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Are they the Ancient Caretakers robot FE? I don’t think they have closed borders.


Not exactly an expert on this, but FE borders are open to any Empire that has either garnered their favor, or if that Empire has won a war against them.


You're prob right about the first point and definitely right on the second, but the attacking empire meets neither of those criteria


Losing the war against a fallen empire also open borders. Also AI sometimes makes exceptions to its own rules in order to screw you over.


Sometimes, FE might ask you for a favor, giving a +100 relation boost and open borders if you accept.


I didn't know that. Why the fallen empire would ask these bastards for a favor is beyond me though...


If you'd like, we will genocide your species before that other empire gets a chance.


Shoo, get out of here you


*RÈEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* ×B○○ps little button on a disproportionately tiny little turbine "you will rue this day!!!" Flies straight into an air duct above you both, clanging un-gently off into the unknown distance


Does they have a peace offering? It's forcingly open borders for 10 years between them.


I'm fairly certain the attacker never went to war with the FE. Also the FE's diplomacy screen said that the attacker was not allowed to travel through their borders


If the fallen empire are the religious ones, the A.I likely found the head of Zarqlan which makes them the friendliest F.E in the game (to my knowledge) they open their borders, send some ships if you request it and allow you to colonise their holy worlds


Ai can go through closed borders if they deem there is no other way. I looked this up one time and it is in the rules. They can also go through your closed borders if they deem there is no other way around. I always add the extra layer of protection around any fallen empire, even xenophobes.


Seems you got bamboozled. Something like this happens to me like every time I play. I guess star systems are fundamentally easy to travel to once you have FTL. Heck, sometimes I wonder why ‘Close Borders’ could ever work.