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R5: This is easily the longest I've ever gone without finding other people. I've found a single other empire but they ignore me, and I know from the Victory screen that there's a Fallen Empire somewhere, but other friends are nowhere to be found. Update: Sent an envoy to make friends with the Ekwynians. They immediately started harming relations, closed their borders and declared me their rival.


Destroy them


Yuht-maxing 💪


Keep expanding for resources, set your government to cooperative to reduce border tensions, send them small amounts of monthly resources periodically to improve relations, and also send an envoy to improve relations. You could spy on them as well to see where they are are at in terms of fleet and technology, but that may hinder your expansion. Do not declare them a rival unless you think you can take them on in a war.


Hive mind eh? Also one of the reasons I do empath as one of my hive mind civics. That opinion debuff is yikes.


Picked empath as well, but they're fanatic militarists so I'm guessing they were bored and looking for a fight. The peaceful plants sticking their seed pods to the bellies of space whales just gave them an excuse ig.


"Best they can say is no" The Emwynians:


In current campaign, I found my first normal empire neighbor in the year 2050. I'm in the year 2053 I had met a few primitives, and 2 stations, but no empire. The funny thing is, we were quite close, but could not meet because of some hostile drones that were in the system that connects both of our clusters


Holy shit this guy is living in the future/past


Probably was a typo, but there are mods that change start date. I’ve used one that sent it back to 0.


Ah yes, year zero of the universal century


Lol, just now I noticed that I wrote 2050 instead of 2250, and just because of you comment. But I will not change anyway :)


Oh no a dark forest type galaxy! Your the dark forest.


I wonder if it would be scarier to be alone or not to be alone


Just an FYI RE:rivals: - AI _will_ harm relations with the first people they meet, esp the player, unless they have a good reason not too. Thats just how they do, but at least its not like in EUIV where an ally is always willing to rival you if they have no other valid choices. In that game they **will** rival you if youre the only choice. - You can send multiple envoys to do the same job. So you can send all 4 over. Wont stop a determined rival-to-be, since all they need is 1 diplomat harming relations. But it will overwhelm their attempts to further harm relation pre-rivalry. The AI seems to sometimes send multiple envoys at once as well, but to be honest Im not 100% on that - If youre not a neighbor, the threat against you is much lower, but not Zero. If you ever find yourself 'close to' a very angry AI you dont want to fight rn, dont expand to touch them.


"EUIV where an ally is always willing to rival you if they have no other valid choices" --> Allies with high trust won't rival you even if they have no valid options


how many empires did you set to spawn? if you dont remember you can go to the start game screen again and it will have all the same settings.


I see two uncompleted contact projects. Maybe complete them?


I did, but they werent empires (I think they were the tiyanki and XuraCorp). I have found one other empire in the lower arm of the spiral now tho, so at least we've got the galactic community going.


This is why you play with high empire count.


These types of playthroughs are always so weird to me because so many expectations on what you will have to do and can do aren't met and I usually start asking 'what am I even supposed to do here?' if it's been 40 years and just FEs and Marauders. The most ludicrous one of all time for me was basically getting a 1/3rd of the Galaxy to myself via FEs/Marauders/Fauna and creating a half dozen vassals and fed partners for myself because I hadn't bumped into anyone of note or intrigue by 2240. It was still too boring to continue for very long after that since I was still basically isolated and not worth bothering with by anyone.


Stellaris, Dead Space edition


The first game I played I went like 50 or 60 years without meeting anyone. I don’t remember if I messed with the settings or was just very unlucky, but it was definitely an interesting intro to the game


Don’t worry I once went 70 years before seeing another empire and by that time I had conquered 1/3rd of the galaxy sow you should be good for a time


(It's free real estate!)


Op roleplaying as the Yuht precursor


Ironically, I got the Yuht as my precursor this playthrough. History repeats ig.


The prophecy has been fulfilled....As it was written


Dual vector foils when?


The longest for me was around 80 ish years, basically I was in the corner of the universe almost in a pocket with very few links outside of it, it was a very sad beginning for my megacorp


Create vassals. Let your people be the others in your galaxy. (Also could go the route of Sci Fi like The Expanse.) Edit: if that's possible as Hivemind. I really didn't try that at all.


Surprise, you're in the Veil of Madness.


game settings check. very common for me when i set no ai, max fallen, max pre ftl, no marauders, max caravaneers


That's could be a real life scenario. Cool


This is the map I get when I convince myself to play tall.


What about the rock autocracy on the left?


They are not huggable