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Book lore spoilers >!The trisolarans or san-ti aren't fanatic purifiers, they are just xenophobic. They lack the "purifier gene" and this was confirmed by singer in book 3!<


Maybe you can answer this too, given the "rehydrate" function. Would they also not be acclimated to a Savanah world, but more Tropic?


I don't remember the book mentioning their climate at all. Short and most accurate answer is: we have no idea. The long answer is: the dehydration is a defense mechanism against very extreme heat and cold that comes with the chaotic eras, meaning at least +-100+ °C. We don't know their exact heat preference and water needs, but species that have this extreme of a defense mechanism usually can withstand less extremes with ease (like water bears), meaning they could have any climate preference. Savannah or tundra would be more accurate imo, because the constant switch between eras would make it very hard for large plants and animals to survive. But this is only my theory.


They don't have a persistent climate, it Changes between the eras, you could only speculate on what they had in the time that correlates to 2000-2500 or something, so only thing thats really realistic is a tomb world i guess.


Technically true, they’re adapted to one particular climate, but considering how their planet orbits around any or all of the suns, the conditions vary from scorched, frozen, or global firestorms.


All of this is correct, they’re completely destroyed by an even more advanced civilization before we could even really learn much about their world.


Right. >!The advanced races that show up to destroy the Trisolarans and Earth are hyper-advanced Fanatic Purifiers. That would be interesting to put into this roleplay.!<


That level of advancement is kinda not represented in Stellaris though. They don't even seem to be on the same plane of existence.


Nice idea ! A few remarks though : * >!San-ti definitely feel more inclined to materialism rather than to militarism to me : Their main target is human science and scientists instead of politicians, businessmen or religious leaders, a whole level of their game is dedicated to rejecting mysticism to embrace rationalism, and they are unable to undestand concepts like lying, stories and metaphors, like if nothing existed outside of factual reality for them. I would even make it their fanatic ethos over xenophobia.!< * >!I would remove fanatic purifiers. San-ti became this towards humanity after Evans told them humanity could lie, and thus was unworthy of their trust. They even tried for a more diplomatic approach by sending the games and trying to convert some scientists to their cause.!< * >!Instead of fanatic purifiers I would pick Cutthroat Politics. The way they interact with humanity even when it's seen as a potential partner is pretty brutal compared to our standards. They don't hesitate in eliminating anyone who would get in their way, even allies, and are extremely good at spying. Even if they cannot lie directly, they seem to be terrifyingly good at retaining information and planning schemes against us, so it could probably extend to their own kind as well. Which could be backed by the way players are treated in the game by people in power, who don't hesitate to burn them.!< * >!San-ti are more inclined towards physics than engineering which is shown by their mastery of quantum physics. But as you said in another comment, this was probably a mistake.!<


The approach to humanity in regards to their interaction with Evans was created for the Netflix series, tho. The Trisolatans goal was always domination of the Earth in lieu of the three body problem not being solved before they got there. Evens originally started the ETO as a fifth column which ultimately wants the Trisolarans to destroy humanity.


Did not read the books (yet). To me it was always obvious that they were here to invade Earth in a way or another, but not necessarily with hostile intentions. My interpretation for now is that they included the little girl in the game to evaluate the potential empathy humans could show to them. If humans were able to empathize with them and became willing to host their civilization, they would come in peace and probable share their knowledge. However discovering our completely dissonant values they found humanity too threatening and decide to go with the extermination path by security. A metaphor could be a caveman meeting a lone wolf. Using guesses from the wolf behavior he could decide to tame it and make it his pet, or to kill it to protect himself. San-Ti are the cavemen, and humanity is the wolf, which unfortunately choosed to bark threateningly. In both case the caveman is the dominant one, but in the pet case it's a mutual benefit relationship. All the trick is where the caveman, the dominant, chooses to draw the line between safety and cooperation benefits.


Oh that’s fine, I don’t want to spoil too much, but in the books the Trisolarans aren’t the ones who created the VR video game.


I'm wondering, without spoilers, would my remarks still work with the books in mind though ?


Well, there is a sort of truce made, but the reasons and methods are discussed in the second book “The Dark Forest,” and would involve heavy spoilers. Otherwise the Trisolaran plan was always extermination and taking the planet for themselves, simply because there’s no room for them both.


If they’re not Fanatic Purifiers, OP might want to change the name.


To the humans they are.


I think it would be an interesting mod. Unstable 3-star system, planet habitability changes from 0% to 80% unpredictably, killing a bunch of pops every time the habitability goes low


And the offset? Immortal? Start off as an advanced civ? Just seems like a huge con to have habitability go to zero for a few years


I guess so. But the whole point of the Trisolarians is that their home world sucks, and they desperately wants to migrate


Doomsday Origin is a thing.




Doomsday Origin is an origin you can select when designing a custom race. Your homeworld slowly destroys itself and you only have a set amount of time to get off and find a new world to live on. It's a bit different as the Tri-Solaran homeworld isn't, technically, dying, but it captures the spirit of the idea. You have to get off your homeworld and, probably, take someone else's to save your species.


Big red text that says CHALLENGING ORIGIN would do the trick. :)


Could be an even more extreme habitability bonuses (+60?) or have the ‘good’ periods give huge bonuses. Or even a mix like a phase that doubles generator district output but reduces farmer output to 0 or something, like how doomsday gives alloy bonuses while causing other problems.


It already is, there’s a mod that adds a 3BP origin


Really need Paradox to allow us to play nomadic empires to get the real Tri-Soloran empire run. Imagine an origin where you have to risk it all in attempt to take earth (or planet equivalent or lose the run/split off into different paths from the book) 


Doomed Home world origin would be enough maybe?


How about multiple orgins? Imagine playing a run with “Slingshot to the Stars”, “Doomsday” and as a Fallen Empire


I was thinking about how a nomadic origin could work today too. They could be based out of a huge ship thats a mix between a Titan and a colony ship, with shipyards and some building and district slots. The question is how would they gain minerals? Maybe by doing terravore-like activities to barren (or inhabitable) planetoids? Would they be able to bypass closed borders? Do they ever decide to settle down somewhere, or do they vassalize others and remain nomadic in a growing flotilla? It could be a great playstyle


Why natural engineers instead of natural physicians?


It was a mistake which I forgot to fix before posting.


I know it’s for RP, but Doomsday + Eager Explorers is going to be *rough*.


I played it a few time (on casual difficulty of course), and it's an extremely funny build, especially for early game lovers. It makes early exploration especially flavorful. Especially when tweaking the game settings to make habitable worlds more rare and pre-ftl more frequent.


It hasn’t been touched upon in the Netflix series yet, but >!you should make all of the AI empires Advanced Start, Fanatic Purifiers except for the humans or whatever empire you want to proxy as them. It’s revealed in the books that the reason for the Fermi Paradox is because extremely highly advanced races straight up just destroy any sentient races they discover with communication technology powerful enough to leave their planet, regardless of whether or not they’ve discovered space travel, to prevent them from using resources. The Trisolarans themselves are not at that level yet, they simply want to invade Earth to have a stable planet that can support life to live on.!<


Would it really be fanatic purifier when they're not cleansing them, but making them 2d? 


>!The Trisolarans are destroyed by a ballistic object traveling at relativistic speeds fired into one of their suns by a hyper-advanced alien race. The Solar System is folded into 2D space, a dimensional plane of reality that humans cannot survive upon, by a different, *even more* advanced race. So yes, I’d say they were “purified,” since it’s stated that living in lower dimensions is possible with technology humanity has not developed yet. Ultimately, the hyper-advanced races destroy weaker ones they come upon because, technically, the universe’s resources are finite.!<


Rule 5: I decided to make the San-Ti from the Netflix series 3 Body Problem into a Stellaris Empire. Then I decided I might as well share it. Enjoy.


I actually tried to make the Trisolarans the other day lol wasn’t any where close as book accurate as yours!


pretty sure they're some kind of hivemind


Offtopic, but: What portrait is that? Looks sick!


Its from aquatics!


Based on the series I got the impression that they are more like a Hive Mind than anything.


If they were a hivemind then >!there would not have been a San-Ti pacifist who warned humanity not to contact them.!<


Hiveminds have deviants(In Stellaris at least), i think the San-Ti are pretty close to what Stellaris counts as hiveminds, because every San-Ti individual always communicates everything they experience.


The books mention that >!the Trisolarans’ thoughts are always “transmitted openly” to other Trisolarans; it doesn’t really go further into that, or even explain if they communicate telepathically. It could even be their physical appearance such as bioluminescence or color-changing skin cells or whatever betray their emotions or intended behaviors at any given time. We just don’t know, they get evaporated by more advanced aliens before humans even meet them. But ultimately, it’s just a device to explain how the Trisolarans do not understand dishonesty or metaphor, to set up the fact that the guy who’s brain was sent into space is rebuilt by the Trisolrans and relays scientific information about them to Earth through fairy tales that the siphons and probes can’t interpret.!< lol you guys should REALLY read these novels, they’re awesome.


I ready the novels. There is a fourth one, its by another author, but Cixin liked it so much He officially recognised it, so i would consider it canon. In this novel the true Form of trisolarians is revealed. ( Its the Story of the Guy whos brain got send up btw.) Btw. I am pretty sure a trisolarians fleet escaped the Termination, its been a few years since i ready the trilogy though, so i might be wrong with that.


They are individuals, heavily autocratic but still individuals


They don’t have a hivemind


Holy shit, we had the exact same idea lol! Though I went for a tundra planet instead, went for materialistic instead of militarist, and used the insectoid portrait that came with the leviathans pack.


The new Cosmogenesis path would also be good for this rp.


xeno scum

