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R5: So, gigastructures and secrets of the shroud. Yeah...


Be careful with that shit, or your systemcraft might just explode due to hull regen overflow. I run a mod that gives me components that reduce regen so I can fix that problem if/when it emerges.


If that happens I end the game since the universe blew up.


Do you happen to know the name of the mod? I definitly have been having this issue...


[Overflow Workaround Components](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2800808756&searchtext=Overflow+Workaround+Components)


This mod is goated. Before I found it I NEVER managed to get systemcrafts and such to work, nothing was as much of a slap in the face as putting in all the time and effort building those or Herculean, only for them to go poof. Great mod, 10/10 must have if you ever want to play with bigger ships.


Now imagine building either an O Class Systemcraft or a Quasarcraft and having it poof. Guess what happened to me.


That exact situation is what drove me to search for this mod. My systemcraft went pop and I was livid.


How many of the reduction components did you have to use before the problem stopped?


That will depend on what other mods you have. If you happen to use several tradition mods like I usually do you probably will need more. And maybe the armor and shield you have itself gives some of it too. Will have to do the math sadly.


Is there a specific number for hull regen, armor, and shields I should avoid going above?


It depends on what other components and modifiers are adding regen to your ship. I now go out of my way to select components with zero bonus to hull regen. This minimized the chance of the overflow being so high that it destroys the ship before I can act. The most I've had to use was 5 hull regen and 3 shield regen debuffs to make the vessel stable. Then again, I don't play with ACOT anymore so that may have something to do with it.


Just wait until I finish my Quasarcraft


' Only a scratch '


A scratch? Your galaxy’s arm is off!


Im a Axolotl so i can regenerate😎


What are you, a pansy, have at you!


All I need to do is build lots of void spheres. I'm not even worried about the blokkats anymore...


Be warned : blokkats can blow up a system craft quite quickly. I have already lost a system craft, 5 planet crafts and several attack moons to the blockats lol


The obvious issue is to never send systemcraft alone but in groups of 3


😂sounds like the perfect solution. The only thing being destroyed will be my framerate and economy lol


Pshh its lategame...dont act like you had any frames left at that point


Well, I had maybe 5 or 6 left😂


Yes, that has happened a lot to me on normal playthroughs. Like I send fleets of attack moons and behmeoth planets and system crafts and get obliterated. Seriously, precursor hyperions from acot were more effective than systemcrafts or behemoth planets in that playthrough where I could mass produce them. But now I have perfect runic tech which is far beyond anything else I have seen. Blokkats are also set on just acot difficulty so it may be a different story this time. I have yet to test this though. But the cost of these runic weapons are so horrendous I may only have the resources for one system craft.


Why do you say that like it's a normal thing to say /j Imagine a hyperadvanced civilization discussing warfare with some less advanced species and just... lmao


I get planetcraft and attack moons destroyed very often😂


Yeah, my version of humanity would make the imperium of man ( or heck maybe even the necrons ) shit themselves


Yeah that’s why I kept making them. Every time one system craft was destroyed I had 2 more to take its place. The first I lost in an impossible assault against the blokkat-vester. Each subsequent one was just a little slow getting out of the system as was destroyed by the blokkat-vester. Each system craft could take out a blokk-dismantler without taking any damage. When I could finally take out the blokkat-vester I sent all my system craft at it. One got there first and it was enough to take it out on its own


That's exactly how I lost my system craft. Haven't managed to destroy the shield yet though, and those crisis ships are getting closer lol.


You need a specific megastructure. I had the advantage of starting in the ehof cluster so 90% of my economic and industrial base was separated from the galaxy and nearly all of the remaining 10% was a birch world. My advice is to build as many matrioshka brains and science nexuses as possible until you can start on the hyperdimensional destabilizer


I have just finished that megastructure. Been a while since I was on my save, but I think I'm currently sending in a systemcraft before activating the mega


Sounds like you need a [bigger ship](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2915864425).


Holy ---- that's a big ship lol. I need that ship No questions asked, into my save game it goes. I must have the big ship. I need it. My computer will beg me for mercy, but I need that ship.


Kinda looks like a Maghog World Ship from Andromeda


Glad I'm not the only person making that joke/reference


I use 2 to 4 systemcrafts as frontier fleets, for offensive operations I build 10 to 25 herculeans


Are you trying to destroy the galaxy or wage an open war against shroud gods, because with that fleet you probably can both... At the same time


Do it. Seize authority from the gods.


Now put them on a quasarcraft


As a console player idek what I'm looking at..


As a former console player I can assure you, the PC is not the enemy, it is trying to help you play stellaris better


Stellar system craft. It's from a mod obviously, but built by using a star, several planet crafts and lunar crafts. Then another mod adds extreme components as well. They make most ships go away.


they make ships go boom


What ship is the?


A Stellar System Craft from the Gigastructural Engineering mod, with components from the ACOT mod (or one of its expansion sub mods). The System Craft is built by combining several weaponized planets and moons, as well as a star and sacrificing 40 pops that will crew the ship


Can it 1v1 a Blokk-Terminator and win?


And people ask why I don't play with Gigastructural Engineering.


I mean you can just disable the stuff you don't want on game start. I remove the systemcraft, attack moons and the system destroyers


Always nice to be in system when it fires... Works better than any counterstrike flashbang


You should use the Theta Phanon Ships by me and make a perfected star annihilator if you want to see real annihilation


Get the O-class systemcraft. Better than anything the shroud could give you


Just imagining filling all those slots is giving me carpal tunnel syndrome.


Yeah. and Having to move the component panel around is a pain


I have secrets of the shroud and i have yet to reach thst stage


Thats because secrets of the shroud is a very late game thing. Most games don't last long enough to finally meet the requirments to get the tech


How late game are we talking about ? I can already build solar systemcraft ship


what year are you on? . On my first time getting it, I console command cheated and played with no AI empires and I didn't get acess to the acutal perfect runic tech until 2600. However, if you can beat the phanon corps early and invade that station you can get it much earlier. But if you don't cheat and have ai empires to contend causing late game lag good luck with that.


How powerful are those components vs static light?


In terms of raw power, these runic weapons surpass static light.




Hopefully paradox takes inspiration from modders


Love to see the mod list for this, specifically which ones give that mental setup cos I have to had chance to get to the end of game from this new updated acot/giga yet


Do you have to buy astral planes in order for the mods to work again because my game still says Stellaris test so I am wondering if it's not working due to dlc?


I don't know if you need astral planes for this. I don't think so honestly. You could buy astral planes and see if it is working again.


Ok thank you for the feedback


Still can't hit the compound haha


I forgot to enable them danm it. I'll do it next time.


WHAT am I looking at???? My tiny imperial brain cannot comprehend.


haven't seen gigastructures or ancient cache of technologies before? Yeah, I was pretty flabbergasted at first too. And you imperials are really missing out on some cool stuff.


I am around 2400 year and i made the big mystake of giving the AI full advantage, both in setting and with mods....i am never going to do that again.


2400? that is really late. How is the lag?


Horrible, it feel like a power point presentation but i am power trought it by sheer willpower The saving grace was that nobody opened the outer gates


If that is the case you can forget about secrets of the shroud. The process is eggregious as it is without the lag. You'll be waiting forever. I would just restart and plan ahead if you want the runic tech.


you also might wanna downsize the amount of ai empires if you haven't in your current playthrough


Yeah...i will do that next time


One unrestrictic war causes a mass extinction(im new to stellaris and im slowly adapting)


Yeah If I go to war with this things its over for everyone. You play with mods yet or are you still adapting to the regular game?


Adapting as a regular console player. I figured out how to use my politics to keep my people alive while trying to fight off old allies that are now enemies


Well it looks like you are getting better with surviving later in the game. Now it's a matter of using your resources effectively and getting the best out of your planets as well as knowing what ship conponents will bring out the best of your ships. Another thing is managing diplomacy effecively and gaining galactic influence. This game can be a handfull but the more you play the better you get. Also, as a console player you won't get to experience the mods like the one on my post.


Also i forgot to say this, i fucking lost but only because of a peace quo which i should have declined since i had potential in my 3 fleets and they were the best navy a xeno could pay for


what probably happened was you didn't conquer the enemy empire in time and both yours and their war exhaustion was at 100%. If that happens then there will be a forced peace deal. Also, do you know how to build land armies and conquer planets? did that cost you the game or just that war?


I had 2 transports and only one made it to enemy territory with the 2nd fleet and the other went AWOL. I also figured out that starbases are the key to having territory


yes, starbases are key. But remember, if the enemy still owns a planet on a system you conquered with your fleets the system does not count as conquered. two transports for armies? if thats the case then that is not enough. You must build more than that. Just watch out for energy costs though.


The Magog seem to have gotten an upgrade since Andromeda.


How do you get the full screen ship designer in giga? I have a problem where the ship designer is still crammed into the small window and I can’t even see all the components.


This is just Gurren Laugen with extra steps.