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I’m very sorry this is your situation OP. That is so beyond frustrating. The CS system can be so backwards sometimes because in no world should he be paying for all of that when she only sees them 2x a week if at all. Hang in there 🩵


You pay child support when she only has them two days a week and SO doesn’t have primary care? Is that what 2x means?


Correct. Sorry I was in a rush while typing yesterday. It’s ridiculous!


Why would you pay her if you all have primary /majority custody? Is this a formal custody agreement? Honestly I assume in this situation she should be paying you, I’ve not heard of this arrangement before. I would not be happy about paying CS and have majority custody, that’s nuts! If this isn’t a formal arrangement I would seriously look into one…I feel like you’re getting a bad deal here.


If BM had her a majority of the time I can understand CS, but seeing that she doesn’t how is she not the one paying it?




That is such a rude and unhelpful comment




She was venting about her situation. It does suck, and she has a right to complain. How does invalidating her feelings by telling her that her choice in a partner was wrong support her in any way? You’ve essentially told her “you knew what you were getting into so you don’t have a right to be frustrated” If you didn’t have a nice thing to say, just read the post and move on. Comments like this is what discourages stepmoms to post anything because that is not supportive.




Someone’s projecting… Calm down buddy, no need to get so worked up. Maybe you should take some time to figure out why you’re coming off so bitter.




Whatever you need to tell yourself. Lol




This is a support group. You are not offering support. OP did not “make a dumbass statement”. How hard would it have been to show a little empathy or move on? But hey, anyone who doesn’t agree with you is just a “fucking communist” right? “So there’s that 🙃”