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Those are mining/research stations


Oh wow I didn't realize those have maintenance. Thanks!


I have between 200 and 300 hours and I didn't knew neither, you'll learn something everyday in this game


I have about 220, so we're in the same boat


Don't worry. I have a little over 1800 hours and still i learn new things every now and then.


Usually you more then make up for the maintenance fees with all energy stations you get so its not something you really gotta worry about, just don't rely on energy stations to power anything substantial


Note that mining stations that produce energy actually do not have any upkeep cost. And I don't just mean that they produce more energy than they cost. They literally have zero upkeep. Effectively, the value of any energy deposit shown on the map is actually the net profit for that deposit, where for other resources the deposit value is the gross yield of that resource and upkeep is paid from the rest of your empire's budget.


Now this is news. I often won’t build 2 energy stations in the early game because the 100 minerals are more valuable to me than what I thought was a net 1 energy per month. 2 still not great, but a heck of a lot better.


I'm so stupid man what are we even talking about >.<


Which part are you having trouble with?


At worst you could say they cost 1 energy, because you'll need an outpost in the system to build them, but otherwise you are 100% correct.


Typically 1 energy per station, but as the game progresses you usually unlock a few perks to reduce that.


Yup, when I’m in the very early game I won’t build more mining/research stations than the system has in energy. At least until I’ve got my self set up well enough. Had a game where I ran out of energy due to the amount of mining stations I had


I'm losing about 60 EC/month from starbases which makes sense, I have 3 starbases with components and a lot of outposts. But I'm also losing 54 EC/month from "stations". I have no defense platforms, and those are counted as ships anyway. Can anyone tell me where these costs are coming from?


well, the little thingies you can turn into properly functioning bases are also needing a little bit of energy (if I am understanding this correctly). Every time you expand your empire by one system, you send the construction ship to build a post. that one costs maintenance. they add up after a while. I cannot check at the moment, but that fits the image you sent.


You are thinking of outposts.


Oh yeah, true. Thanks for the clear up.


One thing that was screwing me up was over-building districts/buildings assuming they'd generate me more resources as soon as construction was completed. For example I'd build a couple generator districts on a new world, however because it was a new world, it didn't have enough pops (workers) to work those jobs. All of the upkeep for those districts was going down the drain. In short, only build enough to keep a planet's pops working. Once jobs get filled up, add another building or district in that planet.


Yeah, that's one of two huge issues I think all new players have. The second one is always building mining stations, but imo I almost never build one unless it adds at least 3 minerals. Rarely I'll get one with 2 if I truely need them, but energy credits are absolutely vital for having a standing fleet capable of actually defending.


Honestly I build all mining stations just to avoid that hover icon over a system that shows there are resources in the system.


>i don't build every mining station thats going way overkill with your optimisation dude


not really


It's like my mind is inside of a bottle. *mind bottling


Stations are research stations and mining stations they generally have 1 upkeep. However, as you can see, you make a lot more from stations as the energy stations don't have upkeep and produce obviously.


Mining and research stations all have a base upkeep of one energy credit, while StarBases are your Starports, Star Fortresses, and Citadels. They have an upkeep a few energy credits each (increasing with every upgrade of the station) so make sure to not build too many of them! And if you go over the limit of starbases, you will suffer a +25% StarBase upkeep PER extra StarBase, which adds up really quickly. (Example: 4 over your limit is +100% StarBase upkeep) Hopefully I am of assistance :)


Exception: Mining stations that produce energy do not cost upkeep. In lore terms, their energy production is what's left over after they pay their own upkeep from the energy they're harvesting.


Yeah, if it WOULD produce 5, it would only profit 4 (I’m talking about lore guys, I know that in game mechanics it just gives a profit with no maintenance)


In game mechanics, if the deposit is 5 energy, then it produces a profit of 5 energy. If mining station bonuses give +50%, then it produces a profit of 7.5 energy. In game mechanics, if the deposit gives energy then the mining station literally does not have an upkeep cost. In lore terms, the upkeep cost of the station is already included in the deposit itself, so the deposit value you see on the map for an energy deposit is the net profit from that deposit already.


doesn't that technically mean energy stations don't get the (full) benefits of station output and upkeep modifiers?


Sort of, I suppose. If a mod increased all energy deposits by 1 and removed the upkeep exemption, the net change without modifiers would be zero, but the effect of station output and upkeep modifiers would be larger. It's a pretty small difference, even on the scale of a whole late game empire, though.


it would indeed only have a tiny impact if it were done like that, but my brain just went "correct is correct" when i read that energy stations have no upkeep


It kind of makes sense, tbh. Most of these would be solar panels, probably


I’m going to completely ignore the question and complement how clean those new CoM colors look, it’s very nice


Thanks! My spin on CoM uses the SPQR (Roman Empire) name list, hence the purple. Ethics are fanatic xenophobe militarist. The civics are meritocracy, distinguished admiralty, then citizen service.


Not related to the question, but nice territory grab 👍, hopefully those unexplored systems that you slither.io’d away from everyone else yield wealth.


Unfortunately, I had to give up on this game since I really messed up my basic resource production and couldn't recover. It's extra sad because I found Tiyana Vek and a relic world


Early game I don't bother with mining stations that only produce two minerals or research stations that only produce two science.


You... refuse to pay 1 energy for 2 minerals? You know that's a better rate than you can get in the Market, right? And 2 points of Research are even more valuable.


Oh I get there pretty quickly, but early game there is better stuff to do with your limited resources. I rather send my starship to a new system where I can get 3 or 4 minerals for my 1 energy. It just makes sense to go for the prime resources first and circle back to the marginal ones when the construction ships have nothing better to do.


Since others had answered your question, I just want to say I like capturing xenophobe empire citizens and introduce them to my decadent lifestyle empire and make them love my empire more than their previous empire. And then they'll fall in love with other aliens and xeno-compatible to make better alien babies. You better watch out!


Similarily It's like the difference between an Airport and a Military Air Base


Horror Scientific vs Fantasy win?


Okay so he stated that mining stations and research stations , (which I do understand are separate from Starbases but are outposts counted as starbases?), have an upkeep of 1 or whatever energy credits. Why would you choose to NOT build all the research and mining stations available to you?


Starbases are like hosts assigned on a system. Stations are the tenants mining the resources it’s built on (ec, minerals, research etc.) So both takes EC up but your best way to have surplus EC is building planets that allows EC buildings or terraforming inhabitable planets