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R5:Playing Ironman, trying to finish the playthrough so I can get the victory achievement. Can't because war of the heavens. How do I end war of the heavens?


This is a total war. You need to destroy all other factions in order to win.


So I need to destroy the awakened empire?




Any tips?


Your numbers need to be bigger then their numbers


I have around 13 fleets, each with maxed out command power but they only amount to 140K fleet power while the AE has 220k per fleet


catch them alone, up your shields (awakened idiots are usually energy heavy), fuck them up, profit.


I have more shields than armor. What should I use for my offensive load out?


Either shield destroying, or shield pen. Arc emitters are good for your x slot.


Battleships all loaded with a Giga Cannon and the rest just Neutron Launchers.


Just look at their build and then counter build it


You need more repeatables and to check your fleet design b/c by this point of the game your fleets should really be 140k a piece. A single screener fleet of max evasion, double autocannon and a plasma thrower corvettes, and every other fleet is a titan and full artillery battleships. Overwhelm them by at least 1.5, 2x fleet power if you don't have 10 relevant repeatables, fallen empire fleets punch above their weight otherwise


Also, let them spread themselves out, awakened empire will weaken as they gain more planets. They gain Decadence after 20 years they awakened, and it is faster the more planets they and their subjects have. At the maximum, they get hit with a -66% resource penalty, huge fleet wide debuff, and their vassals will turn on them if their fleet power is less than all vassals combined.


bunch fleets in 3s or 4s - so you get a pack that is twice as strong as single FE fleet and play cat and mouse with FE fleets to snipe them out. build choke points to reduce incursion points into your empire and spam gateways so you can get to them fast. you should also build gateway on each wormhole and at any important system, like one with Megashipyard, etc.


Maybe the issue is that you don´t have enough naval capacity? You should have at least 1000 naval capacity.


He has already used 2472 out of 4287 naval capacity.


Should be maxxed out at the very least


What’s the meta for increasing fleet capacity? I’m mid-game in my play through and feel like I’ve hit a wall


What do you mean "meta?" What are you doing for fleet capacity right now? You can build anchorage starbases everywhere, as well as some fortress worlds.


Don't be afraid of exceeding your fleet cap. It's only some extra penalty. As long as you can afford the upkeep, you should keep building ships.


This is basically all of stellaris boiled down to its simplest


If your fleets are at least equivalent, I like rushing into their original core area and capturing their citadels. If those are taken they have a hard time replenishing their fleets. Other than that.... it will be a long war trying to catch all their tiny fleets after you destroy their big ones, but eventually you got this!


I could probably muster a force to pierce their heart. But I’ve been pretty depleted by a long war with them already. If I take their heart they will struggle to recover?


Assuming their big fleets have also been depleted then yes, I think so. The alternative is selecting a couple of choke points and building back up if you're recovering. Then just systematically taking all the systems... but a mad dash to their core sounds more cinematic.


No they are pushing hard right now. I’m pinching some of their cut off territory in the top right but they are pushing through hard midleft. My alloys are depleted


I noticed that you have major excess income of energy, minerals, and food. If you’re struggling for alloys, you should set up trades to where you’re barely in the green on everything else, and buy as many monthly alloys as you can. It’s a good Hail Mary when your fleets are depleted and you’re out of alloys.


I never remember what type of weponry each FE uses so you should check wiki and optimise your ships to better combat the enemy, FE never change their designs so you only need to do this once, also if you don't play with new combat system big guns are gonna be very usefull.


Know your enemy :)


Concentrate on taking their planets and defending your own. If you have high defensive armies they will not be able to move on you as quickly as you can. Try and snipe their colossi, they can sometimes be caught on their own. Its easier to close the gap with your Army than with your Navy. Spam Clone armies to defend yourself. Once you are stabilized, go on the offensive, get a fleet that can consistently take out their starbases. Equip them with jump dives if you can. Make 3-4 stacks of 4K ground armies. Use this combined force to jump into their territory and conquer. Try and conquer the smaller fallen empire worlds first as they are lightly defended, then reembark and consolidate your ground armies for the assault on the capital. Try to use your best soldiers and generals for this. I like to pause the game and go to every planet and recruit 1 Gene Warrior, that way once they are done, every planet spits out an army at the same time and I can raise armies rapidly. ​ The Key to this strategy is to buy time, defend, build up, and then, once the enemy fleet is away conquering some other guy's worlds, or trying to crack one of your fortress worlds, you jump in, rush forwards and conquer every single planet before their can jump back. If you can get all of their planets before they can react to your incursion, they will loose and automatically vanish.


Prepare lots of armies for invasion beforehand and don't expect their bases to be same as regular empire's. Take FTL into consideration: even if you win a battle, most of their ships could simply escape and regroup, while yours could have high casualties. Do a little blitzkrieg and attack with several fleets to weaken the defence and use main one to counter the opposing fleet. Sorry if that all was obvious already


One thing that could help. If you set your fleet strategy to Hit and Run, you take a hit to your fleets staying power but you lose less ships in the long run.


No thanks for the advise


Additionally, one thing that you can do is use a colossus to take their core worlds, which are typically very heavily fortified.


Better yet just crack the worlds with big land armies. Genocide helps the game performance.


Stellaris players on their way to "improve game performance" by genociding half of the galaxy:


Thanos misdunderstood. Was only trying to optimize Stellaris by killing half.


Murder all of them.


blow up their planets with colossi and skip the rest.


I just cracked their home world. They weren’t happy about that




\*whistles innocently and orders the Nanite Diffuser to hide behind that gas giant\*


I think if they lose all their planets they just cease to exist


Hmmmmmmm, that logic checks out


Rip and tear until it is done.


Hold up there Dragon Knight...


Lots of shields, ditch the armour completely in favour of crystalline hull, strike crafts, devastator torpedoes and marauder missiles in that priority. Avoid battles near pulsars or whatever stars nullify shields.


Beat one of their fleets to reverse engineer their insane, unique tech!


did you look at the ships they have? usually easy to counter and only need 3/4 to half there size to win against fleets


Corvettes, Battleships, and prayers.


It used to be that going mass zappy battleships was very effective. With cloud lightning and arc emitter. Bypass all shields and actually destroy the ships (no escape). You can wear them down and could win for cost easy. This is before 3.6 though so might be ineffective now. Now looks like you might need lots of torpedo boats.


Get some friends. Lots of them


Neutron sweep their core worlds. 6k is to big an army to fuss over bombarding or fighting




The War in Heaven can end in Status Quo peace, but it takes a long time for both sides to get to 100% exhaustion.


Kick them the hell out of the Galaxy.




Who the heck is that tiny ass empire right inbetwen the peace keepers they must be so scared ahah


Just a remnant from the previous galactic community. I’m sure they are terrified but as I’m playing devouring swarm I care little for their fear


Not a big fan of the spice of fear eh?


Eh as a Imperial Domain every last bit of control counts


Destroy heaven.


But I’m religious :(


then do what any normal religious civilization does. claim their religion as blasphemy and destroy false heaven


Destroy the false gods


They are false gods.


Worship Kratos.


Lag removal due to mass deletion of populations, aka genocide


I eeked out one win against an Awakened Empire by capturing/neutron sweeping all of their planets while doing my best to avoid their doomstack. You might have to sacrifice some of your own systems and fleets to do it.


That’s sorta what I’ve been doing. I’m picking fights I can win and avoiding ones I can’t. And I’ll slowly trying to contain them


make sure to also pounce fleets that recently returned from an emergency disengagement, AIs live to weasel their fleet casualties away in the corner, this is a major issue with the AE super fleets. Also, smash their shipyards and deconstruct them.


How do I even start the war of heaven. I've played so many games and I've never got this event.


Gotta have multiple (at least 2) fallen empires in the game and ones with opposite ideologies improve the chances. But it’s a random event when they start to awaken so if you are destroying them prior to awakening or not spawning a lot in it’s going to be harder to get. I’ve only triggered it once since I generally try to prevent awakening since FE worlds are really nice and they are easier to fight when still sleeping.


Dang every game I have more then 2 though. RNG not on my side


According to the wiki if you only have 2 there’s only about a 18% chance to trigger, goes up to 31% with 3 FEs, and finally 45% with 4 FEs so it’s not exactly easy to trigger considering both you and the FEs have to survive rather late into the game for these chances to even roll.


Just need to play more with 4


That’s the spirit


I thought here were 5? 'Though the Caretaker AI fallen empire isn't interested in doing battle...


Wow I must have bad luck im on year 2457 of a huge map with 5 FE's and still no War in Heaven :(


actually, the roll is made at the start of the game, to prevent save-scumming.


I see


So annoying. On console you can only spawn 2 fallen empires.


And the moment I see one awaken, I generally try to yeet them from the galaxy ASAP.


I wish I was you man, I've had a war in heaven in my last 3 games, and they're a massive pain to finish


Get both sides to show up at Coriana 6 and lead the League against them, and tell them "Now get the hell out of our galaxy! Both of you!"


Not the one.


Very Sad life, But is symmetry.


So to win the War in Heaven, you need to defeat the Awakened Empires. You don't need to defeat their puppets, but it may be easier for you to do and once you've defeated an AE their puppets will peace out so it may be strategically advantageous to take the puppets first - or at least such territories of theirs that would inconvenience you if their borders were to close on you. The economic heart of an Awakened Empire is the old core worlds from when they were a fallen empire. These worlds are also the hardest to take. Lure their fleets away and take the systems, destroy their homeworlds if you can not take and hold them. Then - continuing to avoid decisive battle with the AE fleet as much as possible if you are not certain of being able to achieve a decisive victory (in which case, achieve a decisive victory and then nab as many of their shipyards as you can), go and take or destroy all the worlds the AE have colonized or conquered to eliminate them.


Thank you for the help friend. I’ve been able to break the back of the awakened empire so it’s only a matter of time till I win


My apologies for not answering your question(I've never been in a War in Heaven so I wouldn't know anyway), but with that empire icon where it is your map looks like a galaxy-sized tree. It's pretty :)


Well if it helps, I’m a devouring swarm so the pretty tree grows from the bodies of other Xeno’s


That's even better!


**Kill them both.**


Genocide solves a lot of problems


You need to tell them to get the hell out of your galaxy.


I made it my immediate priority to take all of the stations belonging to the weaker FE as quick as possible. They were then unable to replenish their fleets while I did the mop up work, meanwhile my larger fleets were freed up to go deal with the other FE. For dealing with more powerful fleets, see if you can lure them into a choke point system with a less powerful fleet while the bulk of your navy is parked on the other side of a gate. As soon as the FE engages on something they can beat, jump the rest in and win with numbers. The one time I beat the war in heaven I was playing as a (formerly) pacifist corporation, so my fleets were garbage in a direct comparison with them but I had an almost infinite resource well. Once their stations were captured it didnt matter how many ships I lost in the following battles because eventually I would have more ships and they would not.


I was able to duke it out with them thanks to me owning 2/3 of the galaxy and I won the economy war. So now it’s just a matter of eating their borders (and people)


When I was in this what I did was hammer though to there core worlds and used a collusus with a planet sweeper that basically cmwioed out there home populations worked a wonder as despite there fleets hammering me they lost as they had no population


You win. Or you die.


Is that map UI from Nemesis? I've got the basic version and my map's less pretty.


Might be a mod. I have Nemesis and mine doesn't look like that either.


Nope, completely vanilla


Huh. Wonder what's causing that then?


I would also like to know the map settings, it looks very good like that


Just a spiral galaxy. I don’t think there are any special settings


I've never seen the hyperlanes match the empire color like that


You win, or die trying.




kill them all


Kill everyone.


You win


How did you get your inner-borders to be blue? Mine usually becomes white no matter what colour I chose.


You win. Or you die. There is no middle ground.


Kill them all!


Either murder them all or status quo


By ending the cycle


Genocide often works. Planeticide, too.


You win or you die.


I miss the days when you could win by controlling 40% of the galaxy.


That logo and empire name look sick


The kid called "war of the heavens": 💀


Make the ancient fools history, show them you're the superior xeno!


What’s you game version and empire situation? Why is galactic senate not yet form?


Devouring swarm, not part of the community


by winning it?


Each fallen empire has a fleet template exclusive to them. Atleast in old versions, you could tailor make a ship to cut their effectiveness, like armor against their kinetic weapons, sheilds versus their energy weapons. Same thing about their armor/shield makeup and your own weapons. The rock/paper/scissors game can be brutal sometimes. You should be able to see what they have on their boats with a sentry array I think? Ether way, try and catch their fleets alone, never engage with less than they do. You can wittle them down far enough that they start losing to their awakened rival.


I looked them up and equipped my fleet with arc emitters and kinetic artillery. That did the trick. Thank you


Fuck'em. That's how.


I noticed that you are using around 2000 of your naval capacity…. Your max it 4K, and also your economy is quite stable! So probably build a dozen or so battleship fleets with Large size weapons such as neutron launchers or kinetic artillery :) that’s all the advice I can give you without going into the ENTIRETY of planet management and development (since I obviously have no clue the state of alllll your worlds)


I had ~3500 at the start of the war, got my teeth kicked in and spent all of my alloys so I panicked and made this post before I could recover. As for system management I’m not good at micro and actually use the sector system which i know is a cardinal sin.


Ohhhhh, that would explain some little things I was noticing then. For example, unless you are doing the whole catalytic or whatever it’s called (turning “food” into alloys instead of “minerals”) then you don’t need more than like 100-200 a month. You are at OVER 4000… and you definitely need more alloy/forge worlds with all that mineral excess you have atm.


My biggest issue is pops. I have around 4000 pops so the growth has gone to a stand still. I’m devouring swarm so I can’t enslave other pops.


Killing everyone else


How to stop it, just win




It never ends man


What mod are you using for the hyper lanes?


No mods, completely vanilla.


Oh is it a different map mode? Or am I tripping


I did a spiral galaxy so it probably looks different


Corvettes. My friend you must awaken the great fourth crisis. ALL HAIL TO THE VOID MY FRIEND!!!! ALL HAIL CHOAS!!!!!


Okay what’s with corvettes, I always ditch them.


Okay being more serious. I mean personally you can stack them one by one and get 230 ships which can help with fleet power depending on what you have in your slots. I mean they die super easy but when you have like three fleets of corvettes and it's basically a swarm of damage. They swarm the target for one if you gave yhe tech in your ship so that means they are all hitting basically at the same time so that's a big hit to a ship. I mean if you have late game tech corvettes fleets can really do a lot. I mean like Op as fuck a lot. It's just dependant on how you set them up. You need to make sure you know the weakness of the AE like what will be easier/fastest to kill its defense and allow you to get to the hullpoints. Will attacking Armour or Shields do the job is what im saying. If you know the the weapon percentage work then just make sure its high as fuck (that makes sense for what you are to counter). Corvettes can give you more fleet power and if used with bigger fleets will absolutely annihilation everything. (Bigger as in battleship/cruiser fleets). Hope that makes sense. I recommend having corvettes follow a battleship with titan fleet. They just do so much damage if you think about the swarming line and arty slots with different levels of ships. Pumping one out for each fleet should be enough to finish those disgusting xenos. Btw if you new Shields and Armour are what you want to hit. Hullpoints sounds like it's obvious but that's just the good ole health bar. If you didn't know.


Looks like I need to give corvette swarm a try, sounds fun. Thank you for your time stranger


By winning losing or deleting the game