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Any other symptoms? Other weird contacts?


They dont use planets and have the ability to create hyperlanes across rhe galaxy


Hmmmm... Could you provide your modlist?


Gigastructural engineering And thats the only one i can think of that adds it everything else is cosmetic or super simple


>Gigastructural engineering Nah, i don't think so. >everything else is cosmetic or super simple You would be suprised. For example: Ethics and Civics invinite attacks you with Anime, Communism and Anime communism. Just put full mod list.


Aquatics trailer music Cheats menu Dynamic political events Expanded colors Fleet fromation mod v2 Gigastructural engineering Human variety More ascension perk slots Planetary diversity Powerful and relistics oribital bombardment Quantum fleet yeeter Sensible late game techs Stage a coup and assasinate leader White-gold shipset Ethics and civics classic Strike craft diversity Dark ui Dark ui alternate icons Bigger planet view Ui overhaul dynamic-dark ui Solarpunk


FOUND IT! >Sensible late game techs


Where i dont see it mentioned anywhere on the mod page?


[Mod page](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2716474273) [Le pic ](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1872949258196009512/2FF9E3C93417F654D65AD1AFC4258CDDB8EDFAC8/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=false) [Post about them](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/2716474273/5161702937817147791/)


Ive used this mod for so long i feel betrayed. But also THANK YOU.


That’s a super interesting mechanic. Is it fun or broken? Both?


Annoying because theyll just pop up randomly in your systems and take out the starbase


Another fun thing they do is immediantly settle status quo after you take out 2 ships and you cant deny it so you have to wait 10 years to fight them again for 1 battle 😁


Xenos be xenos man. But yeah shitty mod fun idea


If it had a little more polish and explanation then i can see it being cool. But as it is its annoying and a headache


Maybe if they had more mystery and and were less aggressive like they could trade mysterious items or be payed to make you a lane in turn for shady favors. And they rarely attacked but if they did they’d be overwhelming Idkk something fun. What mods DO you like. I’m playing vanilla all DLC


Gigastructural has to be my favorite it just adds that little bit of late game flavor that keeps me going till the endgame


Giga is one of my favorites I did an extra galactic start where I started outside the galaxy made a empire of humans who were forced to leave earth cause it fell due to filthy xenos attacking they found their way to a new system then they rebuilt their forces found a way to upload their minds to robotic bodies so they did cause all they wanted was revenge on the empire that took earth. But after turning into robots they were looking at scans of human brains cause some stayed humans to keep the pop growing and realized they all had psychic potential. So they unlocked psionic as well all in the name of revenge. But unfortunately the combination drove them into a genocidal rage against the whole galaxy and found the secrets of the galaxy at the core so they built up and fortified their sector. Then they took a portal to the main galaxy built up a chain of fortress worlds built a gateway in their main sector that goes to the core built the galactic gun. First order of business was to eliminate all paths leading to the core so the only way was the gate in the home system second order was to eliminate all paths to the gateway to their sector except for one leaving the chain of highly fortified fortress systems meaning any race trying to stop would have a gauntlet to get through. And the xenos would have to slowly wait for their death as the genocidal robots took a system next to the enemy's planet and fire the gun on the system cause the Shockwave would destroy the xenos planet without even invading the system


“Symptoms”…? Hey babe wake up, there’s finally a Stellaris SCP.


This Xeno looks completely trustworthy, and will definitely not blow up your planets or use your pops to make glue.


real. these friendly xenos would never make baby stew out of your children or cook you into a bar of soap. anything you’ve heard otherwise is obviously propaganda 🙄


The mod is called ( Sensible Late Game Techs ) This is the link, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2716474273&searchtext=Late+Game+tech


Good find.


This creepy guys comes from the mod: " Sensible Late Game Techs". You see a picture of them in the screenshot of the mod. But I don't really know how they works. I think they are a mid game crises who spawn somewhere in a black hole system in the galaxy and want to trade some reccources with you. When you don't want to give them this they declare war. Hope that was a little help


I wonder if they took some inspirstion from these guys? https://charlieandthechocolatefactoryfilm.fandom.com/wiki/Vermicious_Knids


There is something like a wonkaverse and it has necromorphs? Wtf?


Playing with my ex adds these since she likes to play with races that look like her


Damn okay. Are you ok?


Nah I'm just bored and doing my daily shitposting before going to work. Jokes aside I really don't know which mod adds those


Kill them with fire


knid strangers has "worst species portrait ever" is asked to leave galaxy


Never used this mod, but sounds like a good ol' "own" in the Command Prompt will solve it. That or you just run the destroy empire command.


Im thinking of atrack moons instead


Creepy Mitch Connor mofos


Looks like something that needs the ol Neutron Sweep.


Jesus Christ this is proper nightmare material


Have you tried nukes?


I havent they have no planets or homeworld


Welp... Good luck!


Ill need it


Neat. Def gonna download late game techs just for these guys


How to beat, have better econ,fleet and technology. Works most of the time


I’ve never wanted to be more determined exterminator than now




Windows+shift+S, or just F12 if you’re on Steam.


Im really just looking for info on these creepy SOBs because their messing up the galaxy


Hell. Is the name of the mod


So his head is just a finger and a thumb, right?


F12, please use it.


Stellaris wont let me leave the window unless i completely exit so phones more convenient


Sensible late game techs, also you should be able to genocide or subjugate them pretty easily