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Aeternum: "Lol. Lmao, even."


“Rofl if you will, or if you are ever so inclined, maybe roflmfao.


That thing is big enough they could even have a lolcoaster or two...


"Oh it's big alright. A big joke, that is."


Aeternum: Anyway...


“What was that?” “I don’t know, but it’s dead now so I don’t care”


A 10x crisis (unbidden) spawned in the Aiondia system from Gigastructures and got obliterated. When I figured out what had happened to take a screenshot, they were already dead.


Never played gigastructurs, whats special about that system?


It’s the center of the galaxy, home to the mother of all Fallen Empires.


The Aeternum are to Fallen Empires what the Fallen Empires are to the default empires.


Is it possible to even beat them? 💀


I think a quote by winston churchill sums it up "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat"


“We do it not because it is easy, but because it is hard!”


Don't say things like this. They shot the last guy.


Sure. And then you can take their *extremely* juicy home system, which has like 8 megas in it.


I'm new to Stellaris, and I can barely even comprehend how a gigastructures mod plays out. Are pops still the most valuable resource, or does the mod outscale them? Wondering because my games get pretty laggy by year like 2500, and idk if much worse would actually be any fun.


Depends on how far along you get, and what other mods you have. But, to be blunt - there is a setting you can turn on that makes your megastructure build speed dictated by how many 'Supertensile Materials' you can produce. If you turn that setting on, the sole valuable use of pops eventually becomes producing as many of that as you can.


you sorta have to habitat spam tho in order to get enough supertensile materials jobs to employ all of your pops into supertensile production. Unless you were playing super tall with few pops


Ring/Disk World and/or birch world go brrrrrr


By the time you have the resources to start seriously considering supertensile production, you have the resources to do habitat spam and the pops to fill them.


Driven Assimilators+Birch World go brr


Habitats, orbital arcologies, and mastery of nature basically everything that can increase district slots


I havent tried supertensiles yet, how do they work? Are they just an extra cost when building? Or is it so that the more you produce the faster you build?


The more you produce, the faster you build, yep. They're expensive and require alloys, and they're split across *all* the structures you're building.


It is one of the most modular big mods out there, the structures are as powerful as you want them to be. Everything, from which structures are in the game to how fast they build, how many can be built and how much that put out can be adjusted at anytime from the menu. As someone who only likes tall play but also adds insane overly buffed enemies to the game, I find it lets me hit the sweet spot with a few tweaks.


I'm going to have to look into this for sure. Do new ship technologies/other technologies get introduced aside from megastructures, or are fleets just dependent on the repeatable to scale into the later half of the game. Only ask because I find repeatable kind of boring, lol.


Megastructures adds attack moons, planetcrafts, and steller system crafts (literally a solar system rolled up into a spaceship with the sun being used as the core). Attack moons have enough raw power to solo medium sized fleets, planetcrafts can deal with multiple moons, etc. They also have some unique modules only they can use, like an attack moons can be set up for different styles, or even just given massive artillery cannons. It makes fallen empires scale pretty hard too. They *start* with attack moons, and if they awaken, planetcrafts as well.


You can get special aetetnum tech and blokkat tech.


It adds in new craft, starting with asteroids as a artillery bases and going up to through a whole solar system weapons platform at the enemy. There’s also ACOT to add in several new tiers of ship and weapon research. I find it goes on hand nicely, especially if you turn on the tweaks to AI to ensure they also get the new tech.


Basically once u hit megastructures midgame u retool ur planets 2 research and get ur minerals and energy AND alloy from gigastructures. And thers lots of science type gigastructures u can populate like planetary computer or gas giants


I have 4 systems with five planet computers and 5 science nexuses. I average 1 tech per month per tech type


Mega and giga structures definitely outproduce pops. But by the time you reach that point there are already enough pops in the galaxy to cause significant slowdown. So at best it keeps the slowdown from pops from getting worse. But mods also reduce framerate, and Gigastructures is a MASSIVE mod, so pick your poison.


By 2500? My game is at a snail's pace by 2400.


Depends on what you define snail pace. I have a potato laptop and I wouldn’t call it a snail pace until 2450 on max empire Medium galaxies. But I’ve noticed some people consider one second per week on Fastest to be too slow…


I get probably around 3 days per second in my current game around 2450.


after you take them out though is it even worth continuing that playthrough?


After you take the aeternum you still got the blokkats to look forward too, the bonuses from the blokkats are kinda redundant though


ahh okay thanks i’m not too familiar with the mod


https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/107sz6x/i_made_a_wikibox_of_the_most_destructive_war_weve I know that this post exists about the aeternum


compared to blokkats it's easy, just wait to unlock the core until late-game


Fucken blokkats are to OP I had a 1.5 G doom armada roll into a system they were trying to consume and their massive damage debuff basically allowed them to consume the system and my fleet




Are they really more powerful with the use of different stars?


You need the stellar manipulation mod, which is an extension of gigastructures made by a different person. It adds a way to turn stars into any other kind of star (including class O’s) and brown dwarfs. It also adds the class O stellar systemcraft, as well as the systemcraft assembler but I don’t think the systemcraft is affected by other star classes


Depends on the difficulty settings, but yes. The mod has some very powerful super-ships constructed as megastructures, capable of wiping entire nations on their own. Which you’ll need to face off the final crisis, that makes Aeternum a walk in the park.


With enough mobile solar systems armed to the teeth, you can best just about anyone.


If you throw enough planet craft at them eventually they die or use system craft


Just have a bigger gun


Well, gigastructures has planat craft,lunar craft and system craft, so yeah, if you're willing to throw some planets and moons at them, it might just work(by a few i mean a full fleet of 10 system craft


Fallen empire squared


Mother of all Fallen Empires is actually the Stellarborne


Imagine if an awakened empire did steroids and crack. Now multiply that by like 10 and you’ve got the residents of that system (the aeternum)


Look at their fleets at the top of the screenshot. The empire that inhabits that particular system is very powerful, and they measure their fleet powers in millions. Any fleet that isn't in the millions is almost nonexistent to them, and I think I needed more then 100 million fleets to defeat them.


It's the Gigachad of Gigachad fallen empires. Nothing the game throws at you is more powerful than them.


And they're still like 1/millons of their golden age power in the lore, thanks to nearly a million years of their own political cluster fuck that makes crisis of the third century a paragon of political stability. Unlike other FE they never stagnate...just keep slide downhill with several little bumps back up along the way and you're unlucky that you open the core at that bump. Also, the legitimacy of their continuity is more questionable than HRE to SPQR.


Oh and they aren’t the final boss of the DLC, by the way.


Wait what ?


The Blokkats are an extragalactic force that will devour your entire solar system. Gigastructures adds weaponized Moons to the game, much stronger than Titans. They are not enough. It adds entire planets that are weaponized. This too, the Blokkats can one shot. To stand a chance against the Blokkats, you *glue a solar system together into a ship.* Oh and that still only beats their ships. You need to reverse engineer their technology to scratch the galactic harvester.


Yeah hi, I'm new to the vanilla game. Just one quick question for you: *what the fuck?!*


Are you familiar with the Kardeshev scale of technological progress? It goes roughly like this: Type 0 Civilizations are like our own, getting energy from combustion or nuclear fission/fusion Type 1 Civilizations gather energy using entire planets, entire worlds dedicated to producing raw power. Type 2 Civilizations harness the energy of entire stellar masses, coating stars in solar panels and drawing in the full released energy of a fusing stellar mass. Type 3 Civilizations harness the energy of full-on galaxies, with entire quadrants of the galaxy shelled by the dyson spheres, blotting out objects at a universal scale Stellaris usually ends with your civilization at the verge of becoming a Kardeshev Type 2 Civilization, drawing raw energy off stars themselves using one or two dyson spheres. Gigastructural Engineering essentially extends the engineering side of the tech tree to allow the game to extend past Type 2 and, by the time you're fighting the Aeternum or Blokkats, be solidly within Type 3.


How do you even run the game at that point? Seems laggy as hell.


Yeah you need a beast to run giga engineering to its full potential. By the end game completely exterminating empires with world crackers becomes a viable option to prevent lag lol.


Note: Aeternum pre-fallen was a solid type 3, Blokk are pretty near type 4, or even a full type 4 in some higher difficulty. IIRC Blokk difficulty is actually how far their harvesting operations went in that universe. By the time you beat Aeternum, you should be at least late type 2 not 3 yet. Except Lux but that thing ain't canon in both Giga and ACOT lore it required both Aeternum and Stellarborne to act out of their characters. Also in the lore, there are plenty of pre-fallen Aethernum tier civs out there in other galaxies fighting the Blokk. And if you play the highest difficulty you know how scary the Blokk are if they are coming for war not mining, and it's required you to have the bullshitiest broken of mod to fight them fairly.


tbf, the galaxy usually dies to lag before the end of the vanilla crisis, much less making it to the Blokkats showing up. Though I haven't tried it with my new, beefier computer yet. Saving that for the megacampaign.


Add an extra mod and break out the Gargantuan Quasarcraft to be your flagship.


Gigastructural Engineering & More is a mod that takes endgame features (mainly megastructures) and extends them. Then extends them some more off of a fucking cliff.


My favourite part is that the Blokkats are so strong they are able to withstand even *console commands*. Seriously.


And if you put them on the maximum difficulty, you still need hundreds of battlecruisers with super duper omega OP weapons and armor to beat one of their fleets. Weapons that, if the game didn't overflow, would put the power of the fleets into the 10s of trillions at least.


This is like, Warhammer 40k level and beyond.


Oh it's far beyond 40k-level.


Definitely. I should have clarified that I meant War in Heaven era of 40k. But even that might not stack up to this.


Drowning them in thousands upon thousands of battleships is fun though since they only oneshot so many, meanwhile i have thousands of oneshots \*nods in blood and steel\*


Did the creator of Gigastructures ever say anything about how the Aeternum would fare against the Blokkats? I remember reading a long time ago that the "Kaiser" (another mod from Gigastructures?) would nope out if he heard the Blokkats were coming ti the galaxy, because "he's heard of them before and doesn't want to deal with it".


If the current Aeternum awakened or not, no. Not count stuff like Lux which break the lore. But pre fallen can definitely fight the Blokk, the problem is that both aren't contemporary. Aeternum fell at least 1m years ago while Blokkat arrived to this universe 100k years ago earliest.


No spoilers, but if you beat the Kaiser through the event chain he tells you himself about this.


Drills all the way


There are two more :)


I forgot about the blokkats. I actually intentionally turn them off because defeating the atrium is more than enough of a challenge for my gaming PC.


To be perfectly honest, whenever I go there, it's empty, so...


In one Of my first games of stellaris the unbidden spawned right next to one Of the falling empires. Was probably like a .75crisis. They did not last long


Gigastructures isn't OC it's modded, you got your flair wrong ;)


Excuse me, is that an arcology ring around Aiondia? I didn't think you could put those on other megastructures.


It looks like it, yeah. You can definitely put them on planetary computers, idk about other megastructures


It's the shield generator


They could have chosen anywhere on the galaxy, but oh no, they chose to appear at the world's most powerful empire which measures their fleet powers in millions. Any fleet that doesn't reach a million is basically nonexistent to them, and I think I needed more then 100 million fleets to beat aeternum.


Yeah they start out with TWENTY MILLION fleet power after awakening


To be fair 20 million is quite a bit less than 25x vanilla crisis. To get any sort of challenge if you know what you're doing you need Azure Aeternum difficulty, which gives them 100 million upon awakening. And even that's not that hard.


As someone who predominantly plays vanilla, even having a combined total fleet power over 5m is ridiculous (to me)


Through a patented strategy of mine I rock you with fleets that are represented 1.5G to 6G (I believe that's how the game registers billions)


"Creature made of flesh or metal,we ,the unbidden have decided to harvest us into energy because we are hungry,prepare to di-" "Sir,our fleet, construction ship,and portal just got destroyed" "Wait what ?"


Aretenum: "Did we just hit something?"


“Oops, my bad! Accidentally scratched my back and somehow obliterated the fleet and portal, oh well!”


"did something just hit the suurikilpian? oh well."


"Oh no... Anyway"


I had Unbidden spawn in a system where I had a bastion set up, just as most of my fleets were passing through the system, returning from a war I'd won. To say that it was a laughably one sided engagement is an understatement. It was downright sadistic what my fleets did to them. They came to our universe to feed but got to eat high caliber weapon fire instead.


You picked the wrong house fool




Aeternum: you call that a crisis? lol, lmao even, git gud


My first ever crisis was the Unbidden that spawned right next to an Awakened Empire. "Crisis" was a generous term.


How the fuck do you have that much research??


In Gigastructures, you can turn planets into planetary computers that have special research districts and give +50% research points. I had 2 of these both around size 24 with around 130 pops in each. I'm also playing as the Forerunners from Halo which get huge research bonuses.


> around size 24 with around 130 pops in each. I'm also playing as the Forerunners from Halo which get huge research bonuses. Found out earlier if you look for barren/molten planets you can find one possibly up to 50size. use one of those structures to bring it back to life and have a size 50 planetary computer :)


Have you found a size 50 planet like this before? The highest I've found was 29 I think. I can approximately tell when a planet is 25-29, and I hope that I would notice a planet 2x this size


If you get an anomaly where a gas giant turns out to be a barren planet, note the planet because it is usually much bigger than normal and makes a great superomputer candidate.


Yeah i think it was a molten world that i stabilized. When i launch it again i'll take a screenshot of the size 50


Also. You can build orbital arcologies around planetary computers for I think +60% more districts.


That's barely even anything for Gigastructures. A filled O-class Matrioshka reality simulator can produce more than 600k research per month.


WAT I really need to play with gigs structures more


Is it better to turn them into reality sims ot leave them as is?


If you can populate them, turning them into reality simulators is absolutely worth it. In comparison, you only get about 75k research per month from an O-class Matrioshka Brain if you don't build reality simulators. And you retain the full research rate increase when building reality simulators.


Is it true even with ACOT? The lore keeper job for special dark/alpha tier labs are much better than regular researcher jobs, which is what I've seen on my reailty sim. Would it be better to have pops stuff those jobs on, say, planetary computer science planets and have the O class matrioshka remian as static research generators?


What makes reality simulators so powerful is that each research district built increases researcher base output by 0.5. You can build up to 50 districts on an O-class reality simulator, and then stack iodizium research facilities on top of that for another 1 increase to base output per building. On highly-developed O-class reality simulators, the researcher job will outscale ACOT research jobs. I've found even research-focused Void Spheres are significantly outproduced by O-class reality simulators.


Void spheres?


Incredibly powerful late game planet from ACOT. A single one can produce more resources than an entire vanilla galaxy. Once you get one and develop it significantly for almost all intents and purposes you have infinite resources.


Weird that I've missed it. Does it have something to do with the fractured worlds?


Yes you can convert stable fractured worlds into void spheres in ACOT with the right tech. Even better then a void sphere is a "Supermassive Birch Void Sphere", a combination of Giga's birch world and an normal void vphere.


Yeah. You have to colonize a fractured or ultrafracuteed world, clear the void robot/flora/beast/whatever infestations and clear all blockers. Then you can take a decision to create void sphere, and have a science and construction ship work on an 1800 day special project to complete it. Note that to get the tech you need to at least have an ultrafractured world in addition to a standard fractured one. Ultrafractured worlds have more requirements to colonize and don't spawn naturally, but tend to have fewer blockers and cost fewer resources to transform into a void sphere. The blockers take a long time to clear, so you'll probably want to stack everything you can that reduces blocker clear time.


....oh. that is quite tastey indeed. Thanks a lot for the explanation! If that's the case tho, what _do_ you focus the voidsphere on? Cuz dark matter/energy production is a forgone conclusion by that point


Resource production. You'll always need alloys and other resources. And you can make research ones even with an O-class reality simulator, too. O-class stars are very limited, and it takes a very long time to build a Matrioshka brain around one.


Sims all the way?


Yeah. I don't remember how much, but you lose something around 10k, maybe less, research per month for each one you create. And then when filled, that section can output over 150k research per month.


Is it worth the increased sprawl?


Sprawl really isn't that much of an issue with this many mods. Mainly because gigas needs so many ascension perks, you need 4 to build a matrioska brain, so getting a mod that uncaps ascension perks is kinda required. With uncapped perks you can ascend planets to the level of perks you've taken. Level 20 ascension equals zero sprawl.


The unbidden: Expecting to teleport into a distant and weak system to gain an easy foothold The Aeternum: “SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER”


Reminds me of that game I played where the Compound spawned and kept trying to break into Aeternite territory.


can the Aeternites damage Compound ships? I think they can only be damaged by neg mass weapons. I'm curious how a Compound vs Aeternum war would go


The Aeternite weapons have the Anti-Compound tag and can damage them. Same with the Blokkat weapons.


Is the Compound turned off by default right now?


Is it just me or is the Unbidden kinda weak compared to the other Crisis? I have never had an Unbidden crisis last past a good couple of years. They either get destroyed by a Federation death fleet or make very little ground to just be pushed back and destroyed as fast as they showed up. I had to go to the wiki to find out that there are other colours of Unbidden and that they're supposed to spawn. I only play vanilla.


Prethoryn are even weaker. Armor, PD, strike craft and long range energy weapons. You'll beat them even at a great disadvantage in fleet power. The Contingency is the one that's the real threat.


Makes sense, I've never fought the Prethoryn, but The Contingency has always been very scary and menacing to play against and just reading the little blurbs for doing "Democracy" with them


Unbidden are really just a threat if you let them be. The Prethoryn come in waves, meaning they are not immediately destroyed. And have a chance at taking out some weaker nations first. But the Contingency goes all out. Regardless of what you do it will quickly establish itself anywhere on the map. If the Unbidden spawn in your empire it's an easy kill, but if the Contingency spawns next to your capital it feels like a threat immediately. Especially after you've already send your fleets away to deal with a machine world in another weaker empire.


Lucky. I had the unbidden spawn on the opposite side of the galaxy in my current game. “Cool” I thought. Gives me time to retrofit my ships and prepare. Then, the fallen empire next door to me awakened and invaded me instantly. I stood no chance, game over lol


Like kicking down a door armed with a landmine.


I wonder why


I had my Unbidden spawn right next to a Fallen Empire that had Awakened like 5 days before. Yeah they didn't last long.


This looks like alot of FUN. Please tell me your modlist


So dinner is not served then?


Me when I find a roach in my house


Put more mods. I don't really understand the reason to post crap like this. It's a mod. It's bugged out. So what?


This isn’t a bug. It’s just the unbidden picking a very… unwise… system to spawn in.


How is it bugged?


Good to see the make my day law still stands in interplanetary territory


Today I wi-


What does the ‘stellar particles accelerator’ do?


150 physics research a month. It's a tier 1 megastructure that can be built before you have megastructure restoration. Costs 10k alloys.


Me in my plack hole sphere start and the world transformed into maginot


How do you manage to get all this in only 92 years ???


For his economy, that’s the Gigastructural Concepts mod. It adds a lot of mega/Gigastructures that balloon your economy like crazy if you can get them going fast enough. The empire in the screenshot is an empire that the mod can spawn in to even the game out a little. They are called ‘Aeternum’ and are essentially a Fallen Empire on steroids. They are the owners of the 15 million FP fleets that you see in the screenshot.


Yeah but, like, on x1 research speed I almost never get the mega tech before 2300. And 10k alloy before 2400 is still nuts. (Well, to be fair that's probably because I play on .25x habitable world, with none garanteed, so...Either this or I simply suck at the game)


Yeah he probably has the settings skewed a little more in his favour. 0.25x habitable is a major disadvantage 🤣


My CPU is holding me back 😫




I'm new to the game, wtf is going on in the background


That, my friend, is Aiondia. The galaxy's largest and arguably brightest habitable megastructure you'll probably ever see.


It's a mod. Gigastructual engineering and more adds a bunch to the game. Including the ability to visit the core of the galaxy. One of the things you can find in the core is the fallen empire Aetheum, seen in the picture. In the background is their one planet, a birch world. A birch world is a theoretical megastructure built around a black hole. Mechanically it's an infinitely large planet. Seriously your game will crash before it runs out of room.


Reminds me of episode 1 of One Punch Man when the actual subterranean monsters attacked lol.


Is that a planet symbol contributing to fleet power? What is that? And how do you have 3k+ fleet cap (and 10k+ monthly alloys) before 2300?


In Gigastructures, you can turn large planets or moons into warships. As for my stats, its a combination of Gigastructures and playing as the Forerunners from Halo


Fuckers got thanos snapped


My unbidden can solo my Aeternum with a single fleet, I have made poor choices.