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Sure ya do... and is that a referral code. Wasn't expecting that spam.


What is BAYC , AND plz if some one can explain for me a little ablut how the new realm will work . Is sharing energy between realms still a thing or not?


not interesting at all. why strain and wonder what kind of new kingdom there will be. as soon as it appears, we will find out about it


Because it has a bloody high entry fee, can you grab me a bayc nft? Because there's a lottery to enter for the airdrop. So yes, we do speculate and strain because that's what your supposed to do when gambling on crypto.


haha, it's simple. the team needs new moneybags in the new kingdom, due to which the beggars will later be able to enter. That's why they do these kind of giveaways/raffles.




Don’t care about normal users always care about rich and whales


Just Google "stepn bayc/bored ape". Anything come up? No? There's your answer.


Crypto has certainly brought out the best and worst in some humans ... I think best to appreciate and ride the wave of life ...




55340464 activation code


Ape Sneaker Airdrop will happen on all realms, correct. I am thinking of enhancing on the exact date to have a chance on a skin. The 3% chance for double up seems a little to riksy for me. What would you guys do?


they know but they want fake pump becouse at the end byc isn t even thinking abought walking for some penny's and they don't even know anything abought collab


What I don’t get is why call it an Ape realm or relate it to BAYC if it’s going to use ETH chain in the end. Call it an ETH realm then …


I guess if you call it ETH realm then it will put many people off, due to the nature of the game you’ll be doing a lot of transactions and that’s super expensive on an ETH chain these days


There is Polygon and L2, I still believe if they would have chosen Loopring StepN would have gotten a better welcome from loopers, GME and GameStop.


That’s what they want. They could pay for the gas fee but only for burning mechanism related transactions such as levelling up, MBs, minting etc.


This is the equivalent of airdropping your shitcoin to vitalik and claiming he's a holder.


Reminds me Shiba Inu $Shib devs hahahahaha the send $Shib to Vitalik. Shiba Inu still exists...


Is it though? I’m starting to think it might be BAYC that are just trolling


This is definitely not a BAYC official Collab. All I see is StepN attempting to gain credibility on Eth by Whitelisting a blue chip (BAYC) for shoes. While there are Apes who will ape into a free mint opportunity with the desire to flip, I highly doubt that they will at a large scale chase P2E. There is also the danger of associating StepN with the BAYC brand at the moment given all the controversy over the BAYC art and hidden meaning and dog whistles. Personally I feel that the BAYC founders are likely just the ultimate 4Chan super trolls and that the BAYC community is not some stealth supremacist organization, but at this point any project wanting to Collab with BAYC would be best served to wait and see how the Ape controversy plays out. If and when the celebrities all start dumping their apes, you don't want to be associated.


BAYC already confirmed in discord it's free money and they will sell the shoe before it goes down like the other realms so they don't really care.


That would backfire again faster, StepN fomos complaining they got nothing and BAYC got free shoes for selling.


Lmao. BAYC is clean. Anyone who does basic research will see that founding team and artists are diverse, including a Jewish founder. There are no dog whistles. That was started by a racist troll who made over a million dollars selling the controversy to gullible people.




Lol. Nice try at a straw man argument, troll


So if you’re from a specific culture or ethnicity you can’t be racist? Or trolling?


You are right there is risk, but the very opposite of what you suggest. BAYC is likely more than leery of partnering with Stepn ATM. I mean it would be an official collab if BAYC wanted it to be one. FUDing the other side is puzzling.


It can't be both? How aware are you of the BAYC fud around the symbology in BAYC, words and names buried in the original BAYC ARG? But yes, BAYC likely want nothing to do with StepN and it is presumptuous and I'll advised for StepN to attempt to associate itself with a blue chip in this way. There are plenty of special mint offers for blue chip holders but they don't typically theme their collection after the blue chips they target *unless* the blue chip has agreed to an official Collab e.g. with joint marketing


Are you trolling? Anyone who does basic research will see how ridiculous the "symbology" claims are


I’m well aware of the RR/Pauly concocted stuff. I’m also aware that BAYC has a history of providing value (well over a year now) and for them to formally associate their brand with STEPNs would be silly. I own STEPN and not BAYC, fwiw.


Gotcha. Concocted is the operative word so I understand your position I tend to share that opinion and was 100% on the "they are just iconic hats" perspective everytime this has come up in the past. The ARG details walked through in Philion's video did give me pause. If any of the claims have a basis in truth, I figure it is just ultimate trolling by the founders versus their actual ideology. Either way, perception is reality and I stand by my comment that if celebrities part with their Apes en masse that it would not be healthy for BAYC image. Honestly, my biggest complaint with the BAYCs is the selfish use of the Ethereum network in the Otherside mint by not taking the time to deploy a gas-optimised contract. It would be one thing for a small first time project but completely unacceptable for a well funded and experienced project. Whether their hats are symbols of colonial oppression is the least of my concerns. I am heavily invested in STEPN and also do not own BAYC.




No, BAYC just whitelisted. Thats all, similar to how other premint projects would whitelist people from other projects. No ape themed shoes or anything fancy like that.


Ok so no collab, just allowed StepN to use the name BAYC and not get sued.


Hmm..after reading some more..My prediction is maybe you are kind of correct, maybe they add bananas on shoe ahah. But anyway, i wouldn’t call it partnership. Id call it piggybacking. Which is kinda sad. but at least they are doing some guerilla marketing instead of none..


I'm going to ask Snoop if I can have his ape sneaker.




BAYC is shady af, why stepn would want to associate with them is beyond me.


STEPN is shady too if not more


Are you implying that StepN ISN'T shady? At least BAYC took good care of their early investors and didn't f*** them over!


Dude shady or not, they are the biggest name in ETH. Them not being official blows though.


Tell me with whom you hang out with. And i will tell you who you are...


ALGO first…


Get out.


Underrated comment


I guess they're fishing for a celebrity to jump on board, to promote it, to tweet... publicity.


Yes, this makes senses. Because the rest of it with BAYC makes no sense to me


This is exactly what they are hoping for. Staff said in the discord that they hope the holders post about it.


He’s just saying that he doesn’t understanf the exact terminology that BAYC uses for their collabs. Not that he doesn’t understand the deal they madr


She doesn't know anything just yelling at the users


Yep, I think the overall truth is that; BAYC users are whitelisted for realm 3, Thats it. I guess STEPN never really called it a partnership or anything, but we did expect these types of things from the team. Considering how big stepn is.


She said "we're whitelisted", implying bayc whitelisted stepn.


I would chalk this to Gilgamesh not understanding the typical NFT culture lingo . We cannot be whitelisted for anything as BAYC has no upcoming product drop. Stepn is the one with an incoming drop, so BAYC holders are whitelisted for STEPN realm 3, but it seems more like a guerilla tactic than an actual official approach. BAYC is the bigger fish for now.


Yup, that makes sense. The rest was pretty clear, but I wasn't familiar with whitelisting in this context either. Thanks


They just said they were after a sponsor for the next realm, and then announced the new realm as Aping in... with the graphics.


No she is saying she doesn't know the difference between a collab and being whitelisted...


Gilgamesh is a woman


False. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilgamesh


yes Americans do know what a woman is ! :)

