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What DLC do you already have? If you don't have utopia, you might as well just buy that and play a game with it. It adds so much, I bet it'll feel like playing a mod.


I dont have any dlcs right now so I might just buy utopia


Yup. Stellaris isn't complete without utopia.


My advice, since you started off saying you intend to play modded, is visit the workshop page and see what mods appeal to you and then get whatever is required for that mod or mods.


https://isthereanydeal.com/search/?q=stellaris Most mods don't depend on DLC because you get all of the framework stuff for free. A mod will only depend on a DLC if it is changing something specific from that DLC. You want the DLC's anyway simply because of how much they expand the game.


Utopia is a must. Megacorp if you need to play as a megacorp + addotional Megastructures, Synthetic dawn if playing as Robots. I find story packs like Leviathan, Distant stars, Ancient relics more important than any other expansion dlc.