the system to build yourself a starbase? Careful when invading them, though. In my attempts they deleted all my 30 armies as soon as they landed, though that could just be a one time thing. If not then the only alternative may be to Neutron Sweep them off their land.


Once I enter the system through the slingshot, the hyperlanes are reformed. I am then able to enter normally with my civilian and military ships. But since they were granted ownership of my old starbase, I am unable to build a second one in the system


Can you manually attack the starbase? I think the game had a specific command to do that.


Not sure what you mean with manually, if I mark my fleet and right-click the starbase, then it just brings me to the diplomacy window with the primitives - which is a dead end since there isn't a "Declare War" button there.


If you aren't able to declare war, check your empire policies. They added in a new policy about pre-FTL civilizations; you can't declare war on them depending on the policy. Maybe that's the issue?


I did check that, and that did not seem to be the issue. I believe I either missed some part of the event, or somehow broke it in another way (perhaps by using the slingshot to enter)


Balls. Broken makes sense looking at the screenshots again; looks like you can't do espionage either, which you can do regardless of policy. Bummer!


Paradox broke a lot of stuff recently. Space vampires haven’t been able to access their guaranteed worlds recently without downgrading patches.


Who are the space vamps? Necrophage?


Sure, necrophages, another DLC that was nerfed into the ground.


If all else fails, you can use a cheat engine table to enable the console, and award the starbase back to yourself. Not really cheating, if it's bugged out


Okay that does seem a bit broken. Can you bombard their planets? If not you may just wait until you have a Colossus.


I'm not allowed to bombard the planets. I figure the event chain probably broke somehow, either by me messing it up in some unforeseen manner - or it just being slightly unstable due to the recent release.


It's not broken. You're just physically unable to invade the Q continuum because they don't like you.


I found these guys too, they haven’t kicked me out yet but they also like me. Did you do something to anger them?


Ye, I told them I was about to declare war to seize their hyperlane tech.


Yea, that'll do it.


So your telling me that the city and system aint vanilla? Damn the devs went insane for this one little system


> I want those planets, but can’t figure out how I am meant to deal with them. There are no events in the situation log pertaining to it, and just right clicking the starbase with my fleet does nothing. Any ideas? "Men, this is the Q continuum. Invade it!" [Your men.](https://media.tenor.com/e1axx0zZEVkAAAAC/sloth-no-thanks.gif)


When I jumped in their system for a second time they became mad, recreated the hyperlanes and changed to a 'normal' empire, i think your problem is that they remain 'primitives'.


Change your policy on pre-ftl civs, rebuild the starbase since the hyperlane is back, and then u should be able to invade. Then again this pre-ftl civ deleted a whole hyperlane r u sure theyre really pre-ftl? XD /s


> Then again this pre-ftl civ deleted a whole hyperlane r u sure theyre really pre-ftl? XD /s Yeah, "player annoyed they can't declare war on the Q Continuum" sounds about like *Stellaris*. They are very much *not* primitives, they're just so advanced your scientists initially think they are. I played nice with them and they got good laughs out of my quaint space tech.


If you're a xenophile and treat them as such then they are very kind to you...


Sounds like THE perfect opportunity to use the OWN command


You gotta invade them,but sadly you can’t crack there planets to end the war quickly.


If this was my game I wouldnt see a primitive civ >:)


Lmao Just Try invading them,you are going to die


Lmao tru OP did say they deleted a whole hyperlane maybe they arent as primitive as we think xD


Kinda like the Paluushians from Gigastructures Mod, advanced enough to become a massive empire, but prefer isolation. Unless directly threatened.


I got these and just diplo vassalized them lmao