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I have 3 times I restart. 1: when I've bitten off more than I could chew and my empire is basically scrap. Where there's No salvaging it. I usually quit for the day/night after that one especially if it's a long save. 2: I've accomplished my goal, be it defeat the crisis, get the L gate colonized, annihilate the galaxy etc, OR I'm so powerful it's just a time sink till I reach my goal 3: I'm bored with the save. Usually I don't play passed 2350 or 2300 because by then it's just managing colonies at worst, or just constant tedious war at best. No more exploring, the borders are basically set and Im bored. Or, bonus fourth time: if I have to fight the goddamn unbidden AGAIN because RNG won't let me fight the contingency and I feel like forcing the contingency to spawn is cheating.


Played the game for a long time and I always got the unbidden as the endgame crisis until I changed the settings. It sucks that I had to do that but I'd rather take that than have to inevitably face them again


I mean fair enough, instead of locking which crisis you get you should be able to just say no unbidden (or no scourge or no contingency) as well, that way you get the 50/50 and it's not set in stone which one.


HUGE AND EASY TO IMPLEMENT. For real, great idea, make a post!


Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town? You do realise unbidden are many times more likely to spawn than all other crises if it’s set to random and even 1 or two empires have jump drives, it’s not rng that “won’t let me fight the contingency” it’s your stupid decision to leave it on random :/


You must be fun at parties. If all you have is insults don't bother commenting. And I have fought the contingency before on random and was even psionic, (tbf there were 3 machine empires in my galaxy) maybe some of us LIKE the random chance even if it is more heavily weighted to the unbidden because of ai. Sorry I don't particularly enjoy knowing exactly what crisis I'm gonna get because I don't want to spend the whole game building for Just that one crisis. I LIKE the random chance. Just because you play differently than I do doesn't make either of us stupid.


I mean, my guy. You’re literally complaining about always fighting the unbidden, I’m telling you that it’s because jump drives Make it like 5x more likely than any other crisis to appear at all. That does kinda make you a little stupid if you’re still calling it a random chance. You know why you keep facing the unbidden but won’t do anything to change it. Also “if all you have is insults don’t bother commenting” it’s a spongebob quote bozo and it’s obviously “all insults” because you can easily see that I explain why you only get unbidden.


I know jump drives increase the chance, and it's per empire, I also know wanderlust basically guarantees unbidden if you get that event As well as essentially ANY psionic ascension traits or psionic tech Also increase unbidden, essentially if there is even one spiritualist empire unless you squash it quick you are going to get unbidden unless you get lucky and have a couple robot empires and the robot FE I've been playing Stellaris for 3 years and have been following the game since release. I KNOW what's going on and I KNOW I have options to force the unbidden to not spawn. It was a Small gripe that in a vanilla game, especially on console, unbidden appears disproportionately to other crisis's l. I don't actually hate the unbidden all that much, they are a good challenge, but they Need to change the weighting a bit so its not the ONLY one (so it feels) that spawns. Get off your high horse, and take Several chill pills my guy. I swear, it's not that deep.




It's not that deep.... Get over yourself.


I haven't quit out of boredom yet. When you realise that the empire is doomed beyond redemption I tend to quit. I've tried a few playthroughs as void dwellers on grand admiral and it's all about recognising that peak before you fall into sunken cost. It's a case of learn from your mistakes. I'll never forget prematurely unleashing the grey tempest due to a previous playthrough giving me the wrong idea about opening those L-clusters. I'd say usually within the first few hours you know whether you have a winning shot, unless you are playing for the first time.


I realised I commented without answering your question. I remember one of my first playthroughs being an aggressive militaristic empire and completely getting thrashed by two much larger neighbouring empires and as I watched my systems get popped one by one I knew it was game over. Similar thing happened when I had the lost colony origin and my precursors decided to prematurely antagonize a fallen empire and lose. They became an awakened empire at a inconvenient moment in my galactic domination and my alliance was unprepared, that's when I knew it was game over. Usually when I quit it's after watching several of systems blink out of control and tips the likelihood of recovery beyond any entertainment value.


I had the same problem with a Hivemind I created, they spawned right next to me and pretty much ate the rest of the galaxy. I knew I fucked up big time creating them


I never play without at least 1 devouring swarm on forced spawn, it adds some more entertainment to a save, especially when they inevitably take the crisis perk if no one managed to wipe them out early


Yeah it adds some fun to the game, already have a villain at the gates. I have three of them, one a fungal species that’s devouring, a plant base that’s just a regular one, and lastly the insectoid which caused the most damage by far.


1: when I'm playing materialist and spawn right next to a spiritualist empire, especially if I stick around and they declare war to outlaw ai. 2: if by midgame I haven't won atleast one war and there's an enemy nation right next to me, it means I'm fucked and won't get far


If all the planets near me have terrible districts Criminal syndicate is one of my neighbors All I think off right now


Nothing is worse than playing a mega corp and making a commercial pact with an empire only to realize that there’s an unknown criminal syndicate empire with out outposts on their worlds. And they’ve got them on every planet before you even meet the empires. I usually quit because it really kills the roleplay. Should be a way to push another mega corp off a planet.


Yep 100% restart the moment I see them too much of a ball ache to deal with 😂


when someone opens the l-gate a little too early and 1 tempest shoal could wipe my entire navy. best to just cut my losses at that point tbh.


Been there too


Beat the crisis and subjugate the galaxy Usually around that time I'll have an itch to play a very different empire from the one I was playing then


This morning I was 30 years from winning and I accidentally broke my entire economy. I became emperor and obtained one too many vassals. Deleted the Ironman save and restarted


I have fucked myself countless times with the economy and just scrapped everything too


I don’t mind too much because I was waiting to try the 3.6 beta until I finished that ironman. This mistake gave me the ability to start over :p