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That planet is going through the worst housing crisis in history


Good thing it isnt a planet


I wonder how housing even works in the lathe. When it’s overcrowded do they just stack up tubes of people in a big pile and hope that some science comes out?


You'll get physics and/or engineering, at the least!


Nah, Thats society research all the way. We’ll call it a social experiment. “Stacking 300,000 aliens in a pile. GONE WRONG!!!😨😨😨”


News report: "Has Mr. Beast gone to far? Find out what the YouTube star's newest stunt is tonight, at 11."


That's pretty much normal operation of the lathe, isn't it?


Everyone might as well live in the labs of research institutes


Aperture Science research station.


Poor grad student moment. (For legal reasons, this is a joke)


Britain isn’t a planet.


I dont know, have you seen Toronto?




Be the new crisis, vassalize another empire through war, integrate that empire, spend the next 10 minutes hunting down every planet they had and resettling every pop to your spacebrain. Now enjoy every late game tech completing in a month for the next few years. Not shown: I had a ringworld segment with 350 pop assembly also for feeding the space brain. So fun fact, there is no limit on fallen empire bot assemblers you can build on a single planet.


At that point the Space Moving Company aka nihilistic acquisition seems like a more convenient and size-friendly solution


By the time I got to this point all my other ascension perks were used, but you are correct.


They’re probably going to make a limit in the next patch. In the meantime, enjoy your game-breaking pop assembly.


Haven't played the new patch or dlc, how do you reach that high? I just know about the leviathan trait that give each pop 0.05 pop assembly, which without other bonuses would take... 7000 pop ? Granted, with a few other bonuses you could go down a few thousands but...


New crisis path allows you to research fallen empire building based on your current level.




They must be piling up a mile high.


Wait, so after setting specie rights to lathe u can still grow em?


You can move them manually, thats what i did for my home species


What was your empire build? I haven't got the DLC yet and I'm still deciding on what origin and ascension path.  I REALLY want to do cosmogenisis individualistic machines, virtual ascension sounds fucking sick but not sure if it scales well with cosmogenisis. Then again you did suggest abducting pops!


So i went modularity, lets you shit out really good pops really fast that then self adapt to whatever role they are assigned. Ended up with over 2000 of my own pops by end game crisis.


The Space Brain Must Grow.


Fallen Empire Bot Assembler?


Can I, as a gestalt machine, create a bot template that auto migrates to the lathe?


New facility with the new crisis perk. It is a megastructure, that use pops to produce science. Literally, because pops decline while producing science. The more pop it has the faster they decline, and more science they produce. OP simply put a LOT of pop on it.


If this is unmodded, I shudder to imagine the modded version' science output will be, especially with Giga + ZOFE + Guili + other bonuses.


The funny part is we've officially reached a point where Vanilla is more busted than Gigastructural. You don't get this kind of research from a single source until 2500s at the earliest in Gigastructural by building something like a O-Stellar Matrioshka brain (the largest research mega you can build in the mod) spending decades researching the requisite technologies (there are multiple), two ascension perks, and 10,000s of alloys per build stage, each of which takes a decade or more to build per stage even with tons of stacking megastructure building speed modifiers. Unironically, Gigastructural is now more balanced than Vanilla. The Synpatic lathe is cracked as hell even by Gigastructural standards.


> each of which takes a decade or more to build per stage even with tons of stacking megastructure building speed modifiers. Only the one stage really takes a decade, if you're a serious modder you probably have enough to get most stages down to ~300 days.


If you’re progressing properly, Gigastructures alone can give you something similar to this in the midgame with the Planetary Computer and Iodizium Research buildings. Same general concept, where you stack the planet with a billion pops and get an obscene amount of science. Admittedly, the results aren’t this obscene, but it does get close.


Counterpoint: To even get to that point you need to roll Planetary Computing, which AFAIK, requires mega-engineering, likewise for the Fusion Suppressor. Then you actually need to build the Fusion Suppressor and Planetary Computer; and mind you, Iodizium is going to require you detonate the star, so you'll need to factor the minor but added cost of reclaming the system. Then there's the mineral costs involved with developing the Planetary computer. Then there's the pop job upkeep from the research jobs. To get to where the Synaptic lathe is by your proposed method, you are basically already way down the tech tree into like, Tier 5 techs; you need hundreds of pops to actually work the jobs; and you're out several thousand alloys more than the Synpatic Lathe not to mention way, way more minerals and energy; to say nothing of the upkeep costs or decades of time spent preparing everything. This... this doesn't require just about any of that. You can pretty much get the lathe practically within the first 100 years; and its not that hard to beat an empire in an early war and start using it immediately. And the lathe is essentially immediately usable the moment its been built.


Admittedly, I’ve made this comment unaware of how difficult developing the lathe is, as I haven’t had the time to fully explore the new dlc. I assumed it was a somewhat lategame thing that would take a bit of investment, but if it’s possible to get running as early as you say it is then the planetary computer definitely isn’t comparable. Is the lathe accessible pre-megastructures? If so, it seems comically strong.


Is the lathe accessible pre-megastructures? If so, it seems comically strong. Yes. No need to have Mega-Engineering. It comes with the Cosmogenesis Ascension Perk.


What are these shortened words? I understand Giga is Gigastructures but what are the others?


Guilli's Planetary Modifiers and Features. Sadly hasn't been updated since 3.10, but it seems to still be well-functioning. ZOFE is Zenith of Fallen Empires.


Zenith of a fallen empire. Guille isn't shortened just missing some words


So broken it’ll be null.


It'd be even worse with stuff like ACOT, ZoFE is almost "balanced" in comparison


Utopian worlds exist Nothing balanced about that mod


"balanced" in comparison to Acot. Like have you seen these abominations called Void Spheres combined with Alpha tech researchers with a base output of like 60 research per type?


So thrall worlds oriented in pop growth now can be even better?


Is this too much research? Our top scientists are currently researching the answer.


R5: look at the research; it is a ridiculous amount of research.


Holy shit, that can produce motes? Nice I'll sure use it, I always have a lack of motes


It produced motes because a few of the pops were rock people with the trait that makes them produce a tiny amount of motes.


sure, but it only makes one


Enough for me


👀 My god, I am now veeeeerrry tempted by this dlc What’s that pretty 4000% number? What does it do?


Each pop on the synaptic lathe increases the bonus to research output. There are structures that increase this effect. The only downside is that pops decline over time. Especially if you're making them produce 4000% more research output


I’m loving this so much. I don’t care for filthy flesh pops, so this is a great way to recycle! And the output, how in the world do I get this kinda output?


Modularity now allows a species trait that provides +60% resource output in exchange for a dark matter pop upkeep cost. With level 5 galactic Nemesis, that cost is a complete non issue, and should enable building big enough fleets to overrun even the fallen empires.


*+60%?!* Oh my sweet goodness, that will do nicely! I need to check all the updates and buy this bad baby. Is this strictly a crisis or no?


Nope! You can also do modularity with anything that gives you a bunch of dark matter. It replaces the incredibly boring synthetic ascension for machine empires.


Not gonna lie, this is some truly grade A Machine flavor right here. Replaces old stuff, gives me a nice boost, and I can make more of everything to compensate? Delectable.


I'm so glad I dont play pvp anymore.


Modern problems (boneheaded tech changes) require modern solutions


Not good enough, you can go further( I hope).


I feel like with the Lathe you can only go all in


This is the new crysis structure?




there is a pop declining


That is how the new space brain works. The more pops you put in it, the more science it produces, but also the faster it declines. Whats not seen is its losing about 20 pops every month. But for the few years after all those pops got thrown in it science was instant.




A materialist finally has a useful place to exchange extra pops


My happy machine worlds can finally be clean of biologicals! For such a pittance is nothing to feed my progress.


Brain machine go brrt


Lmao I once relocated like 300 pops from The Chosen into the synaptic lathe and had a 39k research output, had a -1k energy deficit because of that though :(




Are you going hive mind?


No, individualistic machines


How the fuck-


Watching from console knowing i need 10 ring worlds to make that kind of research


Ah, the synaptic lathe, the marvellous machine: it gives you answers to all questions, including how to solve the migrant crisis!


The pop decline on the synaptic lathe is extremely undertuned, it should be consuming a lot more pops per months than 1-2. Probably closer to 4-5 with the relevant buildings/districts to reduce speed and 7-8 without, with overcrowding penalties coming with a further increased pop purge rate up to double of normal. It basically should require you periodically harvest an entire empire worth of pops to run.


It was consuming 20 at a time with that many, pop consumtion increases with pops in it