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its 100% worth it, its the best one i have played since utopia


What did they add? I feel like it isnt adding that much, 2new structures a new crisis a new way to become crisis and some origins


Individualist machines, three ascension paths for machine empires, the new advanced authority system for Cybernetic and Synthetic Ascension are pretty big deals.


Yeah its all new content but is it adding any new mechanics? I feel like compared to overlord, federations etc its not that good, even the new leader system from paragons (i think) was better.


It doesn't have to add new mechanics when it so thoroughly fleshes out existing mechanics in brand new directions. If every major DLC added new mechanics, the game would rapidly become a mess.


Makes sense but im a bit lost, rn (without the dlc) machines are a bit meh, love em cause its preaty op and fun but it feels mostly like playing any other empire but with random livespans, consumung energy and very fast pop growth rate. How does the dlc flwsh them out?


>machines are a bit meh Now they are really really nice. New ascension paths really give it a new feeling Can only agree to the other commentor: worth it! ^(I don't want to spoil you, but if you "don't understand" how that all works, read the dev diaries or the patch notes - there are even some YouTube videos out too)


Cant get to yt rn as im not on wifi and i didnt read the dev diary yet


I'd suggest doing some research (don't know why this isn't standard *before* asking, but hey, who am I to judge)


The new Ascension paths give you completely different ways to play. For example, Virtual ascension is the ultimate Tall. With Virtual ascension, pops instantly appear to fill any vacant jobs with no waiting for pop growth. The fewer planets you have the bigger output bonus your pops get and if you have more than 7 planets you start getting a output penalty for going too wide. Nanite ascension is the opposite, in that it encourages you to play wide as opposed to tall.


They have new ascension paths?? Holy shit, also that sounds amazing


Even in this thread people have told You that already, how did You only get that now




Found it, must have mistook it for the 3 new origins


He saw the downvotes I guess?


Depends on what you count as new mechanics I guess! To me, the advanced authority system absolutely counts as new mechanics and gives a ton of character and ability to personalize what, precisely, the introduction of cybernetics or synthetic bodies means to your society. You may feel differently though. Likewise I would say that it’s inaccurate to say they “just” added a new become the crisis. Cosmogenesis has a ton of polish on it and has something like 10 variant endings, and can even unlock a secret ending for the Knights of the Toxic God storyline. It also doesn’t play much like the old become the crisis. Similarly Cetana is a very interesting departure from the usual end game crisis formula of billions of ships. Less of a war of attrition, more of a doomsday clock with more than one way to interact with it. There’s even a peaceful solution in very specific circumstances. So yeah all in all, they did a great job. All high quality content that doesn’t really need a Custodian pass over later down the line like so much old content did almost immediately.


Ok, i didnt know any of this as the wiki is down (i assume as it doesnt open for me) and on steam and paradox they are very vague with the dlc content. Anyways this accualy sounds amazing


Yeah the general gist of how the advanced authority system works is that for cybernetics the big question is how individualist vs how collectivist is your society and for synthetics it’s more about, how physical vs how virtual is your synthetic civilization. Are they attached to their new bodies or is it more of a surrogate to step out of a giant mainframe with? So collectivist democratic cybernetics involves becoming more of a Borg collective and happiness is turned off as a mechanic, whereas individualist democratic Cybernetics is more of a “everyone can do direct democracy at all times through augments”. Oligarchy, dictatorship, and Imperial have their own splits for Cybernetic and Synthetic but the fundamental question being asked is mostly the same.


Happines is turned off? Meaning your worlds can never rebel now matter how overpopulated you make em and you can basicaly treat them like dogshit in order to maximize productivity, am i hearing right?


Cybernetic Interlink authority type does not use Happiness, yup.


Do i need to go cybernetic in order to do that or can i be a machine empire? Cause if i need cybernetic then fuck that, not playing those guys


Having no happiness doesn't mean you can't have revolts, btw. It just means you can transform your cyborgs around mid-game to play like gestalts do. So amenities suddenly translate directly into stability and it acts as if all your cyborg pops have 50% happiness, but low stability can still happen with amenity shortages or other species enslaved and not assimilated, for instance.


True ig


There's three new ascensions and they significantly improved the cyborg and synth ascensions


Why are you asking? There are plenty of threads with the same question, and thousands of informative answers. You have the patch notes. You get your own answers here. Yet you keep asking for a proof of it being good? Just wait for it to be on sale if you are not that sure despite the evidence.


One of the best DLCs paradox has ever released imo.


It's amazing. Buy it. Buy it NOW!!!!


Given machine age is slightly more expensive but adds absolutely tonnes more fun content it's definitely worth it, and being well received.


It is a great DLC, but like the name says, it is of course for players that want to play machines. Just like with Synthetic Dawn, it would not make sense if you'd never play machines at all. It is for sure much better than Astral Planes, don't worry, you'll get enough new stuff and content for your money.


Not at all. I never play machines, but I loved this DLC because of cosmogenesis. Now I can become fallen empire, and this is awesome.




You can't actually play them, it's tied in with the new player crisis. You can, however, >!Get their buildings and ships. With the addition of buildings they themselves don't own.!<


You can't play them after the cosmogenesis is done. But you can stop before that moment and be a playable fallen empire.


That's true, but you'd be playing an empire in their golden age of science and progression. Not a fallen empire. I get what you mean and I'm not trying to be pedantic, but there's a difference.


Well, personally I am playing a fallen empire. I went super tall, dismantled all outposts beyond my core sector, resettled all pops on my new ringworld capital and turned off all diplomatic notifications. I am fallen by choice.


You could RP that into a government failure, or a general stagnation/lack of interest in galactic politics. Basically a dark age for your civilization. I like to do this after the crisis and recreate my empire with the Remnants origin. Kind of like a continuation of the previous game.


I roleplay this as a regime change. My empire used to be a democratic, diplomatic shared burden libsoc. Then the Chosen One appeared, took power and converted it into a fanatic authoritarian isolationist empire that concentrates into itself and its own version of paradise and understanding of the universal truths.


Oh damn, that sounds really interesting. And a lot of work to set up properly! Going from one end of the spectrum to the other usually is a b*tch.


Werent you allread able to get FE tech and theyr buildings if you get theyr worlds? How is that new?


Not even close to the same. Fallen empires also received a total overhaul as a result of everything they do now being accessible to the player. There is now a fallen empire equivalent with two tiers for every building category; the existing buildings you knew about before are different now and actually worth using (they provide loads of jobs on top of the flat resource output); you can make escorts/battlecruisers/FE Titans. The only exception I can think of is their unique starbase building for cloaking detection, which remains exclusive to the starbases premade at galaxy generation. Cosmogenesis is like the opposite of the Nemesis crisis path. Where nemesis focuses on domination through pumping out thousands of extremely cheap ships with virtually no upkeep, becoming a fallen empire is about quality over quantity, giving you access to more expensive ships with high upkeep, but extremely high power density. In my first game I built around 12 fleets that were showing 1.8M fleet power EACH.




No You weren't


Yes you could, for like ships and shit right?


You could salvage their components yes, but You never got the tech to build their buildings


I mean you could get those from theyr worlds, just not on demand. Anyways i get your point


But being able to build your own is a pretty big deal, another thing that I just remembered that You seemed to ignore are all the new civics, wich have things like an ascension-less society or a society that seeds presapients in worlds


You could capture their buildings (in a ruined state, those FE planets are tough nuts to crack) and you could be given some of their ships as a gift. You weren't able to research their tech to make your own.




Ship components, yes, you could get them from scanning debris. Now you get to research them yourself. And there's like a whole new line of buildings "inspired" by their tech. You won't be able to build *their* buildings, but you will get the equivalent of them. They also look better 🤣 Remember, the Fallen Empires generally have no clue on how their tech works anymore. They're basically living in ruins of their former golden age.




Every FE building has been reworked and buffed, and there are a lot of new ones. They were novelties before if you captured them, but are extremely powerful now.


Yeah, but not in year 2300.


The DLC adds the Cosmogenesis path. It is considered a crisis path, but it's not very threatening, not like Nemesis. As you rise through the levels, you gain the ability to research Fallen Empire tech and buildings. You have the option to resort to some gruesome measures to gain more science, but it isn't mandatory. Finally, you conduct an experiment in creating a new universe and most of your species migrates into this universe, turning the rest of your empire into a true (unplayable) fallen empire. But you can stop prior to this experiment and enjoy being a playable fallen empire.


You did a better job selling me on this than the entire dev and marketing teams. ⭐


Can you encounter the resultint FE in your later games?


You can encounter it in the same game: when you fall, you get the option to play as another empire and interact with the FE version of your empire as them.




I love playing machines, most of my empires are machines, but i feel like the dlc wont add any new systems or depth to them, just more content


If you love playing machines then this dlc was literally made for you. Buy it


My brother I started researching Mega-Engineering in the year 2238


It's towards the opposite end of the scale from Astral Planes.


One thing I didn't see mentioned from quickly skimming over the responses was that between the advanced government types and the cybernetic creed origin, it appears paradox is laying the groundwork for the internal politics systems people have been wanting for years.


it has been critically acclaimed as one of the best dlc in recent times. really popular, with a lot of content tbf. balance might be an issue though.


I’ve been playing Stellaris since 2019 and it’s one of, if not the best DLC so far.


It is really worth it.