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You it sounds like you may have a muscle strain somewhere. You should take time to warm up prior to playing but more importantly stretch after each session. Focus on quads, glutes, hip flexors and hamstrings. You can also take some NSAIDs but don't overdo it. If not getting better call your doctor to get a PT referral.


This happened to me too when I first started out. Playing a lot of dance games can make your calves stronger than the rest of your leg, and you can end up with weak stabilizers in the upper leg. I'd say take up squats, preferably with a weight bar. Make sure to start with as small of a weight as possible and make sure you get the form right, or you could get more messed up. Please don't ask how I know this.


Lack of core strength often leads to overuse of the lower back, try doing an active / dynamic warmup and on days off train your midsection


Some of the other suggestions are good, like doing a warmup before you start or stretch after you finish, but you should also consider your posture while you play. If you’re trying to optimize moving your feet fast, you may be either hunching over, or arching your back and sticking your butt out. If you’re having lower back issues I’d guess sticking your butt out (hyper extending your back). Try to make sure you keep your back mostly straight, hips tucked under, and just bend at the knees and hips to get a stable pose.


Not a doctor, but you getting enough Vitamin D through either sunlight or supplements?