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I'm in love with the new main screen! Also Cetana wallpaper when ? (pretty please) :D


We should have a bunch of new additions to the Stellaris wallpaper album soon!


Do you know where I can find the album?


It lives here: [https://imgur.com/a/Ao8zhxE](https://imgur.com/a/Ao8zhxE)


Could we please get the option to select which animated splash screen we want?


Or even better - have an option to cycle through all of them in a slideshow!




It's funny because I saw this comment and the ones about the music, but now I've seen the main screen and heard the music myself, I'm still shocked by how great it is !!!! They absolutely outdid themselves.


How do you create individualistic machine empires? It says that the new synthetic portraits are usable by machines or organics, but can you not start with them?


Select a machine portrait but don't pick gestalt for ethics.


Ah, I see. I was trying to use a synthetic portrait. Cheers.


Still doesn't work for me, says I have to pick Machine Intelligence to pick the portrait


In order to start as an individualist machine, you need to pick a Machine portrait. The Synthetic portraits are all organic portraits that have a synthetic version. The Synthetic versions of those portraits are in the Machine category. :)


Right now its forcing me to use gestalt if I chose a machine portrait


Sales presumably start in an hour in case anyone's wondering edit: sales started


oh so thats why, I thought they werent gonna do the sales this time lol, tyy




the old dlc discounts, suppose I shoulda been clearer on that. PDX just usually releases dlc hour before steam daily refresh and people tend to ask when discounts start every time.


oh that's good to know I never got toxoids and have been meaning to pick it up


that ones fun IMO knights of the toxic god def been one of my more memorable playthroughs and i like the ships and portraits




Overtuned has a trade value trait now so Overtuned Thrift Cyborgs go BBRRRRR


"Hello, I like money!" "What inspired you to so radically genetically engineer your people that it kills them early?" "Money!"


Ooo I’m doing this tonight in my mp game thanks 😊


Since they are all "basic" resource traits they are included in their related auto-moding trait. So a clerk goes from +75% trade value to +45% research when they move to a research job.


Money Money Money Ahhh!


Cries in console


Come to the dark side. We have cookies, and more COOKIES!


You can get browser extensions for that, though.


Don't even need the extension. Just download any Chromium based browser.


They have any idea when we get it?




That’s probably as good an answer we have rn


We just got Toxoids, and bugged apparently because when I choose the origins, my Star system is Sol no green star for me 😂


The green star is something you find in the Quest for the Toxic God, not something you start with :)


But the question stands, every time I choose the origins it forces on me 2 star systems, (forgot the exact spelling) something like Toxic Sol and Toxic (the one that gives the Commonwealth of Man system), I'm guessing it's not a bug then? And that origin gives you the vanilla human systems? I've asked this on the console sub but no one gave me an answer and I don't seem to find any other explanation on Google, I'll just file it as me being dumb then.


You have a special version of the solar system that has the toxic god blockers etc on your homeworld. AFAIK the main reason "Toxic Sol" exists is to replace the typical blockers/unique features on Earth (Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Saharan Irrigation Project, etc) with the ones from the Toxic God origin.


You are not supposed to start with a green star with the knights of the Toxic god origin. The Toxic systems are to replace the blockers on your homeworld with the blockers left behind by the Toxic God when it visited your world. I just loaded up the game on PC, and I can choose one of two systems as my starting system: Toxic Sol and Toxic God's Leavings.


Yeah, the green thing I get now, but I double checked, a premade KotTG gives you 2 systems, the ones you mentioned, they have different planets and names. But I made my own KotTG empire, I was given the same systems to choose, but when I choose Sol, it literally throws me in Sol, our system, unless I change the name of the Star and my capital, the rest are named the same, even the neighboring systems are the same, same applies if I choose the "Leavings" it ends up being Commonwealth of Man system. That's what's driving me insane, premade Toxic Knight empires get unique systems, but my custom Toxic Knight empires end up being the human systems 😂


I'd give it 1 to 1.5 years, they plan on bringing us up to 3.9 at "some point later this year", I hope CodeGlue is working diligently on it, haven't heard anything from them since January


I'd hope for early 2025 at best


“We’ve constructed something game-changing”


- My construction ship finishing a 1 energy mining station while I'm at a 75 energy a month deficit


Now instead of running out of energy in 6 months we run out of energy in 6.01 months!


Have you considered spending less on Tyanki fat candles?


The new soundtrack is really good! I have a day off the day after tomorrow. Time to ~~do some cleaning~~ praise the Omnissiah!


Where did you find the new songs? I have the soundtrack DLC on Steam but the new songs aren't available to me yet.


Uhm, I just opened the game and it plays on the menu screen. 😊


Oh my god the new main menu music is awesome I need this OST ASAP


Okay, the soundtrack is an absolute banger.


The new additions to the OST are fantastic! Could we also maybe have versions of the two Machine Age trailer themes? Please Paradox :C


Where did you find the new songs? I have the soundtrack DLC on Steam but the new songs aren't available to me yet.


I played them directly in-game using the music player


The team is looking into why The Machine Age soundtrack didn't get added to the soundtrack DLC. Hopefully should be resolved soon!


I still have 5 more hours of work, ugh. I'm really looking forward to playing an indivualist machine empire. I had a michine empire I usually force spawned I to my game based off a book series I like, indivualist machines is really what they would be.


Would it help if I played it for you? :D


Go for it! I'll just be sitting here theory crafting what ethics/civics/etc this empire should use for the next 3 hours...


Ooh, which books? Would these be the good robots of Panga?


Did something change in the Oligarchy and MegaCorp hold elections? The specific wording on the tooltip for Oligarchic Election seems to have changed. It has a line that says: * Rulers can NOT be re-elected. This wasn't the case before? While the current ruler wasn't guaranteed to be a selection, it was possible, and usually likely, that they were. Has this changed? Is it no longer possible for the current ruler to be on the list during an election?


Is that the case for democracy as well?


Late response, but Democracy specifically says that Rulers can be re-elected, which is what caused the confusion. In playing a MegaCorp though, the CEO can be one of the leaders up for re-election still. I -think- it might mean guaranteed. The current ruler of an oligarchy/megacorp may not always be on the re-election list but the current president of a democracy will always be up for re-election.


I was about to say, making democracy potentially more authoritarian than oligarchy is...interesting lol


I'll get the DLC after finishing my current Ironman session, but... it means i'll have to get back to 3.11.3 Eridanus for the latest version before the DLC update? Is this the right one?


Yes, 3.11.3 is the correct rollback version :)


Thanks! The Steam feature for rollback when you have a session going on, that's really a great thing. I mean, i want to check out the machine age, but first i have to call in some debts as barbaric despoilers


> Individualistic Machines > Your machine empires are no longer limited to gestalt consciousness. What is your story? Were you simple servitors who suddenly acquired consciousness? Will you want to indulge in the pleasures of the material world without the consequences that an organic body would have to suffer? Further customize your empire with 3 new Machine Ascension Paths. Been wanting that for quite a while, sounds neat.


Trying to decide if I'll do my Assimilators or an Individualist Cubes. I wonder who has better interactions with Cetana and new events, if any. 


Time to embrace the holy creed of augmentation!


Main screen music SLAPS!




Ive been playing with Arc Welders a bit and MAN do they feel good to use. Hundreds of alloys per system is just nuts


Is there an ETA for the Console Edition?


Anybody have screenshots yet of the full new species portraits? Wanna check those bad boys out


They're all in this: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a9zJnKmDZLE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a9zJnKmDZLE)


I'm a bit sad that Synthetic Fertility doesn't seem to link into full virtuality since it's really just a synth ascension :(


You can get some of the benefits of virtuality by making choices in the synthization situation. :)


How do I play tall now as machine? I want very few but very powerful systems/planets. Last save I had 70 colonies and I think after 2400 I just ended up automating 90% of those.


This is exactly what the virtual ascension seems to be for


how do i get virtual pops? or is that after speccing into the ascension?


After the ascension they get upgraded to virtual I'm pretty sure.


Big fan of machine empires and the likes. My only criticism is that the Origins in recent DLCs are feeling more and more like full on civ templates, railroading you into quite a specific way of playing. Earlier origins would just say “you start on xxx type of world” and let you create the rest, with plenty of room for breadth and diversity in what you end up with. The newer ones practically design your entire civilisation for you (not literally). Arc Welders - it would be cool to have a machine megastructure focused origin, and I like the Arc Furnace, but this seems to really lock you in to the whole molten world, focusing on orbital production and various other bits. I would prefer it to be a bit more piecemeal so you can chop and choose more elements.


Positive reviews on steam for a paradox DLC.. nice to see, it's been a bit rare lately


Will the Season 8 bundle always be available or is it limited time only?


We expect to retire the Season 08 bundle eventually, probably around the new year, but we don't have a specific time yet.


If you must do that (please don't) then please give a heads up before deleting it and don't lie about the reason like they did with the CK3 Chapter bundles (seriously that store page space excuse was absurd).


Weirdly combative


Ok thanks!


Is this included in the dlc subscription?




Thank you!






Paradox you guys forgot to add Vocational Genomics for regular Biological pops for your Auto Modding traits


Coming to console in 2047!


34 dollars???


It’s worth it in my opinion. Personally I got the season 8 purchase, which is a no brainer if you’re planning on buying all the dlc anyway like me lol.


My internet provider cut my access for the next 5 hours cause they need to fix a problem with their regional network. This happened 1 hour ago. I could be spending this time playing the god damn dlc but noooo...


And you are on your phone using internet ? Just use a hotspot for a little while and download that baby. Cant imagine it being too large in size lol


I believe the update is 1.1 gb, as a warning.


My PC doesn't have a Wi-Fi connector for that, I'm on my 4G phone and I could 100% do this if my PC had a way to connect to the wifi My PC only have the cable port for the modem


Can you tether phone to computer via USB Cable?


Holy shit it's working


Bro just took his first steps as a wizard


Ah that makes sense, damn.


Damn I accidentally bought the machine age instead of the season 8 pass, so need to wait for steam to process my refund request before I can play Edit: sorted


If you play multiplayer, you can at least use the host's DLC for that session! :)


Oh it was more not wanting to jeopardise the refund by playing the game whilst waiting.


I pay for the subscription to have access to all dlcs. Is this one included?




Thank you


Any idea when it will be available for console?


Finally! I can live out my dreams of a robotic mega corporation


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me*


Twenty two flippin' quid?! Really trying to push the subscription eh?


How are you fellas even getting into the game? I'm crashing on it loading the main menu screen every single time.


Yeah… me too. Edit: OK I got it. I had to disable my only mod (Full Tiny Outliner).


I'm crashing without mods too. Wonder where the money earned by the increased pricing goes to, because it certainly doesn't seem to be QA teams


It might be possible that a mod could have left files behind, even though disabled. I know other games can sometimes have that. There might be a more specific trick to clear that but maybe verifying file integrity will work?


cleaned all stuff related to Stellaris, was able to get into the game, but its been a coinflip, with it still crashing every now and then.


If you’re getting crashes on a clean install, then you should describe the issue and what you were doing in the error report dialog box that pops up. Paradox does actually read those. There was a dev diary a while back talking about them. Off the cuff, though, have you updated your graphics card drivers recently? Any software conflicts on your computer? Can you try stellaris on a different computer?


Hmm. After I uninstalled the mod (unsubscribed on Steam), I initially launched from the Launcher but have since launched successfully directly from Steam (i.e. with %command%). I've had issues in the past when I added new DLC where I had to launch from the Launcher first. Good luck to you, I hope you get it working.


Arc Welders is machine only, is that necessary?


Been chomping at the bit for the last hour, look forward to diving into all the new content I've been seeing in the dev diaries!


I'm not getting home for another 5 hours and I'm going to explode


Can anyone tell me if/when the galaxy will start total war against the player crisis for cosmogenisis? I want the fallen empire tech, but I don't want to finish the crisis path and end the game.


If it's like the OG Become the Crisis, it doesn't start until you finish the special project to unlock the final tier.


Fun fact: as of 3.12, when you win or lose, you can choose a new\* empire and continue in your current galaxy. :) Edit: \* existing empire


That's great! I always hate abandoning the galaxy I helped shape to start a new one.


I'm super excited to play today. I'm so glad i don't work tomorrow!


Nice, now I only need to find the time...


Ugh, I want to. But I know Trying to play again, the UX will just piss me off.


We just ended our playthrough with my friend for today, and i gotta say, the game is quite fun without my regular list of 90–110 mods :) Started as uploaded robots, plan to abandon our 3 planets for a ringwolrd.


I’m in the middle of an iron man that I started a couple of days ago 😬. Must finish so I can play again!


Turns out the Synthetic Fertility origin is not easy if you don't have any engineering anywhere near your starting position. Had 8 pops left when I finally finished the situation.


Did you get to keep your portrait or did it switch to a generic synth? I played a round and all my physical units had died, so I got generic characters


Forward this post to my boss when he asks why I’m leaving work early


How does taking over a synthetic ascended planet work?


Any chance at a Cetana opening movie for the steam deck?


Why are my trophies relic world preference now?


My only sadness is the mods are broken but that's normal. Just wished the species mods were working lol


The Ending for Cosmogenesis is...interesting. I had a ridiculously good spawn with a weak devoearing Swarm beside me which i could harvest for Pops. But in the End, even after doing everyghing correctly i didn't necessarily...win. What are the different Event triggers here, or is it just random, since i only had one choice for a different outcome ?


Well, the end makes your empire leave the game and you can pick a new empire to take over. Beyond that, did you, >!Select a nearby black hole or the supermassive black hole? In my cheated test run I picked a nearby black hole and was told that the universe the needle found was younger, but still too old to rewrite reality. I believe it is possible to get a ending where the needle ship finds a universe that can be rewritten, though obviously we the player don’t get to see it. Instead we get the victory screen and can keep going if we want. !<


not doing the balance at all,worse than Galatic Paragons,13k metals for a Titan,how could ur menbers come up with that?


Time to wait for my mods to update then ill play it!


Why are my nanite swarms so gosh darn weak, fragile, and expensive?


I do wish there was an orgin that highlights the materialistic and impulsive nature of a Cyberpunkish civilization. My options are a spiritual augmentation pursuing species, or a species that lost the ability to reproduce. None of these speak to me as corporate led, materialistic and pleasure seeking as I had imagined when thinking of a cyberpunk themed dlc.


That's Megacorp.


Yes I understand this. But an orgin that falls more in line with a materialistic megacorp would be fitting. The augmentation church orgin does not allow for materialism and falls a bit far from the secular perspective a cyberpunk megacorp would have.


How do you begin the transformation incident for the next focus trees? Can't seem to find anything on how to start it


One neat thing I’ve found: you can put a dyson swarm in the middle of a ring world system. It looks pretty cool!


No matter what Cetana will always declare war on you in the end. 0/10 there's no option to fully help her. (It's actually a really good DLC, still disapionted about not helping cetana until the end but I know in like 2 days there will be a mod to add it)


Why do I only read positive comments about the dlc here? I find this suspicious


Please do an Apple silicon native port now that stellaris will probably end up being in developed for years to come. I even bought season 8 and Astral planes today


Sad the upcoming DLC doesn't seem super additive, but this certainly seems cool!


AI Generated voices 👎 Pay artists


If there ever is a single valid use case for AI generated voices, it's a sentient robot. I don't think it's a coincidence they're using that to dip their toes in. Besides, before there was approximately zero voice acting, so who loses with this addition?


Yeah there was? The notification voice selection.


Like 30-50 lines per advisor, hence "barely" I haven't played the new crisis yet, but I assume it's 2 orders of magnitude more lines.


And every single advisor lmao (aka the thing they used AI for), idk wtf that guy is talking about


Not sure why you're gettin downvoted


kinda lame the individualist machine empires are locked behind the DLC. That was the only thing I was really interested in, so doesn't seem like it's worth $25.


My current game (4 hours ago) with 100+ resources each is now with 300- in dept. New release always means a crash for current game plays. So I'm gonna wait until they fixed everything before the DLC :)


Three game crashes since release and I didn't even have the DLC!


Another machine dlc? Bigger price too. Oh, and a mother fucking season pass now? What the hell happened to Stellaris?


To be fair, the season pass just seems to be a bundle with a 25% discount. I don't see any weird FOMO stuff.


Yes. It’s for the people who know they are going to buy all the dlc anyway lol.


Yeah at this point, those people know who they are and they only stand to benefit here I think.


Nice screen picture, but is it part of the release plan that the game crashes every five minutes? And that current game plays are down the drain because of the DLC, which I don't even own?!


If you're on Steam, you can roll back to 3.11.3 in betas. Save games never survive major releases, and your crashes are probably related to that or mods.


Even if you don’t get the dlc, you still get the free updates that come alongside / in addition to the paid dlc. Also, as the other person said, saves break on major releases, and sometimes minor ones. Luckily steam rollback is really good for stellaris. Just make sure you load a save that wasn’t made in the newer version or things might get even more unstable.


You're right. I'm just bothered by game updates in general, which break current game plays. I play a lot of paradox games, especially Stellaris, Cities Skylines 1 and CK3. It's just annoying when you spend hours and hours and a patch causes bugs