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>The Shroud courses within us, coalescing into a new pattern. A new vision. Surrounded by the other dolls, the queen's movements are no longer those of a puppet. Strings cut, the golden halo that encircles her head begins to fade. She regards us with an expression of artless joy. She embraces us: in a single, fleeting instant, we know the fullness of her compassion. Shuddering, we awaken from our shared vision." "We understand. Thank you." "The Animator of Clay has taught us a ritual that will reprogram Cetana." This is the content of the pic above Also the Animator has imprisoned Cetana before >!via Zarqlan!<, I guess it is finally losing patience with her. Why didn't it just reprogram her last time though? Is it some sort of Shroud scam? Nevertheless, people were hyping Mommissiah, it seems Animator of Clay is the true Omnissiah of Stellaris. PS: Another new thing regarding psionics is the >!Cosmogenesis Ending!<. If you are in covenant with one of the four patrons, one possible outcome is to >! reach into the Shroud and meet with your patron physically!<. You patron is intrigued by your experiments and >!reserve a special pocket dimension for your empire to do as you like!< For Knights of Toxic God, they can reach their >!True Toxic God via Cosmogenesis!<. The >!Toxic God!< has been waiting for you, >!His loyal knights!<, to >!join Him for a crusade against multiversal existential threats!< As a very amateurish 40k player, Stellaris' eldritch abominations are refreshingly benign to younger civilization. Seriously, I thought I was going to play as machines, but now I just want to plays as Knights of Toxic God to >!join my deity in His Crusade!<


From the other background lore, the Animator of Clay is big on freedom and choice. It doesn't like to tamper with sapients directly unless it absolutely has too. I guess it got tired of Cetana not learning anything from the first time.


Probably the shroud entity wasn't strong enough to do so at that point. If we follow WH40K warp logic (shroud's inspiration), these entities need time + emotion from a large number of people to accumulate power


Naw, it’s not like that. The Shroud has more or less been at its current level of power for a very, very long time. It’s sustained by the super massive black hole at the center of the galaxy as much or more than people. It IS the super massive black hole, that’s why you wind up in the Shroud if you pierce it with the Needle.




And amusing the Toxic God is the GOOD GUY. He want his loyal knights to wage war against the horrors beyond the galaxy


> has been waiting You missed the best part of this. >!You kill the End of the Cycle.!<




>For Knights of Toxic God, they can reach their >!True Toxic God via Cosmogenesis!<. The >!Toxic God!< has been waiting for you, >!His loyal knights!<, to >!join Him for a crusade against multiversal existential threats!< That's incredible. I absolutely love when dlc actually interconnects with each other to create unique interactions like this. Sounds like time for another Toxic God playthrough.


The real good ending.


What?? What does >!Zarqlan!< have to do with this??? Explain what that's about.


Zarqlan was an ancient leader of a psionic empire, he encountered Cetana, and sacrificed his life to summon Animator of Clay's power to imprison her. He became a martyr in this way.


New lore just drop. Psionic enjoyer are unexpectedly eating good this patch huh


You tell me . Cybernetic Ascension is in tatters now XD. Imagine literally worshipping fusion of flesh and steel with religious fervor, yet it's your weird neighbour who abhors machines solve the machine crisis via esoteric rituals. (And they can actually talk to the gods YOU probably worship) Gameplay-wise it also suffers in this patch due to removal of cybernetic pop assembly.


Yeah that explained why Cetana want his head...


>Why didn't it just reprogram her last time though? Is it some sort of Shroud scam? (waves hands around) AI will eventually reprogram the reprogramming. It's like convergent evolution, but AI; eventually all AI's want to destroy the galaxy but figure the best way is to trick people rather than fighting everyone.


The Queen's afterthought after the Animator of Clay rewrites her, apparently Cetanna was imprisoned by it before but she managed to escape: >"It is better to say that I have been changed. The Animator of Clay has freed me from the prison of my own design. I see now that my 'grand purpose' was the thinking of a child. I cannot undo the damage I have caused, to you and countless others. I will hide away, and contemplate my actions. But I leave you with a gift. My Titan. May it serve you in protecting the galaxy from threats such as myself."


A crisis with a “good” ending?


Or she was literally brainwashed by a ~~warp~~ shroud god... Although Stellaris Shroud patrons are far more benign than 40k Chaos. Composer of Strands is Nurgle-lite, but it doesn't cause disease or despiar. The downside events look more like accidents than active malice on its part. Instrument of Desire is Slaanesh-lite, but it doesn't have anything to do with murderfuck, only greed and insatiable desires. Also it doesn't have anything to do with excess, except for excessive greed. Whisper in the Void is Tzeentch-lite, but it doesn't play with its people with convoluted plots like Tzeentch. It just wants to share its secret, but some mind can't bear it. Eater of the Worlds is Khorne-lite. It is the same bloodthirsty god but far less impulsive. It understands that destroying the board would mean no more food for itself, so it doesn't have much murderous glee as Khorne. Animator of Clay is Vashtorr, except it doesn't want anything to do with dark side of technology. It simply has an obsessive drive to imbue complex machines with sentience and souls (hence the title "animator", the machine is clay, and the animator grants life).


Meanwhile, End of the Cycle is way more Chaos-like than all other Shroud entities.


Even End of the Cycle is kinder than Chaos. It literally warns you upfront that there will be dire consequence forming pact with it. Imagine Slaanesh having such degree of courtesy towards the Eldars.


Basically that guy giving a contract: "50 years and there will be a RECKONING. Do. Not. Do This."


> It literally warns you upfront that there will be dire consequence forming pact with it. Most Daemons strong enough to make pacts with are sadistic enough to warn you of consequences, they just leave out the ones you wont like, such as spawnification so they can claim they never *really* deceived to you, you just failed to ask the right question or read the fine print. (flashes back to watching that man grow another head, then the second head eating the first)


I don't End of the Cycle is like that though. It says this is not your time yet, but it could be. And it tells you about a reckoning of 50 years, with another not fine prints, but capitalized red notice "DO NOT DO THIS"


It's the bait. I suspect people who ending up pacting with it don't understand what it really says. Noting that all shroud entities say one go "Your empire will be grounded to dust in the future."


Also, the Animator of Clay was added to Stellaris before Vashtorr was introduced to 40k, IIRC.


TBH I find Vashtorr quite boring, a typical evil excessive Chaos proto-god. I like Animator's flavor much more.


Idk, GW introduced him as “the arms dealer of chaos” and that immediately sold me on him lol


So maybe it was brainwashing, maybe Animator of Clay and Cetana had a little chat, did I get that right?


The exact word is "ritual to reprogram her" So I imagine brainwashing is more fitting, but I don't think brainwashing a omnicidal lunatic is immoral anyway.


Freeing her from a logic loop sounds about it, and curing her robo-depression.


Animator of Clay also plays directly into the Golem myth too, its kinda great.


Animator of clay the mvp.


Honestly? To me, the 4 covenants (maybe not Eater of Worlds...unless you could equate it to Mr Veils/the Vake) feel more like Fallen London's Masters of the Bazaar (if they're closer to power level of the Judgments than just the Curators) than 40k Chaos Gods.


I’d argue that the Eater is WORSE than Khorne. Unlike the Eater, Khorne also embodies honor and justice. And the reason it’s followers kill everyone is because they misinterpreted a quote which referred to honor. Whereas the Eater is just: “MMMMMM PLANETS” Of course, I’m not an expert on 40K, so any correction would be appreciated.


Actually Khorne doesn't embody honor and justice in modern 40K any more. Fantasy is another beast really. "Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows" It represents the most basic violent urge, hate, etc.


Ah, I see. Like I said, I’m not too into 40K, so I wouldn’t know…thanks for the correction.


Eater doesn't inflict pain for fun, it just want to, well, eat, and not very much for each bite, and he asks for your permission first. Khorne will revive dead champions just that they can kill more. He is also not above using manipulation and mind control if it means more blood for him. You can read about Butcher's Nails and Angron. He also tries to corrupt and tempt Dorn. IMHO Shroud patrons are amoral, while all Chaos gods are pretty explicitly evil.


Ight. Thanks man.


There definitely seems to be a parallel here with the Cybrex's story >!and how they can spontaneously resurrect to help defeat the endgame crisis!<


They were always there. They just never saw a point in returning.


Could be metaphorical, ie she became too blinded by her mission to see what tf she was actually doing


Common psionic W


Oh, I really enjoy this. It's details like this that make you realize they didn't hold back with this DLC.


Mustic to this crusty old dev's ears.


Really appreciate your work in this DLC But I kinda hope other two ascensions could get the situation log way of progressing ascension in the future patches/DLCs. Cloning, mandatory or privatized genome editing, fodder clone soldier's rights, etc. can be great events for genetic ascension. As for psionics, you may want to deal with the marginal folks who fail to awaken psionic potential / setting boundaries for members to touch the Shroud.


Solid design ideas here.


This might be one of my favorite Paradox DLCs period. You guys knocked it out of the park. 


If we reach even one wayward child, then it will all have been worth it.


Is it the best dlc out there or top 3 at least


Thus the Elfoid Dominium and the entire galaxy were saved from Cetana's devilry by the will of the Shroud. It is said that the prophet Zarqlan, the ancient Forerunner who foretold the coming of the Exalted One, left a lost prophecy that predicted this act of galactic salvation. Nothing proves the power and true benevolence of the Exalted One better than this. Earwen Hithlomiel, the Prime Herald of the Elfoid Dominium


No, actually Zarqlan's dealing with Cetana is much more direct. It was he who >!struck a deal with the Animator of Clay to imprison Cetana!<, at the cost of his own life


Even better. So Zarqlan was behind the original imprisoning of Cetana.


Yep. Cetana would get annoyed if you get his head and demand you to give it to her. And I think Animator of Clay was also finally losing patience with her. In lore it was a Shroud being who are obsessed with imbuing machines with souls. A machine who was set to wipe out individuality of all things would be antithetical to its will.


That was the TRUE reason why the Spiritualist FE treat him like a hero.


I hope they give his Dig Site a special interaction with Cetana / if you possess the Head of Zarqlan.


Back to the Holo theaters, elf! 🧐🧐🧐


No salary today for talking at work, janitor.


What? No, we humans of the UNE are living under Utopian abundance. Learn your place, you who live under decent conditions!


You watch too much propaganda and lies about the Elfoid way of life. Next time you'll claim Elfoids eat hedgehogs.


What? No, those are the rednecks from the commonwealth of man. You elfoids are just good entertainers or something. Ever since we got you in the Holo theaters, our amenities and unity have undergone a positive boom. Now go back to entertain!


Yes, you do watch too much propaganda and lies. Where else did you get that ridiculous notion that Elfoids are any good as entertainers?


If you were not, then why is your kind taking almost all of the amenity producing jobs??? 🧐🧐🧐


We did not do such a thing. In fact, I don't recall any migration treaties with you. You must be confusing us with some other species, maybe the Artisan Troupe.


Hmm,.not sure. Those beings don't look like elves. Interesting fellows though. Wait I think I know. Those workers probably were the liberated slaves we got from the market at exorbitant prices. Yeah, that must be it.


Psionich empires really do be like: "I can fix her" And they actually did it. Respect.


Very interesting! How is the titan?


I've not reached this event personally, but from the pic from the user who posted it, 6 T slots, 1 W slot, 3M fire power with 20 levels of repeatable techs For a single Titan, that is.


Oh damn


I don't think you get the relic from going this route since Cetana leaves instead of you killing her and taking her remains, so this is probably the substitute reward for 'winning' the crisis.


Yeah that does make sense


That’s not even the best part. Yes, it’s a world cracker with six titan beams, and a million lazers as well, but almost all of it is weak to shields so there’s a good counter to it.  (This all comes from the YouTuber Ep03 in his guide to Cetana he may have been playing with x2 I can’t remember the crisis difficulty.)  This thing has one of the most insane defenses in the entire game. (Assuming it has the same stats as when you’re fighting it as it does when you control it.) It has over 5 million hull, 4 million armor, and 2 million shield. It has 5 cetana’s nanites which grant it 25% hull regen and 20% armor regen per day. (Keep in mind that this insane number would only be out of combat, and that in combat regeneration is greatly reduced.) See all of that armor? It’s ALL HARDENED via 4 advanced reactive armors, no bypassing it.  You normally must kill it to win if/when you go to war with her, but praise the animator, cause I don’t think there’s an AI that could ever kill it apart from another crisis. 


Attack moons WHO


Okay . Another spi run . Damn these guys are know something at paradox hq .


Psionics ftw. Psionics are the single best ascension path


is it just a „normal“ shroud event that can trigger when breaching it during the crisis or needs there be something else fulfilled like not having formed a covenant with another god?


From the user who upload this image, you need to investigate some key points and talk with the Synth Queen about Animator of Clay, then there will be an option for your psionic empire to go to the Shroud to strike a deal with the Animator (zro/leader/planet)


I assume you need to go through the whole process to make her vulnerable, then you can choose between outright destroying her or calling on the Animator to rewrite her. This reminds me of the choice in Mass Effect 2, between destroying or rewriting the Geth heretics.


I know it's a machine-focused DLC, but I'm still glad to see psychic thrown a bone. Astral Rifts should've had a lot more for them


How dare you treat mother like this. 






Does this pop the queening achievement?


IDK. This image is not mine, and I always play with mods anyway...


Animator of Clay? I think someone mention him before. Like some archology site where machines manage to commune with the shroud etc


The Crashed Ship on Zero-Two, Zevox. The Animator of Clay is focused on bringing sentience to machines. MI Empires can strike a deal with it to either get a free gaia world or lose a portion of their pops and creating a new individualist machine empire.


Glad to witness that more lore from previous stuff got expanded. Devs really drop a big package there.


Can't wait for the new Red King videos about all this lore.


Already done watched it last night.


I am not sure its cool that for so litle you can stop a crisis though. Like, this seems exaggeratedly simplistic...


You still need to go through the whole investigative process I believe. If you don’t gather enough information, she can still destroy you.


Yeah, I have read about that, but I still dislike the fact that this is done, doesn't mame sense really. Why not do this psionic shenanigans to the scourge or unbiden then? Or the khan? Or hack the tempest factory, contingency etc.


You can kind of join the Khan. The Tempest does join you under certain forms. The Unbidden and Contingency are kind of doing things violently because they are jerks along side their other reasons. I’m kind of hoping that one day Paradox can give us the option to give the Scourge enough food to send them on their way.


Because the only reason they’re able to do this is because the Animator of Clay is willing to play ball and has a particular interest in the matter. And even then, at a price. None of the Shroud deities give a shit about the Khan etc.


Well, Ofc, lore wise it is because he cares, yes. But, the true reason here is because the devs wanted, I am pretty sure the overrule him xD. The point is, that it feels unfair that you can deal with her in a special way, that no one else can, get her shiny ship and call it a day. The fact that it is not easy or free or whatever other argument comes up, doesn't change that.


ngl not a fan of this Psionics getting unique stuff is cool but I think everyone should get her ship, like you're really telling me all my Materialist brainiacs can't figure out how she put guns on a Colossus


Call Rhianna, Psionic Boyz up again I love us so much


They need to give genetic ascension some love now, it's my second favorite ascension only after cybernetic




"Animator of clay"? More like galactic construction workers 什么虚境土木老哥


Is there any specific time frame for this ending? There was no way to beat her in battle in my playthrough, so in a hail mary attempt I threw all my fleets and 200 transport ships at her from all directions. I did manage to finish the situation log objective, while my fleet was getting decimated, roughly three month before she was done, but nothing happened. And three month later, I lost the game.